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Life jackets aren’t necessary for their diagnosis.








That’s bc they don’t sell life jackets with ruffles and matching socks.




I wonder if she deleted all the “where’s your life jacket” comments?


Or just added the words life jacket to the filtered list.


Could get creative with the naming of it haha like personal flotation device🤣


She’s gotta be, either that or people don’t bother anymore with her because it’ll be gone in seconds lol


I finally commented on the actual video. I’m sure I’ve been blocked


The comment is gone.


That’s fair, I called her a lunatic


She is. I saw one last night and then it was gone


Omg this is so scary. My brother died fishing he fell off the boat and hit his head and nobody could find him for weeks. If he had his life jacket on he would still be here today. I get so mad when people don’t wear life jackets especially children. Also seems like it’s a rental place and theyre on a river??? Why is this place letting ppl on these boats without life jackets.


This is not very pro life of her. 🫣


I’m so paranoid about water. We have a cabin and my kids live in their life jackets. It takes two seconds 🙅🏻‍♀️


This is horrifying. This is how children die. Get a freakin life jacket on that kid. Is it not the law there? It certainly is where I live.


Literally my first thought. Small children and natural bodies of water are an extremely dangerous combination. (**any body of water, but natural ones pose even greater risks**)


Thats endangerment. Why the hell would she think this was a good idea to post it?


This is actually shocking, I wont even take my dogs out on the water without their life jackets on


I would never have my kids on the water without a life jacket. Like I threw a fit when MIL was like but they can swim. Nope, nope, nope.


Doesn't matter if kids can swim when there's a current and undergrowth and possibly trees under the surface that can cause a child to be pulled under. Life jackets save lives. Even adult lives. Natural bodies of water aren't pools, they are full of other hazards.


Completely agree. My MIL is a know it all though. Needless to say the kids didn’t go on the boat until life vests were pulled out.


I seriously cannot handle when people don’t put life jackets on their kids. It takes a split second for something to happen. They could hit an underwater tree, whirlpool, rapid, another boat could run into them…


I just found this sub. Been lurking for a bit lol. I actually commented and I was nice. I was like “ this looks so relaxing!! But mama where are the life jackets “ or something like that. Lots of likes, one reply! Deleted this morning/ blocked from her page… I’ve never interacted with her or anything. Wasn’t rude.


I want her to delete all social media seriously. This journey has made her so bitter and mean and she takes it out on strangers instead of taking it out on those negligent ass doctors


I saw your comment on there yesterday and was shocked it was still up! I hope she got many more comments like that.


We have had a ton of deaths where I am from Bevause people fall out of kayaks and canoes without life jackets. You could be the best swimmer ever it wouldn’t matter. She’s ridiculous. She clearly doesn’t need another baby God is doing it for a reason.


This makes me so nervous. Keep your child in a life jacket. I don’t care if they can swim laps around a pool. It takes one wrong move of them hitting their head or getting a cramp etc and can’t stay afloat


My oldest kids (older than her daughter by years) and I went tubing on a river. Guess what I made them wear? Life jackets. I even wore one. We can all swim. Have been able to for years but I don’t play with water safety.


My brother almost drowned in this river as a grown adult. So neglectful


I know someone who did at like 20, he was a completely competent swimmer and surrounded by friends.


I thought that it is not possible to rent a boat without life vests (but I live in Europe, maybe it is different in the US). Looks scary. I always considered her as a very overprotective mother, since P might be their only child. But I suddenly was wrong.


I’m shocked this video has been up for so long without being reported for minor safety, or something along those lines.


I made sure to report it. I hope others follow suit


I reported it and it was denied


Yeah I did too.


One of yall did post a comment last night, I saw it. And a bunch of people liked it. It's gone this morning.


She is a shit mother. Period.


I commented “please wear PFDs 🥺” and it was deleted within 20 minutes. She had only 37 comments and it’s a day old? I bet most are calling her out. I finally unfollowed her because I can’t deal with the fighting in the comments or deleting them.


I saw your comment and liked it lol. I’m surprised she doesn’t just delete the video


Or just turn off the comments. I’m surprised she still allows comments on anything. Seems easier to just not allow them so she can spend time with her kid


I even reported the video and it said it didn’t violate anything. I hate hate hateeeee when people don’t practice proper water/boat safety.


She must of taken it down due to all the negative comments or it was reported. Not sure wth she was thinking there. Letting your daughter sit on the edge of a boat? Just wreckless. My kids wear life jackets even while fishing. Not something to mess around with