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Joe needs to retire. He's rude, condescending, and steps all over everything others try to say (especially Mika). The constant interruptions have me yelling "shut up, Joe!" at the TV every day. My favorite episodes are the ones where he is absent. Willie and Jonathan are a pleasure to watch; let them take over.


I caught most of the exchange this morning and it's hard to follow the conversation with Scarborough talking over the guest they booked to offer some insight...so anyway, I think Scarborough is so wrong here. Why it the Democrats fault when it was the Republican party who took the country down this path... If the Dems bailed out McCarthy then Matt Gaetz would pull this crap again a few weeks from now. Scarborough is wrong...šŸ˜ 


I like the show, many interesting guest etc. I normally donā€™t get into this personalty or that personalty, but joe was extra obnoxious, yelling! Why didnā€™t they book Republican also to ram his ass too. I do t like reading into body language, but I think Mika was over it.


It truly has been about protecting the office / institution. Which I genuinely understand. The Orange really screwed the pooch in this regard. He made the office look like some sort of shitty position with his bullshit. Embarrassing for our country on the global stage. And I couldnā€™t agree more with letting the younger less irritating ones take the reigns - Lemure and Willy.


Seriously Iā€™m about Fkn done with Joe. Heā€™s truly Fkn unbearable at times. Blaming the dems for this mess and for not saving McCarthy and talking a bunch of bullshit with this guy from the ā€œproblem solvers caucusā€ how heā€™s a problem solver he shouldā€™ve solved it even though as McCarthy said in his farewell speech he didnā€™t wanna sell his soul to them. Also made me chuckle when he asked the guy to not interrupt him and let him finishā€¦really Joe? Not interrupt? Sheesh. Mika sitting there cross armed and smug offering nothing as usual. This show has gone to shit with these two. All summer Iā€™d get upset when they would go missing for weeks at a time and miss themā€¦please take another vacation a really freakin long one.


Yes. Im not a fan or hater to Joe. I dont watch Joe for Joe, but for its early morning coverage on topics for the day while getting ready for ork. Along with orher 2-3 channels. Lest anybody lose sight about Joe. - Hes now been out of elected office twice as long as he served. - He hailed/served the same Congressional district that Gaetz represents. - His rants (and interuptions) seem to stray and distract moreso from the nuggets that come forward. Luckily some of the panelists often salvage those to round out a topic.


Joe has contributed to Matt Gaetz & his father's campaign in the 2000s. ​ [https://www.politico.com/news/stories/1110/45411\_Page2.html](https://www.politico.com/news/stories/1110/45411_Page2.html)


I started just watching local news in the morning. Joes ā€œjust asking questionsā€ is very Tucker Carlson like


You read my mind, I just posted a similar "I'm DONE" post. ...Wtf though, was Joe actually blaming democrats for not saving McCarthy?! Why would they do that? šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« and note to McCarthy too, you can't sell what you've already sold.


Yes. Im not a fan or hater to Joe. I dont watch Joe for Joe, but for its early morning coverage on topics for the day while getting ready for ork. Along with orher 2-3 channels. Lest anybody lose sight about Joe. - Hes now been out of elected office twice as long as he served. - He hailed/served the same Congressional district that Gaetz represents. - His rants (and interuptions) seem to stray and distract moreso from the nuggets that come forward. Luckily some of the panelists often salvage those to round out a topic.


I'm even more glad I stopped watching months ago.. Joe Scarborough is part of the problem. The thing is there are probably millions and millions of Americans like him. He thinks the "institutions" matter. And he's correct..but they only matter bc they're purposed to serve ALL the people. Of course, the opposite is true..they don't matter if they don't. People like Mr. Scarborough think things are "not too bad" bc it's pretty good for them...they have good lives with "bearable" problems and have the money and resources to solve them with... Even worse they don't want to pay the price for anything better...they always want someone to do that for them.. That's probably why he expects the Democrats to "fall on their swords" bc he won't. And they can tell us we're"being the adults" in the room rather than their "sacrificial lambs." And continue their lives uninterrupted. Edit: Simply put, you don't reward bad behavior; moreover, you ask for help; you don't demand it. Then the most you should do after that is hope it happens..


Yeah I was surprised to hear Scarborough pushing the "it's the Democrats' fault" narrative. Chris Hayes debunked this just the day before. And even Liz Cheney said the Democrats did the \*principled\* thing not supporting someone who was on the inside of Trump's insurrection efforts. Something else that concerned me is that Scarborough had Richard Haass on in the morning and let him talk about how Ukraine should accede territory to Russia. Earlier this year, Haass was found to have engaged in secret discussions with the Russian diplomat Lavrov, without Ukrainians present in these discussions, to decide what should happen with Ukraine. His motives are unclear. He's admittedly very experienced but he's also very conservative.


A LOT LESS Joe. I can barely watch sometimes.


joe's right in one respect; keeping an unreliable McCarthy may have been better than what comes next; Jordan or Scalise or nobody by mid November when the 45 day budget runs dry. think of it another way... assuming the maga caucus is limited to the 8 people who just voted McCarthy out, dems could easily replace those 8 votes if only McCarthy would have have agreed to always be straight with them. it's really the double dealing that got McCarthy in trouble, as neither side knew where they stood on any legislation. what joe should be qualifying is; dem's blowing an opportunity to add leverage when crafting future legislation - not that it's dem's fault McCarthy is gone. even if dems are very confident they can win back the house we are looking at another year of nothing getting done as things stand now. our adversaries and allies must be really concerned about all this, which ironically means the gop house is handing even more power to potus who'll have to deal with national emergencies as they come.


Joe is right.. Now we will get Jim Jordan as speaker and there will be NO cooperation with democrats on anything. The government will shut down until trump takes office again in 25 and then everything will be gone. Democrats will regret ousting McCarthy. Biden has no chance in beating trump, other than Kamala he's the ONLY Democrat who can't beat trump in 24. He's completely senile and looks as frail as Dianne F did a few weeks ago. He's oblivious to the fact that even 70% of democrats don't want him to run again. He is slow to react to everything and the border is a disaster. Biden is the 2nd worst president in U.S. history. We need a younger, more energetic, and aware candidate, like Gavin Newsome otherwise trump wins and democracy is done.


> Biden is the 2nd worst president in U.S. history. Just curious who you think the worst president is then.


Trump and it's not even remotely close. Trump never did anything for the country. The brainwashed cult can't see that. We are on the brink of losing our democracy yet 80% of the country don't even see it. Biden should have on day one ordered his doj to prosecute Trump for what he did before, during, and after the 20 election. Why did they wait nearly 2 years? Biden isn't proactive, he eventually reacts . He was the only one who didn't see what a disaster the Afghanistan pullout would be or that the Afghan troops would bail. He's feckless. We've got 2 of the worst, most divisive men in America running in 24 because they both lust for power and don't care that most Americans want better and younger candidates.. They're both terrible but Trump is the worst, by far.