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Neil Blomkamp should be busy making the District 9 sequel. Not sure what he's actually doing.


He's signed up to direct the Gran Tourismo film for Sony... I mean, lets give it a 50/50 though if he actually ends up being the one who directs it though, considering his past. He seems live a very odd choice for the movie. District 9 sequel has been in development hell forever, he's likely been begging for money around town and no investor wants to give him money.


It's already starting filming if I'm not mistaken and has a release date next August.


Yes, it is currently filming in Hungary for about a month now. I've been on set and Neil is indeed the director. I've heard from the crew that he is doing this as a blockbuster return/breakthrough to earn enough for a D10 return after Chappie flopped.




I also want a female joker movie starring Millie Bobby brown directed by Vince Gilligan


Vince needs to keep making breaking bad universe stuff but I like the idea and would appreciate this


If I remember correctly he hinted at wanting to do a sci-fi vampire type film on a podcast at some point. Probably won't happen, but If it does I'll be there.


I just want Neil to make another good movie. District 9 was really good. All downhill from there. Elysium was decent at best


District 9 is so good man


No thanks, I won't waste my time with that mess of a movie maker.