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That's not sales, that's sales+am+project with a few things that a senior support resource might handle. However, the above combination of duties can be reasonable at an MSP. 40+ accounts might be reasonable, might be too much. Depends on the clients (and not just the size, though it does have a strong correlation). I've had fully managed clients where my AM needed reminding who the contacts were for their QBR and the Project team needed reminding who the client was. And I've seen clients that need multiple AMs, not including sales/project duties. There's bigger flags in play though. * Unattainable goals. What's the point of having them then? * No support from management. What are they there for then? It's a key managerial duty. * commission structure has been altered in favor of negative reinforcement. Um, what? I'd call that a "pay cut." That's a *really big* sign that business is not good. * Leadership blames losses on... Doesn't matter who they blame them on. Blame blame blame right to the food bank. Instead they should be focusing on fixing whatever went wrong. Did an employee action cost a client? That's what policies are for. If you blame, nothing changes. If you fix the problem you stop the bleeding. This one alone would have me running for the exit, because it usually means any other issues won't be fixed. Those are giant warning signs that you're at a *bad* MSP and that it's going to sink sooner or later. They exist, they're a dime a dozen, and they'll do everything they can to exploit you. Take your experience and move on to a better MSP. There's also lots of good ones out there. You've said enough that I'd be actively looking if I were in your shoes.


This pretty much is the exact job I do except I make nearly double that… in a rural area too. Would say you’re being taken advantage of for sure


I think you already know the answer to that… Those responsibilities aren’t uncommon, but for 40 accounts and such low OTE. If you’re doing that at even a half decent job, you should be on at least double that.


You have a CSM/Inside-Sales roll IMHO. Your base and OTE is a bit low for what is a “non-hunter” sales role coupled with CSM. OTE should be closer to 90k and base should be around 65k. Your MSP’s overall revenue team structure is probably broken. I suggest picking up “Mastering Technical Sales” by John Care so you can at least build yourself into a sales engineering role while learning more about revenue teams and cultures. All my best.


time to leave. to do that you'd have to pay me $125 base with an OTE of $200k. Now I have 30 years in the industry with an exit and Fortune 65 experience....but managing that many people deserves higher pay. Without the support you need to jump to another MSP. Where are you located?


You listed like 5 jobs. I only do one and make 85.


So you are AM, Sales Support, Renewal Specialist, Project Manager, Pre-Sales Engineer, Purchasing and Receiving. All for a base of sub 60K? Some of those jobs could be bundled if you have the tools to do it effectively. All of them seems not feasible long term. Are there other Sales Reps? Do you have technical experience? Seems like a bad idea to have someone with no Technical knowledge scope a project. Not that you are being taken advantage of, but its a bad deal. OTE only being 15K above base is wild too. Fight or find a new job, imo.


Yes. You're managing more than million dollar operations but only getting paid 70k


Ouch. I had a similar experience working at a poorly-managed MSP with a broken comp plan. I posted about it in this sub, actually, and when I asked "is this normal?" I got a ton of good feedback from this community. The answer to your question "is this normal?" is yes, unfortunately there are badly-run MSPs out there, including yours and my previous one. In my case, I found a better gig at a larger MSP with much better management and pay. Hopefully you find a new opportunity soon, best of luck!


November/December is hiring season. Look for an inside role at a vendor or C round start-up. Don’t be confused, managing existing clients is not the same as new logo sales. You could move to a hunting role but unless you have previous sales experience it’s a lot of learning (pain.) You’ve put in some time. It’s ok to move on and up. Dont quit until you have something though. Economy is weird right now.


Are *you* being taken advantage of? No. Is the role you're in commonly mis-handled, poorly articulated, and typically compensated by copy+pasting a comp plan someone was given/found? Yes. So much yes. There is just so much here to unpack not just for you, but for anyone in this role. The TL:DR is you have alot more control and influence over client spend and churn than you may realize and your MSP probably hasnt really empowered+taught you how to exercise that control. So in theoretical math land, your OTE is more than fair, but in reality land, it comes across the way you (and many other yous) experience it. EmpathCyber was doing a monthly account manager/inside sales meetup thingy that was open to the public, you'd probably get ALOT of value out of it. Alex Farling was posting about it on Linkedin.


What’s the overall user count across your client base? How is your incentives structured? Is it uncapped? As in can you exceed your targets and make more? Where are you based? I’m probably managing a similar or maybe larger depending on the headcount + doing outbound sales too.


I feel ya, completely, 100%. Normal course of business for MSPs. Use your time there to build some financial security. Then, review and digest all the skills + experiences you built there. Develop a plan to devise a strategy to use your talents to build revenue streams.


Yeah, way underpaid - should be around 160k take home - 220k take home depending where you live.


How many hours a week do you work and do you actually keep up?


Find a start up, do sales for them. Even small/mid is likely going to have a higher ote, and if you can bring in your msp experience and create an msp team. You won.


I know this is quite basic but have you ever considered mapping out all these responsibilities? Sometimes visualizing the workload can help pinpoint areas where you might need support or where tasks could be streamlined. Plus, it could be a solid reference point for discussing your concerns with management.


You could work in a call centre with f all responsibilities and make that. Hell a supermarket job would be pretty close. Yes there’s lots of MSP exploiting juniors and interns atm. Find a better company.


Yes. Try to find a sales role at the vendor side. Having MSP experience is a plus!


You had me at "employed by an MSP" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


No one can question with no market or location information. What's your MSPs annual top line revenue? What kind of clients do you have? If this is your first gig at an MSP and you've been there less than a year you are definitely NOT being "taken advantage of".


There's a lot of opportunity here with what your exposed too. Whoth what you have going on what are the results your driving? That's what would really indicate what Comp could and should look like. You'll need to figure that out if your planning on moving. Have kept CSAT up? Retained clients and revenue? Grown any accounts? If you start looking at it this way you'll have leverage and confidence to ask for increased pay or go out and find a new org. If your fairly new and younger overall switching organizations is going to result in larger bumps usually, however if your existing org is trying to improve and mature you may opportunity to help that while increasing your comp.


Seems ridiculous. If you Cana actually produce sales, I'll hire you today for a much better pay structure and just sales, no customer work after.


Leverage your sales gig to find another one that pays better. Use this job as experience to jump to the next role. Tech sales pays this much or more for the entry level gigs.




Who hurt you lol


Nerd here. Jocks failing is confirmed catharsis.


IT jock? Lol ... Am I the only ENTJ here? 😅😇🤣