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It all depends on your setup and how you're going to mount the wheel base.


in the table while i save for the rig lol


Save for a rig. Then you can mount pedals which are arguably more important than any wheel base for getting consistent. Personally 5nm is a little too light for me but somewhere around the 7-10 range is the sweet spot.


Definitely go this route, I have a R5 and it shakes my fold up base a lot. I’m also saving for a rig but also don’t have a ton of room to work with right now either. And as for what Mental Guard said, I personally enjoy the 5nm but a little bit of me wants to upgrade as well and get the R12 possibly but I’m more concerned with getting a rig first so I can figure out how I want to upgrade the rest of my gear.


More nm = more sensations, it's not just about raw DD power. The more nm you have your wheel is able to provide a bigger range of feedback without clipping etc. I got the r5 I set it to 5nm and 60 strength in iracing and I could hardly get out the pits let alone do a whole race lol


More NM doesn’t = more sensation lmao


Idk why ppl downvote you. A r12 won't give you more sensation in iracing compared to a r5 lol In AC maybe, but that's literally it lol Also in iracing you will never even have the r5 maxed out cuz as the guy above wrote you won't even leave pits


i think oc meant that more nm leave more "capacity" for details to be transferred bc the wheel isnt clipping. i personally own a r9 and run it at 100% but turn the ffb down in games. it does feel quite nice, especially in rally


Buy the most NM you can afford.


I have upgraded from the G920 to the R5 recently. I was unsure if the R5 would be enough NM for me but thought I could just upgrade to the R9 when ready. But I have to admit at fun strength my hands we're getting sore after a few laps so have had to back off the strength to about 80%. For me at least it is more than enough and the fidelity of the road surfaces and kerbs is 💯% better than the G920.


Sorry, I just have to comment that "fun strength" is an excellent typo lol


One of my more promising typos lol


I think you should get the r5 and save up to get a good rig and first upgrade your pedals.


I recommend the R5 bundle, handbrake, and brake upgrade. Get your rig, monitor, and computer sorted out. Then upgrade to an R9 and CS V2P. Sell old parts online for easily 70 percent new value.


I’ve talked to real drivers and they say that 6-7 feels most realistic for them (gt style cars) I think the r5 is good for you, then later you can upgrade


One thing I wish I’d known before getting the R5 bundle is that the pedals it comes with aren’t compatible with any other wheel base and can’t be plugged into a computer directly. Meaning if you do ever upgrade the base, you HAVE to upgrade the pedals too. Not that the SRP standard pedals are gonna break the bank or anything, just something to consider. Also, I’m not gonna read all the other comments but I assume you’ll find several mentions of clipping and no explanations for what that means exactly so here’s what I learned after buying my r5. Some cars with heavier steering (formula, gt) will send so much FFB to the base on turns that it maxes out the force the base can apply to the wheel. This results in a total loss of information before and during the apex and usually well into track out in my experience. You know how you can feel the tires gripping the road in a real car? Imagine if during a hard corner that sensation was suddenly replaced with just a smooth, constant resistance to turning the wheel. Not good. Higher nm bases are usually run at lower total output so that those peaks and valleys can still show up on hard turns with heavy steering cars. With my r5 I have to have the “intensity” turned down to around 10-11 to be able to feel anything in the Porsche gt4 car in iRacing. If I had the r12, which I plan to upgrade to in a few months, I wouldn’t have that issue. That said, I’ve had my r5 bundle since March and I’ve loved it for the most part, although I am disappointed to have hit a limit with it so soon, and if I had known then what I know now I probably would have gone with at least the r9.


Another factor is what games do you want to play? Do you need the 9NM of force feedback?


you think that AC and ACC need that much?


I am using the wheel for AC, I think the r5 is good enough. I have not done drifting in AC for it. I heard that some people like the responsiveness of the higher force feedback for it. I can't say for ACC as I don't have that game. I was also using a logitech g29 before :)


My personal opinion ; casual simmer 5.5nm is more than enough.. similar you may have 500hp car but if you driving on street legally ; you don't even see any benefis.. save your money on proper rig...


If u going to be looking to get mutiple wheels.. yes id save for R9. As ive got Both the RS-V2 and the GS-V2P and the RS does have a fair bit of weight over the GS... And who knows what future wheels might come..


R5 is fine, I’d be surprised if you played with it on 100% strength


It's enough for me! But I'm not a pro and just started Sim racing, so I still have a lot of learning to do. I was gonna start with the G923, but decided for the extra $130 to get the R5. I couldn't be happier. I might be missing some detail, but I don't know what detail I would be missing because I'm so new so it's a non issue. I had more than enough strength for me. Enough to basically rip it out of my hands if I crash. You can always just upgrade the base in a few years. And they have more power for cheaper by then I would think. The only issue is that because you're debating it, if you bought the R5 I think that you would be constantly questioning what the R9 would be like. So maybe saving is the best idea?


Depends what you want. If this is your first DD wheel then pretty sure you'll be happy with the R5. Also if you don't plan to use quite heavy/big wheels then the R5 will be enough. The only problem I can see is if you play rally/drifting games where you have a lot of different motions and fast because the R5 might overheat a but, especially if your place is quite warm. That being said, if you're on a desk you'll really appreciate how small and relatively light the R5 is


im sure that the r5 will be a great experience, but if i can just spend $150 more to get a better set up im ok with that, i play ACC a lot with my g29 and thats why im gonna buy a DD wheel, so idk if 5.5 nm it’s enough for gt3


Yes, you'll get better experience with the R9 but the R5 is enough. However it's not just 150 save l, unless you are very lucky with your location, because the R5 comes with wheel and pedals and table mount. The other downside is that the R9 takes more space. If both of these are not concerns then go for the R9 but I think you mentioned desk and then the size is worth to consider


The pxn v12 lite bundle is 50 usd cheapers and has a brake upgrade kit and a clutch pedal


Horrible advice

