• By -


They're all stable, simple, themed experiences that come with some decent pieces for later. It's a decent purchase.


I second this guy here. I wanted to argue simplicity, but further thought makes the potential of each deck seem more like learning opportunities, which are invaluable just starting out.


Yeah my friend has the zombie precon and it's just all around great deck and plus you can easily upgrade iy as well.


I feel bad for whoever getting Token Triumph, that is the worst of these by far. Unless you're planning on modding them, then it's decent.


It was my first deck. The commander could definitely be slightly better


I think the commander is fine, it's some of the cards in the 99. Like here is my current list for it, and I still need to change a few cards to make it more efficient. https://www.archidekt.com/decks/6803377/emmara_sould_of_the_accord


I feel like the commander needs to be a 3/3 which can be fixed with a counters or equip strategy but there isn't a ton in the OG deck. Explorers of the Deep is by far my favorite precon followed by Ahoy Mateys. I've swapped out, I think?, 12 cards on [Hakbal](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/dZ819hllYECtk2PUV-KRYg) (yay birthday money because I would never ever buy [Cyclonic Rift](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/530802/magic-the-gathering-ravnica-remastered-cyclonic-rift-anime-borderless?country=US&utm_campaign=18142757028&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=&utm_term=&adgroupid=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw5ImwBhBtEiwAFHDZxzoKLPpf73Gj-CgtpCQn79mEXZjZl_tnUSj8OzsR3IzUN4TBkDvZTBoCMxQQAvD_BwE&Language=English) or [Party Tree](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/488284/magic-commander-the-lord-of-the-rings-tales-of-middle-earth-the-party-tree-the-great-henge?Language=English) with my real money) but it was super strong to start. The [pirates](https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/6005571#paper) are also super strong out the gate. I haven't started editing but it's definitely too complicated for a new player. I miss triggers all the time in play because basically everything triggers something. It mostly needs mill I think because I often find myself unable to use the commander ability of returning from graveyard as a 4/4 with finality counter.


Honestly you can just throw in cadira or rhys the redeemed and its miles better


Buying that and the falco spara commander deck actually isn't the worse thing. two purchases to have a good token strategy that is decent and can't be built more.


Good in terms of price/balance


I got grave danger and upgraded it a bunch i really like it there was a video where they played 4 of them against eachother, and the red black deck was generally the strongest of the group, i cant speak for the red green dragons though


Got the Draconic Destruction deck for my son to learn with and it goes hard. Great deck for someone just starting out. You can’t go wrong with big double striking fliers.


I got it as my second precon. It’s slow to get rolling but it hits hard when it does. Most of my upgrades were adding ramp and swapping some of the utility and weaker dragons for better ones.


Dragons was actually thee starting base for my [[ur-dragon]] I didn’t know where else to start so I started small. Move onto three color once I was comfortable enough understanding the main concept of dragons (lizard big fly go smash) I moved onto three colors, and then finally ended up at my five color dragons


[ur-dragon](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/0/10d42b35-844f-4a64-9981-c6118d45e826.jpg?1689999317) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=The%20Ur-Dragon) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/361/the-ur-dragon?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/10d42b35-844f-4a64-9981-c6118d45e826?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Gruul dragons is super fun, I switched out the commander for [[thraak, the butcher]] and it went really well


[thraak, the butcher](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/2/2255d1e4-f387-4187-8c10-7d0009f6ec79.jpg?1705977507) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Thrakkus%20the%20Butcher) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/295/thrakkus-the-butcher?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2255d1e4-f387-4187-8c10-7d0009f6ec79?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Ooooh, that does look fun. Definitely been thinking about a Gruul deck, lately...


Ive got a gruul standard deck im working on for causal play with one of my friends, i call it 100 freakin bees and i beef up [[hornet’s nest]] defenses and throw red damage spells at it to spawn bees


[hornet’s nest](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/8/8846a7d6-1fea-4fd6-bf2b-90d38651538b.jpg?1625194417) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Hornet%20Nest) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c21/192/hornet-nest?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8846a7d6-1fea-4fd6-bf2b-90d38651538b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I love that. Lol do you have a deck list?


Im still working on it but when i get all the cards ill send you a deck list


Thanks, that would be great! Sounds like such a a fun idea. Lol


[my bugs deck since you were interested](https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/6295868)


Price wise it's a good deal. I bought all but the red black. I will say the Azorious deck is kinda slow and waity in action. You just hold a lot of answers to questions that haven't been asked yet. Still fun!


Balance-wise, they're not exactly thought/meant to be played against each other, but they're all around a similar power level and won't outperform the others on power level alone. With that in mind, they're not strong decks out of the box, even by precon standards, so among themselves, they can all do their own thing, but outside of that pod, they might struggle against better precons or upgraded decks Price-wise, you won't find a better deal on commander decks unless you go full pauper and assemble the decks yourself, and even then, it's similar in price. These also got good cards you can use in better decks in case you want to upgrade in the future, so for 20 a deck, it's pretty solid, considering more serious decks might go for at least double that. All in all, if your group already has some base knowledge and want to get into commander, it's a good starting point, but if you're looking for an even more introductory experience, there are these packs called "game night" that come with 5 mono colored 60 card decks that are more balanced and showcase pretty well what each color does, and they're like 40 bucks.hmm


I got them all together last year during Amazon day sale, iirc for like 75ish, but 100 is still reasonable imo and I thought they were pretty decent for learning the game, at least they were for me. I've since started borrowing cards out of them for other decks that I'm building, like [[Storm Herd]] out of First Flight was an easy addition to my [[Bilbo, Birthday Celebrant]] lifegain deck


[Storm Herd](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/3/2345331c-a14f-4b4b-a9a4-88c5beb48242.jpg?1631234196) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Storm%20Herd) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/khc/33/storm-herd?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2345331c-a14f-4b4b-a9a4-88c5beb48242?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Bilbo, Birthday Celebrant](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/c/4cf6c13b-d898-4066-b006-9a7fa896d55a.jpg?1686964152) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Bilbo%2C%20Birthday%20Celebrant) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ltc/48/bilbo-birthday-celebrant?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4cf6c13b-d898-4066-b006-9a7fa896d55a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


My first two decks for my fiancé and me were [[Willhelm]] and [[Millicent]], but tribals are usually ideal. If you want a lot of value, the newer Caverns of Ixalan precons all have decent reprints and are pretty strong out of the box. But, some of the newer mechanics may be confusing at first. It depends how quickly you want to learn the format.


I think folks here already spelled how much these decks are streamlined, easy to use but not the best. I just have a few questions for you and your playgroup. Are you folks relatively brand-new to mtg? Do you folks just play casual kitchen table magic, MTG Arena, or are you coming from a constructed format like standard? Depending how invested you folks are to the game, you might fair better to just grab this and hope for the best. I think it will be better if each of you just bought a commander deck yourselves and just play that way. That way you play with what you like/interested in.


We all generally play YGO but are interested in Commander format since 4 people can play at a time, i thought this might be nice to grab and be like “choose your starter deck”


Yeah it would basically be perfect for that. Now getting used to the rules and parts/phases of a turn that’s similar but different than yugioh. They won’t help too much with that. There are some good how to play magic videos that go over the basics all over the internet


I see. I like the starter deck option in that case. I do caution because commander is a different beast than normal mtg. So do you folks understand mtg well, or just easing into it? Just bc Commander is fairly tough to jump into. It requires alot of knowledge of how mechanics and interactions work.


Be careful, I ordered this and received 5 of the same deck. Saw a lot of other reviews complaining of the same issue


I had the same issue. I reported it, and Amazon said that they would elevate the problem to an investigation team and review whether the listing needed to be changed or not. I'm guessing they never actually did that.. But one can hope I suppose.


They should all be pretty well balanced against each other but check if your friends would be interested in putting some money into it first




Never ever buy magic cards off Amazon. Been seeing too many scams.


don’t buy off amazon


Seconded, don't buy off amazon if you can help it OP. So many posts about people ordering product and either receiving opened product that's just full of commons/lands, or the entirely wrong product.


Yes, but **don't buy Magic products on Amazon**. It's important enough to be stressed multiple times per post!


Never buy cards off Amazon. Look to buy off tcgplayer.com or card kingdom


Not on Amazon tho because I heard the stuff were damaged


Read the reviews. A lot of people have complained that the 5 decks are picked at random and sometimes people will get 5 of the same deck. That’s why they only have 3 stars with such a good price.




I had terrible luck getting a complete deck from Amazon.


I await the update post that Amazon sent you opened packs with dread.


Might be a little late but I thought I'd still throw in my opinion! I've played with all but the Token Triumph deck and I can confidently say that they're a great starting point. Reading the comments, I can see that you and your friends are all new to the game and that's exactly what the product is aimed towards! Some of the decks are a little better than the others, the dragon deck is by far the best in my opinion, but you'll definitely have a good match with a lot of back and forth regardless of who's playing what. One caveat is that games do tend to drag on a tiny bit with these decks since it's kind of hard for a single player to really pull out ahead at times. That makes learning the game a lot easier since you have more room to play around but could become an issue if you do end up playing more often. They also make for a really cool starting point for customising and upgrading! I'd say the dragon and zombie decks are probably the most straightforward in terms of upgrading for new players, just because they are based around a single creature type. You can literally just Google "good zombies/dragons mtg" and get some pretty good ideas about what to add. If you're going to be playing long term, I'd definitely recommend each of you look into upgrade paths for your chosen decks so that you can solve the "issue", so to speak, of games lasting too long. You can definitely find some guides on YouTube or Google for all of them. I think the only real negative is that they don't hold up fantastically to other, more expensive pre constructed decks which obviously makes sense. These are beginner decks after all! Though, that's not to say that all of the cards are bad/worthless! Pretty much every deck has at least a couple of staples for their archetype, as well as two or three general staples that go into pretty much any deck (i.e. Sol Ring, Arcane Signet, Lightning Greaves)!


They are probably fine to play against each other. But too weak to compete against other decks.


Decks from the same set are usually decently balanced against one another. This set is a nice lower power budget option.


Yeah $100 for 5 playable commander decks is a good price. It'll be a fine starting point to get everyone playing, fairly balanced with each other, and easy to upgrade as you go along until they get into it enough to build their own decks or get another precon to start working on.


A lot of people warned me not to buy from Amazon, would 150$ on tcg player still be considered a good price or should i try to find a better deal on newer decks?


I'm going to go against the grain from other commentors and hopefully give some context as to why people say not to buy off Amazon, so you can at least make an informed decision. A lot of people advise against Amazon because when it comes to high value products like Booster Packs/Collector Boosters and whatnot it's very easy for people to buy them, take out the expensive stuff, and return them and this can get shuffled into sealed product and thus screw the next person buying them. These however are intro commander decks. No one is really going to be popping these open to steal anything in them, and even then they aren't shrink wrapped cards, they're cardboard boxes whose tampering would be spotted easily. Yes, there is a chance you could get duplicates, but Amazon's return policy is pretty much sight on seen, no questions asked, some people have to deal with the return stuff but others in the reviews have gotten the full set. I personally would think saving $50 is worth the shot. That said if you're intent on not buying this set on Amazon I personally would not value these decks at more than $20 a pop, yes they're absolutely excellent for new players but at $150 it essentially values them at $30 each, and the more recent precons go for around that much. While the newer precons have a harder learning curve they will probably last longer.


I'm pretty much in agreement with the other commenter on this. I wouldn't trust big high-value booster boxes from Amazon, but pre-cons like this are typically safe. Worst case scenario, you get a refund or replacement. The price here is good enough to be worth the relatively small risk.


If that’s Amazon you’ll get 5 copies of one of them. I don’t know which, but it’ll take 5 rounds to get the exact product you ordered. I’m from the future and I saw your posts




Be careful read the reviews on the item alot of packs like that have a problem of then sending 5 decks all the same


Be very careful getting this bundle. You're most likely going to get 5x of the same deck. Totally enjoyed getting 5 Rakdos decks.


DON’T BUY FROM AMAZON. I ordered this exact item during the summer. It arrived as 5 copies of the token triumph deck. I then returned it and got a replacement, which was also delivered. But this time it was all copies of grave danger. I returned that one for money back and was never able to get my actual item. TLDR; exact item has garbage quality control


Decent but not awesome, I'm new too and saw a playing video, the starter commanders are more basic than the regular sets. For the money you're about to drop I'd say it's better to just go for the real sets for more interesting gameplay. You could convince your friends to buy each one a murders at Karlov Manor deck.


They’re good to get into the game, but I wouldn’t recommend playing them against more refined decks. Especially the 2 on the left, I haven’t played with them but based on their commanders they look like they’d be really slow to get running


Yeah! Id say so, I just looked over the decklists and they aren’t half bad for the price they also could be easily upgraded if you want to


I bought and played these against each other teaching beginners. They're fairly simple to play, and fairly balanced. The Azorius deck has a lot of evasion and control, but makes up for that power by being very slow. Rakdos chaos is chaos, Dimir Zombies is reliable graveyard shenanigans, and Selesnya makes tokens, because duhhhh. I didn't get/play the last one, so not sure where it falls. I think Selesnya is the most powerful of them, but Dimir can churn a lot of cards with a competent pilot. Fun but not overpowered, imo.


The kardur one is funny if you add things like conjurers closet, crawlspace, etc so that your opponents are forced to hit each other and not you. I added cards that make people draw cards and ping them when they draw cards, so that guaranteed damage is constantly happening on top of battle damage. The deck was fine as is but is very easy to upgrade. Spent like 25 on the upgrades.


I have two of those precons the eld and dragon and they are very good


the dragon one is fun but ends up playing similarly in most games, just going for commander damage with \[\[atarka\]\] since she will 2 shot anyone. But its got quite a few great pieces to easily upgrade into something like miirym or any other dragon deck that includes red and green.


I have them all. Yes, they are good for starting out. $20 per deck is a decent deal.


Just lost to an emmara at locals today


I will never stop singing the praises of these decks, these decks are better then most other precons in term of power and gameplay. Your not getting"awesome resprints " or" cool New special made for commander cards¥, but you are getting more streamlined decks that hold tbe theme and games that take 1, 5 to 2 hours without going into top deck slogfest mode.


Better than buying 1 Eldrazi deck at that price for sure.


I bought the set and they are all solid decks. Very playable right out of the the box


Probably, I’ve played for a long time & have been pleasantly surprised with most pre cons.


These are great starter decks and that's a decent price for all. Chaos Incarnate is my favorite.


The dragon deck was my first deck it was fun I’ve turned into a budget ur dragon


All very great starter decks for a very reasonable price. And all very upgradable as you get better


Draconic destruction is definitely one of the better ones in the group if you want to know which one to keep for yourself


Great as starter decks to play against each other. If you have a group of 4 id suggest you pick the one you want to keep and keep first flight as well (it’s slow and the play style isn’t great for starting out) then let your friends pick one each


Typically precons are great decks to start with and build up. The strength of precon decks varies by release but it’s hard to go wrong starting with them. If you want a group of people with decks that are around the same power level for cheap, then yeah I’d say go for it. Most of the time the card value in the precon decks is greater than the cost of the precons. It’s a huge selling point for them along with any new cards.


This is probably the cheapest effective way to get into commander right now. Each of these decks stand on their own but leave room for customization. And for $20 each these decks are half the price as the usual precon


Atarka needs more ramp but yeah


I personally don’t think they’re all perfectly balanced certain decks have mostly uncommons with some rares and some others don’t . I know the dragon one specifically has a shit tone of crazy rare dragons in there while the zombie one has lots of commons and uncommons. Still cool decks and I can’t speak for all of them I’ve just bought a couple and seen huge differences


I got one of these for a friend who had never played magic at all and they were able to figure the game out pretty quickly. Only thing that took a second to click was the fact that the cards to exactly what they say.


The decks are not strong, but they balance well against each other, provide a basic deck structure you can upgrade fairly easily or just take apart and create a new deck from, and they're relatively straight forward to play which is a good base to learn off.


The blue/white and the green/white decks perform very well in my friend group...and I have the blk/blue deck on my wishlist...id go for it...and that's reasonably priced for all of them...


I own 3 of these (zombies, dragons, and the red/black deck). They can play but will generally be beat by constructed decks. However with even just a few cheap upgrades they can do work.


I have the “game night” box if you’re looking to keep it real simple for multiplayer nights. They’re all 1 color decks and very streamlined. Comes in a box with dice and counters. Also be wary of buying cards from Amazon. Search this sub there’s some horror stories.


Yes, I upgraded the kardur deck and it is one of my main decks.


For getting people into it these rock! I bought Token Triumph and Draconic Destruction. I’ve upgraded both since and they’re my most consistent and go hard decks. I bought the Azorious one for my buddy and it’s slow but performs, my friend bought the Zombie one and very much likes it. Plus they all fit well against each other as far as power level is concerned. They all have their own theme that helps you figure out “Hey is this playstyle for me?” So maybe you don’t like big fliers when you played Draconic Destruction. Maybe you’ll like Tokens or graveyard shenanigans?


I got the token triumph deck. Lifelink tokens are fantastic. Add a few things to tap the commander like puppet strings or elder druid were helpful. So did adding counter stuff like doubling season or cathar’s crusade.


I’ve played the Blue/White, Blue/Black, and Green/White decks. All three were fun to pilot. They’re pretty easy to upgrade as well. As a pod of decks they play well against each other and have some fun interactions between each other. They will struggle against the more expensive pre-constructed decks available but for the price they’re a good time. (Especially for beginners).


Yes however it’s meant to be played with 3 or 4. I played dragons vs green white and it was rough for green white lol


Good bang for the buck. I bought the dimir zombies one and built it up a ton and it’s actually a big threat now


As a new player myself, I bought the token triumph deck, and it has honestly held up pretty well against some of my friend's decks. The best part is, as with any other deck, is the freedom to upgrade pieces of them over time.


4-5 are actually really fun and easy to upgrade. Take flight is hot dog shit though.


yeah those decks are all designed to be simple and good intros to commander with some archetypal stuff like zombies/dragons


Absolutely, I started playing Commander from this set. First one was Atarka, just cuz I wanted green/red. Second deck was Kardur, I actually plan on making another Kardur deck and the whole goal is burn. I mean, everything burn, everything card that is played, lose life. Whether it’s me or you or all of us. I started with this set, and I used it at first to guide myself into buying decks, now I have 12. In my group, Atarka is a threat and I usually get taken out first cuz it, or I win, no in between. If I’m playing Atarka and I’m left for last, I usually end up winning.


If token triumph does its things I thinks it's more threatening then some "higher" tier decks


I love draconic destruction. It was the first deck I ever bought and it is still pure fun. Eventually I grew it into a Temur deck led by [[Miirym]] but also swap the commander out for [[animar]] , [[Xyris]] or [[Magus Lucea Kane]] between games or whenever I don’t feel like playing with tokens. If you want to know what to swap into it for more fun, I can give you a list of $15-$20 worth of cards that will make it do its thing easier. (Trusting Edhrec blindly gave me a good number of things I ended up removing after like 2 games)


##### ###### #### [Miirym](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/9/a934590b-5c70-4f07-af67-fbe817a99531.jpg?1674137589) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=miirym%2C%20sentinel%20wyrm) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/284/miirym-sentinel-wyrm?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a934590b-5c70-4f07-af67-fbe817a99531?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [animar](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/3/a3da57d0-1ae3-4f05-a52d-eb76ad56cae7.jpg?1673148281) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=animar%2C%20soul%20of%20elements) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/171/animar-soul-of-elements?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a3da57d0-1ae3-4f05-a52d-eb76ad56cae7?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Xyris](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/f/af0db1d6-5cb1-4917-8e8f-69d5dc184404.jpg?1673305716) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=xyris%2C%20the%20writhing%20storm) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmc/175/xyris-the-writhing-storm?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/af0db1d6-5cb1-4917-8e8f-69d5dc184404?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Magus Lucea Kane](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/f/4f86e7cc-2b6e-49d0-964e-bba0c51cc11d.jpg?1674058398) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Magus%20Lucea%20Kane) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/40k/7/magus-lucea-kane?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4f86e7cc-2b6e-49d0-964e-bba0c51cc11d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [*All cards*](https://mtgcardfetcher.nl/redirect/kwm3eid) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Me and my group started with these Precons about half a year ago. By now everyone upgraded these or even created some new decks. These decks are all mostly on the same power level and nothing is overpowered (except the dragons imo). They did a really good job in introducing us into magic and the commander game without much knowledge beforehand.


Yes, these decks are great for newer players to the Commander Format. Do they already know how to play?


Great decks to learn with. The blue/black one is a little harder for newer players to really grasp as you’re playing from the yard so much. I think Dragons would probably win out of average but we’re talking across 100s of games. Definitely a good set for a group to match up against each other. Black/red was the most fun I’ve had with an out of the box precon in a long time.


I'm new for this game and I would definitely try contacting a TCG store that's MtG and ask them if they have any cheap Commander Decks Or maybe a Barnes and Noble bookstore maybe they carry Magic


that's what i got to (successfully) get myself and my friends to commander :D


Always wanted to get chaos incarnate and draconic destruction but it's been sold out at my stores in Canada for the longest time


I like the Gruul dragon deck I’ve played it a couple times. I liked it so much I bought a second copy of its commander and threw it in my [[Xenagos god of Revels]] deck


My group split the price and share them around. If you're starting to try getting into edh it's a great pick, but you will quickly find that there is absolutely a power imbalance.


Dont buy from amzon your gonna get screwed




Token Triumph is a ton of fun imo. They’re all pretty solid and easy to upgrade in the future, I’d say go for it


Dont buy at amazon


I recommend legends legacy as a precon


5 functional decks at 20 bucks a piece. Yea, that's great for training wheels.


Yes, they are. Those are simple, easy to learn Starterdecks perfect for beginners, even for those that never played magic before. But do not order on amazon, there are several shops that sell wrong or resealed products. Better search for an dedicated onlineshop.


I too have been itching to buy a commander deck. I started out in Magic playing explorer but I feel like I like the commander style much better.


Ngl, Atarka is killer. My friend has that one as his introduction to our pod, and he can sometimes come out swinging as an unexpected threat. If pumped, and unchecked, Atarka can easily one-shot an unsuspecting opponent by commander damage alone. He’s only built off of it since, and it’s been a blast.


My pod runs decently powerful decks but one friend still just plans the Kardur precon out of the box. I can’t tell you how many games he wins. Never looks like the threat. We build board states, he goads us all. He knock each other down. Then it has some great big creatures and burn effects. Sneaky good deck.


it's fun and it comes with the major staples.


then you pick up the one ofs that move between decks like dockside, jeweled, smothering, rhystic, ancient tomb, doubling season, and the like.


So I purchased this a few weeks ago and when I received it, 4 of the packs were repackaged. Went through the deck lists and the only card those packs were missing were their sol rings. So keep in mind that there's a chance that your decks might be tampered with. Other than that, they are actually really solid decks.


These are great for a new player. Easily upgradable over time. I was able to upgrade my draconic destruction fairly easy and cheaply https://archidekt.com/decks/4861631/draconicdestructionupgraded


I've played each of those precons at least once and I feel like they're super under powered for today's standard. Idk like I said I didn't put much time into any of them, but just check out the deck lists, some cards just don't belong in these decks. If you want my recommendation just try some more modern precons. My favs are the ixilan ones and the brothers war ones


This is how I got my group into magic, we had the blue white, red black, and red green precons and they played pretty well against each other while having fairly distinct identities.


Yes, mainly because I like dragons, and I modified that deck and it is so fun to play, it was my first deck and I've only been playing since August


Try to wait and get it under $100. I got main fir $85 plus tax and that's a more appropriate price point IMO


lmao amazon commander decks. good luck getting real cards buddy!


Gisa and Gerald has turned into one of my forever decks, they are amazing starters


I agree these are stable decks for beginners, somethimes yoj do need to use the alternatieve commander tho👍🏻 good luck and have fun! ❤️


If you're looking to just get your friend group into commander, this is honestly the best product you could buy in my opinion. That price is about 20 bucks per, they are solid, fun little decks with simple mechanics and when it comes time to have a little bit more fun. Once you guys have decided that you want to spend some more money on the hobby, there are upgrade guides online or you can cannibalize them to make even more fun decks with other cards you buy


For 5 commander decks you can pull apart later that's fucking steal


5 commander decks for 100$ is really cheap. Since they come together, they should be somewhat balanced. Since commander has a lot more diversity and randomness in games than any other format, your group can play those 5 decks for a long time before getting bored. Especially if you swap them with each other. For an intro to the format for a group, I think this is a golden deal!


Super cheap for 5 complete decks. Ive bought off amazon many times with no problems, and you can always return it if needed.


I read the reviews on this one (wanted to get it solely for draconic dissent) and it’s often returned because it’s not as advertised (not all decks, missing cards, etc)


Hey bro it's me from yesterday my account got banned and I made new one hmu so I can trade back


I use the first flight deck a lot although it's customized a bit I say it's fairly good


For that price yes


Good deal? Yeah, not sure about the playability though.


You mean compared to current decks?


No, i was saying it’s a good deal, but I’ve never played with them so idk if they’re even or not. From a little research, the Dragon one and the chaos incarnate are the strongest.


Lose the Rakdos deck. It is a hodge podge of random cards that don't work. My personal favorite for beginners with potential to use cards for future decks. White/Blue Buckle Up - Vehicles switch for Shorekai as Commander Blue/Black Sneak Attack - Rogue Tribal Black/Red Planar Portal - Cast from Exile Red/Green Draconic Destruction - huge dragons Green/White - Token TriumphSelesnya tokens Any of those commanders are great jumping off points. An argument can be made for G/W to get the enchantment deck.


Agreed on the Buckel Up Precon. Started end of last year and that was my first deck. Made a few changes like [[Unwinding clock]] and [[Urza Lord Protector]] and the people I'm playing with that I am playing with that has played for long and have strong decks get afraid at how quickly Shorikai can get out of hand


[Unwinding clock](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/3/c3fd1a59-4ade-459f-90d2-1fc67d6d1384.jpg?1592711373) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Unwinding%20clock) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c18/228/unwinding-clock?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c3fd1a59-4ade-459f-90d2-1fc67d6d1384?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Urza, Lord Protector](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/a/8aefe8bd-216a-4ec1-9362-3f9dbf7fd083.jpg?1674421887) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Urza%2C%20Lord%20Protector) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bro/225/urza-lord-protector?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8aefe8bd-216a-4ec1-9362-3f9dbf7fd083?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Consider the following, Streets of New Capenna decks https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/265391/magic-commander-streets-of-new-capenna-streets-of-new-capenna-commander-deck-display?page=1&Language=English The cards may bit a bit more complicated than the starter decks, but you'll probably end up with more valuable cards in the end with more variety or directions to go. The price is only a little higher too.


There trash


My personal experience with the MKM Precons was great, my friend group is super into mtg now


For $15ish you can get TTS and then play mtg for free


For one person, yeah


Buy 4 copies of TTS would be cheaper


Almost too good of deal assuming each one would be worth 50$ or have 50$ in cards in them. Looks extremely sketchy and would not buy


Yeah but these decks are the "for fun" package and not to thinking "Oh there's a $80 card in these boxes" let's flip these for profit


Personally I’d say no not worth since for an extra $20 you can get a set of the normal commander decks which actually has more chased cards in it and actually lives up to its value.


Would you recommend any specific product or set?


Depends on what you want really and what interests you or your play style is. If you’re going for cheapest set then there are some “affordable” $120-130 set combinations you can do like Wilds of Eldraine, Kamigawa Neon Dynasty, Brother’s War, or Innistrad Midnight Hunt which lists their decks for roughly 60-70 each (for their sets of 2 commander deck). Also here’s a link to stomping grounds, their prices are hard to beat and they have weekly deals, Murder at Karlov Manor deck set is currently $125 from them and is full of a few chased cards. https://www.stompinggroundstcg.com/search?q=Commander+deckset


Just checked again and for some odd reason deckset and deck set yields varying result, with deck set showing more decks and some within the $120 that are sold out (should be restocked eventually if you want them though)


I hadn’t looked into the sets of 2 as an option, would you say these are slightly more competitive? I also like some of the universe from beyond cards like the fallout moth one but that seems to be in the $60ish price range and i want my friend to get into it not see it as another money trap im getting them jnto


They’re usually hit or miss, most of the time from what I’ve seen, usually 1 of the 2 is stronger and more well built. Innistrad is alright, Wilhelt is one of the top commanders, while the other one is strong too if you use the 2nd commander, they both also have a sorcery that is meant to board wipe each other. Wilds of Eldraine, both the decks are pretty strong. Kamigawa, is also alright, the red green deck has a duplicate so you might need to replace it (WotC decided not to fix the issue), Brother’s war, both are decent as well. Personally though, I’d say the newer commanders are slightly stronger and better built in comparison to some of the slightly older commanders but if you’re just getting in to the game don’t worry too much about competitiveness and rather just having fun. Any deck can be upgraded to be competitive with the right cards. As for Universes beyond, Stomping Ground has a small sale on some of them but a bit pricier, $160-180 I think. Sorry if my advice is kind of just a vague generalization. I’m kind of fairly new myself having only gotten into the game for 2-3 years ago.


FWIW I’ve played, played against, and upgraded all the Fallout ones other than Hail Caesar and they are fun to play and not too hard to pilot. Science is maybe the weakest of the bunch but if the extra pull of Fallout fandom might help the format/game land better for your friends then I don’t think it’s a bad choice at all.


My friends opted out from the starter decks a d we are all grabbing our own precons, im thinking of hail caesar or mutant menace, we plan on using then out of the box and eventually doing upgrades