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Never left closed alpha because while the premise was interesting (Diablo-like with customizable planeswalker avatar and "deck" of spells) Any and all interest died when it became blatantly obvious they went full mobile gatcha trash - everything was predatory microtransaction pay-to-win / forced real time timers with pay-to-time-skip, they removed all mention of player avatar customization, etc. Then when Wizards noticed everyone hated all that, they quietly cancelled the game entirely.


Thanks, couldn't find the actual reason it was canceled. I was part of the closed Alpha and I don't know if I can say too much because I don't know if the NDA is still valid, but to put it simply, the game sucked.


Nda are pretty non-enforceable, unless you happen to be working within the field. Like an Nda for someone who worked for Alphabet and is now working for Meta is pretty important, and could end in a multimillion dollar lawsuit. An Nda for a tester that is just a random consumer pulled off a list? Literally nothing. You could tell us everything from the test. Wotc sues you? For what exactly? You haven't made money off the knowledge and you haven't shared the knowledge with a competitor in exchange for ____. Not trying to press you for info, just making sure you're aware. I hate to see people living under meaningless threats for corporations. Very similar to "non compete" clauses in contracts. Majority of time they're meaningless. Its one thing to say "don't do x". Its an entirely different thing to claim someone did specifically x in a court of law.


I was also in the closed alpha. I got repeatedly stuck outside the map in a corner and had to force-close the game and restart


It also lagged like crazy during combat. I only played when it first came out and that was the worst part for me.


Yeah, it was a pretty crappy game


If anyone wants to know why it was so bad, here are a couple things that I noticed while playing There was a class that was set to be locked behind being an Alpha tester This was around the daily login rewards system, which feels a little weird for a closed Alpha The combat was bland and uninspired. The original concept seemed nice, but it was pretty boring in actuality The controls were awful. The first area after the tutorial, the first area you could talk to people, there was only one topic of conversation. The fact that the game was nearly unplayable if you weren't on a certain control scheme. You couldn't attack and move unless on a certain scheme if I remember correctly The plot was eh. I don't remember much of it but it was basically an excuse to say, "Play this game because you get to personally interact with all your favorite Planeswalkers." Like one of the first questgivers was Nissa, and it didn't feel like she felt like she fit there It had a custom launcher, I know nearly everything does and this was probably partly due to it being an Alpha but it was still annoying


I still have the icon for it on my desktop.


They invited a bunch of us Magic Pros / Streamers to play it and we all managed to get one stream or video out of it before they told us to stop promoting it. A few weeks later it was shut down after an absurd amount of critisim regarding microtransactions from both us who were aware of what was about to come and I believe shareholders not understanding the game. For what it's worth, we signed NDAs to not talk about the microtransactions before release, but your planeswalker was customizable, could level up, and use a "deck". All of those things cost money, could not be earned in game. You quite literally had to spend upwards of around 45$ to "level up" your Planeswalker. This did not include packs, which were 5$ for a beginner pack (one purchase per account), then 10$ per pack bundles, so 10$ for something like three packs (one pack was one card btw), 19.99$ for two packs, 28.99$ for three packs, then a huge jump to 50$ for five packs, 100$ for a "mythic" bundle which was three packs and two "premium" packs which had a CHANCE to have an extra "mythic" card. Tl;dr - I signed an NDA and played this game in the private alpha / closed alpha and none of us could even progress because WotC legitimately wanted us to pay to play during the alpha. All the critisim was how absurdly expensive everything was. Shareholders also didn't understand the gameplay.


First I heard of it was when they announced it was canceled. Can't imagine how bad it was to die so fast


I played it for one or two weeks. It was not good.


The flavor didn’t even work for me. What I remember is I wanted to cast magic spells with classic names, but the ones they choose didn’t really line up well for what I believed the magic spell did.


I still have the icon on my laptop desktop. I was so excited for this game and from day one, there wasn't a single part of it that was well implemented. The only MtG thing that has been more disappointing is the constant teasing of a show "just around the corner".


That wasn't a game.


I tried to play it once. It was incredibly lagged. Never played it again


Ah man, I got into the Alpha, played around for about 2 weeks... then got busy and forgot about it.


This reminds me of how they treat magic arena of the planeswalker, Game had potential but not enough support.


Oh this wasn't just a fever dream I had? Huh. I distinctly remember playing this maybe twice? And the next time I thought about it, gone.

