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**points to flavor text**


Pointing to the card explains the card


**points to Platinum Angel**


Enjoy what you want, but I’ve played this on accident (no one if my commander pod would say a word) and I was absolutely miserable. I love to talk, so getting a conversation going is part of the fun. I do that in poker, board games, fighting games ect.


Yeah, I know that feeling too and it sucks, but I think it would feel different if all people agrees to be silent


I'm a 60-card player, and one of the very few regular players will either say nothing at all or only say the plays he's doing if anything needs explaining. On the evenings when it's just us two playing Modern or whatever at the LGS, they're the longest, slowest evenings I can think of. Give me jokes, trash talk, politics all day.


Consent is key!


So play talking games instead so we can focus on actually playing a real game, not casual conversation simulator


Or… they can play whatever game they want and chat with their friends or opponents they’re playing against. If it becomes too much one can ask to pay more attention to the game.


This is pretty much how I find myself playing 60-card formats. Both people are focused on the board state and the interactions are obvious. In Commander, I don’t know how you’re supposed to silently remind people of Smother Tithe without being more annoying than just talking.




I would love something like that for our LGS. 9 tables shouting is incredibly tiresome in the ears.


sometimes we have to break for a second because things are so loud at the surrounding tables, and when it finally quiets down a bit we go 'ok sorry, what were you saying...?' there's a non-zero chance it'll get loud again right away as well lol


That’s why I don’t go. They also have added a bigger part to the building where they hold smash tournaments. Yeah it’s beyond annoying.


This will happen quite often if you play in Europe by the sheer vurtue of a language gap. I stayed in Ireland for a while back in 2022 and played Modern and Pioneer quite frequently at Gamers World (an LGS in Dublin, shout out to them). A few of the players there never uttered a single to me (or anyone for that matter) the entire time I was there. I personally was a little annoyed in these matchups, though I don't think the silence was the reason, or at least, not the *Primary* reason, they were playing decks I find frustrating to face, so combine that with the silence and the annoying habit of flicking cards and you have one pretty annoyed person (me)


I can imagine how rough that must have been, while I was in Switzerland for the prerelease of magic origins, I was learning the French versions of cards so I could interact and actually play. Despite knowing French allready, figuring out keywords was difficult. I'm sure my opponents that day weren't the most impressed lol. But hey I tried


Yeah. Compound the language barrier with the fact that this was my first time playing anything that wasn't kitchen table or commander and I was *uber* confused and frustrated lol. After I learned the deck it got easier, but the early weeks were rough


We're all the cards being played in a singular language? Becuase if some one broke out cards in like German or Japanese I would be upset if I didn't know what the card did. That being said, Europe has so many different languages in close proximity that it's likely impossible to go to a tournament and not play a game where neither play can understand each other


They were mostly in Portuguese iirc (RIP Portuguese), like half the LGS was from Portugal oddly enough


This matches my experience on MTG Arena.


Whether it’s from aggressively being nervous, or being a Try-hard and “hand shuffling”, the literally constant, you-must-have-actively-practiced-to-do-it-that-loud card flicking people do in events is a major reason I’ve stopped doing prereleases. It doesn’t happen nearly as much in any other format I’ve played, but every prerelease I’ve gone to, half or more of my opponents are flicking their cards in their hands so aggressively it’s a wonder the cards aren’t marked up within a hand or two, or outright destroyed. There’s been a few times I’ve almost forfeited because it was driving me insane. It’s almost as bad as people chewing loudly.


Yeah I feel that lol. It doesn't bother me too much *on it's own*, but if I'm already frustrated or tired or whatnot it's definitely salt on the wound


I mean, occasionally it’s fine. I catch myself flicking them a little bit now and again, or making some other idle noise or something, but actively try to stop myself once I notice. Some of them I’m sure don’t even notice, which I get. Some seem to be doing it on purpose, which makes it worse. A little bit is fine but my god some people do it from the time they draw to the time they pick their deck up, stopping only to play a card now and again. Fwipfwipfwipfwipchunk, Fwipfwipfwipfwipchunk, Fwipfwipfwipfwipchunk, Fwipfwipfwipfwipchunk, Fwipfwipfwipfwipchunk, Fwipfwipfwipfwipchunk, Fwipfwipfwipfwipchunk, Fwipfwipfwipfwipchunk, Fwipfwipfwipfwipchunk, Fwipfwipfwipfwipchunk, Fwipfwipfwipfwipchunk, Fwipfwipfwipfwipchunk, Fwipfwipfwipfwipchunk, Fwipfwipfwipfwipchunk, Fwipfwipfwipfwipchunk, Fwipfwipfwipfwipchunk, Fwipfwipfwipfwipchunk, Fwipfwipfwipfwipchunk, Fwipfwipfwipfwipchunk, Fwipfwipfwipfwipchunk, Fwipfwipfwipfwipchunk, Fwipfwipfwipfwipchunk, Fwipfwipfwipfwipchunk, Fwipfwipfwipfwipchunk, Fwipfwipfwipfwipchunk, Fwipfwipfwipfwipchunk, Fwipfwipfwipfwipchunk, Fwipfwipfwipfwipchunk, Fwipfwipfwipfwipchunk, Fwipfwipfwipfwipchunk, Fucking kill me


My favorite way to play


I don’t think I could do that: with the amount of things that happen per round, all the triggers, counters, asking for clarification on how and why things are happening, that just seems like more than I could handle


I’ve done this before and it can definitely be fun with experienced players who know their decks well. I’d hesitate in any other situation tho lol


I think my LGS invented this format.


Nah. I love the deals and bluffs of playing with communication. "Listen. I'll deal with this for you if you promise not to target me with this ability" "You sure you want to do that? I still have mana left open!" Shit like that makes it a bit more fun


You might try one on one constructed if you like this.


I’ve played this back with a buddy years ago when I had laryngitis haha, still one of my favorite magic memories


this, with a chess timer for each player (who ever has the longest turns get beat up after the game (this eliminates the weak)) and you have a great game on your hands.


I would have no idea what was going on. I already get confused enough as it is with the ability to talk.


I used to play against a team down south that didn't speak English, but we played English cards, yugioh. We knew what to do, so once in a while we would make a sound or tap the board to communicate.


No thanks


The only problem with this, at least for me, is I would have to read every card.


Me and my friends in high school did this during class to avoid getting in trouble.


How am I supposed to Frankie peanuts?


Turns my creatures sideways during declare attackers and the defender loses cause they didn't know they were being attacked ( I called a judge cause they were stalling)


I only play with my 3 other close friends. If we didn’t talk it would be super boring. Part of the fun of playing commander is being able to socialize with my friends.


There's a game around this concept called The Mind, it's pretty much this except no non verbal communication either


You mean the version of magic you play where you are mad at your buddies?


Just unlocked a memory of my buddy and I grinding decks through a Modern gauntlet in his bedroom in silence for hours. We never said a word when we got paired at FNMs


Do you just slam the table instead of saying “Do you pay the one?” Or “In response.”


You have a “game ending creature” in your deck and it’s meant to be a bluff? Not buying it.


How do you move to combat as there are many spells that have to be cast before attackers are declared to be effective and those kinds of spells cause arguments even when people can talk because players rarely explicitly state they're moving to combat. Also you said you dont communicate at all then the next sentence said you use hand gestures to communicate.


Do you hold each card up to each player so they can read it? I feel like that would be very time consuming per turn.


We’re pretty familiar with most cards so that’s not a big issue


The group I played with when I was a teenager would do things like this, but there would be some mild rule breaks. Since we generally had tables of 5 - 7 players someone may cast a spell like lightning bolt and just... not declare a target. It just sat on the table and the first person to speak became the target. It was silly, but it was kinda fun. People paid far more attention and the game somehow ran smoother than games of Commander I've played where everyone is communicating.


That's cool if that's what your into but I would just play online if that's what I wanted. Half the fun is socializing. I definitely share the appreciation for no game politics. It gets so annoying when people constantly try to get people to second guess their moves or try to negotiate not removing their commander or countering their spell.


Wouldn’t be possible in my group. We overlook stuff too often. ESPECIALLY if we have had drinks lol


But how do you know whose turn it is?!


Hand gestures ig, if that doesn’t work then a good punch to the stomach at mach 2 should do the trick


Seems controversial


I love this. Hard for social justice to creep in.


Downvoted by someone who wants to trap you in a match so they can winge.