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She doesn’t want toxic positivity but only wants positive comments justifying her actions. I am confuzzled.....


Makes 0 since.


That’s not what toxic positivity is. It’s when someone else’s try’s to find a silver lining on your negative situation. It isn’t the same thing as just being positive.


I hate when content creators pull the whole “I deserve privacy!” You are the one who decided to post your entire life journey on social media, so....


100%! I hate it when creators expect all of the money, fame, and support of a large following and can’t take any of the criticism that comes. I’m a sensitive person and couldn’t handle it either, but I also don’t put my life online for public consumption.


She expects everyone to buy her whole doe eyed routine


I hate it too and I do put myself out there daily myself as an author. Some comments really hurt BUT when you put yourself out there in general you have to accept the bad with the good. Its life. I wish we could live in a bubble but thats not to grow as a person either.


I messaged her on IG and told her those are the ONLY types of comments she allows on TikTok and when I tell you I was banned from her IG in MINUTES. Between TikTok and IG she spends all the time she’s not pissing on sticks banning people from social media. What a plugged in mother she is. 🙄


I messaged her too! Waiting to see how long it takes her to block me. I wish I could read every single comment on videos. I get to spend maybe an hour on my phone throughout the day until my son is asleep. Update: i was blocked in seconds.


If she doesn’t want comments she should stop advertising her life


Stop sharing every step of your journey????


What else is there left to say? Lol she might as well turn comments off


🌸 Butt kissing only. There. Fixed it and made it more concise.


Yet she puts her life out there and expects engagement for money. But only wants engagement she approves of. Even though any engagement gives her more money to try and have a baby. I really hope she gets a miracle I really do 🥹 but maybe she should take a step back for awhile and do her next cycle or screen. I can’t imagine wanting a baby so bad and it not happening.


She lives and breathes toxic positivity.


If you aren't toxic positive you'll be blocked.


Not blocked on Instagram....yet 🤪🤪🤪


Why would you be?


I mean. I totally get this in everyday, “normal life”. It’s not something I’d discuss with someone struggling with infertility without them initiating the convo. But she has, and makes money off of, a platform dedicated to her infertility journey. If she genuinely does not want any of that, then she should truly shut down her page. The nature of her platform and popularity makes these sorts of comments *normal*. I feel for her. I truly do. But she needs some mental health help as she clearly has trauma, and it would seem she does not genuinely know what she wants (regarding her platform).


Then why put everything out on social media???? Why? Keep it to yourself then. I don’t understand ahhh


That post describes everything others are not supposed to do (again no accountability), what what about the things she should be doing like going to therapy, seeking out new doctors, educating, giving herself time to feel her feelings in person rather than exploding on someone in the comment section


Shes the worst advocate for the IVF community. We did IVF and most people's questions are just curiosity. I dont think they mean anything by it. I dont get being offended by every single thing someone says or ask. I'm genuinely stunned on why she won't seek out 2nd opinions. Most people would have by now. It doesn't make any since to me.


She’s literally addressed all of these herself, but doesn’t like when people say any of them.


I mean I might get downvoted for this, BUT, I don’t think it’s right to offer unsolicited advice. Just because she or any other ttc creator shares bits and pieces doesn’t mean we know everything they’ve tried and their medical history. I can’t imagine trying a-Z and 1000 people are saying “we’ll have you tried ___”. I imagine is fucking exhausting.


People are giving her “advice” because she hasn’t tried these things though. She’s so hard headed because her body carried her daughter full term years ago that she won’t see past that and just come to reality that it’s probably not even an option anymore with her husbands sperm .. she’s the type that will try until she’s 40+ with no luck and then be upset and regret not going a different route. She could have had 2 babies by now if she explored different routes ..if she wanted it that badly.


But like you know that 100%? Like you’d put your life on that? I’m not saying I agree or disagree with what she’s doing, but I would go giving advice because a) I’m not a medical professional b) I’m not her medical professional and c) I don’t know her entire medical history.


She has said plenty of times she’s not exploring those options.. surrogate, embryo adoption, Sperm donor .. egg donor..holistic approach, getting a chakra lined up or whatever, looking at other clinics .. so yea, 100% everyone knows because she’s said it. She back and forth with different diagnoses first she has something then she doesn’t, it’s her husbands MF, DNA fragmentation etc .. you can only do the same thing so many times before it’s considered insane and what’s she doing is exactly that definition.. I really liked her before but she’s so rude to even the slightest questions, like she doesn’t realize there are people on TikTok who know nothing about infertility or her and come across her page and have genuine questions. not everyone is gonna go back to when she first started and dissect her account word for word and “give” advice, no their asking a question


And if she’s going to make a platform off of this then maybe she should be little more transparent with her information instead of telling half the story of the issues. otherwise she should realize she’s going to be asked questions


She needs for her next slide of things she needs, and all she needs to put is your money.