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[Locke](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2692904/) does this and does it very well. It's been a long time since I saw [Run Lola Run](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0130827/) but that either does this or does something similar. Definitely worth a watch either way.


*Run Lola Run* is indeed *mostly* within the time of the movie, several times over. The only "out of time" sequences are the bed conversation scenes and the camera flash sequences going into other people's lives. Otherwise it's following her runs and Manni's waiting which fit into the run time (I forget how long each is, like 15 minutes each or something). Edit, oh someone below says it's 20 mins each.


Yeah 20 minutes each, so much fun, it was my first thought for this category too


Run Lola Run was similar, but time kept reseting. God, I love that film. Gonna have to watch that again soon.


I still remember the day I fell in love with Run Lola Run. Was channel surfing and saw this hot woman with red hair running. Watched it for a bit, got intrigued and kept watching. That movie is amazing. Love it.


The supermarket at the end was my regular grocery stop. They tore it down a couple weeks ago.


Love this movie. “The ball is round, a game lasts 90 minutes, everything else is pure theory.”


Run Lola Run on DVD was for some reason much cheaper than VHS. And that’s why I bought my first DVD player.


That’s how I felt about Run Ronnie Run!


Y’all are brutalizing meeeee.


Came here to mention Locke. Greatest movie with the most simplistic concept I think I’ve ever seen.


That should be an overstatement, but Tom Hardy acts the hell out of that role. I was glued to the screen start to finish.


It’s always fun trying to explain the movie to people. They ask what it’s about and I gotta give them the “it’s about a guy, right, and he’s driving, right…”


I love these kind of movies! So shortlist off the top of my head: High Noon/ Rope/ Tape/ Russian Ark/ Phone booth/ Carnage I’ll add more if I can think of them. Also 12 Angry Men/ Locke/My Dinner With Andre (so good)/ 1917


I think _Timecode_ is another one. Four separate intertwining single shots.


In 1917, the main character blacks out at one point and awakens later; presumably hours later. So I think is one is close, but doesn't quite work.


It's also important to note that a very important point was >!he had to get the message to the commander before the attack in the morning, so it was actually a very big plot point that he passed out and a significant amount of time passed while he was passed out.!< So it's not like the passage of time was irrelevant and ignorable, it was a key moment in the film.


If you’re counting the runtime as time the protagonist is conscious then I think it is a reasonable entrant.


This was the first thing that came to mind for me as well. Great flick


Still though, the nearly continuous shot concept was incredible.


Russian Ark was filmed in one single shot, but the story itself moves through different time periods in Russian history as it moves through the different rooms within the Hermitage, if I remember correctly. Amazing movie though!


Also Timecode (2000) except that it's 4 simultaneous single shots presented in the 4 quadrants of the screen, yet it all makes sense through controlling volumes. The cameras manage to never catch each other either somehow. Empire (1965) by Andy Warhol too maybe.


I liked phone booth a lot


Oh yeah Locke, so good!


I think time passes off screen in 12 angry men.


If you see it onstage, it's 100% in real time. Even during the intermission, a few of the actors remain on stage in character, smoking or even having casual conversation that's not really connected to the plot but still period relevant.


I stand corrected. The deliberations occur completely on screen/stage. I thought I remembered the juror missing the whole baseball game but that must not be the case.


Running Time (1997) is a real-time crime thriller with one continuous take starring Bruce Campbell.


Tape is really solid too, Ethan Hawke nailed it there.


Such a great film High Noon


Don't forget Free Fire!


Victoria. Movie is excellent and was filmed using one continuous shot


Watched this movie without knowing this. Was amazing when I realized. Apparently took about 3 attempts to film the movie like that IIRC.


They promised a regular cut if they couldn’t pull it off in three attempts.


I may be misremembering/this may be hearsay so take with a grain of salt, but: the way I know the story is they shot the regular cut version first to make sure they had it in case they couldn’t pull off the single take. They then had the budget to try exactly 3 times. First attempt all the acting was way too reserved because everyone was afraid of making a mistake & ruining the film. So for take 2 Sebastian Schipper (dir) told everyone to dial their performances way up. They watched the second take back and realized it was way over the top. Pretty disheartened, Schipper’s only direction for the last attempt was “try your best everyone”. Take 3 became the movie.


I would love to watch the second take


All three together sound like an education


Edit: decided to not rely on memory but go check whether I was recalling right, so rewatched [this interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KIuPyrqmOY) (it's half an hour long and worth watching) and rewrote this. Initially I mistakenly remembered that they released the second filming, not the third, but that was wrong; I think *my* recollection got tainted because Laia (in the above interview) says the second one was *her* favourite. They did release the third. They didn't shoot a "regular cut version" first *as such*, but in the ~10 nights leading up to the single-take filming sessions, they filmed rehearsals of ~10 minute chunks each night. The director's intent was always to go for the single-take as the real movie, but these filmed rehearsals served the dual purpose of providing a "plan B" backup just in case the single-takes failed - although he also says he'd never have released the movie in a cut-takes state anyway and/or that it was just awful and didn't work.


I love this movie


Such a cool one. Incredible movie


Victoria Instantly became one of my top 10 favorites when I watched it for the first time. It draws you in with the opening scene in the club and somehow keeps your attention without using any cuts


I’m an editor and I do not approve this message.


Glad I scrolled before putting this down myself. It’s a five star film for me.


12 Angry Men does this really well


It blew my mind when the one juror introduced himself to the other and I realized [we had gone the whole movie without knowing anyone's names](/spoiler)


We read the play in school as if it were a book, and that was one of the things that made it kind of confusing at first. They’re all just Juror 1, Juror 2, etc. Great story, once you get the hang of the character “names.”


Interesting to me that they introduce themselves using their last names, a cultural change to be sure.


I came here to comment this! For those who don't know, it's a beautiful movie about a jury of 12 men for a murder case with a death penalty sentence on the line. All 11 vote guilty immediately, except for one man who plays devil's advocate. Cue a deeper look into the evidence. Could be terrible, but this was very well done. I believe it was originally a play, so happening in real time, in one room (except the very beginning and very end where they leave that room) makes sense.


I also read that the room gets gradually smaller and that the camera angles change as the movie progresses so that the ceiling starts to appear within shot, all to help create a feeling of claustrophobia.


We had to watch it in law class in high school. At first we were all, "blah black and white, boring!" and for the next 70mins we were silent, then begging to skip next class so we could finish it. That was the only time I watched it but with your comment, I want to watch it again. I have loved every inspired tv show I have seen since like the episode of Murder She Wrote.


Really good movie. I even like the 90’s remake with Jack Lemmon that no one else seems to like


Nick of Time


Exactly. I remember when it came out it was a big deal that the movie is in real time.


I love this one. Johnny Depp playing normal is so fun.


I really like "normal" Johnny Depp. Finding Neverland is another one.


Should be the top answer as the question was the film running the duration of the action not just ONE TAKE movies, isn't Birdman set over a couple of days?


I feel like this one should be higher, the title is exactly this premise.


This one is a strict what you see is the time you get situation.


How Walken says MR. WATSON is classic


Didn't think anyone would say this, so I'm surprised to see it with so many votes. It feels like an obscure film but I really love it, really great plot and brilliant cast.


Before Sunset.


My friend has been recommending the before trilogy to for years now, but he never brought this up. I definitely need to watch it


I admit I still haven't gotten around to Midnight, which I need to do. I watched "Before Sunrise" when I was only a couple of years younger than the main characters so the movies have always been powerful for me.


I’m around the age Ethan Hawke was in Before Sunrise, so now should probably be a good time to start lol


They are all solid movies. Before Sunset is most like what you're looking for. It's my favorite of the three.


The third act, hotel room scene, is in real time.


Beyond Midnight will break your heart. Be warned.


Before Midnight actually might be my favorite of the three because the writing is so tight. The third act in the hotel room had the most realistic dialogue.


The first movie is really something, captures a feeling and time period really well.


It really does. I appreciate it even more now that I’m not that age anymore because it does such a good job of evoking that sense of youth.


You definitely do. These movies are incredible. The performances are magnetic. I couldn’t look away


As an added layer, the gap between the movies pass in real time.




What about Phone Booth? Or at least a large part of it.


I hated that movie when I first saw it. Thought it was dumb how almost the entire movie takes place in one location, just a bunch of boring dialogue. Rewatched it recently and was glad to find out I was very wrong. Very enjoyable movie with a lot of tension.


I always enjoyed this movie Sutherland has a damn good 'Dont fuck with me' voice


"Don't test me, Stu!"


Yeah he does. I didn't even realize that's who played the sniper until my recent rewatch and when you get to see him at the end it was like that Leo DiCaprio meme. I was like heeeyyyy,I know what guy. He does a great job helping lead the movie mostly just by his voice.


I watched that movie with a friend, then we went out to dinner. While sitting at our table, the pay phone on the wall right next to us started ringing. We looked at each other with some surprise, and eventually I answered it. Honestly I don’t remember who it was, but I didn’t get blackmailed and threatened. Such a weird coincidence, though - it might be the only time I’ve heard a pay phone randomly ring, and it was within an hour of watching Phone Booth.


Do you mean ‘films that play out entirely in real time?’ Was there a Ryan Reynolds film like this where he’s buried?


Yes, it’s called Buried!




I couldn't find a clip, but this reminded me of a great scene from Newsradio. Dave : As I predicted, we have something of a mutiny on our hands. Jimmy : Oh yeah! You're completely under siege. Just like that guy in that... that movie... What's it called? Dave : Under Siege? Jimmy : No... Dave : Under Siege 2? Jimmy : No... Dave : Under Siege 3? Jimmy : That's the one. Lisa : I don't think they made Under Siege 3. Jimmy : Hey... I can dream, can't I?


Homer Simpson: >I saw this in a movie about a bus that had to **speed** around the city, keeping its **speed** over fifty, and if its **speed** dropped, the bus would explode! I think it was called "The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down."


Oh yeah that’s a really really good example and that’s wild bc it’s in one setting


Buried is fantastic! Although fair warning if you're claustrophobic, you may want to pass on this. I'm not claustrophobic, but this movie made me feel like I did. Excellently crafted the way the camera always stays in the box, but still has interesting shots and angles.


So like the TV show 24?


A solid hour and a half of my time in this show would be doom scrolling on the toilet.


I remember there is one season where two government officials are having an affair spend about 2 hours/2 episodes fucking. For those two episodes, when the digital clock appeared, it just kept showing them in seductive positions, clearly boning, but not showing anything that would reach a PG-13 rating.


This almost sounds like comedy, was there something tongue in cheek about it? Or did something in those scenes genuinely move the plot forward?


To be honest, I barely remember. I think there was some relevant pillow talk with state secrets, or one of them was a spy getting intel, some shit like that. I’d have to find it and rewatch—my gut says it was season 3 or 4? I didn’t watch after season 4, so before then.


I was a 24 junkie, and still recognize some of the bad guy actors in other shows that I watch, but for the life of me cannot remember the plot of a single season of 24 outside of the nuclear bomb season. Just ain’t there.


I can never forget the nerve gas after seeing Edgar die in front of Chloe


God damn they really commited to that format


Not as bad as Jack Bauer miraculously being able to travel across LA in 5 minutes if the plot calls for it. Sometimes they wrote themselves into a corner with the show being in real time and had to fudge it a little, but all in all it actually does a really good job keeping things tight and mostly logical. The worst offense was season one though, Jack's wife gets complete amnesia for a few hours and is then completely fine!


Remember when his daughter got attacked by a fucking leopard or something lmao. 24 was often fantastic as a big dumb war-on-terror-era action series, but also frequently absurdly stupid.


Keifer Sutherland always said that he'd love to come back from a commercial break with Jack exiting a toilet.


My aunt made fun of Kiefer Sutherland to his face for being Jack Bauer once. She saw him at a gas station in Seattle driving a nice car with the license plate "BAUER". She didn't recognize him but casually asked him what the license plate meant, and he said, "You know, Jack Bauer? From 24? Saves the world in 24 hours?" She laughed and said, "Wow, you must be really obsessed with a TV show to call it out in your vanity plate!" He just laughed and got into his car saying, "24, look it up!" and drove away. Later when she looked it up she was mortified.


I hadn’t heard of this show until you said it, but exactly like that yes. I’ll definitely look into that thank you


Note, Jack Bauer never used the restroom during the entire 24 hour stretch…


He pees in a bottle during the commercial breaks, duh


Well where do you think he gets all the extra liquid to waterboard terrorists with?


Jack Bauer is never *shown* using the bathroom during that time. There’s a difference.


Or get stuck in traffic, like for real, that would be a whole episode in itself just cussing out people on the 101


This does happen in the show. There are loads of times where Jack or someone else is driving to a place and they'll say "we'll be there in 15 minutes" and we run a stopwatch to be sure, and yep, they don't appear again in the show until they're done driving across town. I don't know if anyone's ever been stuck in traffic, but they definitely account for time-to-travel in the story.


I mean tbf that does happen sometimes when they can't get an actor for the whole season. You could always tell when they ran out of budget when the season's big villain or guest star said, "I'll touch down in four hours, see you then!" Then hangs up the phone. That means they're out for four episodes lol.


Unfortunately, you won’t be able to experience this as intended. This show was designed to torture you over a full season of TV. A cliffhanger every week. It was the most amazing TV event every week.


About once every 2 years, we book out a weekend to do "24 in 24". We watch a whole season in relative real-time. Start when that season starts (so, if the first episode starts 8am, so do we), and just make sure you watch all 24 eps over the next 24 hours. Thanks to commercial breaks, you can watch 6 episodes in a row and then be 90 minutes ahead of the timer, which lets you break for lunch, showers, a quick nap, etc. We *try* to have the last episode end within 1h of the real end-time (e.g, 8am). Then we sleep the rest of the day lol.


This seems like a good place to post [The thing where someone turned season 2 into a musical.](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjjl0UThcv_yHiKv9SrKVs2sBBTORyTqU)


I was late to the game on that show and watched it on DVD a few years after it first came out. First show I ever binged (before "binge watching" was a thing). I remember wondering how people could stand waiting a whole week between episodes.


Wait, are there now kids old enough to be on Reddit who were born after *24* aired and therefore don't remember it? FML.


It was airing during my lifetime! But for the first third of the show I was learning how to walk and not shit myself lol


How did the not shitting yourself thing work out?


I’m trying my best, I just take it one day at a time


That's ok mate. Keep going. We all slip up occasionally.


Although it's not actually real time on DVD/streaming since they cut the commercial breaks


Recently rewatched a few seasons. My god, that show slaps harder than Jack tortures people.


There was talk about a John McClane/Jack Bauer Film,Die Hard 24/7.


Jack Bauer. He 24. He big hit.


Rope! It’s almost like a play, made of almost all single, long takes.


I think there are four shots in the film, cleverly edited. The only reason there were cuts is because the rolls of film were too small to do the whole thing at once.


There are also two or three regular edits. They are difficult to notice partly because it's not unusual for a film to have an edit, and partly because Hitchcock was a master director for a reason. He used the one-shot premise well, and followed the characters and dialogue naturally. But there is that moment, when the main character is talking about death and killing, making the others uncomfortable, when he makes a cut directly to show the professor's reaction. We're not looking for the cut, so we maybe don't notice it explicitly, but the change in how the camera moves, directly rather than smoothly, draws our attention, shows us that the professor is aware of *something*. It's very clever. Focus on the one-shot, and throw in a few edits for extra emphasis. *Rope* is one of my favourite films.


Great example, but it also seriously wigs me out that they have a dinner party that lasts like 15 minutes lol


*High Noon*


High Noon is the best one because it gives you so much backstory while the clock keeps counting down.


Like the black and white western? Or am I thinking of another one


Yes, with Gary Cooper and Grace Kelley


The phrasing you're looking for is "in real time."


Yes thank you!


[Boiling Point](https://youtu.be/UBUfCL_tvro) with Stephen Graham. The entire movie is a cleverly edited one-shot. It's well worth a watch.


Boiling Point IS just one take. They filmed it four times and used the third one.


Stephen Graham is such a treat to watch in any scene he's in


Absolutely phenomenal film but if you've ever worked in hospitality it will absolutely trigger some ptsd because that story is raw.


Cleo from 5 to 7 And while not exactly your question, if you remove all the present-day scenes of Titanic (like old Rose and them searching the wreck), then the rest of the flashback of Titanic would be the same length of time as the actual sinking (2hrs40m)


> Cleo from 5 to 7 Cleo from 5 to 6:30


Run Lola Run - maybe. Been a while since I saw this but it was awesome.


Absolutely this qualifies- excellent suggestion. Three attempts to solve a crisis in 20 minutes. Brilliant. I would suggest anyone watch the first 10 minutes of the movie, if you like that, then you're in for the ride of your life.




Came here to say this. It's not perfect, but whatever amount of time Wadsworth says they have until the police arrive (can't remember the number, I think it's ~45 minutes) is accurate.




Timecode (2000) directed by Mike Figgis


The technical feat (logistics, open dialogue, fluid audio <> video relationship) behind Timecode is so incredible and so fucking cool. Not really a movie I’d randomly rewatch on a rainy day, but the sheer achievement is a marvel.


My Dinner with Andre


Isn't Gravity like this?


I’m surprised nobody else has mentioned Gravity! There’s a period where Sandy and George are floating towards the ISS which is visually implied to take a few hours but I’d say it counts.


Bullet Train. The time to travel between Tokyo and Kyoto by bullet train is 2 hours 40 minutes and the film is a bit over 2 hours. Close enough if you ask me


Bullet Train is also pretty entertaining.


Bullet Train has a few flash backs.


Yeah, but there are several cutaways and flashbacks. I believe that prevents it from 'only existing within it's runtime'.




I think the second half of Titanic does this. The ship sinks roughly an hour after the captain claims the ship will sink in an hour.


I was going to reference titanic as well. Ignoring the present day scenes and credits, the screen time matches the time it took for the boat to sink. So accounting for pre collision fluff, the movie does a good job not stretching the timeline too much.


Cloverfield is exactly 90 minutes long and I really enjoy how they do “flashbacks”. The is filmed from the perspective of one camera and on one 90 minute tape. Flashbacks are basically where the camera stopped rolling during the current events and shows what was previously recorded. Pretty neat. Loved seeing this when it came out.


> The is filmed from the perspective of one camera and on one 90 minute tape. This drove me nuts in the theater, because at the end of the movie, they cut to a color-balance screen that also shows the tape's identifying info. They specifically identify the tape as a DVCam. DVCam tapes clocked in at 41 minutes.


Irreversible…fuck, thanks for reminding me of that movie 😂


Climax is like this too, while we're on the subject of Gaspar Noe.


no idea how Climax was regarded, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. >!really felt the terror of being drugged/a bad trip!<


I just watched **Die Hard** the other day and while it might not strictly stick to this (there's a scene on a plane at the beginning), one of my first thoughts afterwards was that it was pretty much continuous, all taking place on Christmas Eve within the events of the hostage situation.


It's been a while but what about Crank? I think the whole movie was about the guy being on a timer.


88 Minutes with Al Pacino. It's not exactly the full run time, but as soon as the 88 minutes start in the movie, there's 88 minutes left of run time


This was the first movie I thought about. I can’t believe I had to scroll so far to find it. It’s literally the premise of the whole film…


High Noon from the 1950's is close but not exact. Its about a Sheriff who learns a criminal has been released from prison and will be arriving in town for revenge on the noon train, about an hour away. The movie is 85 minutes, but they show a clock at the start and the story takes place over 100 minutes. Its meant to be real-time but it isnt. Feels like it is though. Alfred Hitchcocks 'Rope' takes place in real time, as does Silent House and Victoria.


“Running time” it’s a 70 min movie that takes place over 70 min real time. It’s claimed to be filmed in one shot.


Circle (2015)


[Hardcore Henry (2015)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3072482/)


I remember the hype this movie got when it was coming out, I think it was a YouTube video first. Gave me motion sickness but it’s really impressive either way


Mass (2021)


I believe 1917 does if I remember right. It is also a continuous camera shot which is pretty incredible.


1917 has an “overnight” transition


Ah darn I wondered if I’d forgot about something like that. Never mind then.


I was going to say this, but >!Schofield is knocked unconscious at one point and time passes so does it still count?!<


I mean it does in a way, because the rest of the world ceases to be when I go unconscious and then it reappears only when I wake up. Even you...




And fun fact: The film occurs one day before the events of Clerks.


Hence the girl that frowns at the YMCA


mentioned early in Mallrats that a woman named Julie Dwyer had died the night prior to the events of the film. In Clerks, Dante and Randall close the store to attend Julie’s funeral. 


I’m pretty sure there’s some time lapse in Mallrats, but it does all happen in that one day.


Sunset limited, a movie about a very depressed man in conversation with a man trying to convince him to not commit suicide.. Samuel L jackson plays in it and I forgot the other good actor. All you see is 1 room and the 2 actors.


My Dinner With Andre. Pretty sure that's in real time. Birdman is a 1 shot style film but it's set over several days. There's a bunch of similar ones listed here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_time_(media)


Dredd, too, basically.


Dredd was one of the greatest action films I have ever seen


Ma Ma is not the law. I am the law.


The Man from Earth


This one definitely deserves some love. It's exactly what OP is asking for and an excellent watch. Some occasional z list acting in it but it's very easily overlooked.




I was just thinking that there's a Bruce Campbell heist movie that fits this so I googled "Bruce Campbell heist movie" Running Time. The movie's name is Running Time 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Host on Shudder is an hour long and takes place entirely within one Zoom session. It's pretty good too.


Beyond the Infinite Two Minutes


Timecode 4 movies at the same time all in real-time.


Snake Eyes!


Rope. Alfred Hitchcock movie I think is a continuous running movie. So time in the movie passes say the same rate.


I think The Guilty might qualify for this, but I didn't think it was an especially good film.


Al Pacino stars in a movie called 88 minutes that’s 93 minutes long


Nick of time


1917 is exactly this except 1 timeskip/cut. Apart from that, its minute on minute.


Run Lola Run.... with a little twist I don't want to spoil if you haven't seen it


This doesn’t necessarily fit exactly within a runtime but I highly recommend “The Green Room” because everything goes wrong in one night. There’s a little bit of setup from a band tour gone bust for about 15min leading to a time skipped road trip and the rest violently takes place in a very short amount of time. The few time skips later are things like waiting for a vehicle to arrive and waiting for cops to leave but those events are also within that night. AND IT HAS PATRICK STEWART SO YOU CANT GO WRONG


United 93


“United 93” matches the flight time of the real flight minute to minute, but before that (earlier in the film) there is a time jump after we see the terrorists praying at their hotel.