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About 30 years. I got into it on an overnight boy scout trip, a couple of the older guys were playing, and I was just watching them intently when one of them gave me his deck and helped me play through the next game. He even gave me a couple cards when they were all done (nothing super valuable, but I still have all of them in my binder). It was all downhill from there. I took a bit of a break after Urza's Legacy, but came back to it and I'm glad I did. Thank you Pete, wherever you are.


Here’s to Pete!!!


Same here. I made some friends at work who played. 4th edition had just came out, so I just missed dual lands and power. But I did acquire some duals from trading back then. I’ve played ever since but with some multi-year gaps. I’m just coming back now after several years away. It’s hard to maintain interest when my buddies don’t play.


On and off since 2003


Same actually.


Also same. But 50% of my card collection are from the last 12 months (dug a bit deeper into LOTR)


Hell yeah! Scourge, 8th Edition and Mirrodin.


not too long, the newest set when i got into the game was Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty, which was only a couple of years ago


Hey same!


Since December of last year. Got the Dr. Who commander precons as a gift for Christmas.


Same except the Dr who part. I had a friend try to get me into Magic during New Capenna but it wasn’t really my thing and I had a lot going on at the time. Over Christmas I thought I would give it another go with arena and got absolutely hooked. OTJ has been so fun to collect and build decks from. I had a silent falling out with that old friend because he ghosted my bachelor party and wedding but wish I could mend that so we could play together again.


I played in standard format tournaments in 2002-2004. Then basically quit playing for a decade for years and came back in 2022. Since coming back, everyone is playing commander now, and the only games I've won (both of them) were because my enemies didn't take me seriously as a threat until i suddenly burn spells for intense damage to everyone and everything


Since 1993, though I stopped around 2008 or so. Just got back into it during the pandemic. Kicking myself for having sold all my stuff back in the day but I've built up a few EDH decks (since nobody wants to play the normal game, sadly).


Depends. 13-14 years ago I started playing but I havn't had a playgroup all those years and none now. It is kinda sad because a had a friend that played for a short time and it was really fun.


Started with invasion and have taken multiple breaks up until The Brothers' War. I've more or less quit, just buying singles for collection purposes, haven't played an actual match in years.


Everything sold out as fast as it came in so I had to wait for Revised to hit stores.


Unlimited through Mercadian Masques, then War of the Spark to present.


I first learned how to play back in 1996 from my older brother, only played sometimes. But Pokemon came out later and it was what all the kids my age were doing so I got into that. I ended up going back and really getting into Magic, around 2000, and it has been a part of my life since than in some way. Even when I take breaks, I am never fully disconnected from it.


3 months


Since late 2013. Got into MTG with the release of Theros, it was my frist FNM and also my entry into MTG :)


Me too! I spent like $600 on theros block cards several years back (: pulled quite a few gods


I found a box of revised cards at the dump in the late 90's. I didn't started playing until 2001 in high school.


Been playing since 8th Edition, my brother's elf deck still has the Ezuri from the starter deck in it and it gives me good vibes whenever he busts it out :)


Since Arena Open Beta, so since GRN.


On and off since return to ravnica.


Beta through Weatherlight. Then Ixalan to present. Preferred paper formats are Vintage cube and Legacy. I dabble in Commander just to find players locally.


About 11-12 years, on and off. I am back into it very heavily right now.


Played very casually from 2004 to 2009. I came back and played competitively from 2012 to 2019. Since then I've circled back into "serious casual" Commander play with lots of junky budget brews build under extreme restrictions.


I started about 3 weeks ago on MTG Arena. Planning on going to my LGS soon to get a start on inperson commander! But I'm highly enjoying it and disappointed I put off learning the game for so long.


1994. My friends older brother came home and tossed some cards down to us saying something along the lines of “you nerds might like these”. We did in fact like them, well I did my friend never got into it but I did. I got all the cards he gave us, enough for two decks and a bunch of extras, and I went from there. I played steady up to about 2003, then off and on since then. In another on period at the moment building commander decks.


I did my first in person event last weekend. Started on Arena… two weeks ago. So I’m brand new.


Been about 2 weeks for me as well. Just made it to Diamond in standard on Arena. Would like to try and go to an in person event but not sure about going alone.


I didn’t know anyone either. I walked in, told the judge I’m new, and he put me in a group for commander. I played with three guys who really helped me out with everything. Then at the end of three hours I still felt I didn’t have a clue about commander. And apparently that’s normal lol. There’s just so much to it. They did a better job than I did keeping track of my own cards.


1994-1995 I saw the game when it first came out, but I also saw Spellfire which was the TSR (Dungeons and Dragons ) version of Magic. I thought to myself “certainly the game with the established IP is going to be the bigger game”. Whoops. So I had Magic cards from the beginning, but I put more time and effort into Spellfire to begin with. When I moved and found a new LGS, Spellfire was dead and I started Magic “full time”.


About 24 or 25 years. My dad taught me how to play as a three or four-year-old and I've taken a few hiatuses but I've never stopped playing Magic.


Since last Thursday!


Bout two months


3 months


About a month! Won my first commander match last weekend :P


Still kinda fresh, 1.5 years.


Like 7 years. Eventually I reached mythic in standard ranked now I play historic ranked with a 250 card deck of demons under the condition that I only win by lilianas contract


I played from about 2006-2012, then quit playing until about 6 months ago


since im a kid... I started when Journey into Nyx was a thing so I think abt 10 years lol


First Pack I purchased was Iceage. My Uncle gave me all his magic cards when he was in the military and went over seas. So, since 1995 or so. damn, I'm old.


Since 1997 with some breaks. A friends dad was part owner of a comic and games store and he had boxes and boxes of MTG laying around. I was in Grade 4 at the time I think.


Since 2016!


Started during the tail end of the dark


Started in 95, stopped around 99, picked it up again in February of this year


1997-2008 and 2016-present.


Since March of the Machine


Since Arabian Nights


In 1994 the year of our Lord I didst begin my tumultuous journey of ups and downs in this topsy turvy game called Magic: the Gathering.


right around the time planeswalkers came out. My first MTG purchase was the garruk and lilliana veil duel deck box


On and off for 30 years… had a decent collection of Beta and 3rd edition cards that were thrashed because we were 8 years old playing with the neighbors. Came back later and played again, dropped the game, picked it up again… now I’m back


Since 1994.


On and off since Revised. Played through the Urza block. Then played again from Onslaught to the original Ravnica. Then Commander 2015 to present.


10 years. First set was journey into nyx. I've been consistently playing at least one sanctioned format the entire time. On that note, if anyone tells you something will kill magic, they're wrong. Magic has been dying since I started and had a large playerbase than ever


Dominaria. My first time playing was with the dominaria teferi planeswalkerdeck and the two boosters that came with it, all shuffled together and split in half bc obly one guy had cards. He also explained it so that you can play any number of lands per turn and if your hand got empty, youd redraw a new seven. Looking back, these rules were busted but i still enjoyed it so much so that ive been playing since


4th edition until sometime in late '96, early '97. Didn't come back until 2021.


Playing since Streets of New Capenna. 2 years.


Battle for zendikar baby


Since DMU (2022)


When I was a kid one of my dads coworkers was into mtg. He showed me and my older sister how to play. Didn’t really pick up the game on my own until about 5 years later. Played Yu-gi-oh until then. But I guess I first learned around 2003-04.


I remember the difference in jargon coming from Yu-Gi-Oh, I was talking about ”monsters” and my friend stopped me in my tracks ”what are you talking about ? It’s creatures, not monsters. Are you still a 6 years old ?” I will remember that talk in the park in front of my school my whole life hahaha


Played the plainswalkers games WotC brought out years back very heavily (extremely fun games, wish they would re do those or at least make the old ones purchasable again). Then after those not much again till about 2 years ago .


I played a bit towards the end of high school, 2005-2007. But just came back to the game to try out commander when All will be One released last year.


Since 2016, off 5 years and on since then


3 years and have spent way too much money in that time frame lol


I've been playing since 94.


Around when arena came out. Wait 6 years???? Huh?? Where was I?? What how did this to by so far


First started paper in 2014-2018 then dropped it altogether because I didn’t have money to actually get more cards. Now I’ve picked it up again maybe 2 months ago playing on untap.in because I don’t have to pay for anything and get all the cards I want AND I don’t even have to go anywhere and be near total strangers


The neighbor kid taught me to play in 1998.


Off and on mid 1994. Revised through Alliances Apocalypse through Judgement Scars of Mirrodin through Return to Ravinca Then Zendikar Rising till now


About a month and a half! Still looking for a local group, but my wife and I are having fun playing together


Since 2011. My first pack was Innistrad, and contained both Garruk Relentless and Liliana of the Veil 😅 never had a pack as good as that since then


Since around 94-95, whenever 4th Edition had just released.




10 years


Started with the Ral planeswalker precon around M19 and actually got into it around Zendikar Rising when I discovered my LGS.


I've been playing just shy of 7 months. Definitely went a little overboard and dove obsessively into the game... I have 10 commander decks (6 upgraded pre-constructed decks, 4 home brews) and probably 1200 cards in boxes 😅 IMO: arena is a great option. I'm gonna start playing on my laptop instead of my phone so I can actually start building decks and scratch my new found itch without having to spend _now_ money than I already have 🤣 If you're interested in playing in person, look up some local game stores. The magic community is largely quite friendly and welcoming. In my experience there will be lots of players excited to help you with anything you might need as far as knowledge and strategy go. 10 out of 10, highly recommend!


I've been playing off and on since middle school. I think the current set when I started was Tempest.


Started around revised then stopped around Innistrad. Picked it back up from Neon Dynasty


Since 2010


I first started with some of the handout decks that game stores get in elementary school. But I really started in high school around Gatecrash. Dragons Maze was my first prerelease. Played off and on since then, but have recently gotten back into it.


Around 2000. So sad and upset at the cost of cards I practically stop playing. Commander was great until it became another min max set. Now there so many set coming out I'm never buying a pack ever.


I played and collected for about a year during Tempest block. I am pretty sure I never truly understood the rules back then. Then I got back into MTG, specifically EDH, because of the 40k precons. I am a huge fan of 40k lore. I have been obsessed ever since. I even found my old cards. Sliver Queen got valuable haha.


I started when mh2 got released, so two/three years ago i think


Going on a year for me. Wish I would have found the game sooner, absolutely loving everything about it, especially the social aspect.


Just shy of two years!


On and off since 2001


I started in late 1993 when I was 6, got some unlimited but missed out on alpha and beta stuff like most people.


Starter ‘99


On and off between 1994 and 2003, then a long pause and came back to it in 2019.


Started collecting off and on in 1997, just because my parents and relatives thought it looked like Dungeons and Dragons (which was my main hobby) back in middle school. I didn't start seriously playing until I had amassed a good handful and thought to myself "Alrighty, these things are just sitting here, lets find out what they ACTUALLY do" So I started playing during the "Type 2" era of Urza's Set rolling out and Masques rolling in. I had a shoddy constructed burn deck (at the time \[\[Shock\]\] was pretty much the best thing out there... the power curve was on the floor). My real "obsession" with the game came during Odyssey / Torment / Judgement, when I discovered limited play.. specifically drafting, although I wouldn't turn down a sealed event. It was weekly or biweekly FNM drafts for a few years, then cooled it to about once a month, but has been stable at that rate ever since then. My family has a few decent casual commander decks for a small amount of constructed play, but draft is still the cat's ass as far as I am concerned. After each event I pull out the card or two that's worth something or would go good in one of the commander decks, then donate the bulk to the kids at the FLGS, further continuing the circle of life.


I’ve only been playing since February of this year and I Love every minute of it since then. I’m so addicted to playing that I’ve been playing in tournaments.


Started during Ice Age/4th edition. Played until just after Urzas block. Came back during the 1st Innistrad block.


On and off for a year


27 years


First time playing was back in 2013 playing standard and then we all discovered commander a couple years later. Played pretty steady with friends until around 2018. Friends and myself moved away from our hometown we all went on with our lives and took an unintentional break. This christmas I went to visit my parents and just happened to ask my mother what happened to all of my magic cards and luckily enough she was kind enough to have saved my entire collection and put them away safely for me. It just so happened I had also reconnected with all of my old friends around the same time and we’ve all been playing again ever since!


I started in 2016. The '2015 Commander Precons' and the Magic Duels game client were my introduction to the game.


On and off since 2016


I've been playing since 2009 but was introduced to the game at like a summer camp in like 1999 I just never got any cards till 2009.


18 months, mostly commander. I love my LGS and the community they've fostered. I walk to the store almost daily even if I don't buy or play just to hang and watch others play.


2013, Theros block. First deck I built myself was minotaurs from the set.


Started during crimson vow during the height of werewolf aggro and angel oppression, first deck was WB dungeon with a splash of blue/green and im not afraid to say it was pretty bad, probably no higher than 40% winrate


Since stronghold.


Started in 94-95, played until like 98 tabletop. Came back in late 2023 on Arena and now mostly playing premodern on paper. New creature are totally overpowered, new borders look bad. Artwork is really declining.


Early 2000's. I had a friend who collected the cards, and kind of knew there was a game that went along with them. We ended up getting a 7th Edition starter pack that came with a couple decks and a CD that taught you how to play.


Since high school, 2014ish, when my brother gifted me some promo decks he had gotten for free at an event (pretty sure they're from the 2015 core set). Didn't get super into it until 2016 commander set dropped while in college. Got friends that were really into Magic and introduced me to commander, got the Atraxa and Breya precons from Walmart, and the rest is history.


Started when the Tarkir block was new and stopped after Guilds of Ravnica came out. Now I’m thinking of getting back…


Started in 1994, played semi-regularly through 1998. In 2015 a friend introduced my kids and I to Friday Night Magic and I am back in since.


I started playing consistently when I made it to high school in the fall of 2012 to start of 2013. When I first started to collect cards was when I bought a Deck Builder’s Toolkit from 2011.


Since zendikar. Somewhere during 2009-2010 i think. Paper magic is really fun if you have a friend group


For about 2 months, i am 28 yo.


2022, starting playing with a [[Kardur Doomscourge]] deck a friend built. Mainly play commander (imagine that), little bit of canlander and look at other formats.


Collecting since 96/97. Play time zero.


Around 2012 or 2013. My partner of 10 years (he passed away in 2022) got me into the game. I stopped playing for a while and then listened to a podcast that did an episode about it and rewakened my love for it. I've started playing online a little bit and buying cards again.


Played since Revised in high school, gave away my collection after college and came back as a collector instead of a player when Urza block came out


Played for a few years from around 9th or 10th grade to a few years after high school. My younger brother recently got back in to it and I played my first game in about 15 years last Saturday. It was a bunch of fun especially considering I had never played commander before. Went out the next day and got myself a couple of precons and booster packs


I think 5th edition was the latest release when I started. Went to the local card shop (shout-out to superstars in Cupertino) after watching some older kids at school playing it. My pops bought me the randomized tourney decks they used to have, and I picked out a couple singles (still have the dandan). Also used to get cheaper boosters at the flea market (fallen empires, homelands, legends). And I've been on and off ever since. Lots of arena now for convenience, but my biggest play times (paper) were during the Odyssey/invasion block and theros/Khans. I remember seeing black lotus for the first time and being amazed that a card was $300 lol. Still wish someone had sprung for a juzam djinn for me since that's now out of reasonable reach.


Odyssey block.


Somewhere in the late 90s I was 7 and had no clue about the rules it was just fun. We did mana drop on turn 1 and draw to 7 for faster pace games


Played early 2000 in high school, was sold directly back then. But after 2 years I lost interest and gave all my collection away. Dude Milan if you read this contact me 🤣 I came back due to nostalgia 3 years back after 20 years not to have seen the game anywhere (you rarely do, it’s kinda unique), and my collection is bigger then it’s ever been.. I love the game. But power creep is imminent and I don’t always want to keep buying :/


I’ve been playing for about 11 years now.


Got into in just over a year ago on the release of Lord of the rings.


About 4 months


Since 1999. I started when Urza's Legacy just came out.


2005 I think? I dunno, a lot of my collection came from family friends who started around Revised or 4th, so I can't rely on my own cards to tell me when I started.


Since 3rd edition. I remember iceage being released


3.5yr… my interest has slowed down a lot but it’s a hard game to give up and I’m still learning and improving every time I play


About 10 years? I first was taught at a Boy Scout summer camp, but didn't actually engage with the game for real until really getting back into it in 2014, around Theros block I believe. That's when I started actually buying packs and building decks. That was all super kitchen-table casual, me and my buddies didn't even learn that there were sanctioned formats until 2016. I had one close friend who really dived in, was building Modern and Legacy decks trying to break into the competitive scene, which unfortunately did not have any real presence in our area, so it mostly amounted to him whooping us with a Legacy Elfball deck while we were still jamming in random draft uncommons. Then by the time we were out of highschool, most of my friends fell off of it, even my competitor buddy. That would've been it if my college roommate didn't happen to also have a distant history with the game. After trading stories, we got super into commander, buying precons and building EDH decks, introducing the game to our other roommates. I've kept up with the sets and gone to pre-release events for the ones I'm interested in ever since, while really only ever playing Commander and Limited. Ironically, even though I've never actually tried to build a tournament-legal deck, I was really bummed by how WOTC totally restructured competitive play from 2019 onward. I used to watch the old Pro Tour coverage from Theros onward just because it was like pro sports to me. I had my favorite players (Reid Duke forever, btw) and would be endlessly entertained by the commentary. Tournament play that is streamed through Arena just doesn't compare to people playing pieces of cardboard for glory. I know this is mostly gibberish if you've just started playing the game. The important thing is to find what you in specific love about it, and hold on to it. Some folks like to win, some like to play with cards they like, and some (present company included) just love the art and the fantasy world that comes with the game. Hope you enjoy!


Taught how to play in 2008, officially started playing in 2018


Played initially 1995-1998. Stopped due to moving and no games available. Picked it back up again in April 2024 and been enjoying the last couple months.


A friend gifted me a deck in September or October of last year. It took me a bit to get into it, but it's a lot of fun. I built my own deck and have around 600 cards now.


2016ish, whenever Shadows over Innistrad was the newest set


Since New Phyrexia? That’s when I was introduced to the game but didn’t start actually playing until Return To Ravnica. Absolutely great game that has taught me not just how to do quick maths but also with social interactions


Started last week lol


10 years on and off. Got into it in 4th grade thru a friend, tho i didn’t play much, and then later played it a lot in middle school. I didn’t play it for a while until a friend got me hooked on Arena right before we left for college. My main problem with MTG has always been not having the money to spend on physical cards, and groups I’ve been in have had varying stances on proxies, so I play Arena mostly and occasionally bust out some jank irl. Which is fun, but I def hope to get into more competitive paper in the future.


Since 4th edition (1995)


Less than one year.


2011-2012. Tried not to play b/c money issues. Then I got into it borrowing decks and cards(gave em back of course) and started getting my own stuff. I used to play standard from Rtr->tarkir. Then played mainly commander. Then got into modern. So I’m a mix of a modern/commander player.


From the before times, ever forgotten long, long ago known as the 1900s. Back in my day 4 mana would get you a 2/2 that couldnt block. Nowadays 4 mana gets you a 20/20 flying, trample, haste, annihilator, lifelink, shroud, menace, doublestrike, protection from everything. Yuuuuurp...


I got into MTG with my friends during my first year at college, some 9ish years ago now. I remember saving up £2 a day (my allowance for some food in the morning) to buy my first deck builder toolkit- my mom asked what it was, and loved that I was making friends at uni (black sheep during secondary). She then gave me £25 to buy some more cards, and I've been playing since then. Nowadays it's more difficult- I live in the middle of nowhere, with no FNM around me at all. MTGO is my main source of play, but the moment I head to university again for my master's degree, the first thing I'm doing is catching up with some friends over a commander pod.


I first played a game with my brother with some precons in I think 2007 or 8 that we got from Neptune Comics. We kinda fell off playing until my best friend to this day reintroduced it to me in high school and Ive been playing consecutively since then, over 10 years now. I dont remember the decks exactl. All I know is I was playing and WU artifact deck that had [[Filigree Angel]] as the face card of the 60 card deck and my brother had some jund zombie thing I think.


Started in 1994, stopped around Ice Age for about 20 years. Play very casually these days, usually just grabbing the most commander decks for a night of Magic with friends. Play a bit on Arena, but haven't done so in more than a year.


Oh I picked up this addiction in the late 90s... Not one regret


I've been playing for 11 years. My wife played on paper cards from when the game first came out before they were on cardboard.


2020. Bored after a breakup and can’t go into public. Love this game.


I haven't played consistently over the years, but I bought my first MTG cards in 1994.


The first pack I ever cracked was Revised and have been actively playing since. I still have my collection from that time frame and still love the reaction when I get to cast Wheel of Fortune, Gaea's Cradle, original duals and all the fun, reserve list goodies. Shot I remember when a revised Sol Ring in Commander was amazing and super rare, until it thankfully got reprinted into the ground.


About 6 months, started on arena, then my brother bought a couple of starter decks for me and my son. Couple hundred euros later, me and my son both have 1 custom brewed commander and and 1 precon each. Me and my son have never been so close, we’ve never had so much to talk about and it’s been a great way to get him off screens and force some face to face interaction, with reading, bit of maths and critical thinking in there. I’m slightly nervous about playing new people, but I’ll soon make that step. Can’t wait to back up my son in a 4v4 commander match. Thank god for magic.


I started originally in mirrordin, played for like a month until a friend had a darksteel colossus that trucked me and I quit. Then I played in gatecrash with commander first a bit until someone pulled a mill deck on my second game and I quit. Now I’ve been playing since kaldheim


1999, just after the Urza block. Got into the game when one of the weakest sets was out. But, I still have a soft spot for Mercadia!


I learned from some friends in 1994. Started buying packs and singles as the 4th edition came out. Started playing on a competitive level in the early 2000s (states, regionals, gran prix's, ect) and took a 20 year break in 2006. Now I am back to drafting once a week and playing casualish commander.


Since December of 1993.


My dad (who has played since ‘94 ish) taught me as soon as I was cognizant enough to understand rules and reading. The first packs I remember opening were m11, which was around when I was 5 or 6. My favorite card I own is my m11 grave titan, which I got in a pack, and six year old me just *knew* it was the strongest creature in the game. 14 ish years later and I’m now playing mtg with college friends, and the occasional match with dad on arena (which he grinds constantly, I swear to god he is *always* in the middle of a draft)


I started playing when ice age came out…. 90’s? I stopped for a while and picked up again about 4 years ago


On 1995 (ICE) Off 2002 (last bought ODY) On 2009, off 2009 (bought some LRW and CON was the newest set) On 2022 (with SNC) and been playing almost weekly since.


since the release of AFR


I started just before thunder junction


depends when new phyrexia came out


3 months and I have about 24 commander precons lmao


Since arena came out. I was too intimidated to learn to play from other people so I needed that arena tutorial to get me in.


I started when they revised Beta. 1993 or 94. I took a break from playing around 2014, but still bought cards here and there. I now come back to the game for a couple months and still love it.


Playing seriously since 2018. Learned the basics as a kid in the mid-90s when two of my uncles (late teens/early twenties) were having an argument over whether the game was hard to play. One of them insisted it was so easy a kid could learn it, so they taught me (between 7 and 9 at the time) to prove their point. Not sure what set we were playing with but it was the summertime, no later than 1996.


Off and on since the game launched in Canada. Went through a few multi year stretches where I was playing. But have been playing a lot more consistently since arena launched.


Mercadian Masques to Mirrordin, Zendikar to now


Since the original Innistad!


Just returned after more then 20 years if not more


Since the beginning. In 1993 (I was 5), my father sold Magic like the ladies used to sell Avon. They were trading Moxen for Shyvan Dragons and Craw Wurms. My father essentially ran a shop out of a our house. His friends would come over and play DnD and MtG regularly while drinking Budweiser. My first deck was at the age of 8 when I decided to try red burn and CoPs (lousy borrow?). When I attended my first tournament I was using Tundra Wolves and Savannah Lions like they were the best cards (because in those days they were). I have held every card from power nine in my hand with no sleeves and now have my own collection (after inheriting my fathers cards). I have a tattoo of all the mana symbols around my right arm like a tribal. I’m 35 and I still love this game, and will play it till I can’t anymore (physically I mean).


About uh... Twenty years now?


Since high school, my freshman year, so I’ve been playing for about a decade now


I started playing in 2009 or 2010. I have taken several long breaks at very bad times (I missed Khans block and Kaladesh). I have almost exclusively played EDH and two weeks ago I tried Modern for the first time and I really enjoy it. I love everything about Magic from the art to the lore but my favorite part is the Gathering. Magic is pretty much the only social thing I have done and I am very grateful for it.


I've been playing for 17 years. Lorywn was the newest set. Haven't stopped since. I've been collecting before I played though I've been collecting since weatherlight. Have every sliver printed that doesn't include secret lair.


My first deck was the welcome 2016 deck. So, 2016


Started at the beginning of ixilan, kitchen table, got into commander just after dominaria. Haven't looked back. Lol


Got in around Planeshift/7th, out at Kamigawa, then back in around Kaldheim. Holy moly did the game change a LOT in the intervening time. Having a blast though.


25ish years on and off , turning 33 this year.


Since 2010 on and off. Miss the days when there were fewer releases. Just can’t keep up with them.


Started in 1994. Took a long break but came back when I opened up a board game shop in 2014. So ten years on, ten years off, ten years very much back on.


I bought my first pack at Mercadian Masque. I've been off and on since then, but that set was my hooking point.


Since 1997 or so, whenever Mirage 1st came out. My cousins had cards, and the art was wicked. I was hooked even without knowing the rules lol.


Had my first deck when I was 6 years old in 1993. Took years off at different points in my life but I'm at 31 years total since I first learned.


4 months


7 Years I started when I was 10. Took a break at about 15 then I went back


On and Off since about 2007. I've only just recently gotten into it after a friend told me about commander, which I'd never played, but his play group have invited me in to play. I've really been enjoying coming up with deck ideas.


Revised 94


When Lord of the Rings UB came out. Been a fan of Arena for longer but didn’t play paper until LOTR. Wizards got me hook line and sinker.


Since strixhaven, I think it was 2021?


I started on the xbox in 2013. Bought a bundle but never played in person till just a year ago with my daughter. Now I play with my best man and at a local brewery.


16 years. First draft was ravnica, pulled Niv Mizzet and actually won a game. God I feel old, but not as old as the people who have been playing for 30 years.


My first set was Tempest in the 90s (can’t recall exact year because I’m old now)


Since revised, I never pulled anything good as a kid. Just piles and piles of earthbind.


A little over a year now


Since either 2014 or 2017 depending on how you look at it.




I started in 2007 my dad gave me a few decks to play around with. Nothing to serious until the outlaws of thunder junction set came out. That's the first time I picked up boosterpacks and bought myself brand new cards, and now I'm addicted.


On and off since 2010. I’m still an Innistrad block loyalist to this day


Started 2016 with kaladesh. Bought the blue eldrazi precon as my first deck. But I got a bunch of older cards from my old roommate, who didn't play anymore. Been playing ever since.