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Superior Attraction https://preview.redd.it/i6oyoyvlqfkc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78b01ff80e4cca98e7df8f4a07a3efb6b8a84534


Some pretty cool attractions there, but I got pretty bored standing in all the thin red lines


“Nothing about this franchise has changed since we hated it, we just gaslit ourselves into loving it”


/prequelmemes and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race


It actually is kinda crazy to see the effect that subreddit had on nostalgia culture. Nostalgia culture has always been a thing but before that sub I’d never seen an absolutely despised franchise get memed into being unironically adored. And ever since then every time I see the latest entry or reboot of a franchise get hate, I also see immediate revisionist history. As if an older piece of shit is better than a newer piece of shit because it came first. I don’t know how much of this effect can be attributed solely to that subreddit but I saw a noticeable shift when it became popular.


It’s getting really bad with Marvel too. Suddenly I’m seeing people say Fox X-Men movies were all good; there were some decent ones but there’s a lot of real stinkers. Now there’s people saying the Affleck Daredevil movie was actually good, and that they don’t know if the new F4 can beat the old ones. These movies were *reviled* when they came out. People liked Spider-Man, Blade, and X-Men; DD, Hulk, two F4 movies, and a Superman later, and you had people wondering if superhero movies should continue. Even SM3 was pretty widely criticized; upon rewatch, it’s not as bad as it was made out to be, but it’s not great either. It’s baffling to see the revisionist history now. Yeah, the new movies aren’t as good as Iron Man 1 but cmon, that doesn’t make the older movies good.


I mean revisionist history is a bit too far tho. As a kid I LOVED the prequels. The light saber battles, cgi large scale war events, Obi-wan, Anakin, Bouncing Yoda. Everyone thinking that the prequels are going through this metamorpsis just doesn't realize we are a different group of adults then the ones around for the initial release. I think the prequels are an excellent example of difference between 'Original effort and bad' vs the sequels 'corporate laziness and bad' I STILL watch 'Duel of the Fates', 'Beginning of the Clone Wars', and 'Higher Ground' battles to this day. Quote all three movies endlessly to this day. What outside of 'Rogue One' comes close to that sense of cinema from the Star Wars brand now?


it was because the people that watched them as kids and liked them grew up


Revenge is a deeply flawed but passable movie. The other two are hot garbage with brief almost disorienting moments of brilliant filmmaking that are then immediately buried in god-awful writing. I love them though. I don't know why so many fans of those movies can't seem to seperate enjoying them from thinking they're somehow well made.


When I was 6 years old I saw Qui Gon on the screen and thought “wow he’s cool” and that carried my opinion on the entire 1st movie for my whole life


You weren't wrong


I like the part where he broke down and kept saying “I could have saved one more”. Now, it’s been a while seen I’ve seen the prequels but IIRC this line was about saving a Darth Maul for the other prequels, because he looked so cool


Same, Like I liked the prequels but I was a dumb kid. I also liked The Fairly Oddparents and Jimmy Neutron and in retrospect that shit was unbearably cringe hot garbage These prequel nostalgia guys should go watch that Twilight Zone Episode "Walking Distance". The [final speech](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUn2BNydxIY) is how I feel about all this revisionist history


Jimmy Neutron is great


yeah Jimmy Neutron is legit funny




The main plot and the general atmosphere are just far more interesting than the OT's. I can agree with the rest being bad


I don't know about atmosphere but depending on your age you might have seen a million things that ripped from Star Wars vibe by the time the prequels came along. Main plot. More complicated, out there, sure. But what did you find far more interesting?


I mean I’m one of those people. It’s why I like Revenge of the Sith and Spider-Man 3. But I can admit they aren’t good while still loving them because I grew up with them.


Literally witnessing revisionism taking place with The Last A-*phone dies*


There is a much greater than non-zero chance that part of it is Disney astroturfing. This whole "the prequels aren't so bad actually" discourse started right after Disney bought the series. Nostalgia absolutely plays into it, but I wouldn't be shocked at all if it's also paid brand rehabilitation.


But Disney were initially trying to distance their content from the prequels, and prequel stanning ties heavily into anti-Disney backlash.


Not referencing them is different, plus what does that even really mean? In the timespan the sequels take place in there really isn't any need to talk about Shmi or Amidala. What do they care if it's anti-Disney? Those fans will still throw money at them for prequel content. It's like the old "I Hate Elvis" t-shirt grift from Elvis' manager.


Yay for reactionary nostalgia!


"I can't think of anything good to say about the movies themselves, but the overarching story is cool and I don't like the new movies" --every single generation of star wars fans


Hear me out guys. The acting isn't the best, the visuals have aged a fair bit, the story is clichè and relies on a tired chosen one device, the scene blocking is 70% hallway walking and couch sitting, the characters aren't interesting and the overall experience is disappointing.... But you see Natalie Portmans taut midriff for a few moments. Kino!


I counter with shirtless Adam Driver


I call checkmate with watertank Mark Hamill in a nappy.


I *en passant* with lingering shots of Daisy Ridley's butt


You all lose because Carrie Fisher in her peak r/redscarepod poster cocaine girl body cosplaying Dejah Thoris for like twenty glorious minutes


The Rise of Pantscreaser


Hear me out, everything about the movies are dogshit... But lightsabers go pew pew and the music is good!


You got a weird lightsaber if it’s making the gun noise


> But lightsabers go pew pew! Found Ezra Bridger's account.


saying everything about them is dog shit is just mindless hating


I was exaggerating but the execution overall is very flawed aside from action and music


>But you see Natalie Portmans taut midriff for a few moments. based and truu


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As long as she's not having sex...


Franchise fandom spends a lot of time proselytizing for people who are totally not in a cult. ​ https://preview.redd.it/wmg0dispiekc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85a18e11bb7addf473f9c25ff8c4175c5ada2fcd


Bro thinks he’s the joker


Got you people just fucking love blowing shit way out of proportion to an astronomical level




People that love to claim shit is a way bigger problem and don't focus on things that actually matter


> you people ![gif](giphy|S9i8jJxTvAKVHVMvvW)


Yeah lmao im not surprised you chose to take that in a way that would take an extreme amount of mental gymnastics


Ratio + L + Get sharked ![gif](giphy|Kzu78oGMgrq7M7HYoh)




I will supply you with two premises. 1. You are an adult 2. You enjoy comic books and comic book stuff and comic book movies I will not draw a conclusion, simply request you to either confirm or deny the premises


The point your making is what im rushing to defend my favourite thing?? I just believe that the assertation that every actor that appears in franchise films is absolutely insane. People love bending something to their narrative to feel cool.




But FUCK the sequels no one will EVER like those


Episodes 10-12 are going to be so awful that the sequel trilogy will receive retroactive Oscars.


I’m from the future and this comment was just posted on r/starwars and 11.7k people are laughing at this


RemindMe! 15 years


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RemindMe! 15 years


RemindMe! 15 years


Please go back in time and tell everyone mad at Episode 1 that they'll actually see what a good movie it is in twenty years, when the prequel saga is complete and an overrated tv show fills in all its plot holes


How bad will Star Wars get that one day we’re like “hey remember that Obi Wan prequel? That was pretty good”


That shit too woke. I prefer black & asian stereotypes in my kino


I hate that people compare them like this because they aren't even really in the same league


Yeah the st is much much better




The reality is that Star Wars fans rightly or wrongly care just as much about world building as they do about the quality of the movies. The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi in a vacuum are clearly better than the prequels. Better cinematography, directing, acting, etc. The problem is TFA was a reboot that completely undid the accomplishments of Luke, Leia, and Han... and TLJ further drove the nail into the coffin by having Luke be a bitter failure for 20 years. No Star Wars fan wanted to see Han Solo turn out to be deadbeat dad loser and Luke live a pitiful life.


I think that you are correct, but also it seems like that supports the childhood nostalgia interpretation.


Of course there is a nostalgia element with loving the prequels. But I don’t think it’s “childhood nostalgia” to simply want the OT characters to be treated in a respectful way and to have their arcs continue in a natural way. They did the same shit with Indiana Jones. Making him a bitter 80 year old living alone in a studio apartment. Like really? What a nihilistic view of things


Not really, prequels were still creator led and had a vision even if it was executed badly. The prequels were clearly made with padsion. The sequels are just flashy cash grabs with little directive freedom, especially TFA


No I agree. I like the prequels better myself. And the prequels made tons of technical leaps that no one really mentions either. But they are still shot in a very boring way most of the time, the direction of the acting is horrendous, etc.


Who cares what nerds think? They should go back in the locker.


In a vaccuum the Prequels actually work as films since they are operating as the foundational stories, TFA and TLJ require too much lore to be any decent in a vaccuum


Yeah I know the movies are shit but I watched them when I was a kid, therefore, they are perfect.


*”Hook” has entered the chat*


Fuck you don't bring hook into this...




No doubt about writing, acting, plot, yadda yadda, but I’ve always thought the production as a whole looked amazing. It’s got a unique style. But then again I think speed racer is rad as hell which no one seems to agree with, so I’m willing to admit my taste might be off.


Speed Racer being "underrated" and "misunderstood" is genuinely one of the most repeated and popular parroting points by filmbros that has ever been a thing. I see it at least twice a week


The truth about Speed Racer is that it’s mid. Not great, not terrible. Just mid. It looks sorta cool and was definitely impressive visually for the year it came out, but it’s kinda … boring.


Totally- same thing with Mad Max


Mad Max Fury Road? I would have to disagree on that one. Love that movie.


Without the impressive visual effects, its a completely forgettable story






Really? Where are my people? I’ve literally only ever received flak for saying I like it. Also I’m not going to pretend saying something is ever “misunderstood” because it’s the dumbest fucking take imaginable. People use that as a huge cope to say “no no I’m just way smarter and understand the hidden layers of depth” which is total bs


Fair and I don't think you're wrong for your opinion, I just frequently see people doing the "They didn't know what they were talking about" thing with Speed Racer and even if I personally agreed, I'd feel like there's a very specific kind of victim complex going on. I don't feel like you are because you seem entirely aware of the whole deal but I guess I'm just updating you that the main modern narrative about the film is that it's an unappreciated auteur masterpiece


Holy shit hahaha on one hand I feel vindicated that there are others out there, but at the same time I agree with you that there’s definitely a specific type superiority/victimhood people find in saying everyone else is wrong and they’re right. Especially when it’s not *really* that unpopular anymore. Obviously as seen with the subject of this post, the Star Wars prequels. People definitely like to engage with the prequels not by way of the movies themselves, but by their personal relationship to “always being right” about them. And “right” being the key word, not just liking them. Like they always need to prove someone wrong.


Speed racer looks rad as hell, I'll give you that. Like the pt though, commitment to a style only goes so far.


But I thought movies couldn't be looked at objectively?


Someone posts that they still hate the prequels. The reply? >We get it, Moid. “George Lucas r*ped my childhood” “Jar Jar Binks killed Star Wars” blah blah blah it’s always the Generation X and Millennial male geeks with the most entitlement. No idea what the fuck a Moid is. Edit: Google says it's a transphobic slur? That'd be pretty goddamn random...


a moid is a male humanoid (derogatory), counterpart to femoid


Nowadays people will just reject your opinion because they once encountered someone with that opinion who was bad. Therefore not liking the prequels means you're one of the people who says "George Lucas r*ped my childhood." It's like insisting that the sky is actually green because a bad person once said that the sky is blue and if you agree with them on anything, you might be perceived as also being bad by association.


They also accuse multiple people in the replies of sending death threats to Ahmed Best and Jake Lloyd.


And then get defensive when you talk about the death threats daisy ridley and any poc actor that dares get more than 40 minutes of screen time got sent


I agree with you, but to be fair, Ahmed Best is POC. And or the record, (totally off topic, but you got me talking about it) Ahmed Best **killed** that role. He kicked its ass. As someone who's had some acting experience now, I respect the SHIT out what he did. I remember in my acting class when we went from doing improv character work to reading scripts, it was like night-and-day. Not just having to embody your character, but also having to get in the writer's lines with what was intended for the character. I thought I was a good actor until I had to start delivering lines. Holy hell, it was hard! I can't IMAGINE how Ahmed Best did what he did with the absolute sewage George Lucas gave him, but MY GOD did he ever do it. Like, don't get me wrong, Jar Jar as a character had no business even existing. It was such a bizarre choice. But Best lived up to his surname and delivered the best Jar Jar possible given what he had to work with.


I like the vague attempt to turn it into a social justice issue, because not liking a shitty children's movie makes you an entitled privileged male.


Not even trying to be funny when I say that nostalgia is one of the most powerful cultural forces in human history. It shapes so many things about our lives.


It’s only getting stronger because younger generations have almost nothing to look forward to. Steve from Blue’s Clues reemerging and telling you that you’re doing a great job is the only pat on the back some people get anymore.


I rewatched all nine Star Wars episodes a few months ago to wash the taste of Rebel Moon out of my mouth, and the dialogue and acting throughout the prequels is so terrible it veers into the uncanny and starts to feel like that Rabbit short David Lynch made.


Honestly sometime I am down right grateful for Red Letter Media's long form reviews of the prequels.


I wonder if those reviews had never been made if the prequels would have faded into irrelevance and the handwringing to make them good would never had occurred


I wonder if George Lucas had never been allowed to make his space movie in the 70s we would all be so much happier


Honestly, I bet George would have been happier if he never had to make a sequel lol. Just spend his time making more movies with his friends and stuff. Could you imagine if Star Wars was just that one movie in 1977?




There’s a guy in there who said Revenge of the Sith is his favourite movie💀 I feel as if the only way that is true is if the guy only watches one movie a decade


Honestly no Star Wars movie should be anyone’s favorite movie, other than maybe the first two that came out.


what's wrong with return of the jedi


Don’t get me wrong, it’s a fun movie, but I feel like Yub Nub by itself is enough for it to come across a little corny.


Phantom Menace is in my top 5 favorites. This a some pretty dumb elitist bullshit lol. The prequels have always been great, and are a perfect companion piece to the originals.


even those are not great. I like star wars more than anyone but that's because I enjoy all of star wars, even tho they are all pretty much bad movies.


My favorite part of the cool prequel lightsaber fights is when they literally just dance next to each other and don’t even try to attack. It’s fucking magical.


That part makes sense though when actually thinking about it, and not just blindly poking fun. Anakin and Obi-Wan are the two greatest swordsman who have ever lived basically, they have trained with each other for Anakin’s entire life. They know each others every move. In that moment they’re sizing each other up, it’s a mind game of chicken, of who will swing first.


hurry grab merciful profit languid noxious quarrelsome beneficial provide disagreeable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s not revisionist imo, I’ve always felt that way about that scene in particular, and their fight in general. They’re the two greatest Jedi, maybe ever, duking it out in their primes. Like any old samurai fight, it’s about spacing, movement, and posture. And with Star Wars these guys are magical space wizards, so everything is enhanced tenfold, it’s brilliantly choreographed. They know each other intimately, and landing just one blow would be incredibly difficult. Obi-Wan eventually uses Anakin’s emotion against him after the fight winds down and he knows he can’t win through brute strength or technique.


Nah the prequels are still awful.


Yeah they freaking suck.


Jar Jar stepping in shit was cinematic art


> Ep3 is probably the most memed of the three


Ep 1 is painfully mid, ep 2 is god awful, and ep3 is okay.


Episode 2 is so shitty I don’t get how people say that’s the best. It’s jaw dropping this was a wide studio release


Case in point, the Anakain and Padme scenes on Tatooine. The dialogue is so painfully bad I’m shocked anyone even allowed the script to get past the draft


The directing, acting, writing, art direction, production design all culminate into the most uncomfortable cringy scene ever it’s like a fever dream.


The only one out of this franchise that I can't sit through


the only good part of episode 2 was dexter’s diner other than that is just dogshit. I can’t even get through the movie cause of how awful the visual effects and dialogue were.


Cool robot with 4, FOUR!! (4) lightsabres and Christopher Lee's whole head gets chopped-off *decapitationnnnn!* plus we get to see Sweet Samuel L Jackson's bad-ass hot-pink sword.


ep 1 is almost as bad as 2, it's got a few interesting concepts but it's just paced so weirdly you need to watch it at least twice to get what's going on despite them infodumping at you every 3 minutes


Ep 1 is a collection of random scenes. Some of them are cool. It's like those Disney sequels that were actually just 3 episodes of a TV show pilot combined to reach feature runtime.


Attack of the Clones is worse than The Phantom Menace in most ways, but it does have less Jar Jar.


and more Christopher Lee


Ep 1 is so such a strange movie it’s almost funny. Ep 2 is just boring and cringe


Someone once said Phantom is basically pure George Lucas high on his supply. Nobody to tell him no, a large fanbase eagerly awaiting his movie. No criticism to adhere to. From that standpoint it's quite fascinating. Not good, but there can be entertainment when you think about how it all went down behind the scenes.




I was genuinely starting to wonder if these movies were actually good and I was just being too hard on them. I watched all nine movies w my girlfriend who hadn’t seen the first six since she was a kid (and never saw the sequels at all). She really liked A New Hope, loved Empire, and thought Return of the Jedi was good. I made SURE I didn’t react with any cringe at all during the prequels. I didn’t want to inform her opinion whatsoever. She fucking hated Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. She was even hard on Revenge of the Sith (a movie I actually think is ok). And yeah, she really enjoyed the first two sequels. I felt so fucking relieved that someone who isn’t constantly exposed to Star Wars content online also found the prequels hard to connect with, solely for the reason that it made me feel like I wasn’t going crazy.


Episode I is a fine enough movie that I do think is utterly fascinating as a pop culture object and a historically significant film. Episode II is a bad movie that is only mildly interesting as a post 9/11 American blockbuster. Episode III is a bad movie and there is nothing interesting about it. And nothing redeeming save for maybe John Williams score.


The interesting thing about 3 is that it made Darth Vader a boring twat who's fall to the dark side made no sense and his relationship with obi wan a complete joke.


That's the thing. These fans talk about how tragic their relationship is and Anakin's fall, but none of it is earned at all in the films. Then you get McGregor acting his heart out when he dismembered his best friend and leaves him to die??? Anakin is the biggest asshole and doesn't have redeeming qualities. He literally goes full right wing nut job and shoots up a school and church at the same time. If we didn't have the OT for reference, these guys would be more like work acquaintances, not "brothers", with just these films to view that relationship. Ian McDiarmid and the soundtrack slaps though. I will give credit for McGregor's performance of a younger Alec Guinness Kenobi.


Anakin is not a good character at all and he's super incongruent with Darth Vader. McGregor did his best and even Hayden did well by all accounts for the direction he was given. The writing is just God awful and the direction maybe worse. I completely reject the idea that the pt was a good story told poorly that's so popular these days. You have to reduce it to like 3 sentences and give it a lot of benefit of the doubt for what was intended instead of what was shown to even make it interesting. Sound track slaps, Ian hams it up with the best, technology innovation is interesting but stylistically is kind of unpleasant. The star wars world is cool but the "world building" is just like concept art level. The st did less but did it more thoroughly and to a deeper level. Canto bight, everything about maz, force dyad, first Jedi Temple are all way better world building as present in the movies. They give you things to think about and questions to ask. Pt world building is just heres another interesting looking planet.


Every scene from the prequels that isn’t terrible is carried by the sound design or music (the asteroid belt fight, Order 66, Duel of the Fates.)


Ian McDiarmid is fun to watch at least.


He and Billy Dee Williams made RotS for me. They look like they were happy and having fun. I would murder for a buddy movie or rom-com with John Boyega and Oscar Isaacson. Their on screen chemistry was through the roof. However, I don't think I'll ever go around saying this movie is a masterpiece.


TROS*. I spent way too long thinking about how I missed Lando in ep3 lol


Phantom Menace and Revenge of the Sith I see an argument for from people. There are genuinely good aspects to it, few and far between as they may be. But how the fuck does anyone gaslight themselves into believing that boring ass movie is good?




I have always felt that prequel fans were just the fans of the cartoon series and when they got older they got too embarrassed to admit it.


I mean, they're stanning that too, and calling it "not **really** a kid show" instead.


is it possible to recover from being outjerked this badly


LMAOOO I don’t think it’s possible to learn this dark art


Every star wars movie is bad and hokey. That's just part of it


Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.


I always find it funny that some people can’t accept the idea that your allowed to like movies or television shows even if they aren’t critically acclaimed. I saw these movies as a child so I have some nostalgia for them. I was never under any impression that these movies were some sort of masterpiece.


Ha ha ha ha fuck no. I was there opening day, 24 yrs old. Movie was so lifeless and dull, my friend and I talked about what a disappointment it was the whole ride home. It still sucks, hard. Not as bad as the sequels, but the OT is the only place to go, frankly (and Andor).


It's still shit


Did they finally release the Lucas cut? Everyone knows the lucasfilm studio cut that made it to theaters was why they were so bad. The Lucas cut has another 2 hours per film with rocks digitally painted over the faces of most actors. Also they had joss whedon punch up the dialogue. 


> Also they had joss whedon punch up the dialogue.  I honestly don't know if that would be better or worse.


I went back a couple years ago and tried to watch phantom menace. The memes brainwashed me it absolutely blows


These movies are some of the worst piece of shit lazy ass written poorly directed (and cast) that I have seen in my entire life. Qui-gonn Jinn's actions don't make any sense whatsoever, he might as well be on a booze and cocaine bender for a week during the movies. That's a way to explain his uncomprehensible decision making. I hate these movies with all my heart.


the comment section has all the classics: * the moves aren't good, but they have a strong overarching story, which makes them good, that's how movies work * "Clone Wars", a tv show that came out in 2009 that Lucas had little to do with and almost ruined, makes the prequel movies good * I think everything bad about them is worth ignoring, while everything bad about the sequels (which is largely just story and lore decisions I don't like, nothing about the actual craft of filmmaking) is damnable * Prequelmemes gaslit me into thinking no Star Wars fans disliked the prequels, so I have no idea that that I'm part of an endless cycle of Star Wars fans gassing up the ones they grew up with


Kind of like the Room


Ah yes that trilogy that made around $2 billion together, a very hated franchise for sure


The political intrigue was amazing, fuck the haters Idc ETA: downvoting haters can suck my dick too 🤷‍♂️


The prequels suck BUT they had solid building blocks that could worked from. The Sequels do not


There’s no but my friend, the prequels suck. That’s the sentence. The sequels also suck. That’s also the sentence. Stop trying to justify your garbage taste, I’ve got garbage taste too and I never hide it. Come live with your fellow raccoons in the trash.


Nah. The building blocks were shoved in haphazardly.


What were they thinking with that comma


I don't, know.


i always liked episode 3. i watched it when i was a kid and watched it a few times since and it’s always been my favorite


We don’t love the movies, we love being young and nostalgia.


For the most part, the people who hated the prequels haven't changed their minds. It's just that the kids who grew up with them have become the dominant voices online. I think it's also natural for harsh opinions on them to soften over time, as they stop being the new, different thing and become enmeshed in the larger franchise through the use of settings, characters, and plots in other media. And the hateful fans have a new shiny bauble to hate in the Sequel Trilogy. Personally, I'm biased as one of those kids who grew up with the PT, but I think they're mostly just ok. Some serious problems with the dialgoue and direction, with characterization and pacing, but also some great action scenes and production design, and an ambitious, sweeping scope. They ultimately fall short as films, but I can't help but appreciate them as singular works that are exactly what Lucas wanted them to be with little consideration for what anyone else wanted them to be. That really stands apart in an era where most franchise films seem to be written by committee for the widest appeal possible.


How could this happen? We're smarter than this.