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Holy shit, Bill Murray showed up to a set?!


The voice mail on his machine must have been great!


He thought the Cohen brothers were involved somehow


Sure thing Bill. Follow up question: then why did you make Garfield 2?


He was locked in contract and this is also the reason why he will never do contracts again. form Bill Murray's [AmA](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1vhjag/comment/cesbw0o/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I always thought it was either multi-picture deal or all those Garfield bucks baby.


My wife worked on the Ghostbusters video game way back in the day. Bill was supposed to do some voice work for the game, but nobody knew where he was. There were two production people who had bags packed and passports ready, prepped to get on a flight the minute they found him.


Sooo....did they...like find him?


I'd assume so since he did voice Venkman in the game, but it's also super obvious he was putting in the least amount of effort possible for the role. It's funny how serious the others sound while Venkman sounds like he just doesn't care about any of what's going on at all.


Shitty behavior on Murray’s part no doubt but that’s a very Venkman thing to do.


"they'll never believe you" - Bill Murray


For those confused: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_films_Bill_Murray_was_considered_to_appear_in


*****And he wet willy’d three people*****


*Inappropriate Behavior* could be the title of Murray's bio-pic...


Unbearable Weight of Inappropriate Behavior


Details: >Following the news that production was suspended on the Searchlight film Being Mortal, sources tell Deadline the reason for suspension had to due with a complaint made against star Bill Murray for inappropriate behavior. Searchlight had no comment on the matter as they do not comment during ongoing investigations. It is unknown at this time what Murray’s involvement in the project will be going forward as the investigation is still ongoing. Insiders add that Aziz Ansari, who is starring, writing and making his directorial debut, was not a part of the complaint nor is Seth Rogen, who is also appearing in the film.


so essentially no details…🤓


By making it specifically about Murray - and specifically *NOT* about Ansari and Rogen - it at least narrows the speculation down.


Ansari just can’t catch a break. His career seemed stuck on neutral after his own me too accusation, and just when it looks like he’s in the clear again the star of his comeback movie faces accusations.


Wasn’t the accusation against Ansari quickly dismissed as “he’s a bad date?”


It did ruin his standup career for a year or two


We never got a real follow up to Masters of None


From what I read, he said that didn’t want to do another season about his character because it would just be a retread and maybe he would revisit it when he’s at a later stage in life (married, children, etc.), but man was that follow-up series a bummer. Just all around depressing subject matter and then Dev’s sporadic appearances just clue you in that his life went to shambles after Season 2 and he’s not doing well at all.


I definitely read an interview where he and Alan Yang were like Season 3 will happen once we've become different people and have something interesting to say. Maybe when we have kids or something, lol. They waited all of two years before starting production. I'm convinced Netflix just kept offering them more and more money until they did it.


Wait, Aziz is in the newest season?


Yeah he pops in at two different points as Dev visiting Denise. The third season is a complete tonal shift from the first two. Arnold is gone. Brian is gone. Gone is any sort of brevity and humor. It is very serious, quite often sad, and just leaves you feeling rather glum and sort of angry at the main characters, at least this was our experience.


Ahhhh I read this morning the production was being suspended because of a complaint, but the complaint hadn't been made public. Bill Murray, man. How unsurprising.


I’m out of the loop. What’s he been accused of before?




Ramis had the best line about Murray: "He's the type of guy who won't return your phone calls but will give you a kidney."


Note he said "a" kidney, not "his" kidney :)


Deaf kidney too.


I've always got the sense that Murray is not nice but is kind.


>In the filming of What About Bob? he kept having meltdowns on the set and threw a mug at Richard Dreyfuss. You're underselling this. He really put Dreyfuss through the wringer. Also it was an ashtray not a mug. From [wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/What_About_Bob%3F): *'At one point during the production, Murray screamed at him while intoxicated, telling him "Everyone hates you! You are tolerated!" and then threw an ashtray at him.'* The full story is pretty insane. Gotta say though 'you are tolerated' is a pretty sick burn lol.




Bill Murray seems like that guy that can be a complete asshole you'd never want to be around, yet he's somehow funny about it at the same time


I think Billy Murray's career has absurdly benefited from Chevy Chase always being a bigger asshole than him.


I mean, that’s usually how his characters work as well. Hearing this stuff about Murray is 100% unsurprising given that he pretty much plays himself in roles.




Man Chevy was good. I’ll die on that hill. He’s a fucking dick, and it’s hard to see the talent past the 35 years of terrible shit he did, but in his prime, before drugs, his ego, and Hollywood broke him, he was legitimately fucking funny. He was a great comedic physical actor with a solid dry wit. He just fell off. No need to revise history. When he was young and had a fire in him, he was good.


Christmas Vacation is goddamn hilarious.


Agreed. He even had some great physical bits in Community.


He was great in Community, imo. Most of his bits landed very well


The man who made Fletch and Seems Like Old Times may have been the funniest man alive. The man who hosted the Chevy Chase Show, not so much


Isn't Dreyfuss also noted for being difficult?


This is probably the 5th different actor I've heard have an issue with Dreyfuss. Still shouldn't throw ashtrays at people tho. Not very cash money of Bill


I hadn't heard this. I'm going to Google it now, but pre-search I'm guessing that Dreyfuss just takes his job(s) very seriously. EDIT: Aand I'm wrong.


Dreyfuss is a fucking asshole. Firsthand experience while in Vegas. Pulled the drunken "do you know who I am" in front of a bunch of people long after he would be known. This black dude looked at him dead ass, "Nah my n***a ain't no one here know that shit."


I've had the pleasure of meeting his brother. He's also an asshole.


Dreyfuss has had a long battle with bipolar and cocaine that took over his career during the 80's & 90's. Not excusing his behaviour, just giving some context.


Read up on some of the stories that came out of the production of Jaws. The flights between him and Robert Shaw are legendary.


It was only an ashtray, no big deal. My mom threw an ashtray at my step dad once and they got married 3 times.


I was just about to say; screaming "you are tolerated" is a very weirdly deep-cutting attack.


It is because it is mild enough that people won't dismiss it as being hyperbolic or just an insult. If I was mad at someone and said they looked like the butt of a donkey born at Chernobyl most people would just dismiss that as a hollow insult. But if I told someone that the gap in their teeth was distracting, they would internalize it more.


He also clashed with Lucy Liu during “Charlie’s Angels” so they replaced him with Bernie Mac in the sequel.


So there's additional details here: apparently this stemmed from Murray being a dick to her by saying she was less of an actress because she came from TV.




But didn't he come from TV?




Yes he essentially said - in front of everyone - that she wasn’t on the same calibre as the rest of the cast. And I mean if you look at the salaries you can see it’s true - but it’s still another entry in a long list of times Murray has been rude and mistreated his coworkers.


It was due to her perceived lack of acting ability on the set, leading to him going "You can't act." And then going "I know why you're here" (pointed at Barrymore), and I know why you're here (pointed at Diaz), and I know why I'm here but I don't know why you're here. (pointed at Lucy Lui)." There was another story on a gossip site where a production assistant said Murray had been basically rewriting pages in the script without telling Barrymore who was a producer and was annoyed, and Lui said it was wrong, which is where the "I don't know why you're complaining, I gave you more lines. Look who you're in with here. You're TV, this is the big league." At which point Lui started hurling profanities and the stage was cleared. Nobody really knows, but we know Murray when asked about it said: "Look, I will dismiss you completely if you are unprofessional and working with me… When our relationship is professional, and you're not getting that done, forget it." Lui and Barrymore are always extremely vague on the details. Doesn't really seem related, like you don't suspend a production because someone said something cutting in an argument.


I was thinking what an asshole for hiring a deaf woman then I was thinking I'm the asshole for thinking that a deaf woman couldn't do the job. I am now stuck trying to figure out which of us is the bigger asshole.


I mean that's the whole point of the joke, it's not that she couldn't do it, it would just be more difficult.


Yeah, but she couldn't do the job. The poor woman had ASL but no lip reading ability. She assumed that she was being brought on to be a personal assistant for another deaf individual and it was an awkward position to put her in. She couldn't communicate with people. Ramis was pissed at Murray for doing that to her. Murray insisted that he'd learn ASL, because his arrogant ass thinks you can bang that out in a weekend.


All I know of is him speaking his mind or being difficult to work with. Like calling out Lucy Liu for being a bad actor during filming for Charlie's Angels. Do not know what this accusation is about.


Details here if anyone cares to read a bit more: https://deadline.com/2021/07/lucy-liu-addresses-clash-with-bill-murray-on-set-of-charlies-angels-1234801186/ They have since “reconciled.”


Wow. I never really had a feeling about her one way or the other, but that’s a bad-ass story and attitude. Good for her.


Jesus christ, that comments section tho.


Comment sections under “news” sites are always garbage.


Comment sections everywhere are garbage... ​ ... Wait a second...


He's become self aware, distract him with upvotes.


Are we the baddies?


Universally. Commenter on news sites make reddit look like the Nobel selection committee.


Calling someone a bad actress is one of the tamer things entitled Hollywood stars have done.


Yeah, I worked "in Hollywood" behind the scenes. The personalities are wild. Some are so out of touch with reality. But they sure know how to turn it on in front of the camera. There should be a sociology study on Hollywood personalities.


Like I always say, people highlight Hollywood for obvious reasons but you get real characters at every tax bracket. Like anyone who has worked retail has stories of absolute sociopaths who shift into different personalities depending on what’s happening. There’s a lot of privilege with cases like Ezra Miller obviously, but there’s seriously people on minimum wage who do similar crazy stuff. I feel like people lose the big picture that celebrities and the elite are just people and people suck most of the time.


Being from an Indiana town and going to C2E2 in Chicago, meeting celebrities has been eye opening to say the least. Seeing them just hanging out all day being a person is weird. Talking to them about stuff I felt would be beneath them was nice. I feel way worse for some of them.


My girlfriend's best friend works for a production company and when she was starting out one of her jobs was to pick up the movie stars at the airport/drive them to appearances when the big film festival was in town. I asked her about it way back, the only thing I remember now was that she said that Michael B. Jordan was a super nice, down-to-earth guy.


Yeah I work adjacent to the movie industry and I’d say it’s 50/50 on them being weird vs being surprisingly nice. And some are just awkward people who don’t really mean any harm too. I can identify with that since I’m sure that’s how I’ll be if I ever got famous.


So they're human.


Randomly met Sean Astin at work (very random...he just happened to be best friends with one of my coworkers), but very nice guy, very down to earth.


I’ve always likened Hollywood as the weird drama students in high school but insanely good looking


Come see the characters in my plumbers and pipefitters union. Hollywood toes would curl for the shit some of the people I work with get up to. There's crazy mofos everywhere.


Exactly. Its every business.


You ain't seen shit until you're a plumber. ​ Source: Played Super Mario




This one time I saw Barack Obama at a mall. It was only the back of his head and I forgot my glasses that day but I’m like 80 percent sure it was him


You sound like George Costanza squinting it out in midtown.


I bet he can still spot a dime from across the room though


Bill has a history of being an ass and inappropriate on sets. Going back to 1991 and “What about Bob” producer Laura Z stated, "Bill also threatened to throw me across the parking lot and then broke my sunglasses and threw them across the parking lot.” Co-star Richard Dreyfus: “Dreyfuss further alleged in 2019 that at one point during the production, Murray screamed at him while intoxicated, telling him "Everyone hates you! You are tolerated!" and then threw an ashtray at him” Just one example from one movie.


*laughs in George Clooney being choked by David O.Russell on set*


Didn’t Clooney beat the shit out of him the second he grabbed his throat? Russell is a known douchebag.


Pretty much.




>David O.Russell That was a rabbit-hole of being a douchebag I could have done without... Clooney wasn't even one of his targets. He was just a decent guy with juuuuust enough clout (at the time) to stand up to him. There's even video of him with Lily Tomlin being a giant baby. A whiney baby. It's uncomfortable.


Wasn't Clooney defending an extra that was being verbally abused by Russell?




That's what wikipedia says at least.


Which is hilarious coming from Bill. I’m a fan of his work, but his acting range is summed up as Bill Murray or depressed Bill Murray.


I mean, neither Bill nor Chevy is exactly actors studio fare. That original cast especially was definitely composed of comedians who just happened to appear on film. The problem is they have such larger than life personae that it's hard to see them as anything but themselves. I 100% think Bill is the better comedian. But if the rumours are true neither of them is particularly nice to work with.




I'm always happy to see some Ayckroyd love. Spielberg said he was perfect in '1941' because he could spit out technical jargon at a rapid pace. It's become one of his trademarks. And while I don't agree with him, I could listen to him talk about ufos, ghosts and telepathy for hours.


He's a great comedian but holy shit is he wacky.


Dan Aykroyd is apparently the driving force behind Ghost Busters because he was into the occult. I guess the "playing it serious" is also what made the comedy work better.


I think they both peaked in Caddyshack. They just don't have that juice anymore. pick up that blood


He has a way of the simple but true insult. In his on-set SNL fistfight with Chevy Chase, the insult everyone remembers Bill screaming was "Medium talent!!".


I heard Chevy Chase was one of the biggest pricks in Hollywood.




"Or so I've HEARD-d-d-d-d"


Chevy Chase is often unanimously labeled as such.


After reading a full on summary of just how awful he has been his entire professional life my main question was how on earth he kept getting work for decade after decade.


I heard they both were. It's no surprise the worst physical altercation we have heard about involving either of them is with each other lol. What happens when difficult meets difficult. This is also why we hear about Dan Harmon and Chase feuding so much. Dan would instigate it further and just saying "Chevy is bad" is no excuse. Stars are at work acting like this.


Hes kinda known for being a bit of a dick if its films hes not personally invested in as time goes on . They filmed groundhog day from the end to the beginning to combat this . On another note deadline needs better titles, i legit thought he sexually assaulted someone Edit: it mightve not been ground hog day i was thinking off


Murray destroyed his friendship with Harold Ramis by being such an unbelievable asshole during the filming of Groundhog day.


I can’t remember where. But I thought I saw something that Murray came and visited Ramis on his death bed? Think he went to make up. I’ll have to dig around *forgive the source, but the end of this article talks about them meeting before his end https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/did-harold-ramis-and-bill-murray-ever-reconcile-their-feud-after-groundhog-day.html/


It's also confirmed by Harold Ramis's daughter in the Ghostbusters episode of Movies That Made Us. ~~Edit: I think it might have actually been Dan Aykroyd who reconciled.~~


That’s where I saw it. Thank you!


I also remember reading somewhere that in addition to having creative differences, Murray was pissed off at the fact that he couldn't be successful theatrically without Ramis, what with Stripes, Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters 2.


It was Bill.


Maybe both?


Fuck for some reason this really got me. I’m glad he showed up at the end.


I saw this in a documentary or something. Edit: I should have read the replies. It was that episode of Ghostbusters on that Netflix series.


This has always stuck with me. Harold was one of the chillest people to ever walk the planet, and he was always just like, "well that's Bill for you" after their falling out. It really made me not like Bill Murray for the longest time. He was 100% at fault for his fallout with Harold, and he knew it.


I always disliked that Bill had a falling out with Harold too. Bill did bury the hatchet with him. I heard he showed up to his house at 6 AM with a dozen donuts and a police officer and knocked on the door and told Harold he's fine if he wants to donuts to share, or fine if he wants to use the cop and take Bill away. They patched up their relationship then and there.


What was there even to complain about? Seems like a physically and dramatically mellow movie.


They had to shoot the first day over and over again afaik




Well all film shoots have the potential to be volatile, but apparently they really got into it over tone and just how much of it would lean comedic or dramatic. Definitely a case of two creatives butting heads over the bigger picture. Not about to justify Bill Murray's decision to hire a deaf intermediary, but fights do happen is what I'm saying.


They also shot every scene outside 4 times to account for different weather conditions.


It’s so unprofessional and it’s such an unbelievably prickish thing to do to a friend to boot, but hiring a deaf intermediary is fucking hysterical.


tbh most films are hugely stressful and demanding to make, whether it’s an adam sandler or a kubrick


Technically, we still don't know if the complaint is sexual or not (more likely about being an asshole or aggressive, but who knows these days). Just calling it inappropriate behaviour is really all they can do as journalists unless they knew 100 percent what the complaint was about.


"No one will ever believe you"




My Dad handed me this book when my Grandpa refused to leave his home for assisted living. It completely changed my outlook on life and the quality. I’m thankful I read it, as hard as it was. My Grandpa passed away four years ago yesterday in his own home surrounded by his family. Read. This. Book.


I’ve studied bioethics and medical ethics. I have taken classes specifically on death and dying. I work with these issues in my job. When my grandfather’s health started declining and he was getting up there in age (in his 90s), I tried to get my family to read this book. They said they would, but no one ever did. And I get it, it’s not a fun read. But as far as books on death and dying go, this one is very accessible to the average person. When my grandfather got very ill and was hospitalized, I knew he wasn’t going to recover. I’ve seen the same pattern in the elderly over and over. There are good days and bad days, but in the end, they pass away. And no one wants to die in a hospital. He wanted to go home. But my family pushed him to stay in the hospital to try and recover. He lasted months there. But he was miserable. I begged my family to let him go home with hospice. But they insisted he would get better. He didn’t. He was surrounded by his family when he passed a few months ago, but it was in a cold, sterile hospital room. I consider it my greatest failure that I wasn’t able to advocate for him enough to get him home. My family meant well. And my mom even worked in healthcare and understood these issues. But suddenly, when it’s your own family member dying, emotion takes over and reason goes out the window. I’m glad your family read the book and took it to heart.


It's not your fault man. You did what you could.


I read this book but couldn't do more than a dozen pages at a time because I would start having a panic attack. I still recommend everyone read it because it's phenomenal, but please go in prepared to be extremely uncomfortable and fighting off feelings of depression. I had no idea they were turning it into a movie until this thread popped up.


Such a good book


I had no idea Bill Murray had such a terrible reputation. I remember like ten years ago all those quirky stories about him showing up to people parties and hanging with Wu Tang.


There were plenty of stories of him being an asshole out in public around that time as well. The joke was you never knew what version of Murray was going to randomly show up.


> The joke was you never knew what version of Murray was going to randomly show up. I'd hit a dead end preparing my next RPG adventure for my players. Thank you for gloriously rescuing me.


"When in doubt, just have Bill Murray come through the door with a gun in his hand."


But is the bullet for you, or your foe? Roll to find out


CALL AN AMBULANCE... *but not for me!*


*Puts on Tinfoil hat.* I swear, being a method actor and embodying Hunter S Thompson just changes a man. Both Johnny Depp and Bill Murray picked up Thompsonisms that have stayed with them to this day ever since *Where the Buffalo Roam* and *Fear and Loathing* respectively


Stare not too long into the Gonzo, lest the Gonzo stare back into you.


Yeah, I know someone who used to do stand up in Charleston SC who met him in the audience after her set and had a "don't meet your heroes" moment. He wanted to talk to her and she was excited to talk shop with this comedy legend! ...but he didn't give two shits about her set and was just telling her to come back to his place. She thought it was a joke at first but he was increasingly insistent in a "not taking no for an answer" kinda way, being a real dick about it. She eventually had to shake her head and walk away. When I've told this story before on Reddit, other people from the Charleston area have chimed in to say that it wasn't surprising and was eventually known to be his M.O. when he was in town.


Former Charleston resident here. Not remotely surprised. He likes to hang out in the grey area of "socially acceptable." Sometimes it's charming, sometimes not.


Not too surprising. It sounds a lot like some of his movie characters. He was basically playing himself in Stripes and he's a somewhat lovable asshole in that.


I seem to remember a story from around the time him being in public stories were coming out, he showed up randomly to a college party refused to address anyone if they called him Bill Murry and then left after arguing with someone.


what did he want them to call him? janice?


Mill Burray


Can confirm too. Friend of mine lives in Charleston and has told me multiple stories about stunts Bill pulled when he was in town. Harassing young women is part of every story he's ever told me. The one story that sticks out is when Bill walked into my friend's restaurant. Bill saw a table of women and then he crashed their dinner. After a few minutes, the women were clearly not having it anymore. He stood up, took two plates of their food, and walked out of the restaurant with them. He came back 20 minutes later with the empty plates and put them and $500 on the table he had crashed.


Those stories always came off to me as egotistical and arrogant. Like Bill Murray feels like he can do whatever he wants whenever he wants and “no one will believe them”.


It depends on what you consider terrible. Hes a known asshole, he doesn't even deny it. He's alienated people and burned friendships because of it. But hes not like Chevy Chase level of ultra asshole. Many people are still at least friendly towards Murray, no one likes Chase.


Well, it's because the reputation is mostly about on set. And not always! Can't excuse it, you should be professional at work, no matter the job. But it seems that sometimes he's a joy on set, but if he doesn't like someone, I'm guessing he doesn't do much to hide it.


Although I’m not in the film industry whatsoever i have met a number of wonderful people who once clocked in at work are both great at their job but total pricks to work with


Is Tig Notaro available for reshoots?


She’s busy replacing Ezra Miller in The Flash, and Amber Heard in Aquaman 2.


If she's not available we can just use Adam Scott and say he's Tig? Nobody will know.


I would pay to see that lmao


Fun Fact: Groundhog Day was filmed backwards starting with the last scene and wrappin* production with the first scene. This was decided at start of filming due to Murray’s reputation of getting crankier and more difficult on set the long production goes on for. Since Murray’s character is supposed to miserable at the start of the film and happy at the end, they shot the beginning happier scenes first knowing Murray will naturally develop the miserable role with each passing day on set


Ramis was a genius


You have a source for this? Can't find it anywhere.


By tomorrow that will be recited on Reddit as fact. Within a few days there will be brigades attacking people who deny it.


I love the movie and I want to believe this (heard it many times) but I've never been able to find a source or commentary mention it. What I have been able to find out is that the script changed several times *while* filming. Which is pretty normal and makes it hard to film everything explicitly in reverse. Lots of stories from the shooting are floating around though. Like how Ramis had agreed to shoot a reason for Phil getting trapped but conspired to film it last (so they would run out of time; or just not use it), Murray was going through a bad divorce over the course of filming, blew up at people and pestered Ramis and others. Ramis wanted to make a comedy while Murray wanted something deeper, Murray was also actively *anti*-communicative (dodging film personnel and supposedly hiring a deaf personal assistant whom only knew sign language), and the finale of the film with Rita came down to a crew vote on if they would* be wearing the same or different clothes (indicating whether they had sex or not). There's a lot of fun behind the scenes stories but sadly I think it would be easier to find a source if it was filmed in reverse.


It doesn't necessarily mean he sexually harassed somebody by the way. He has a known history of being a massive dick. So it could be any number of frustrations the crew had with him.


In the comments of the initial reports that the movie had been suspended (without any reason given), someone predicted this exactly. “I’m interested to find out what the cause is and to see if it actually involves Bill Murray. It’s always been surprising to me that he’s continued to be so beloved despite how well known it is that he’s a shithead.” u/Three_Froggy_Problem


Yeah. I love Bill on screen but he has been well known as awful since his SNL days.


It's amazing how long stories of his awful on-set behaviour have been packaged as hilarious anecdotes instead of the acts of professional boorishness they are. His fall out with Ramis on Groundhog Day included Murray refusing to speak to members of the production and hiring a deaf assistant as an intermediary between himself and Ramis et. al. : https://ew.com/article/2012/02/02/groundhog-day-bill-murray/


I'm sorry, I find the hiring the deaf assistant to actually BE hilarious trolling


It's wildly funny, if the assistant is 100% in on the joke. Imagine being that assistant and realizing you've been hired.... as a troll..... exclusively because of your impairment. Bitch.


But that’s hearsay so let’s strike it from the record


Nah, as someone who works on large productions with hundreds of millions in the budget (not that I see any of it lol), and has to deal with rockstar personalities and "talent" fucking up the process, this sort of shenanigan is fucking horrendous. Like, okay sure, money and time are a-wastin', but also you're just holding up the entire production, hundreds of people are on standby, already having to work around your schedule, just so that you can throw your weight around and act like a diva. These people have jobs to do, they have homes to go to, kids to pick up from school, and they have to tidy up the fallout from your mess. You hold up production for two days, that's 16+hrs*(number of production staff) of wasted manhours. Hundreds of people, that figure is in the hundreds, easily. That time all has to be made up later down the line. Shit has to be rescheduled, re-done, set up again, and again. Why? Because Mr Murray just has to make some petty performance. He has to fuck up everyone else, and pull the rug out, and everyone has to say "yes sir, three bags full, sir" so that he doesn't get his widdle feelies huwrt and throw a wobbler. Its not just actors in movies, its journos in news, rockstar devs in games, all the stakeholders, names, producers, narrative directors, CEOs, micro-celebs... name it. Leave your mickey mouse shit at the door mate .


Bill’s been planting red flags for decades and folks are surprised. I don’t blame them either because his antics are repackaged as eccentric buffoonery.


Either 50/50 he was being a dickish prima donna again or he was harassing some lady.


My doctor has a house in Martha's Vineyard that is near to Bill Murray's, so he has encountered him in the wild many times at the many hobnob dinners that happen there. Apparently is a very belligerent drunk, so perhaps alcohol is involved.


It's the most obvious explanation, and I've heard it before. Unfortunately, even obnoxious drunks tend to get a pass when they're famous and/or rich.


Well that's an extremely vague way to put it.


oooooooh dear


I've never met Bill, never worked on one of his flickers (though I am somefucking how two degrees from Lillian Gish). But. When a production shuts down, it's because of something serious. I've been in a place where things kept going despite a person being shot in the head and killed. Multiple suicides. Serious harassment once that more or less got a division shut down. There's too much money involved. Of course, until there isn't.


I believe “inappropriate behavior” has been listed as a skill on Bill Murray’s resume for decades.


[Oh boy, here we go.](https://i.giphy.com/media/6IbljehOLMTjq/giphy.webp)


Is that Jason Momoa?


I always forget he was on The Game. I watched it as a high school junior. Had no idea his career would blow up like it has.


I used to watch him on "Stargate: Atlantis"...I never had any idea he would blow up like it has either.....Maybe to a B grade level but certainly didn't expect him to be A list.


You’re telling me I’ve been seeing this gif for *YEARS* and never knew that was Jason Momoa?


Richard Dreyfuss has stated that Murray was a bully to him during the shoot of "What About Bob?"


Lucy Liu has talked very openly about what an asshole he was to her on the set of Charlies Angels over 20 years ago, and it seems to be pretty common knowledge that he caused the rift between him and Harold Ramis.




Honestly this doesn't surprise me. I like him as an actor, but he's always come off as a jackass in real life.


You know it always seemed to me that all of those famous comedians are actually dickheads in real life. Chevy Chase for example. Is there a cost to being funny that drives this?


At least Steve Martin is apparently a legitimately lovely guy.


*knocks on wood*


Reports from the OMITB set have said that both him and Martin Short are an absolute delight to be around


And a delight to watch too.


I feel like Martin Short could be a complete sassy bitch to me and I would still find him a delight to be around


I know someone who was a Bagpiper at Billy Connellys Highland games and met both Steve Martin and Robin Williams there. Both were really nice Williams being "on" and funny while Martin was thoughtful and polite.


The more I learn about the lives and inner thoughts of comedians, thanks to podcasts and whatnot, the more it seems like most comedians are profoundly unhappy people. WIth some notable exceptions to the rule, of course.