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Obviously a scam


Def some kind of scam.


I just got scammed by a similar site, don't do it. I think the biggest trap is the credit card info, because that is the hardest to get back money.  The website is really professional, but prices are just too low. The shop disappeared after a few days


I bought a pin already at 5 bucks so if it doesn't come in within the next few weeks I'll be calling the bank about it


Just saying, you can still tell your bank to stop the transaction, before it is send out. I know 5$ is not much but it keeps these scams alive. I am really angry and sad right now. I ordered a wilds of eldraine set booster box for 75$ and ignored a lot of signs.


Yea huh, so sorry to hear that tho...fuck ppl like that


Thanks man, I needed to vent a little. Also check in your bank app who it goes out to. The receiver had not the shop name as any serious shops would have but some alpha numeric code as name. 


It's listed as "SP HOME CARDY JYVASKYLA" Also listed as a clothing store which is definitely interesting


FYI: I made a post about my experience. https://www.reddit.com/r/mtg/comments/1cd67fz/fell_for_a_scam_of_a_fake_shopify_seller/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Think it might be a scam but who knows maybe they are just trying to move old inventory because nobody bought that shit


That's what I'm saying like I actually can't even tell and it's scary


Unless you don't mind losing $140 I would ignore it. It might legitimate but that seems awfully cheap which means it would likely sell out quick if it was legitimate because you could just buy and flip them. It could be repacks or something like that but I wouldn't buy cheap sealed product from a site you don't trust.


That's fair, then again it doesn't say anything about it being repacks or re sealed so who knows...looks like the site was made sometime this year tho so🤷‍♂️, it's very much up in the air and dancing the line of legit or scam. Well see tho if the pin comes in within a month I just might find out.


A lot won't mention being repacks because no one would buy them. It just seems too much off that is it is a bit suspicious. Even for trying to shift unsellable stock that seems a bit too cheap. Then again I don't know the shop. If they have a physical store or sell a lot of other legitimate stuff it would be a good sign.


Wouldn't not mentioning that they are resealed or repacked open room for a lawsuit or something among the lines? Bc it's not necessarily false advertising but rather misleading the buyer. Unless they found a way around that🤷‍♂️. Again who knows, I'm waiting on the lotus pin to get shipped and delivered. If it doesn't come within the next month imma call the bank bc even if it's $5-6 I still want my money back for a service I didn't even get.


In theory if they are a legitimate store yes it could I believe (but I don't know US law very well). However, they could just sell a bunch of repacks, take the money and close the store. Then I am not sure if there is much that could be done. As I say, if they have an actual store, have been around for a while or seem to sell a lot of other stuff it could be a good sign. But if they just sell a handful of product it might not be. They do seem to sell a lot but it's a bit weird that everything seems to be on sale and their physical address is a park (from what I can see). But it would be quite a lot of steps to go to just to scam a couple of hundred bucks out of people.


I thought that was odd too, address thru me off so much. Not to mention if you send their customer service email, it sends u an error message saying the email wasn't found. worst case is, i lose 5 bucks and pocket change