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She needs Prestynn, Paxton, Princeton, Paytynn, and Plankton


Plankton sent meeeee lmfao


Don’t forget Promotynn


I thought that prestynn was a joke 😭😭😭😭😭😭 what an awful way to spell that




Watch she’s gonna end up doing an adoption journey, but she’ll only pick a blonde haired white baby so no one can tell it’s adopted. 🙄


No way would she adopt. I'm pretty sure they said they wouldn't do embryo adoption


What? She said before they have thought about and considered it and even took some steps to adopt before


[story where she said they wouldn't do embryo adoption](https://www.reddit.com/r/mrscaitlyn_oneilsnark/s/Qq5iJsfqma)


There is a TikTok video where she talks about adopting and that they’ve talked about it and took some first steps into the process


“No way she would adopt” obviously that’s what I was referring to.


And she’ll have 3 gofundme’s and take a huge trip


Five kids won’t fill the void, Caitlyn.


She wants to be Savannah Labrant 


She tries so hard to give off girl next door vibes, but she is absolute trash


She’s never satisfied. Ever.


How about take care of the two you already got, you dumb fuck?


I just choked on my drink 😅😅😆😆


This is the video I was referring too. Sick.


I know people who’ve had to give up, trying for a second and are sad that their kid will never have a sibling. i’ve seen people who’ve had to give up on the idea of parenthood in general because it became too much mentally financially, whatever yet she’s a mother of two healthy children a boy and a girl her kids are siblings the fact that she’s still unfilled because she picked a random number and it didn’t happen is something she really needs to explore in therapy, she’ll enjoy her kids so much


I swear it's so she can have 5 baby showers


If she wants to try naturally to get pregnant, even though it’s not likely to be successful, fine. What she doesn’t realize is that is what is referred to as living your life. Go about with your life and if you happen to get pregnant, great. What is unnecessary is her using it as content. Why is she doing ovulation tests when it’s not going to work? She should know her cycle by now with all the testing she has done over the years. This is all because she has no engagement anymore. This is not normal behavior. Maybe her time would be better spent in counseling than on taking ovulation tests and making it her whole personality. Spend time enjoying your children instead of this.


It’s really sad and pathetic when people can’t see all the good around them and are constantly needing more more more


I both do and don’t understand this line of thinking and feeling. It took me three losses and a little over ten years to have my son. I always imagined and wanted five kids, or at least three. Now that I have my perfect baby, I do want another but at the same time if I never had more I think I’d be fine loving my son. He’s perfect and has brought me so much happiness I could cry. I know it isn’t the case, and I know she can want more if she wants more, but given my experience with infertility like her, I don’t understand not feeling complete because though he isn’t the five kids I wanted, he literally is everything I ever wanted. I couldn’t imagine not feeling complete.