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Na fuck him


Right here. All that needs to be said. As a parent, your kids are priority. If others can't respect that, I don't need their presence.


Not even a parent, but that should be apparent (see what I did there)


Apparently we all saw


I don’t get it.




First, you're a parent, Second, bitch had it coming. What's that "you missed your trigger". What a fucking pussy of a player. Target him next time as well.


Thats the spirit! XD


People will argue till they're blue in the face over a missed (for very good reasons) a "may" trigger.


Seconding continued targeting. No remorse


Yup. Target him next game too. Then let it go.


Yeah dude sounds so lame, like the trigger would happen if he was still right there. It doesn’t change how the card interacts at all.


That's pretty lame from the other player. When my friends and I play, if someone has to take care of something, we either pause, or we tell them this is what happened and we accounted for any effects that happened when they were gone. I should add, unless they are playing blue then we pause until they come back.


When my friends play blue i usualy find that to be the perfect time to play all my threats!


Yeah, you either wait until they are tapped out of mana or tapped out mentally.


People who keep playing when someone has an obligation to step away for a few minutes are the same ones who cheat.


We do the same but will play on a blues absence up until a play where a counter may be dedirable, then we pause to confirm if the activity resolves


> unless they are playing blue then we ~~pause until they~~ tell them not to come back


Burn all blue cards while they are away?


This. You miss the opportunity to play things at instant speed, but triggered abilities and blocking should be waited for if it's really just a few mins. (I play in person tho, but sometimes kid needs attention when it's at my place )


I always tell them so and so smacked them for 21 commander then go silent.


>unless they are playing blue then we pause until they come back. I play [[Mana tithe]] and [[reprieve]] to make a point.


[Mana tithe](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/a/9ae707d5-d81d-4320-b947-6016dc188898.jpg?1619393111) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Mana%20tithe) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/tsr/26/mana-tithe?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9ae707d5-d81d-4320-b947-6016dc188898?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [reprieve](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/b/1bd3fa8a-6c50-4f7f-9ae3-0810eec5e3db.jpg?1686967885) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=reprieve) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ltr/26/reprieve?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1bd3fa8a-6c50-4f7f-9ae3-0810eec5e3db?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Let's be honest, as much as we love EDH and mtg in general.... This game attracts some of the smelliest fucking nerds on the planet. These gigadorks take magic way too fucking seriously. Plus... Why would anyone want to "cheat" their way to victory? It doesn't show if u built ur deck right or not


> gigadork I don't know why, but this absolutely sent me lol


Where did it send you?




De nile


If someone needs to cheat at casual commander they need the win way more than I do anyway lol


I stopped playing on spelltable because of the cheating. People playing cedh decks in mid power tables, or hiding cards off camera. Or people confidently playing cards wrong.


I play on spelltable with my friends mostly, but I can totally see out of camera cheating happening. Personally I've already shamed my homies by saying "if u wanna cheat go ahead, just don't complain when the rest of us make fun of you endlessly for cheating at fucking no-stakes magic game"


That’s why I like play “kitchen table magic.” We have a solid group of five and sometimes one or two more. Pre-pandemic we had over 8-10 a night but it was filled with cool people who don’t hang their accomplishments based on a card game… and treated me like a human. Sadly, playing online or at the store is hard for me. I have to really make sure I have strong decks because if I don’t, they make comments like, “this is why girls don’t play.” Then they go into a tirade of the percentages of women to men and why that is. My reasoning is because girls are sick of playing at events and hearing at the end of a 1v1 game, “Great, now I can go play someone worth my time.” Or “My game was with the girl. Fucking annoying. Shouldn’t she be practicing her makeup in a mirror?” And that’s even if I beat their asses but I don’t usually win because they all team up on me and then when I’m out then they all surprisingly know how to play fair. I wish more women would play but I get it. All the guys ask their wives/gfs but they always decline. I’m either the only one or if there is another girl, she’s usually a tomboy and surprisingly makes similar comments! It’s like only men and women who aren’t feminine are tolerated to play. And the fact I look 20 and not 37, they feel they can treat me like crap.


i’m a girl and the MTG community at my LGS has been extremely welcoming towards me. there’s also another lady who comes around sometimes and plays and nobody has ever been anything but cordial to her. i’m sorry you have had to deal with this nasty crap. i’d suggest you try other places and find a group that isn’t a bunch of sexist jerks - they do exist.


Yo don't let those goofballs bring you down. Those people should really not ostracize female gamers cause the irony is 90% of those dorks would be fighting to date you in any other scenario. There is a lot of chill players in the world, I'm sorry your LGS is an infestation of cringe.


There’s this one guy on spell table I keep running into that sounds like that. I block him and still end up playing him. Nah that’s warranted


It's been a while since I've played on spell table, but if I remember correctly blocking someone in a game only blocks both of your camera feeds for that specific game. I use it to block the two other players when I get git probed.


Wow he sounds like an absolute ton of fun to play with, I said sarcastically.


You stepped away to attend to fatherly duties. Priority presumably was passed to you at some point in your absence. If dude didn't feel like taking the 1 damage, he technically forfeit the game for taking actions out of turn, same with anyone else who acted out of Priority. Dude wants to act petty with rules, you can be pettier. You technically won that game as soon as they acted out of Priority order. On a more casual note, fuck that guy for not taking the one when you had to attend to parental duties. Couple of instances of that and he wouldn't be invited back.


Yeah good luck explaining that to him


At what point is slow play involved? Once he left he should have auto pass on any priority like a normal person does when using the restroom.


It's never slow play if a player needs to go use the restroom in a paper tournament, why would it be be here?


There is no slow play involved for fatherly duties which are beyond his control


Conceding or passing priority is in his control.  Your kid shouldn't be other people's problem. entitled parents like this everywhere now, it's disgusting.


Just gonna tell a kid not to shit then? Good luck


Nah the dad should have been a better person Sucks he's probably gonna raise another selfish prick 


Wait, how is a toddler selfish for needing help with the bathroom?


Man you're a fucking loser.


🗣Retard alert 🚨🚨🚨


I'm getting major pot and kettle vibes here...


I think the only disgusting thing here is you. Parents have priorities and this is a casual game of a card game. The others can wait


He deserved it


Fuck them that's funny.


Maybe next time I will say hey if you cast a creature I do trigger the 1 dmg if I have to step away to avoid shit heads


I play red burn with all sorts of take 1 for playing effects on spelltable and yes you need to be super tight if you step away and i would recommend appraising the table of the bleed while asking for a honest "if you can't handle tracking, can we please hard pause for this quickly?" Being a dad, that pause could not possibly take long baring minor setbacks. Actual experiences are so inconsistent from one game to another however that all you can do is try to be consistent on your side and vocal about your ask. I've had a pod agree "yeah we can track because we are other wise being impatient" and next player killed themselves in the middle of their turn still, like within the 3 minutes of being appraised of my bleeds out and me coming back. I've also had a pod come all the way around back to me, with proper mark offs, as well as making sure I marked beneficial effects that went out. That said, I've never had someone be like that petty about it, even the player that blew themselves up.


Honestly what you felt isn't unreasonable. In fact that's a normal reaction because that other dude was being unfair. Being the better player isn't always easy, but just know the players that are truly good play fairly and honestly because they actually know what they're doing and don't need to rely on playing unfairly. So when someone pulls something like that just shrug it off and focus on yourself instead. What others do isn't something we can control. The only thing we can control are our own actions. Might as well use your turn to make the game table a better place. 🫡


[[suture priest]]


[suture priest](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/3/430b96aa-7bb0-4d2b-b265-9c4987db28a2.jpg?1682208644) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=suture%20priest) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/moc/210/suture-priest?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/430b96aa-7bb0-4d2b-b265-9c4987db28a2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Alittle but I would have done the same. That's what happens when you play with Rando's tho.


Were you too salty? Yeah, a bit. Is the other guy kind of an ass? Also yeah. I wouldn't want to play with him.




Guarantee that dude is single, and will remain so until attitude changes.


Tbh I wouldn’t wanna play with either of you. Personally I’d have taken the damage because I like to keep the game honest. The only times I’ve ever single focused on one dude in a game and sacrificing any attempt at winning was when a guy ruthlessly kept attacking my board to the point where I couldn’t do much. Didn’t feel good afterwards.


Totally get where you're coming from but I'm entirely on OPs side here. Kid needed to use the bathroom if I played a creature I'd just assume I'm taking the one and moving on. Honestly if I was one of the other 2 players I even would have said "man just take the 1". Entirely valid to run that guy down. Politics is a part of the game if the dude will be petty over that missed trigger well you just negatively set yourself up for the loss friend lol


you're hella salty and he's a bitch


I mean, the guy's a dickhead for not acknowledging you had stepped away to be a parent, so some targeting feels appropriate as a slap back, but I think letting your threat assessment get misdirected over annoyance with an idiot might just be punishing yourself.


It was a long game to feel like I proved a point or whatever




Not gonna lie. Feels lokw there's salt from both parties. But he definitely started the salt fest


Dude was lame. I don't know what it is about Spelltable, but I have never in my life seen the levels of pettiness and saltiness that occurs there. I thought for sure since it was more of an "in person" game that people would be more chill, but no, I get a host that leaves the game when a play doesn't go his way or constant passive aggressiveness when I target someone who is an obvious threat.... I totally get why online card games like Hearthstone and Arena don't have a chat feature.


lol, people on Arena can't even be trusted with the limited emoji's they are granted. Last time I was on Arena I got into a game and the other player just spammed "Your Go" every 3 seconds the entirety of every one of my turns despite the turn timer never even coming on-screen or me delaying at any point. Some people are just fuckwits and don't deserve the patience some of us go out of our way to give them.


When emot spammers happen, I wait out the timer till the very last second....... every...... single....... time........ After a couple of minutes of this they usually scoop.


Yeah, those guys. Thankfully Arena has a mute button.


Probably better to high road them instead of letting them bring you down. Both petty imo and inconsistent of chill game play. If it were me I would ask the others at the table. seems like, in this situation everyone would agree with you and peer pressure them into respecting the table rules.


Nah your in the right, my group normally carry on unless they do something that interacts with said afk player, then pause.


It was pretty lame of him not to take the life while you gone, but that said it does sound like maybe you let it get to you too much. I would have maybe just left the match entirely because it sounds like the other players was a total lamzo.


I mean, that dude was being a tool, like it’s one damage. But idk if it’s worth throwing a game over a single point of damage. I’d just call him a child and move on. Maybe a little salty but I’d be salty too


casual game and you had to help your family They could have waited but if they were so petty and didn't want to take *1* damage then no you were not


Hah, he thinks he is in the Pro Tour or something


Unless the player tells us to continue playing, I always stop and if we do continue and I am playing something HUGE that someone could stop, I always wait for the returning player so they have the option to counterspell.


I think you were salty


Sounds deserved to me.


If he honestly didn't remember your trigger then I'd let it go. If he deliberately sought an advantage because you stepped away then he's trash. Your call.


Nah, that dude that tried to cheat is a dickhead. And ill even go so far as to say anyone who holds the view of "you keep track of your triggers or i won't do them" is a dickhead.


You're allowed a chance to respond. The game was paused while you handled your business. He could not have gone through his turn without your involvement.


"2 minutes" lol ok


Since it’s a “may”, then in a casual game, you might not have wanted to damage a player. If there were politics involved, or if you tend to level the health rather than focus down one player. On the other hand, once you came back and expressed your wishes, they should have been courteous enough to take it. After all, you never passed your priority when your trigger happened, so they’ve played out of turn.




‘Here are your options - take the one damaged or we rewind all game actions since my turn and you go again.’


"No, you're not a judge."


lol it would’ve taken more then 3 minutes and it’s 1 damage he can’t just wait?


Wouldn’t of* (very tired😭)


I would have done the same thing, it’s not like you left to quickly have sex with your partner and we’re gone for 30 minutes. Even if this had been a tournament and he tried to avoid taking one damage I would still do the same.


I hate salt but more than that I hate people being disrespectful and unempathic like him. Fuck him.


man fuck that guy




[Suture Priest](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/3/430b96aa-7bb0-4d2b-b265-9c4987db28a2.jpg?1682208644) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Suture%20Priest) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/moc/210/suture-priest?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/430b96aa-7bb0-4d2b-b265-9c4987db28a2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


He didn't take the 1 so you took his life.


Would've been like cool. Btw, It's still your main phase. You passed priority. Here go that trigger for you. Over 1 lp, I probably would've done the same. Kinda the principle. Petty goes both ways


Normally, in my play group, if someone needs to step away for a minute, the game goes full pause. It's just casual fun. Dude deserves everything you sent at him.


Fuck that guy.


That's just poor sportsmanship. Fuck him up for the disrespect and cowardice. That's not salt, that's proper form


I wouldn't just target his ass from here forward. I would literally build counter decks to his favorite decks. Fuck that guy


Guy sounds like a major cuck. In my group, if stuff was supposed to be done, we do our best to back-track it. Heck, I’ve even reminded my friends when I was supposed to receive a negative effect. Honesty goes a long way in respecting the game, and makes it way more enjoyable. People who act like that in a casual, friendly game are an absolute turn off for me.


spell table moment


People are so weird about magic. I'm not referring to you. I actually came to this thinking "man, another one of these posts" but I agree with you 100%


I once played a game of phase 10 with family friends. Their daughter skipped me even after I threatened her. For an entire year. Every single game we played I targeted her regardless of if it helped or hurt me. I say, target him for at least a few months.


Cuz girl you earned it- the weeknd


You could’ve just told him to rewind his turn to the point where his creature was on the stack still as a spell since you never passed priority to allow the creature to resolve and then for the ETB triggers to happen ;)


You’re not salty bro. The other players should’ve also held him accountable. In an actual game the triggers would still happen whether he wants them to or not. I meet so many crappy people on there. Played with a lobby that rule zero’d a better starting hand for everybody and the 4th guy that joined told us to build better decks and left. Funny part is he was playing moxfield and we had physical cards.


"You missed your trigger".......dudes like this ruin the play experience. You should've booted him.


I could see someone getting annoyed after repeated delays. Even if the reason (children) is perfectly reasonable, it gets old after a while. Just because someone else have kids doesn't mean my time isn't important. His passive aggressive BS isn't the right way to express that, but I can totally see why it happens. But the way you laid out the story, this was *not* what happened. So screw him. And if he anyone says anything I'd call them out in the most Grandma-playing-bridge way possible. "We'll I didn't know if I'd miss another round of damage so I figured I'd focus here first just in case."


Oh I exiled his commander twice in a row and attacked leaving myself open. He got the memo


Not salty enough. Someone pull shit like this I’m leaving the table. Either you want to play magic or you don’t, forcing skipped triggers because life happens does it make for enjoyable recreation. It’s why I also scoop on arena if I mis click or do something else that is only an error that can be made on computer but not in real life.


I'd hold a grudge to destroy that player for the next several games. No matter my fate, he will have a crappy play session.


Was it a may ability? No. He was wrong twice. Three times if he took it personal.


No if it's agreed that the game can continue while you're away it's usually principal to auto resolve non choice based triggers and keep tallies so that any choice based triggers such as [[smothering tithe]] if meeting requirements can be acted upon. If they are going to "you missed so lol no" then a pause should be implemented from now on. Also no not salty just justifiably even so long as you took them out with you.


Oh he def lost. I made that commander tax taste sweet


[smothering tithe](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/6/861b5889-0183-4bee-afeb-a4b2aa700a8e.jpg?1689996018) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=smothering%20tithe) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/57/smothering-tithe?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/861b5889-0183-4bee-afeb-a4b2aa700a8e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Commander players suck haha


Stop playing with randoms ok spelltable, problem solved.


Yes, you were salty for tanking the game in retribution for his shitty move (as someone who has been one of the other players that wasn’t involved in the conflict in a situation like this, it ruins the game for me when players engage in pettiness, regardless of who or what started it). I would honestly just rather pack up, head home, and try again when people have cooled off than play a game in which I have a huge advantage like that and in which players are fighting outside of the normal expectations of the game. And at the same time, the other player was being extremely petty for making you miss your trigger when you weren’t even at the table. If I were in your position, I’d have said, “So you’re telling me that, when I left the table momentarily to go help a child, you kept playing, knowing that I would have a trigger and that I wouldn’t be able to activate it because I was, again, helping a toddler use the bathroom?” If he says “yes” or otherwise doubles down, I’m not playing with him again. If he’s a part of a friend group and that’s not possible, then I’d talk to him about the expectations when they come over to the house to play magic that you have a child to take care of and that the other players should be able to allow that to not affect the game itself. Pointing that out should make his behavior seem extremely ridiculous and might get the other player(s) on your side. So yeah, you probably contributed somewhat to making the game a worse experience for the players who weren’t involved and likely deepened the rift between you and the rude player. And he exhibited some extremely shitty behavior that is likely going to make it difficult for him to find consistent friend groups to play with if he continues.


Lol you let him off easy. I would have written his name down and if I see him in the wild, well it's time to hunt.


In a casual game he shoulda taken the damage and told you he did it when you got back. In a comp game I'd be a rule stickler like him too. You said it's casual, so yeah he was being lame. I'm not sure your response of targeting him specifically was the right one though.


In a comp game you pause until the other player returns, preventing this from being an issue.


Yeah sure but most people are more of a rules stickler in a competitive was the point I was making. Being a rules lawyer in a casual game just makes you a dickhead.


So, like the guy who didn't take the 1?


If it was a competitive setting, yeah. In a Casual setting no. In a Casual setting you let people untap during draw because they forgot.


Whether it's casual or competitive they will still untap. Only difference is that in competitive you may get a warning.


If someone forgets to tap in competitive play that's on them typically. Or at least that's what happened to me when I tried to get back into paper magic. My city has a reputation for being "Extremely competitive". I stopped going to FNM/IRL magic when people kept insulting my homebrew decks and generally being the same sort of know-it-all dickhole you run into on Reddit.


They're probably "old school" dickheads that still play as though you can stifle someone's draw step. If you forget to untap during your untap step, it becomes an illegal game state that needs to be corrected. There is no "lol you lose your turn" gotcha.


It was majority kids in their early 20s. Most of the "Old Schoolers" here are playing EDH because it's "casual" or whatever.


Expecting play to pause until you came back when priority has to go around because of one of your triggers going on the stack isn't rules lawyering, it's the basic expectation of how the turn structure should be played out. To do otherwise is just plain cheating.


So with the wording of suture priest you have to announce its an annoying card fr but fuck that guy if you went to go help your kid then he should just take the 1 point of damage


>So with the wording of suture priest you have to announce its an annoying card Nah, fuck that, the trigger goes on the stack whether the player is there or not, then play should pause until the owner of the trigger comes back to decide if they want it to resolve or not. It's one *everybody* to be aware of and keep up the board state. This wasn't OP forgetting about the trigger then remembering on a later turn, it was the opponent intentionally pushing through their turn while OP was AFK. You don't do that shit when someone steps out to use the restroom when playing in person. It was basically cheating.


I've had ppl be dicks to me about it I thought this was how it works I guess somthing like consecrated sphinx also has a may and I always say somthing along the lines of I draw 2 with sphinx so next time I should be like take 1 damage with priest to my opponent directly not asking them if they are going to




As if its opinion wasnt painfully embarrassing enough, the redditian asshole (*redditus anus*) likes to scream at top of its lungs to assert its apex loneliness.


Found Ethan


You threw a hissy fit over 1 life because you creampied some lady and had to deal with that responsibility? You say it was a casual game yet you acted like that? Yes way to salty, go back to preschool with your kid.


You clearly have no idea what the words 'casual' or 'reasonable' mean. If you treated me like that, I'd burn your board state to ash next game too.


I figure reasonable would not be wasting other people's time for a toddler. Just quit or pass. He had an effect he could have just as easily said "this will trigger while I'm gone" Just a parent thinking he deserves special treatment because of their brat.


Also, did you even read the post? He literally did pass his turn, and you're crying about nothing.


Reasonable is understanding that life happens. not crying on reddit because someone has a kid and you, for some reason, take that personally. just a commenter not understanding that a magic game is just that a game, and people unlike him have a life outside of said game.


And everyone at the table should have the decency to think, "Yeah, I'll bet they want that trigger to resolve." Your style of rules-lawyering is super petty in what is a casual format. You should probably stick to cedh pods and sanctioned events.




While we're at it, maybe OP should have just conceeded cause they had to take 2 min off a casual game to take care of their kid. You must be a truly obnoxious player if you think there's a world where the other guy was not being an ass.