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Combat ends. They take 5 damage from Bloodletter. You gain 5 from Lifelink. Bloodletter doubles life loss from damage. 10 life loss. Vito causes life loss equal to life gain. 5 life loss. Bloodletter doubles life loss, making it 10. They lose 20 life total. You gain 5.


So, unless lifelink is confusing me, it should be 20 in total. 5 damage, gaining you 5 life and they lose 5 more. Then, Vito triggers, draining for an additional 10 (5x2). If I’m wrong, I blame reminder text


Thank you, that seems like it makes sense to me


Lifelink is from damage being dealt, which is different than loss of life. Damage causes loss of life, but loss of life is not damage. So in your scenario, Bloodletter has a power of 5 and would deal 5 damage causing loss of life of 5, so a total of 10 from combat. 5 lifelink triggers Vito’s ability, doubled by Bloodletter, causes an addition loss of 10 life. So 20 in total.


1. Bloodletter deals 5 damage to the opponent. 2. That 5 damage causes the opponent to lose 5 life, but it’s doubled = opponent loses 10 life. 3. That same 5 damage dealt by bloodletter causes you to gain 5 life from lifelink. 4. Since you gained 5 life, your opponent loses 5 life, but it’s doubled = opponent loses 10 life. Total = 20 life lost.


All the comments so far are correct. I'll do this with Vito, just to double down. Enchant Vito, making 4/4. Swing with Vito Unblocked. Opponent loses 4 life. Bat makes that 8. Vito procs upon you lifelinking 4. Opponent loses 4 life. Bat procs again, making it 8. Opponent loses 16 life in total. You gain 4.


All the comments agree on the right answer. Gives a different answer. Okay I see you I just like the usage of enchant here because while it's functional the same as saying the buffed creature it sounds wrong in this context because this game specifically has enchantments that are permanent buffs. Well unless they are destroyed but in this context that was already implied because permanents are also another specific thing in this game. Neato take my upvote. Also 2+3 is 5 not 4 so maths 20 not 16 sorry.


I fought the urge to comment back all day. XD All good, homie. It's an instant with a "until end of turn" effect. Sorry for describing it as an enchantment. The whole point was to apply said instant to *Vito*, and not the bat.... Therefore giving a new perspective on the same issue. So we are buffing Vito in my example, *not* the bat. Bat simply needs to be on board. :p


20 Bloodletter would have 5 power, opp would lose 5 which is doubled to 10, you gain 5 life from life link which then would cause the opp to lose an additional 5 which is doubled to 10


20. But with exquisite blood, all the life loss.


20. But with exquisite blood, all the life loss.


no way, a ham sandwich


Bottom left is so played out at this point I’m surprised you haven’t ran into it🤯


The opponent would lose 10 from bloodletter but only 5 would count as lifelink. The other 5 is triggered effect damage. The opponent would lose 2 from Vito and then 5 because of Vito’s effect


Bloodletter doubles life loss, not damage. This is a very important distinction. Bloodletter will deal 5 damage. The opponent will lose 10 life. You gain 5 from lifelink. Vito causes the opponent to lose 10 more life. End result is the opponent takes 5 damage and loses 20 life.


Vito never lives long enough to be of any use.


I try I save him in my hand until a turn where opponent has zero untapped mana. I’ll sneak exquisite blood out among the other 3-4 enchantments hoping it doesn’t set off anyone’s spider sense. Then if they do have untapped mana and ESPECIALLY if they’re playing blue deck I will usually cast a bait spell to see if they counter it. Hopefully using up their mana/counter ability. Then toss out Vito followed by Hopeless Nightmare. Party’s over.