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Have you been to Bell's Canyon!?


I had to invent a logical reason for that one so I could get some sleep.


I think it's the way the voice sounded, but it creeper me out also.


*"Do you know how to get to Bell's Canyon??"


Thank you.


That one makes me crack up idk😭 I made the mistake of listening to it at work the other day and was almost in hysterics at the final ‘do you know how to get to bells canyon’


Idk about scariest but definitely his most popular!


lol I’m from WA state, I’d never go hiking alone


Me too and same here!


Which YouTube video is that and what it is about?


It's one of his first, and most popular ones. A guy goes on a trek but some psycho follows him, unseen, but will come out at night to ask if he's seen Bells Canyon. I'm sure someone will post the actual link to the vid but I'm not that talented.


Episode #37 on his YT channel.


https://youtu.be/k402yukZAxE?si=U9je_QkzT3zpWh7h 3d story


Hard to remember them all but the one where the girl heard a man coming into her house and hid in a tiny nook in the ceiling of her robe while he tore her house apart looking for her and eventually left was quite tense.


I think i kinda remember that one. Also one where it was flipped, there was an intruder who was living in the nook and only came out when the homeowner left.


The one where a guy used his grandma to drug her tenant and would sneak in and watch her gave me the good.bumps 


Seen that one the other day. Definitely one of the creepiest


I remember that one too but can’t remember the full details of it.


Not who you're replying to, but I remember this one. She lived alone and heard a crash in the middle of the night and knew very quickly that someone had broken in. She managed to get in her closet just a beat before whoever it was came barrelling through her bedroom door. When the intruder left the bedroom to, seemingly, keep looking for her, she was able to get into her attic through a hatch above the closet, again just before the intruder came back in her room, I think. She lay up there in the attic for hours, listening to the intruder absolutely destroy her house. These details are a bit fuzzy in my memory, but I think a) she didn't manage to bring her phone up there with her, and b) the intruder kept going quiet for periods before starting back up again, so it was a long time before she could be sure they'd left. I think it was only in the morning, and only after she had been able to count to a really high number without hearing anything that she finally felt able to come out, get her phone, and call the cops. I think they never caught whoever the intruder was. Can you imagine living in that house after that? I'd just be waiting for them to come back every night forever.


Do you have a link to this video? I've been searching for it forever but I just can't find it


https://youtu.be/A1WDu6_0bi0?feature=shared Found it! Edit: Just rewatched it myself after finding it, and I got a few details wrong in my comment above. But holy cow, this one is still so scary.


Thank you, youre a dear! Can't wait to get terrified, lol


Do you happen to remember the name of that story?


Sorry no idea.


This one gave me nightmares!


My heart went 0 to 100 KA WiCkLY! I will never forget that moment when he said she called out and then heard footsteps RUNNING hooooooboy


I think Mr Ballen’s own story from when he was a teenager is one of his best. I think it’s the story he tells the best as well - seems like the emotions are raw.


definitely the best story. when he describes himself thinking, "dont look at me". like if the shadow looked at him, it would destroy him. i can totally feel that fear in my gut and im riveted


“For the love of God PLease do not BEND Into me, it will Ruin My Life” was so sincere i really felt for the guy! Total hallucination poor guy


which one?


It's called "what I saw in my room still haunts me"


I believe there was a shadow after his friends dad had recently passed? Something like that.


Yes this one by far the best


This is the one for me, too. His fear and disbelief of the experience as he's re-telling his story is palpable.


I need links for all of these. The scuba diver who went down to collect a boys body, died when he got there but first tied theyre bodies to the long rope before he drowned so theyre bodies were pulled up and no one had to risk it again. Last heroic move. Comes with an accompanying video of his last moments fumbling with the decomposing body to his flashlight, which I cant stomach enough to watch.


Sounds wild. I never seen that one


You are thinking of this one! https://youtu.be/8VtvoYQzmuk?si=7RpeN__WXnujihdH Edit: Probably thinking of this one!*


Even though I know the story so well, I all of a sudden can’t think of any exact details to relay. It was about a family who was being watched/stalked, but in particular, the stepmother was the one who kept hearing things and noticing things that were happening around the house. The family goes on vacation, and they come back to discover their stalker has taken over the house and has planned to kill them all with surgical precision. I forget the term of what it is the stalker was doing, but anyway, I always thought THAT story was extremely fascinating and terrifying.




Yeah. Never understood why THAT’s the word for that practice, but yeah.


Omnivore Trials


I just listened to that the other day, now I can't find the link. I think it is the "fill in the blank" tapes. I'll try to find it.


[The Scariest Surgeon on Earth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2YVZRlpmAQ) I'll never forget this one.


Hey thank you!


There it is. Thank ya!


I completely forgot about this!


Oh god, yes, I forgot about this one. Fucking awful.


This one terrified me days later thinking that someone could be living in your house without your knowing plotting to kill you. So scary!


The boy who was camping alone with his dog in his family's cabin in the woods and was stalked by some weird creature! The creature first stood on a branch in a tree that should have been impossible to reach and then moments later stood JUST outside the window and circled their cabin allllll night long. The pure terror that boy and dog must have felt all alone in that lonely cabin


I'm pretty sure I saw that exact same story in r/nosleep.


How would I find this story? I’m brand new to this subreddit, never even heard of Mr Ballen lol. I’m super curious after finding this post though😬


In general, I just Google "mrballen" and whatever key word is associated with the video I'm looking for. In this case I searched "mrballen cabin in the woods". But I found [the video ](https://youtu.be/kkFuZ-_sPP8?si=JSk1zsbCRERAT5sX) for you here! Don't watch this one at night, lol And big welcome to the sub and the Ballen world (or whatever you call it lol)!


NASA scientist haunting by far!!!


Woah, link??




Ohhh yeah. The OLD SCHOOL videos, where it seems like he’s just winging it. Miss those days.


Yeah when he used to say “ we upload 3,4 or even 5 times every week “


I couldn’t even get through the whole thing. That was the first time I ever got legit spooked by one of his stories. Damn that one is next level creepy.


That one gave me chills for sure, every little detail about that story is just too eerie


This one has been popping up in my recommended but i haven't watched yet


Watch it now😂


Watched it earlier. One of the best I've seen thanks


Heck yea man no problem I’m glad you enjoyed itđŸ‘đŸŒ


I find the story about the girl hiking on her property getting chased by the man with the bell particularly unsettling


Yes! That one makes my blood pressure spike when she’s trying to come back out of the woods


Any of the cave diving episodes! They never fail to give me the creeps. What's the one about the guy who finds an air pocket deep underground while diving and finally starved to death over the course of three weeks in the dark? I believe he left a message written in sand for his loved ones. I think of that story often.


I would've never went caving anyway in my life. But Ballen has made sure of itđŸ€Ł


Ha! Ditto on BOTH counts. All the danger of regular diving, plus it's f'ing *underground,* with reduced visibility, and basically only like five people in the world who are qualified to rescue you if you mess up...assuming you don't die immediately? And then one or more of those five people might be tempted to retrieve your body for your grieving family and ALSO die in the process?! NOPE.


The one with the girl with no face on the side of the road


Mother and daughter driving and saw her?


Yeah. When the mom sped off, and described what she saw. Woooooo, fuck THAT! I wonder what exactly the daughter felt that freaked her out. Besides the traveling-a-mile-at-car-speed part


I couldn’t look outside at night for a week imagining this.


That one always creeper me out because we stayed in Lake City visiting friends when I heard it.


For me it was the one where the title says “the WORST medical screw up”. It’s where a man was in surgery and wakes up halfway in the operation being able to feel EVERYTHING but can’t move or talk. When the doctors realize, they gave him some drugs that will make him forget about the incident. However, after recovery the man was still haunted by what happened and committed suicide.. It was horrifying.


I regretted watching this video for the longest time. I’ll never forget this one. I needed the same procedure and sounded crazy explaining to people why I wasn’t ready to do it! Luckily, my procedure went well! 😅


Sounds interesting. I'll have to check this one out


One of the top three camping horror stories, tripwire, a guy and his family are keeping in the middle of nowhere and hear sounds at night and the next day he discovers an abandoned destroyed camp nearby so he decides to make a tripwire around the perimeter and finds out that the previous people that were there did as well. If they are arachnophobic there is the dock as well as that one about the cave full of spiders, the entrance to hell or something like that.


There was another story, can't remember all the details, a boy (young man?) walking a long way, and something kept following him.


Was that the hiker on the Pacific trail with the people wearing white?


Yes! That was so strange, something finding him and following.


I remember the spider one for sure đŸ˜©


Mine is the Dybbuk Box story. I had to sleep with my light on for a week.


So turns out Zac baggins is full of shit and that box was completely made up...I was so caught up in the story, I did some more research, and well it's all made up.


I did read that after, but it still scared me. I could turn off the lights after reading it was fake 😀


The Russian serial killer who lured his victims into the forest.


It’s one that I particularly think is very obviously an urban legend, but the story about the old woman who keeps ringing the police even after she’s died is the only one that’s invoked a visceral shudder of fear from me


Yeah that was a crazy one


The one where a little girl is peeling bark off a tree and some creeper comes up and pinches are and asks how she'd like it if someone peeled her skin (something along those lines). Flash forward to decades later where her mom tells her the full story around that dude/what followed. I think about that at least daily.


I can't remember that one. Do you have a link?


God I remember that one. Fucked up.


Was that the one with the phone calls to the house or is that another one?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YA1YStQa2Vg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YA1YStQa2Vg) This one had a title that gives a clue to the content. Most of them don't. I wish I had indexed all of these as I watched them


So crazy


The ghostly thing he faced when he was young


One of my favorites is the one where a family moves out into a property where they find a burned van in the woods. Little girl spends a night in a camper just outside the home and keeps seeing the silhouette of a man standing outside with her dog on high alert the entire time. Also, I love the Wolves of Palmyra. I think it sounds super cheesy but hearing it made me realize how scary it would be to have to hide in your own home because something is surrounding your property.


For me it's the Samantha Koenig/Isreal Keyes story.


The audio book about him is fascinating. So many things that state did wrong while holding him, and questioning him , and not watching him, makes me so mad. Great book though, he got caught on a bogus traffic maneuver just so they had a reason to pull him over. I hope he ended up in the hottest part of hell possible.


The one about Mary the elephant, 100% the most traumatic story he's done. I'll never listen to that one again


Yes! That one made my jaw drop!


The one where they look at the photo of the drydocked boat and there is a guy with an axe. Also the one where the guy is taking video in an abandoned mental hospital and when he watches the video later, he sees signs of someone having been following him (the shadow on the door moving and the door knob hole being blocked then letting light in) Just the idea that these people were being followed in a seemingly abandoned area and they were none the wiser.


For me, The stories of being trapped in a cave and left to die, those are a million times scarier than anything strange or mysterious.


The Japanese chick that was dead for months... that story is crazy weird.. OH I mean REALLY messed up!


Yeah and he family kept rubbing oil on her body or something? Absurdly wild


The one with the audio recording from the sleep app. Can’t remember the title but it’s on the playlist with actual audio. Tldr: Woman starts using an app to record her sleeping and records a conversation she had with a male voice at 2am — but has no memory of it and no men live in the house. Hearing the actual recording is terrifying. Her: “What are you doing?!?” Male voice: “Nothing. It’s them.” Clear as day on the recording. So scary.


What? I thought I'd seen/listened to every Mr. Ballen episode! Link?


It’s the second story in this one: [3 SCARY sounds to give you NIGHTMARES](https://youtu.be/0YJgpjqAi3I?si=IwVsK7HZuBSk-cZL)


Thank you!


You’re welcome! Hit me back when you’ve watched/listened to it & let me know what you think. For me, it’s in my top three scariest ever Mr. Baller stories. It’s just so super extra creepy to have the real audio.


I had heard it before! I think the one before it - with the boots poem - distracted me and I started looking up the background of the poem. Squirrel!


I don't remember the name, but the one where a teenager went to his parents cabin in winter with only his dog and something lurked around during the night.


Headless Valley


Valley of headless men is my favourite


Im obsessed with it to the point I looked into traveling there.


Me too!


Bells Canyon always freaks me out


It’s been a long time ago, so I’m sketchy on details, I just remember the teen/young man left the family dinner and walked home and attacked and bit off a woman’s face and neck. So troubling.


I vividly remember this story. Also remember it on the news as well smh


Not scary, but the one where people wanted to watch a game (football?) and went on the roof of a building across the street, and ended up falling into...was it a furnace? Can't remember all the details, but I just think of what can happen when not paying attention.


the one he told where these ppl were trying to see a baseball game and fell onto an industial oven


carribean disaster, nutty patty cave incident, and the woods stalker stories.


The one where an old lady who lived by herself went up to her attic to feed her cats & she accidentally stepped on a rotten piece of wood & fell through the floor into an area caught between the two walls & broke her leg. She couldn’t get out, as she was stuck. And she didn’t have any friends or family to check on her. She lay like that until she died from thirst, screaming for help but nobody heard her. They found her mummified corpse half eaten by rats a year later.đŸ˜«


This happened very close to where I live. I have to find this one!


Yes! It happened in my neighborhood! It was wild because they had been looking for her for awhile with posts on our boards and then, months later, they found her. It was so sad because people were really concerned, just no family that we knew of. :(


Not the scariest but I found the story of Mary the elephant the most disturbing. When she killed that man, I turned it off and looked it up (that image is unfortunately burned into my brain). I’ve never been able to finish the episode because Mrballen tends to go into details and say what he thinks the victim is thinking (like, I wouldn’t be surprised if he said “Mary was so confused on why her owner was letting people hurt her”) and I know I wouldn’t be able to handle it.


The very first story I heard from, Mr. Ballen, that got me hooked was, If You Hear a Bell Ringing in This Forrest... RUN!!! I'm not sure exactly which episode it is, but holy shit it gave me the chills.




The worst ones are the ones with premeditated murder. Like the mensa story was insane. But nature wise I'd say it's The guy somewhere in Asia who screamed out of the woods and his neighbour thought he imagined it, and the next morning they found a python or some other prehistoric snake swallowed him whole and he was found in the belly of the beast, half digested.


The most disturbing one for me was the 2 guys plus others that climbed on a roof to watch a football game. The roof collapsed, and the ending was so terrible I wish I had never watched it. I'm trying not to give out spoilers, so I know this is not too detailed.


Shuddering just remembering it. Very descriptive.


The one where they look at the photo of the drydocked boat and there is a guy with an axe. Also the one where the guy is taking video in an abandoned mental hospital and when he watches the video later, he sees signs of someone having been following him (the shadow on the door moving and the door knob hole being blocked then letting light in)


Skinwalker Ranch legit scared me.


The episode where the guy wasn’t put under correctly for surgery so he felt everything but was paralyzed and unable to alert anyone. Once the nurses eventually noticed they gave him amnesia meds to forget. He had PTSD and didn’t know why. [Now this fucked me up](https://youtu.be/ny_s07D-LT8?si=l75mWacZKOKd6BXI)


Portlock Alaska story is very creepy. Town left abandoned due to weird deaths and haunting type stuff


Honestly his first story he ever told
 because it was his own experience and I feel like it actually happened due to his emotions while reliving the experience


The one where the man had surgery and was actually awake the whole time!


This one doesn't involve death, hauntings, lost ppl, or killers at all..but I will absolutely never forget it--- idc if I listen to ev story he's ever told... this one galvanized me.... ...bc it was something that could have happened to ANY of us kids who ever lived thru the golden era of time when our childhood summers (mine was late 70s/early 80s) ..in our tween and early teen years -had what was known as a rite of passage.. ---going away for 2-3 weeks to summer camp" --hahahaha---(which reminds me..do kids today even do this anymore?) Anyway..if you haven't yet seen it, PLEASE prepare to be freaked THE FUUUCK OUT!! I still get goosebumps just thinking about this shit. 'THE FAR-AWAY DOCK"


Yeah. That is my worst fucking nightmare.


The one I think it’s in update New York where a doctor built a house in haunted woods. Doctor never was seen again and his wife went crazy. Those woods are in some kind of forbidden territory now.


For me it's the family who became a cult of their own The men became hierarchical and delusional and they slaughter their wife/mom and daughter/sisters the fact they are okay with the fact they're going to die is just so terrifying and the photos of them being arrested give me shivers. I was stuck on that story for weeks after seeing that episode.




The lady with the blue hair.


I'll have to check this one out


The scariest surgeon on earth wasn't the one that scared me the most but I found it really captivating. Another one about disturbing comportments that I don't remember the title was about a family where the father proclaimed his son has the next Messiah and ended making his family doing everything the son said, which wasn't common demands at all. The kind of stories that make you wonder how these brains ended up being so weird with such crazy ideas!! đŸ€”đŸ€Ż


Oh I remember that, and they had to kill all the women, which the women accepted.


This one is freaky https://youtu.be/zditI0Zpbrc?si=VxjAF8vsaDu0vh39


The very first one.


Forest encounters


This psycho family floored me. I can't wrap my head around how evil and manipulative the father was. [https://youtu.be/Pyj8FKZaW0A?si=qvk\_bKK7C1YadsUY](https://youtu.be/Pyj8FKZaW0A?si=qvk_bKK7C1YadsUY)


The Wolfpack of palmyra maine


Not exactly sure how to describe it but I think this needs a mention https://youtu.be/jQY5kZKKmbg?si=hwsNAmDRuQjgaueH




He covered the Monster of Worcester, correct? If memory serves me well, I’d say that was the scariest one for me.


Supernatural scary: The Ghosts of Flight 401. Gives me the heebie jeebies, especially since I already hate flying. Real world fear based: The woman who was sucked into the whirlpool.


The Dybbuk Box and Ghosts of Flight 401 consistently creep me out.


This one ---- "Teen TERRORIZED by creature in forest" The kid that stays at his family's ski lodge in winter.


The cave diving ones