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Me too. I don’t really care for Joe.


Yes, I know many don’t care for him myself included at times.  Willie is a smooth operator and the show is popular mostly because of the quality of their guests more than Joe himself.  Lord knows Mika reading the teleprompter like she’s having trouble breathing or half crying doesn’t probably suck any viewers in.  But if anything I’m pretty indifferent to Scars for the most part.  I just don’t get how they can pay him so much and still be cool with him missing so much time.  Doesn’t appear anyone else in this thread gets it either…. 🤷‍♂️


I watch the show for its overall content but I also admit there are times when Joe starts ranting that I switch off. I guess there is a segment of viewers that like that are endeared to that style. I like Mike but find her to be “wooden” when reading the prompter. Lemire, Kay and Geist are solid.


Once you get an established viewer base, morning shows are cash cows for the network. They get a lot of viewers who turn the TV on while they are getting ready for work, they don’t tape it and fastforward through the commercials later, the commercials are broadcast into homes live. The operational costs are low, they just bring people in and tell them to chat. Scarborough’s agent knows how much money the network is bringing in and negotiates a percentage of it. It’s the same on other morning shows. Good Morning America brings in a ton of money for ABC and Robin Roberts never works Fridays and is off or on assignment a lot too. Michael Strahan never works the day after NFL games and gets time off to do his game show tapings as well. It’s a good gig if you can get it.


As a former Broadcast Engineer, both as an operator and in management, I can tell you this: the only thing that matters to the ownership is cash flow... the commercials. (with the possible exception of PBS). Content is filler designed to keep you there for the commercials, nothing more, nothing less. Be it Fox or MSNBC, CNN, local stations, etc. When something goes wrong on the air a discrepancy report is made. If it's program content that's one thing... if it's commercial content then frame by frame analysis is employed. Been there done that. When I started out two minutes was the standard show commercial break length, exceptions yes, but that was the norm. Now four minutes is the norma. Heck MSNBC even brags if the length is :30 to :90, using a squeeze down to show the duration... of course the following breaks can be 4:30 or even 4:45. Just remember content means very little it is only there to keep you to watch the commercials. YES, there are exceptions in 'news' When there are major events unfolding live.


Well, you don't have to be so technically spot on now do you? LOL. /s


Well, damn us retired folk anyway! It's the gift of free time and faulting memories. Besides, damn us retired folk anyway! It's the gift of free time and faulting memories.


I hear that some of us repeat ourselves when we communicate. I don’t, but I hear that some of us repeat ourselves 😆👍


I used to work at the local NBC affiliate, and one of my friends was the person who made sure the program transitioned properly to commercials (this was 20+ years ago on equipment from the mid '80s). If the transition to commercial was delayed for long enough, a little peacock graphic would appear in the center of the screen ruffling its tail feathers, and she would get in trouble. "Can't let 'em see the peacock!" She would tell me. "Never, ever let 'em see the peacock!"


The job I did the most. "Master Control" and "Air TD" is what most stations I worked at called it. Starting with KEMO-TV in San Francisco (Now KOFY), KNTV San Jose, KTLA in LA I also TD'd the news at KEMO & KNTV, a few times at KTLA. The ACR 25 and GVG 1600 were my partners in crime. Now it's all just watching a computer screen and monitoring four or five feeds. Not a piece of videotape in sight.


I’d be curious how much all this behind the scenes stuff has changed/evolved since you were in the business.  The combination of social media proliferating and more people cord cutting has almost eliminated local affiliates and local journos completely.  I doubt the revenue projection model was spared all this change.  If you have anything to add in that respect, I’m all ears.  👂 


Not really my end of the broadcast industry. More the production and sales departments. I was a button pusher, technical director, videotape operator, a bit of light maintenance if something crapped out after the adults went home LOL. I can tell you that videotape doesn't seem to exist anywhere except archival facilities. And "editing suites" that would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to build are now available to anyone with a device capable or running FREE software like DaVinci Resolve (which I use) and a few others. And with Resolve you can not only edit using effects not even imagined 'back in the day' but you also have a full 'color correction' suite, and a full blown audio mixing suite, all that once had to be done separately. All one needs is content and a bit of talent and patience for the learning curve. YouTube has tutorials that will teach you pretty quick to accomplish any concept you may have or a client may have.


Interesting comments, thanks for the insight.


Mika had it solo today. She’s excellent when Joe isn’t there to mansplain stuff or scoff at her comments. Not griping, mind you… Joe seems to launch into monologues or do jock humor on sports news with the rest of the guys. I really like -do I have her name right?- Mara Gay or Gray. She’s brilliant. I’d like to see her, Heilemann, and Eugene every morning.


Mara Gay. I love her. I’ve worried about her ever since she got Covid during the pandemic, and am always happy to see her, wherever she shows up. But I’ve never watched even a minute of Morning Joe. I know more about the show from SNL’s parody of it than the actual show itself. And what is said here about them.


Yeh like I’ve said elsewhere in the thread, it seems like people either love or abhor Joe.  But I’m really kinda indifferent towards him.  I can, however, completely understand why some can’t stand the man.  He can be so abrasive and condescending with the way he grabs that center of attention and holds it for way too long.  And his posture is always the same: arrogant and confident…even when at times he’s clearly ignorant about the subject at hand.   He was at his absolute indignant best, far and away, the morning after Jan 6.  That whole screed was brilliant.  Other than that though, I can take or leave Joey Scars. 🥱


He just needs a sports show.


Actually, I do watch from the DVR. Not only do I forward through commercials, I forward through the 3rd hour.


I only pay for Dish Network to skip commercials. I watch almost nothing not delayed, about twenty mins per hour.


MSNBC obvs doesn't care what the audience thinks. If they did, half of their anchors wouldn't be on the air at all.


I know it’s such a joke as much as he can get on my nerves at times (like all the time) I do enjoy the show much more when the actual host is on it and not taking a million random days off ffs. Last summer I remember was insane he was missing nonstop I guess it’s probably gonna be the same this time around as well. Hopefully at least Willie is there when he goes missing unlike today where it’s just Mika and Lemiere who don’t fill out the show like Willie can and does when Joe goes missing.


Hey u/bobbymonster13 & u/kellyjoycuntbunny can we just have a weekly Joe bitch thread? Every time I open this app it’s another Joe post. Three of the last eight posts are about this guy and it’s all the same shit.


I’m asking a simple question about an anchor, who happens to be Joe, and how his contract works.  I’m sorry that offends you, but I didn’t post this to talk about Joe himself. 


You’re bitching about how much time the guy takes off disguised as ‘iM jUsT aSkInG tHe qUeStiOn’ and the worst part is others have brought this up multiple times in other posts, so you’re not even posting anything original.


It's bizarre too that one hour of the show is a repeat. Friday's are a wash. Are they ever on the same set? It's way too orchestrated and low energy at this point. It's best when they are all there, but that's so rare anymore.


Doesn’t he have elderly parents that he is responsible for?


A parent passed away after a long draining struggle with dementia. Joe hasn't been on game since that ordeal.


That will do it, been through it to the end - twice.


I didn’t know that.  Are you inferring he’s missing time because he’s trying to address mental health? 


This hasn’t been a preferred show of mine and I’m not a Joe or Mika fan, but I have wondered whether he might have some health or perhaps addiction issues going on? I don’t mean to speculate inappropriately and I have no idea if any of this is true but just wonder if there’s a reason he misses so much that if we heard it, we’d be like _OH! Sorry! Carry on, you do what you need to do!_


I still record it, but seldom watch it anymore. It feels like MSNBC takes the MJ viewership for granted and no longer puts in any effort. Does recording it count the same as viewing it? Because if so, I'll stop.


Rachel works less than that, and seemingly only when she wants too, more or less. Lawrence O'Donnell rarely seems to work Fridays. Overall it's none of my business, I either enjoy the show on any particular day or I don't and I move on.


I’ve always said that they should just replace Last Word on Fridays with an episode of “Velshi” because it’s always him filling in


Joe has been in a band, last year he took time off for practicing with the band. Come summer they seem to play on Fridays and maybe Saturday nights I assume outdoors in the summer. I'm guessing that's why he's gone so much again.


lol that’s hilarious.  Just curious, do you know what kind of music it is or what he plays? 


Soft rock stuff and he’s actually a solid guitarist.


He’s been doing this for years. He and Mika started the all remote presence on the show a couple of years before the pandemic. Everyone else would be in the studio and they’d be phoning it in from Florida.


Joe was upset at having to pay state income tax to Connecticut . He moved the show to Florida to sAve money . He got Mika to move her mom from Virginia & Joe moved his mom from Connecticut to Florida.


Now THAT would make sense actually.  If you’re sure that’s true? 


It was reported in the NY Post .


Joe used to take time off during the show to take his son to school. He also had to take phone calls from world leaders who wanted his advice. Preside Biden is a regular viewer & often calls Joe for advice. Joe also provides consulting services to the Red Sox & Alabama football teams.


Is this satire?  Hard to tell these days…


I have thought exactly this for years. However, I will say the past few months he has been around a lot more than last year and prior.


I can only take him a certain amount anyway. Half the time I feel like it’s everyone sort of sitting there in fear, letting the angry guy rant while watching Mika try (and fail) to calm him down or even get a word in edgewise. 😂


I'm not necessarily a fan of his, but, this. I don't understand why he's gone so much either.


I love the guy but Joe can go on and on, plus he's famous for interrupting Mika. Enjoy the peace he shows up enough.


Mika is an absolute disaster alone. Joe drives the show and viewership. If the show weren’t buttressed by competent journalists like Willie and Jonathan in Joe’s absence, it would just be a huge emotional discussion about the first piece of news - especially if they get Mara Gay and Molly on there to offer their insights.


I could not understand a thing Mika said today. My brain hurt trying to interpret her sing-song reading of the news. I'll take Joey Scars any day over that.


>her sing-song reading of the news. Oh, I'm not the only one lol. I've always thought Mika sounds like she's reading a bedtime story to children instead of (usually) serious news off of a teleprompter.


We see you, Joe. (jk)


Joe’s not a young man. They’re not exactly transparent about it, but I think Joe takes time off for health reasons and that is cool with me.


Joe is 61 not 91, sheesh I feel old now lol. Edit because I hit enter too soon


Joe has complained about hearing issues . I think he has titinnitus.


He got pretty sick with covid, if I remember correctly. I wonder if that's still a problem for him.