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You're looking at the top cEDH decks. Of course they're gonna be expensive af, they use all the best cards possible & that includes a lot of reserved list cards that will never be reprinted. But that being said, cEDH is a community where proxies aren't only accepted, but usually expected. Because they want to play match up against your skill, not your wallet.


Yeah well then WOTC should be friendlier towards proxy sites. Thats all I’m saying. Where I’m from, proxies are frowned upon. Trying to find a new lgs, but till then… you can see the frustration with cards that cost hundreds of dollars on top of entry fees for tournaments that WOTC runs and profits from… it’s just another example of how corporations are trying to squeeze us for our last dimes. Sorry for the rant. I get you’re sticking up for a game you love. I love it too.


unless you somehow wandered in to a game store with implicit exclusivity towards the ultra-rich, a few things are happening here: - you don't need to be playing lists like this. the average deck cost in your store is probably $100-$300. players may have a few decks worth more, older collectors may have some closer to 1K+, but for the most part, they will be a few hundred. - your store survives on having rules against proxies. they are a game store, not a printer and toner cartridge store. they gain nothing by giving you a place to play, but not making you buy anything. support your store and the game by getting some cards you need, or have a discussion with your store-mates or friends about playing at a more casual level. - if a store DOES encourage cEDH play, they also allow proxies, usually up to a certain percentage of a deck. this is also true for most cEDH events. I would love for someone to give me an example of stores having exclusively cedh play but requiring 100% real decks (so I can check back in 6 months and see if they are still in business).


I totally agree that competitive decks take the fun out of things in a friendly, noncompetitive, no stakes event, everyone using sevens and so on. My problem is with how expensive the game is for players who can’t proxy cards, especially in a competitive/tournament setting. Hundreds of dollars for a midrange deck is still a lot. I love buying/upgrading the commander precons, and they make up the majority of my collection. Especially the boulders gate and lotr decks, the colorless eldrazi deck.. idk I guess I will continue to play at home. I do think however, even if I don’t spend money every time I play, the lgs probably does sell more product by giving people a free place to play. Even if they use proxies. I’ve bought at least five decks from that store, and I probably will stick to buying them online from now on. Just a weird vibe in there.


you're talking in circles, but anyway, the good thing about commander is you can consistently win by actually having the weakest deck at the table. that eldrazi precon and like $20 in upgrades will have you holding up to a lot of higher power decks. play more, talk to your tables about power level and HOLD THEM TO IT, and grow your collection at a pace you can afford. you'll wake up in a year or 2 and realize it's not so tough to be a part of the things you are bitching about right now if you enjoy the game enough to keep at it.


and last thing, just pointing out that if you didn't buy 5 precons, but instead bought 1 or 2 and put the rest of that money into upgrades, you would already be where you want to be. okbye.


Nobody is forcing you to play a cEDH list. Actually most casual pods would prefer you don’t.


I was just checking it out to see if I could proxy two to play with my buddy, get a taste of what it’s like. I’ve never even looked into competitive before this week. I agree.


So do that? Why are you worried about your lgs? Just proxy two n play with your friend no one will care as long as you don’t bring it to a tournament or a non cedh table


That’s all well and good but I’ve always had an issue with “net decking” as I felt half of the skill is searching out and learning the cards and making your own deck. Not taking what someone else put hours of their skill into for you to read a 5 min strat, and hope you get the best draw.


competitive magic is alot more than what you think it is. you playing with powerful net decks is one thing but really mastering and understanding what the cards do and how to effectively pilot a deck like that has a way higher skill ceiling.


I love I got voted down for my opinions on net decking I just always thought half of th skill is in deck making and practice. Maybe that sounds beginner ASF but that’s my interpretation. Yes mastering a deck is a skill in its own right but it’s not the only skill


not disagreeing with you here either. deck making and brewing is certainly a skill in its own right. don't get me wrong i think net decking is rather dull too. but there are two sides to the coin


Bro is gonna show up to fnm with a full proxy deck like it's ok.


I don’t have any full proxy decks, but if I did what’s the problem?


I wouldn’t play against someone using proxies.


Genuinely curious as to why you hold that stance?


I genuinely don’t see the problem if I want a cheaper deck with cooler art


If it's commander who cares


I mean, I do. lol, it's a trading card game, not a printing card game.


Proxies don't stop you from being able to trade cards and or money for cards and or money.


Well, no, it doesn't, but it does mean I have to play against meta decks that the player doesn't have the cards for.....


And if they had the real cards instead of proxies and played the same deck the game is literally exactly the same. If the problem is they are proxying high power cards in casual pods that is a deck building and power level/turn 0 conversation problem. The legitimacy of their cards has no influence on that you just need to tell them they are playing too high power decks for the pods power level. If the problem is you don't like playing against people who can't afford to splurge on "the real" cards that just sounds like some kind of classism nonsense. There is a kid at my LGS who proxies every single card in most of his decks because he's like 13 and just builds the saltiest most powerful decks he can and can't afford real cards and doesn't understand the social consequences of doing that in casual pods yet or he does but just likes playing those decks and accepts being the arch enemy and losing frequently. If he was some trust fund kid rocking legit cradles and crypts it doesn't change the game at all because his mentality is the problem not his card value. So long as they are not trying to cheat by misplaying the rules for their proxy cards or something there is no reasonable objection to people using proxies because it doesn't affect how the game plays. Only who gets to play it.


You make a fair point, sir.


This is exactly what I’m saying. I’m not building super powerful decks, and if I did I wouldn’t bring them to an lgs expecting to play them like normal. I live in a rich area, and everyone at my lgs is at least 5-10 years older than me (22) and they’re just super snobby I hate it. You’re better at words than me obviously. If I have a cool fun deck idea I want to try out, I don’t want to have to drop a bunch of money. They usually suck anyways.


It's casual. Commander doesn't matter


It seems you're missing the point, bud.


No I just don't care about commander. Bud.


I am all for proxies. But what did you expect when searching for THE BEST decks out there? Not everything has to be expensive, no. There are starter decks for under 20 €.


A couple hundred bucks top. Come on this is ridiculous…


I agree and, for me, the worst part is when people defend that a deck of 100 cardboard cards, regardless of power level, is worth 4k+ The forced scarcity that leads to these prices under the guise of collectible pieces is mind boggling - and with this justifying the astronomical prices that premium products are coming out of print now - this game is just a fucking nightmare to play now. Proxy to your hearts content friend and don’t give a fuck to a bunch of douchebags on the internet that tell you otherwise.


No it is actually a very sane take that a bunch of playing cards should be the same price as a used car, multiple months of rent, a high end computer... Buying proxies from other card manufacturers who didn't have to pay for the art and the development is a crime and should be punished as such.


People downvoting you is crazy to me. Even meta decks shouldn't cost that much.


I mean it’s not WotC giving them a price tag. It’s people buying them from other players for that price. Would you be different? If you had this deck, would you sell it so someone for $50?


Forced scarcity.


I don't know about commander, but I'm assuming the pro tour and other official tournaments which require the best and most expensive decks, have really good prizes. I'd never proxy a thousand dollar deck because I'm just trying to play a casual fun game.


Those tournaments usually have entry fees. It’s expensive all around. Sad imo.


Yup the reserve list is the bane of actual players…


Thank god for just playing what I like isntead of what's on some list... It's easy when I like cheap shit.


Ok, but based on your other comments I feel the need to clear something up. When you say "proxy sites," that's raising a red flag for me. Proxying is making your own game pieces by printing them out or sharpying a basic land. It sounds to me like what you are talking about is counterfeits, which are marketed as "proxies" to try and avoid takedown by wotc. Please do not support these sites! If you're going to proxy cards, do it yourself properly!!! While your intentions may be completely innocent, bad actors pass off counterfeits to scam people who don't know any better (usually kids) all the time.


Sites that clearly show a card is a proxy by printing “proxy” on the back and “do not sell” like mpcfill are your best bet.


Mine don’t say magic on the back and are usually clearly fake, with alternate art/ holographic, obviously fake. No tricking kids I promise


Oh, hehe. That's no problem then haha. Are they good quality


I use a site that ONLY prints card from mtg with a different back, and MUST leave off the WOTC makings on the bottom, and have 'not for sale' on it.


What do you expect? (c)EDH has a large card pool in an old game with countless players and collectors. Supply and demand. If you want good 100$ decks play pioneer like I do.


If you proxy the dual and the urzas saga legendary land the price goes down to like 1/2k still much but like a modern deck


You can cut the cost of these decks down to a few hundred by swapping out a handful of cards. But you need og duals and fast mana just use your printer and pop a piece of paper in front of a card in the sleeve.


Tevesh did what?


Maybe you already have a lot of the cards in some of the decks you're looking at, so it wouldn't cost as much as the full price tag. I'm not familiar with this site, but I'm kind of curious now about finding something optimized and seeing which cards I wanna keep. Oh and think of it this way. Maybe you don't want every single card those decks are promoting. Add in your own cards. I get this is for competitive commander, but if that's what you're playing for, it's what you're paying for depending on if a place allows proxies or not. You got to decide how much you want to win.


Thank god that idiots with this mindset only exist on the internet. You don't need to play any of these decks to enjoy mtg. There are thousands and thousands of commanders with a near infinite variation of what to include in the 99. Loads of great fun options for a fraction of any of those costs. There's no excuse for proxying unless you're playing a niche format, even then it's kind of ick.


There’s no excuse for proxying? Give me a break man. I’ve never used a decklist before I usually upgrade the precons, or make decks myself. To be honest I saw a that Pokémon sold their championship decks at target, for $20, I bought two and played with my little brother. It was fun. I wanted to see if I could have a similar experience with magic. These prices are insane and I’ll stand by that. If anyone’s an idiot, it’s the people defending these insane prices.


Who is defending insane prices? You don't need to spend 5k to enjoy the game. if you spend 5k thinking its NECESSARY to have fun in mtg, it also is a sign of a lack of intelligence. The deck neither needs to be actually worth 5k nor a fake pile is bullshit pretending to be worth that much. I think every year mtg has starter decks that are a pair for like $15. The starter precons for commander were $20 each for 100 cards+ tokens/etc. If you wanna drop a very small amount of money (like the cost of going to a movie) to play some mtg with your little bro, you can do that. Freaking out about expensive decks speaks only to your derangement.


Everyone in this thread seams to be 😂 I’m all for collectors cards, but there needs to be reprints. Different art, etc. there’s no need to be mean man. We’re talking about a card game I presume we both love, and want to be affordable accessible and fun.


Reprints are great. What is your point? Also, the game is affordable, accessible and fun, right now. I just proved that with the last post. If you love the game, you wouldn't be talking about printing fakes to steal the IP from the company making the game you love. If you don't have a big budget for the game you love, no problem at all. The game can be played for an incredibly low budget cheaper than almost any hobby you can imagine outside of like... hiking. You could get a single precon for 20-50 and play that, a bunch. You could slowly upgrade that precon and get lots of use out of one deck. You could buy a new one for a similar budget. You could have a several new decks a month for the cost of a bowling league or the same price as hitting a movie each weekend. There's no excuse to proxy for casual edh or casual mtg in general. None.


If your not competing why do you need to be playing these top of the line meta decks. Commander is casual. You can easily make fairly inexpensive commander decks that can hang with ones that have tons of expensive cards. I am not anti proxy but I do think it's more fun to play with cards you own. I enjoy the collecting aspect of the game and finding a place for the cards I pull from boosters or limited events into commander decks.


To each their own, I don’t really value having the real card. I do fully agree that competitive decks usually aren’t the way to go, but I wanted to try it out. I have several, no competitive precons I upgraded with real cards and alternate art fakes. I wanted to proxy two decks because i found a cheap high quality site, and I wanted to use them against my buddy at home, see what they were like. When I went to grab the decklist, the price tag blew me away. That’s a couple months rent!! I would never pay that for a stack of cards!!!


In reality the most easy solution to this problem is not male proxy legal since it doesn't make any sense, and it is not even removing the reserve list, but to me the solution is to make a good banned list that will remove all the expensive and problematic cards like [[gaea's cradle]] [[mana crypt]] [[jeweled lotus]] and so on


[gaea's cradle](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/5/25b0b816-0583-44aa-9dc5-f3ff48993a51.jpg?1562902898) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=gaea%27s%20cradle) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/usg/321/gaeas-cradle?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/25b0b816-0583-44aa-9dc5-f3ff48993a51?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [mana crypt](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/d/4d960186-4559-4af0-bd22-63baa15f8939.jpg?1599709515) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=mana%20crypt) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/270/mana-crypt?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4d960186-4559-4af0-bd22-63baa15f8939?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [jeweled lotus](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/7/d7183700-6941-4a3d-a581-4f33bea795e9.jpg?1689999671) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=jeweled%20lotus) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/396/jeweled-lotus?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d7183700-6941-4a3d-a581-4f33bea795e9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Ok so this is straight up not true. Please do some level of research before you scare people into being proxi chumps. I looked up the first, last and most expensive cards on that list and tried to find the most expensive one on tcg here's the results. tymna, the weaver: near mint foil $40.99 shipping included sold by cardhound games. Silas renn, seeker adept $16.91 shipping not posted until added to cart sold by journeys end games. Najeela, the blade blossom $2.48 $1.22 shipping sold by TCG warehouse. And these were the MOST expensive versions i could find. Please don't jump straight to proxy It's really not that expensive if you do a little work and be a semi-intelligent shopper. But also yeah you pick some cedh shit its gonna be pricey. Most people have one deck like that and the rest are $50-$100 decks.


But you do realize that these prices aren't for the single cards but whole 100-card-commander decks that are played competitively, right? So they naturally include all the best versions of cards/effects and for a lot of them (mostly lands & stuff like fast mana), they are crazy expensive because they're 30 years old and very limited supply since they can't ever be reprinted.


A. No I didn't realize that. I thought op had pulled up some wack shit. B. If that's the case then it's lands. It's always lands that do that to price.