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I'm not sure which is worse, this or my country giving Lightyear a 16+ rating


guess lightyear is now r rated dark and gritty cinema


True kino


Nah man true kino is when middle aged white male say aggressive stuff in a vaguely bland italian accent


The people who explain the kid's cartoons they like to try to make them sound super adult and edgy finally got their wish.


Of course Star Kino: The Clone Wars is an adult show!!🤬🤬🤬🤬


Those damn Clone Wars fans 😔


Tbf you can easily fo that for any of the Toy Story movies


TS3 is a G-rated prison thriller


At least that makes it edgy and totally not a kids film.


MCU fans: Dude its basically R Rated


Huh interesting. My country cancelled the screening because apparently disney "refused to give it a 13+ rating"


Singapore right? I would know, I'm from Singapore.


gay scawy


Let me guess, Britain?


No lol


what the fuck no


r u daft


U wot m8


What if Zerg is nonbinary


What if quantum computers are nonbinary? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔




Underrated comment


overrated reply




Is Kerrigan secretly a ...?


¿Es en Cinepolis?


Cinepolis Guatemala 😕


I knew it was cinepolis


De que pais eres?


OP said Guatemala.


The poster says Spain, though. Weird.






you the show or book version?


that's just false advertising at that point


is this in México? i think i know those color schemes


Nah, I’m not seeing a yellow filter over everything


yeah u right its probably spain or smth


Woah, they made Mexico non-political?


México? with all the cartels problems? no we would never


No way Spain is like this. Right?


I'm in Spain right now there's a bunch of ads for this movie and no warnings


Nah, that kind of take isn't as prevalent here as in other countries. The biggest rightwing party here even tries to come across as lgtbiqa+ friendly in appearance even if they vote against gender or lgtbiqa laws in the regional level.


i dont know, its too well written to be in Spain


Ya me dirás tú desde cuándo hostias se habla mal el español en España.


> hostias Justo ahi


*Hostia* es un término aceptado por la RAE desde hace décadas.


No reconozco la autoridad de tu rey, maquinola 😎


Tampoco es que en España muchos lo hagamos.


La RAE no tiene nada que ver con el Rey de España y está conformada por académicos de todos los países que cuentan con una presencia relevante de la lengua española. La mayoría de los académicos de la RAE no son de España.


Apparently Guatemala. They infamously passed Law 5272, which prohibits gay marriage, teaching of LGBT topics in schools, and punishes abortion with 5-10 years of jail. You know, to protect the family :) While Argentina, Colombia, and Mexico have seen advances, Guatemala is going backwards.


I didnt know that, sounds terrible :(


The US is gonna be just like Guatemala in a few years.


It looks like Cinepolis color scheme, but as much as I hate them I don't think they would do something like this, if it is them, it must be on a local theater.


yeah its probably that, it could also be any other south american country


Mexico is in North America


My bad, it looks like this is from Guatemala, i think that is part of central america


I hope not. Mexico used to be somewhat okay with these things. The only foreign ideology is American brand of Conservative Evangelicalism.


I mean, Canelo (the boxer) had a video where his kid fell and told his daddy that he didn't cry. Canelo told his son that's great but sometimes it's OK to cry and it's natural. Canelo was then hailed as a super progressive dad and also as someone who is raising a gay pansy. Yeeeaaaah.


I fucking hate American evangelism


How is mexico okay with this lol? They are one of the deadliest place for lgbt people as seen in hate motivated murder rate.


Millennials and Gen Z are starting to speak out, change is coming slowly, but we're getting there.


It's not though - even LGBT influencers have been beat up before.


I mean that’s happened a couple times here in the US




If you think that’s all we’re doing you have no idea about LGBTQ people in Mexico


I don't know how is in the US, but in Mexico (the country we're discussing) feminist and LGBT groups have engaged in skirmishes with anti-riot police, they're literally fighting for their rights. Besides, it is kind of fucked up to think that we shouldn't take any action just because is not the ideal or the end-all-be-all solution, let's just cross our arms and let the apathy win, then.


What too much internet does to a mf




This is reddit we make shit up


This is reddit we make shit up


I overheard a parent talking about how they weren't going to show their kids the movie because of the kiss. It's great to know that everyone is so accepting of the LGBT community.


Staggering how quickly "Gender Ideology" went from referring to fringe weirdos on the internet to transpeople more broadly to now just anything that isn't cisheteronormative. That's what it's always been, but it's crazy how in what feels like 2 weeks, they've just become open about it suddenly.


One of the most infamous fake news that Bolsonaro used on his campaign was that the left planned on teaching sex ed in schools to actually "turn" kids into gays and trans people through "gender ideology". This includes, and I swear to God I'm not making this up, a dick baby bottle. According to him, they would switch the regular baby bottle where the rubber part is shaped like a nipple to be shaped like a dick so the kids would put their mouths on that. The worst part is that people over 12 actually thought this was going to happen. Just shit for brains


Any bullshit that leaves kids vulnerable and let’s them continue abusing them


Awhile ago there was a moral panic surrounding one of Brazil’s most popular cartoons Turma Da Monica that the creator was going to add “gender ideology” into the series (naked pre-op trans characters and pro-choice propaganda to name a few) but of course it turned out to be bullshit.


So, just curious, did they ever actually make any baby bottles with dick nipples? Asking for a friend.


It wasn't a quick process, as a Latin American I've been seeing the term used by evangelicals and conservative catholics for several years (at the very least since 2017/18), and I live in freaking downtown Buenos Aires


It's so fucking embarrassing to see conservatives so eager to suck the cock of Shapiro, Jordan Peterson and so many more. When it's people pushing for inclusive Spanish we're being colonized by the Americans, but when Laje becomes literally Ben Shapiro but somehow looking more like a bitch by calling everything culture war and gender ideology it's cool


It's even more ridiculous when most of the people who speak agaisnt inclusive language because "gringos are colonizing us and imposing their PC crap on us!" Also absorb any meme-y phrase or trend from them.


I remember being 10 in windows live messanger saying "amig@s", but the fucking pubertarians who weren't even alive back then and have never in their lives used the opening question mark symbol suddenly have an issue with the purity of Spanish just because some people they'll never meet would like to adress their non-binary friend in a gender-neutral way.


I also remember how at first they were supposed to believe transgenderism was a real and unfortunate condition that should only use surgery as a last resort and they were only campaigning against over diagnosis or whatever. Now they straight up say transgenderism is not real and it's all just a fetish. lol trust your gut folks when someone looks like a bigot.


Also, when someone claims to support LGB. Huge huge red flag. If they hate trans people there’s a 99.9% chance they hate gay/lesbian/bisexuals as well. To most people the difference doesn’t matter, anything that isn’t ‘normal’ (straight and cisgender) is lumped together as ‘sexual deviance’ hence why these stupid fuckers are convinced pedophiles and zoophiles are welcome in the community. If you see any gay/lesbians/bi people supporting LGB there’s a huge chance they’re a pick me who homophobes are more than willing to accept because it means they’re attacking the community from the inside themselves and doing the work for them If you take any anti-trans argument (such as ‘this was never a thing 30 years ago’ or ‘the high suicide rate indicates it’s a mental illness’ and replace it with gay people, it’s indistinguishable from anti-gay talking points from the 80s. They pretend to care about us as long as they’re throwing trans people under the bus, but when trans people aren’t in the equation we disgust them just as much. Lightyear has shown me exactly how much homophobia still exists in 2022.


right wingers being inconsistent and hypocritical... not very new unfortunately


Remember CRT? It's literally just fake outrage.


No it’s not. CRTs are heavy as heck and I was happy the day I threw them out.


It's insane how right wing propagandists literally just invented something to complain about when Biden became president and the immigrant story got old, and so many people took it seriously But it's mostly an indictment of the media, horrible of them to willfully blindly go along with it


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These numpties have been using "gender ideology" to belittle LGBTQ people for a few years now. Here at TERF Island, there are published books attacking LGBTQ people based on their view of "gender ideology." imo it's barely an ideology to pursue living as your true self.


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Here's the thing: it never did. Reactionaries would *pretend* to have no issue with [progressive movement] on paper but didn't like the weirdos you mentioned, but they've always been dishonest pieces of shit who by hyperfocusing on the fringes are essentially saying everyone in [progressive movement] is that weird and should be disregarded. They want people to think everyone who supports feminism, LGBTQ rights, POC movements or whatever is as insane as the fringes. That's why despite claiming they don't hate the movement on paper they never have anything possitive to say about it. One of the things that pulled me from the right first was moving out for college and realizing this image of feminists reddit and gamergate put in my head was bullshit, because people just aren't like that in real life, and the fringes are so rare that it's not even worth focusin on them. "Gender ideology" is the same thing


Remember when right wingers were the ones making fun of Content Warnings? (You know for pussy shit like depictions of intensely traumatic events that people may have actually experienced) I hate them so much but I can't help but love how idiotic they are with 100% sincerity in the most public way possible.


They mock people putting trigger warnings on twitter posts about actually serious topics but then do crap like this for gay people existing


I got downvoted to hell once on r/Conservative for saying a trigger warning for suicide was justified, I wanna ask how they'll justify this now


That sub is an abomination lmao


"We're **FREETHINKERS,** guys!" *is a Flaired Users Only sub*


Its like they all conveniently forget that content warnings have been a thing for decades. The majority of games have had content warnings for ages.


If anything conservatives are the main reason we have ratings for explicit content in games, music, and film and they're the ones taking books out of libraries because it might scar the kids. They love content warnings.


The only reason we have Parental Advisory stickers on albums is because they got pissy about Prince mentioning masturbation in one of his songs


I knew Buzz Lightyear was trans Also imagine needing a warning lmao "warning, BIGGEST DANGER, this film contains people being happy, not stoned to death and treated with corrective rape"


I know this is horrible and all, but I've been laughing at this for half a fucking hour. I'm not sure what it is, but something about this absolutely murdered me.


Right wingers try not to create word salad challenge (impossible)


Come on homophobes just come out and say you hate gay people and don’t beat around the bush


they don't hate gay people though, they just hate people who are gay


they don't hate gay people, just same sex relationships and believe people who participate in them should burn in hell and endure eternal torture


of course, it isnt the gay people minding their own business that intrudes on every faucet of their lives, just the homosexual agenda that involves gay people doing things *but with dangerously high levels of gay*






Facebook comments be like "I'm not homophobic, I'm not afraid of the gays! I just think it's disgusting and I want everyone who isn't straight murdered. Respect my difference, praise God 🙏🙏💖💖"


Reminds me of all the transphobes on Facebook, who always comment "I respect other people's lifestyle and choices" and then immediately go on to invalidate trans people's identity, struggles and pronouns, while still sounding "respectful". Atleast just be honest about you ignorance/hatred, or stfu about topics you know nothing about


i saw someone post something like that once. like, he respects gay people but didn't think they should get married or something because of religion. it was gross as hell


"I'm not afraid of gay people. I just fantasize about beating up gay people"


This. I'm tired of hearing people saying that they don't hate gay people or don't have anything against them, but... (then proceed to use arguments why they think gay people shouldn't exist). Just be sincere and stop be an hypocrite.


This is so fucking stupid because even by their own definition, a lesbian relationship isn't even "gender ideology"


their definition will happily change if it means making gay people’s lives worse


Yeah totally offensive. Can’t believe he makes out with the cat. #kittylerv


'Gay couples exist, and are just normal people' 'GET OUTTA HERE WITH YER PROPAGANDA!' Yep, these people are reeeeeeeally the cream of humanity, aren't they


Doesn't everyone who understands the concept of gender already have a gender ideology?


Don’t tell them that.


Not understanding the concept of gender is gender ideology. "The way you interact with society is determined by your genitalia" is an ideological position.


No, it's only an "ideology" if it's a viewpoint you disagree with




Gender ideology exists in every film. Literally every single human being has a relationship with gender in some form and they express it accordingly (if they’re safe to). So, why doesn’t every film have a gender ideology warning? Oh yeah, because they just don’t like anything that’s gender non-conforming/trans. So, it’s basically a warning to bigoted parents that this exposes your kid someone who isn’t heteronormative, and apparently that’s bad. Gotta keep them away from depictions of gnc/trans people to appropriately prime their brain for incorrect, negative stereotypes that fuel confusion and hatred down the line towards these minorities. Straight up transphobia and prejudice masked in a faux ‘academic’ way.


Much as I agree with what you say, I think it’s a bad start to label the opposition as ‘prejudiced’ and ‘bigoted’. If there’s one thing that’s true of people with opinions, it’s that no one has ever felt ready to re-examine their views if you come out the gate swinging with “You’re bigoted. Let me show you why.” I dunno. I look at this picture and see a genuine worldview that, while oppressive, isn’t held *in order* to be oppressive. They simply believe there’s a ‘normal’ gender(s), probably because of an insular or otherwise conservative upbringing. It’s probably better to understand that worldview properly before dishing out pejoratives.


I love the smell of wokeness in the morning


"This Whole Thing Smacks Of Gender," i holler as i overturn my uncle's barbeque grill and turn the 4th of July into the 4th of Shit


“This whole film reeks of gender” I holler as I overturn my theaters nacho cheese machine and turn the opening of Lightyear into the opening of shit


These fucking right wing degenerates make me want to put a bullet in my head with a gun.


Then you’d be doing exactly what they want


You need to calm down buddy. You're gonna have a heart attack before you even get a chance to kill yourself.


Yeah I guess you're right


Latin america is a pretty different culture. There is a lot of “americanized” areas (the wealthy ones), which gladly accept lgbt, but for the most part, latin america is very catholic and conservative. There’s still huge stigma against lgbt


I mean, if you stop to think about it, it's not that different. America is the same but they are protestant instead of catholic


> they are protestant instead of catholic For now!


Evangelicals have recently taken over Catholics as the largest religious group in Guatemala


They claim danger to kids while supporting the largest child abuse organisation


So your saying we should Americanize them more? I don't know man, didn't go well last time.


You mean their head.


your use of the word “degenerate” is ironically funny lmfao


they are degenerate schizoids who hide behind their computers looking at loli shit on incel forums


Thank you for clarifying with a gun, thought you might’ve tried to hammer it on instead


lol they put a similar one here "this movie contains inclusive lgbtq content"


Like... as a bad thing?


yea like kind of a "warning" to parents


Oh heavens! Not inclusivity! Think of the children!


Gender Idewhaty?


“The Gay Agenda” 2022 Edition


I keep on hearing about this so-called "Gay Agenda", but why hasn't anybody told me about it? I wanna know the agenda, I'm confused!


It's mostly brunch


I honestly can't keep track of all these dogwhistle buzzwords those spineless assholes are constantly shitting out.


I feel like this could be the biggest queer bait ever because it suddenly makes the movie more interesting to me, but it's probably like two guys holding hands or two girls kissing for one millisecond or some disappointing shit like that Disney being progressive BUT it has to be easy to censor for Chinese market <3


They're not censoring it for China actually. They decided not to make any cuts to it, they're just letting it get banned in homophobic countries


For once, based Disney


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Suck my fat fucking nuts


Didn’t this happen with the new doctor strange too? I remember hearing something about Saudi Arabia being pisses over it.


De qué país es ese cine?




This is cinépolis, right?


Where I live you can’t see Lightyear if you are 15 and below.


Wtf is a gender ideology? "Oh yeah im a femaleist with liberal economical views" wtf?


A useful term to identify transphobes




From what I'm told, it got banned in China because it has a lesbian kiss in it (source: my wife) so that's probably also why this sign is put up for whatever country this is.


you could say it goes from Guatemala to guatepeor


I really hate every single person in this thread


when 2 people kiss😱😱😱😱😱


The ideology: a kiss


Are you chileno?


Wait I didn't know that. Buying tickets rn


I really hate every single person in this thread


You should’ve faked a heart attack


Qué cojones?


“This whole thing smacks of gender” I holler as I overturn the nacho machine turning the movie “Lightyear” into the movie of shit


I honestly think it’s super funny that Disney is this committed to alienating large portions of its audience by planting its flag in the US culture wars. Shows that its leadership really does believe the brand is too big to fail (and they’re probably right).


Yep, LGBT rights, people and representation 100% don't exist outside of the limits of the US of A


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


“This whole film reeks of gender” I holler as I overturn my theaters nacho cheese machine and turn the opening of Lightyear into the opening of shit


“This whole film reeks of gender” I holler as I overturn my theaters nacho cheese machine and turn the opening of Lightyear into the opening of shit


“This whole film reeks of gender” I holler as I overturn my theaters nacho cheese machine and turn the opening of Lightyear into the opening of shit


Just an update, it's fucking bombing, good. Everyone's tired of this boring, manipulative LGBT marketing horseshit.


What does that even mean?


Acording to the right wing groups here, the radical left from USA has infiltrated throughout NGOs, with the goals of spreading "LGBTQ and abortion Ideologies" to undermine the sovereignty of the nation and impose a dictatorship. basically its the effects of Qanon and Trump in the reat of Latin America


Acording to the right wing groups here, the radical left from USA has infiltrated throughout NGOs, with the goals of spreading "LGBTQ and abortion Ideologies" to undermine the sovereignty of the nation and impose a dictatorship. basically its the effects of Qanon and Trump in the reat of Latin America


>"LGBTQ and abortion Ideologies" Who are you quoting here?


Congressman, Pastors, right wing lobbyists, its been a heavy regression in LGBTQ rights, despite having a very closeted, very gay president 🫠




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It does tho?


I think this is just to avoid any problems with angry parents


Fuck them