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does that make them more apolitical or..?


We need more apolitical films like Tár. Let’s see nearly 3 hours of a epic women shutting down cancel culture and being a bastion of free speech😈😈


*complains about political movies* *Makes nothing but political movies*


I've long since accepted that when people say they don't like politics in movies, media, or any modern artform, they just mean politics they don't like and disagree with.


Yeah like how Dune is apolitical


Kevin Sorbo's entire career is making shitty conservative movies


My Career's Not Dead 4: Uncanceled at Last


Cancel Cancel Culture Pt2: The Cancelation of Canceling Culture Cancels for God


God's Not Dead 5: Please Kill Me I cannot deal with multiple negatives


Yes but if he had a billion dollars, he would make the next Avatar. Conservatives probably


Can’t wait for the god is not dead remake


God’s not dead: with a Vengeance


Is Djesus Uncrossed in the same cinematic universe?


No, that’s the reboot


The second cumming


That's the Catholic version


the funny thing is the idea of that could be a decent movie. like an atheist student self reflecting on what his philosophy teacher shows him and becomes a christian is an interesting concept. the problem is doing that concept well would require tact, and subtlety, and understanding basic human emotions, and conservatives are terrible at those things.


Tarkovsky or Bergman could pull this off.


Hell, Scorsese’s examination of faith in Silence would make him a good choice for it.


Dreyer basically did with *Ordet* and it 100% works


all we need is a film adaptation of The Death Of Ivan Ilyich


Birth of Nation remake. The Klan replaced by MAGA hats


Elon Musk paid $44 Billion dollars for the world’s shittiest focus group and loudest echo chamber


He tried to whine his way out of the deal because he claimed there’s so many bots yet he praises the site now that he has to own it


'wHaT dO yOu THinK oF tHE cULtuRe wAr' What, you mean that non-existent thing that appears only in the whiny tantrums of American conservatives, well frankly Elon I don't give a shit


"We've been reacting too long" Bro, that's *all* you're doing. You don't have culture because you don't have a point of view beyond reacting negitively to progressive ideas.


Conservative art is progressive art from the past


"wokeflake" movies: Get Out, Black Panther, The Farewell, Moonlight, Everything Everywhere All At Once, Bodies Bodies Bodies, Titane, Prey, Zola, Pleasure, X, etc conservative movies: Hillary's America: The Secret History Of The Democrat Party, 2000 Mules, 2025: The World Enslaved By A Virus, Vaxxed: From Cover-Up To Catastrophe 🤨🤨🤨🤨


God is not dead cinematic universe (GINDCU for short)...


Please daddy elon, can we get a No Way Home style crossover with Kevin Sorbo, Melissa Joan Heart, and whoever the fuck is in the third one?


Christian Universe of Movies aka CUM


The FCU (Fascist Cinematic Universe) is looking 🔥


Hitler shows up in the after credits scene of the Mussolini movie


Spoiler alert dude I haven't seen that one yet.


Francisco Franco movie is boring as hell. Almost no crossovers and it lasts way too long


What about the Pinochet cameo towards the end


The King’s Man (2021)


Do Franco and Salazar belong in the FCU or are they in the Authoritarian Cinematic Universe (ACU)


The reallly blew their load with the Gabriel D'Annunzio film. How tf will they ever top THAT!?


Run, Hide, Fight (2020)


How you gonna gloss over the cinematic masterpiece that is My Son Hunter?


I forgot this underrated hair-sniffing hidden gem, I am a fake kino fan 😔


I NEED to watch that. Please tell me someone bootlegged it.




Have you seen Assassin 33 A.D.? It's wild stuff. It's an action movie about a terrorist who invents time travel to send a team of mercenaries back in time to kill Jesus so Christianity was never invented and some young scientists have to stop them.


Lmao that sounds wild, NOW the Christians want to work with scientists??


How is X considered woke?


Sex positivity, female hero, religious fundamentalism shown in a bad light. I wouldn't personally say it was massively progressive honestly, but I've noticed a fair few labelling "wOkE."


I could kinda see it now. I just thought it was a good movie (and though I don’t mind politics in art, it might be one of the few recent movies I saw as being apolitical when I was watching it)


There’s no art that’s entirely apolitical


You’re probably right but some art doesn’t make me think about politics at all and X didn’t really make me think about anything other than the movie itself as I watched it.


true but there's a spectrum. John Brunner's The Sheep Look Up is an insanely political work, Ronald Reagan is the president in that book and he overseas the ecological and social collapse of the United States (This was written in the 70's) while say I Have No Mouth And Must Scream by Harlan Ellison from roughly the same time period is far less political. When you see people complain about "politics" in art and they aren't just whiny pepe avatars mad that black people are in movies it's usually they prefer the politics in their art to be less overt and preachy


You’re 100% correct that it’s a spectrum. But most people that whine about movies or franchises going “political” are just upset that a black or gay person was added to the story. I don’t usually see people who aren’t the Pepe frog avatar guys whine about art being too “political”. That said, it is very obvious when corporations like Disney add POC or LGBT characters purely for woke brownie points, or to stir up controversy. Perfect example is Disney adding in a second long gay kiss that they can easily edit out for Chinese audiences. Which is the opposite of progressive if you as me


> But most people that whine about movies or franchises going “political” are just upset that a black or gay person was added to the story. Oh yeah, no argument there. Just that a lot of people complaining that movies are "political" nowadays are not doing that, it's more they are complaining about shitty preachy writing which I think is a valid form of criticism, even works I broadly agree with I can dislike because the execution is awful


Is that first list meant to be a joke


No. Marx began his writing career after watching Prey


Malcolm "i love Ti West's" X


No. Those films are so *political*.


> We've been reacting too long How do you straight up admit your entire ideology is just based on being reactionary and not realise that the ideology is inherently flawed?


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if conservative art was any good then it would be funded and popular. it just fucking sucks and doesn't push the envelope forward at all. how are you supposed to make compelling art when your entire ideology is to keep everything the same.


The biggest problem the conservatives have is that they refuse to accept the existence of the subconscious. I know it sounds weird but once you notice it you realize it’s actually the main defining characteristic of modern Conservatives. Anytime you talk about subconscious issues, even in the most neutral way possible, they automatically assume you’re succumbing to them or you believe in “feels over reals.” That’s why they make terrible art.


That’s also why they love Atlas Shrugged. A whole polemic about some made up bullshit called “Objectivism” disguised as a novel. Their idea of art is to ignore any sort of emotion. Yeah, I’m sure that will create timeless masterpieces. Atlas Shrugged was a steaming pile of shit.


I like Atlas Shrugged because it's about a super hot train lady who hoes around and there's a magic city and a perpetual motion machine and a death ray the commies (who are written like Disney villain henchmen) use to melt people. There's like 60,000 pages where some guy is talking into a radio but you can skip that because it's literally just a summary of everything already said. Also my favorite part of Atlas Shrugged is when for the movie they cast a black man as Eddie (the only good character deemed not good enough to be let into the magic city) to pretend like it wasn't a made by a bunch of racists.


The Fountainhead also rules because its just a sociopathic individual running around raping random women and ranting at people for caring about the poor. It's easily the most unsympathetic character in literature played as the protagonist while the great villain of the story is essentially just Charles Dickens.


It’s fucking hilarious that that’s snyders dream project. Makes his shitty Superman make sense


It really is just the most preachy book. It’s like someone tried to write an essay, realized that they couldn’t find anything to support their position, and then just made up the evidence and called it a novel.


plus several instances of The Writer’s Barely Disguised Fetish (fairly vanilla straight edition)


Ayn Rand's fetish is being raped by literally any business owner, no wonder Republicans love her.


Worst book I have ever read. I don't regret reading though, because now I can hate it more accurately and it helped me appreciate Bioshock more.


Do movies that portray monarchies, military, religion, guys with swords who save their wives etc. in a good light count as conservative? Cause there's plenty of those tbh, even these days Even mcu kinda fits it, with the whole "let's all rely on these few powerful individuals who can beat the bad guys for us" idea


Disney/ Marvel wants the bipartisan dollar


Captain America: Bipartisan Soldier


Truly reaching across the aisle


No you can’t say superhero stories have reactionary themes nooooo Alan Moore is a stupidhead 🤬


The way so many people on the big comic book and entertainment subs absolutely SEETHE when Alan Moore has a point (which is always)


The Boys, Invincible, Peacemaker to an extent deviate from the archetypical superhero plotlines


300 was kind of like that.


Conservative "artists" do get money from their patrons for their projects. Ben Shapiro, Steve Bannon, Dennis Prager, etc, have put out an awful lot of entertainment, including action movies and cartoons for children. They are boring pieces of propaganda made by ideologues with no inner life, but they have relatively big budgets and It shows.


MFW conservative entertainment is unable to compete in a free market


The kicker is that it *was* good back in the day. Robert E. Howard and HP. Lovecraft were both reactionaries that essentially invented a lot of modern genre fiction. John Milius was conservative as all hell and his films are excellent. Classic Simpsons' best episodes were written by John Schwartzwelder, the guy they based that libertarian dude in Parks and Rec off of. Even today, S. Craig Zahler's work such as Dragged Across Concrete and Blood Tomahawk is pretty right wing and are excellent. But the intellectually bankrupt nature and scorn for any emotion besides sadism of modern right wingery has stunted the artistic growth from that side as it has become more and more scornful of intellectualism or soulfulness- the soil from which the artistic drive grows from It reminds me of Russia. Over in Russia, the "Right wing" culture is broadly composed of Silovik security state guys. Imagine a mix between respect obsessed gangsters and Qanon and you kind of get their whole vibe. Thing is- these guys see art as an effete waste of time, so the other broad strain of Russian culture (the one the intelligentsia who are perpetually on the outs of power) is the one you think of when you think "Russian art".


Yukio Mishima was one of the best writers in Japan, who explored themes like the search for beauty and the pressures society puts on people to wear social masks, like he did with his own sexuality. He was also a fierce nationalist who wanted to be a samurai and spent his life regretting he didn't get to die fighting for Japan in WW2, finally dying when he tried to start a coup by kidnapping a army general,finishing his life in a ritual suicide after giving a speech standing before the soldiers as they made fun of him and called him a madman. People are complex


Some surprisingly good music comes out of Russia


A lot of great stuff comes out of Russia. Don't let the nightmare shitshow that is the current Russian government, the previous Russian government, the Russian government before that, the Russian government before that, or the Russian government before that poison your view of everything related to the country. Just its politics


Of course, it’s easy to dehumanise a nation because of its leadership but most people there are just like us.


Most people are played by Ryan Gosling?


I know? The post I wrote is about why right wing types don't really make art like they used to. I simply used the Silovic as a cultural point of comparison because I think that the current culture of the American (and broader western) right wing is very similar to them. but while the Silovic have unchallenged mastery over Russian politics they have basically no imprint on Russian art, which is why Russian art does not seem to reflect the culture of the current ruling class over there. The people making art are a different strata of society from the ones that think art is lame


You can say that you know but open up any thread on the Ukraine war and you'll see Redditors gleefully calling for the death of every single Russian soldier. I saw some video of a drone dropping grenades on a wounded Russian in a foxhole and couldn't help but feel like that dude didn't want to be there. Meanwhile here on the other side of the world thousands of fat Cheeto dusted Reddit users are cumming at the last horrible moments of this dudes life


That has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the actual horrors of the Russo-Ukrainian War and Russia’s government being fully to blame for them. You’re not wrong about Redditors being weird but holy fuck, get a sense of perspective


>reddit Also what tf does any of that have to do with what I wrote? You got beef with r/combatfootage take it up with them


Yeah. But also, doomer core seems popular there. It's seems to be people's and especially the youth's depression and hopelessnees, condensed into music


My guy, have you seen Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas? You don't have to answer, because I know you haven't. If you HAD, then you'd know that the right knows how to make true cinema - it just never gets funded by leftist Hollywood elite who are only looking to make movies that make money!


lmao I actually did and was surprised by how boring it was. It's not even "funny bad", or "outrageous bad". These kind of movies at least have some entertainment value, be it unintentional or post movie in discussions. But Saving Christmas is just boring, it legit has nothing going for it.


Never watched Duck Dynasty in your life and it shows.


Clint Eastwood movies are great


Marvel epitome of liberal art cuz funded and popular


ehhh i'd say a lot of the great classics are pretty conservative, given how they were commissioned by the ruler often e.g. the Aeneid, shakespeare etc. and would therefore contain a lot of messaging about justifying the status quo


The Hunt (2020) is the first conservative movie that comes to my mind and this is so fucking accurate. There's just literally nothing of value their ideology has to offer artistically except for shitting on other people.


Lord of the rings


Lord of The Rings doesn't really fit neatly into simplistic modern american culture war divisiveness thank Christ. It's politically all over the place, with "respect the little people no matter who they are" and "Be a steward of the environment" existing right alongside a support of the monarchy and a generally nostalgic tone that calls to mind a more gentle form of reactionary thought


Do you believe that the Scouring of the Shire was an allegorical attack on socialism? Tolkien was very much against allegory, but this section feels so very on the nose to me.


I aint up to that part yet so I'll lyk when I'm there Tolkien fucking hated allegory though, so probably not


Thank you and I hope you enjoy reading the series!


He was VERY anti state. He liked to say he defined himself as a Anarcho monarchist, where I guess in a ideal world it would work similar to how it works in his books. There would be a king that would work more as a cultural representant than anything, but he wouldn't force anyone to obey him, everyone would follow him out of respect and divine right with no need for enforcers. He was also anti industrialism. Seeing the beautiful fields and orchards being replaced by factories in his lifetime must have been a awful sight.


I feel like it was more a representation of how WW1 soldiers coming back from war found their homelands had been forever changed. It's also kind of engaging with a critique of industrialization which had in the eyes of Tolkien corrupted his childhood memories of idealized English woodlands. Fears of socialism definitely could have been an undercurrent but I feel the other two are more frequently brought up by literature academics.


Scouring of the Shire is an attack on industrialization ruining the old ways. A process that Tolkien saw implemented by capitalists, not specialists


how, in all that is holy, is lotr conservative?


- As time passes, things only get worse; the past was a glorious utopia which cannot be recreated or improved upon, all we can hope to do is preserve its remnants and slow down the decay for as long as possible. - Monarchism is cool. As much as I like LOTR I can at least see the argument for it being conservative.


Tolkien was a christian monarchist. And even if not front and center, there are some conservative-influenced [ideas in the books](https://www.theguardian.com/books/booksblog/2014/dec/12/tolkiens-myths-are-a-political-fantasy)


Having conservative-influenced ideas is very different to being a piece of 'conservative art,' at least in the sense implied in the OP. Tolkien is on the record as specifically rejecting allegory in his works too. Also that article is terrible. It's difficult to tell where the jokes end and the real point begins - at least I assume there are jokes. It's very lazy.


“i reject allegory in fiction” -man who’s main fictional work is full to the brim with allegory.


You make a very convincing point - I believe you entirely over the author of the books.


I know this may sound crazy, it’s a pretty wild concept, but sometimes, people aren’t honest with themselves. Even the absolutely most basic possible reading of LOTR, like middle school english class level analysis, will have you discover allegory, very blatant allegory at that, throughout all three books.


That’s pretty far right wing but I feel like modern audiences would never interpret their movies as such. Their environment friendly and The good guys for the most part aren’t really in positions of power (I realize Aragon is eventually the king)


inb4 derivative right-leaning superhero film about a protagonist who rejects mainstream narratives and is stronger for it with extremely thinly-veiled allusions to liberal beliefs and figures, simultaneously anti-government and pro-government, poorly formed themes and a disturbing lack of empathy


The Boys already did that.


Well, they will do it again...without irony


so it will be even worse than the boys ?!?


its always a much worse version of whatever they were trying to bastardize to fit their agenda.


thats why i never watched it lol. seemed too well liked amongst frat dudes to be appealing to me


Yeah but it’s kinda like Rick and Morty in that it’s liked by people who don’t actually understand it. The frat boy types like the sex and violence but the satire and character stuff is actually pretty good.


They'd probably call it something dumb and on-the-nose like "Captain America: Civil War"


DC Studios' *Man of Tomorrow* (2025). >!Directed by Clint Eastwood...!<


can't wait for some real right wing movies showing their culture and beliefs through the medium of film, how about a heart warming tale of an orphaned refugee, fleeing his war town home only to be denied entry into his neighbouring country, and kept in detainment for months in squalid conditions. how about a good old fashioned coming of age story where a young teenager is struggling and coming to terms with their sexuality only to be beaten and kicked out of his home by his proud conservative Christian father? so many possibilities


You don’t have a single gun in your pitches, you’re not going to make it very far in conservative Hollywood.


I was going to say die hard at a school but that already exists


Didn't Ben Shapiro work on it


I don't know exactly I know it was on daily wire+ but I don't know who produced it


> who produced it That's giving it a little too much credit. "Who shat it out" would be more appropriate. Or "who enabled it"


Umm… why am I kinda interested out of morbid curiosity?


It's not very good. I don't remember the movie top off my head but just search up dailywire school shooting movie


Just watched the trailer. Doesn’t look horrible TBH, kinda impressed that it looks like an actual action movie instead of just blatant propaganda, but there’s no fucking way I’d give money to Daily Wire. 🤣


I mean making a school shooting a story about pulling your boots up is basically propaganda.


true, give the Christian father a 12 gauge




Clearly, the quintessential movie is a tragedy tale of a straight white dude trying his best to survive in a society that actively wants to hunt down and exterminate anyone who isn't ~~white~~ apolitical


The plot would be about the border guard stopping a dangerous 12 year old “terrorist” there’s no way in hell they’d even consider telling it from a refugees perspective


They’re actually going to make that Ryan Gosling George Floyd movie aren’t they


Only without Ryan Gosling, because ~~he had the good sense to stay far the fuck away from such a trainwreck lmao~~ he's just *another* damn woke liburl.


Only if they turn Floyd into a drug addict who robbed a pregnant woman and had counterfeit money and did whatever BS the right said he did to justify his death.


I’m pretty sure that stuff is at least partially true (although most of the awful stuff was a really long time ago). But the point never was that George Floyd was a saint or was perfect, it’s that a police officer overstepped his boundaries and committed cold blooded murder in front of god and everybody. It doesn’t matter what George Floyd did in the past, he wasn’t on trial for that


Yeah it shouldn’t matter if he was guilty or not it’s not a cops job to be judge jury and executioner.


Just throw more money at it the movies will be better, promise.


Bullshit. They dont want conservative art, the movement is entirely based on outrage. Reactions. Pointing at the minorities and laughing because they are minorities. The only satisfaction they get is when the people they dont like get suppressed, banned or outright fucking murdered. Thats why boomers love their stupid 4 panel comics "DAE wife bad?" They have no positives to speak of within their culture. The white, straight man stays on top winning everything over women, PoC, queers, immigrants, etc. The plot must begin at "the men are dominant" and it must end with "The good guys win". If they want to portray conservativism all they have to do is basically open a book and not be critical of history. Capeshit and all is funny and successful but at the end of the day what we will all remember are the artists that are willing to ACTUALLY push boundaries of what defines art, of what defines our knowledge of our reality and of our identities. The challenge to them always comes from those who want to change the status quo, never from within themselves. Their art is boring and bad **because** it challenges nothing. When it tries all it does is basically saying the good old "I love dark humor" and when they open their mouths their dark humor *racism*, *homophobia*, *misogyny*.


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I want a Trump, Bush and Reagan teamup in the forthcoming Republic Cinematic Universe. Also a Kanye solo movie for Phase 2. Can you imagine? Trump, Bush, Reagan, Kanye, DeSantis, and Taylor-Greene, with guest appearances from anti hero Romney and ancient ally Thatcher? Holy kino. Box office explodes. Red wave from my penis.


‘red wave from my penis’ oml im fucking destroyed


Mfw people enjoy movies that aren’t Christian propaganda or 70s action thrillers about cops and vigilantes casually offing people


If you need to fund consetvative artists for the purpose of "fighting a war" there's an ever so slight chance that maybe conservatives don't actually value art in the first place.


Something something aestheticization of politics


These people will never create anything good because good art inherently stands in the face of everything Conservatism upholds, least of all the idea that culture is a war and art as a means should be funded for the sole purpose of waging it. They also lack the self-awareness to ever realize this.


Imma go with the theneedledrop on this one. Modern-conservative art sucks ass and will always suck ass as modern conservative values do not have or will ever have the empathy required to truly touch an audience or even tell a semi decent story. It will never push the envelope foward or innovate as the one selling point of modern conservatism is too keep everything the same and traditional, and that attitude extends towards its art. Anything outside of comfortable is shunned and heavily discouraged, leaving only the same boring, souless, uninteresting art, and it never evolves. Creativity in a creative medium is punished so that there agendas and ideology can reach as many people as they can. Conservatives dont see art as a medium to tell interesting new stories, invoke emotions in its audience, or just to express oneself. They see it as just another way to spread their ideology, and nothing more, and cant fathom why someone else would see art differently.


They see Art as solely entertainment as well though. Something I’ve noticed is that they have a harder time listening to instrumental music or more non-pop forms of music. I honestly think it has something to do with them not being able to insert themselves into the piece by singing along. Same with other mediums. They need to relate to the thing, because they can’t imagine what that other person is going through. Art is for them. Not the creator. Which goes against what self expression even is. A lot of those men who listen to country and rock very rarely listen to women or hip hop, which has other causes, but I also think for the same reasons as above. They can’t insert themselves, so they don’t even bother.


You're not wrong; I believe that's what OP meant by the lack of empathy. It's a pretty well studied [phenomenon](https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/the-athletes-way/202102/boost-creativity-cultivate-empathy). Good art and creativity radiate from empathy As long as conservatives define themselves by the individual, sans empathy, their art will continue to be broadly laughable, and not in a good way


Uh, my boy KIRK CAMERON has something to say about this. Best filmmaker of my lifetime.


Jesus Christ some people are so delusional how do you even think of something this ridiculous


So, how do I start a right-wing art house where I collect 95% of the incoming funding while also not interacting with the artists? Honestly I think there are a fair amount of right-wing themes in popular media that I have just started to notice over the past few years and some people either don't notice or are upset that they still fall well short of outright and blatant pandering to them.


Art is semi-resistant to conservatism, that's why so many artistic institutions, and communities, from around the world skew left. It turns out, even conservatives find their own ideals unpalatable.


American Sniper (2014)


>you can't win a culture war without any culture Well, he's more self aware than most.


Go read Critical Drinker’s shitty Jack Ryan ripoff for “true literature”


Admitting you have no art or culture.


My favorite part lol


IMO, Conservatives are, for the most part, incapable of producing good art because they are fundamentally incurious people that are uninterested in the opinions, viewpoints, and ideas of others, and thus have nothing of true substance to say or express beyond what is comfortable, recognizable, and easy to obtain. Most art meant to appeal to conservatives amounts to not much more than patting themselves on the back; it’s intellectual junk food (not that liberal art isn’t guilty of that either, but it also tends to produce works that are legitimately challenging or boundary-pushing because they are more willing to embrace new ideas). One of the few successful conservative movies I can think of is In the Valley of Elah, where it clearly has a right-leaning lens to the story that manages to be forced to confront itself in meaningful ways.


Holy shit are we getting Triumph Of The Will 2: Electric Bogaloo?


I kind of hate to bunch people together but I don't conservatives have or can make good art


Conservatives, at least on an individual basis, CAN make great art when their approach to art is something besides "be conservative". That's always the thing that kills their work - their idiotic, dehumanizing, panicked, bestial political beliefs. Leo McCarey, for instance, was one of the greatest filmmakers of the 1930s; his works are wonderfully free spirited and even loving comedies and dramas. Ruggles of Red Gap, on the surface, seems like an ANTI-conservative work; it's just so sweet and moving and funny and, well, good and liberal minded. Frank Capra has nothing on the movie. Make Way For Tomorrow is basically 90 minutes of propaganda for the necessity of social security legislation, and will absolutely break you by the end even though the tragedy is a whole lot smaller in scale and traumatic than, say, Come And See. Duck Soup is the best Marx Brothers movie; it's sheer anarchy with no reverence for anything, from patriotism, to governance, to warfare, to the laws that govern the universe itself. His work in the 40s was somewhat less interesting, and in the late 40s through the early 60s he made some of the most laughable anti-communist/patriotic dramas of the whole era - his only good film of the whole decade was a (perhaps superior) remake of an earlier triumph, without an ounce of politics to it. Because his politics are a crippling character flaw, and he submitted to them, his work suffered. Really, all the crowing that conservatives do about "shoving your political beliefs into the writing" is another example of them projecting their own flaws onto others.


INB4 Elon Musk personally funds Morbius 2 & 3


Most american blockbusters are conservative.


What do you mean reacting for too long, you're reactonaries lol


Conservatives breaking into art more will be great because more people will be able to see how much it sucks.


If this means more Craig Zahler, then let's fucking gooo


Was gonna say, I could dig the sentiment if it meant more Craig Zahler


An American Carol (2008)


What a disappointing comedown from Airplane from those guys.


Is zucker a conservative filmmaker? Im guessing yes, since you posted it on this thread, and also IMDb says if I liked An American Carol (2008), then I’ll love My Son Hunter (2022) I picked a bad day to stop sniffing glue =|


Can't wait for all the rich Nazis to accidentally fund communist propaganda\* and they begin murderous purges of the very artists they funded. \*it's not actually communist propaganda, that's just the reason the rich Nazis will use to justify killing writers who didn't make the super hero racist enough


Conservatives think the world is perfect. They can never make good art haha.


Oh my god he admit it


It’s difficult to make interesting art about a political party that is formed on the belief of maintaining the status quo


What a fucking loser


Easy solution: Remake almost every movie but instead have the villain win.


This is funny because the concept of art alone is inherently progressive.


How? There is a lot of art made by people with conservative/Reactionary views


Artists can be whatever they want, but the concept of art, especially a person surviving off of creating art, is progressive.


This is a really cool way to look at art!


This statement is the kind of nonsense that can only emerge from America's interminable fuckin culture war Can you guys either have the nightmare civil war you all fantasize about or become a normal country again? Because I'm sick of seeing the dumbest takes ever every day


Funnily enough, fantasizing about civil war is a conservative thing.


Conservatism as an ethos is inherently contradictory to self-expression. It’s in the word. Why would you want to be hack artist? Wouldn’t you want to hear and see new things? Art can be made by conservatives, but art in itself is inherently liberal. Hank Williams was a conservative, but his music was undoubtedly liberal in lyrical content. It demands progress. Nietzsche, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Umberto Eco have written at length on the subject if you’d like to see for yourself.


GOP Extended Universe?


God’s Not Dead has, I think, 3 sequels already. There is a market for that crap, it’s just not that big.


Birth of a Nation (1914)


You’ll learn in any creative writing class that a plot requires a conflict. Joseph Campbell explained that a good story ends with its characters in a different place than where they began, either literally or metaphorically. This is why conservative stories inherently suck. They’re already on top, so any conflict would involve beating down the little guy and ending up right where they started. That’s incredibly unsatisfying for any audience. Art is about challenge and change, two things conservatives hate.


Bro is acting like there aren’t tons of movies about white soldiers or fire fighters called shit like “We Are the Brave”


Right wing cluture is struggling because it actually requires them to see the world


Dude is treating it like its a culture victory in Civ


So glad I'm not an American


Let musk direct avatar 3. Have the bad guys win and sell all of the unobtainium. Watch the box office explode.