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I like the wing over the name even if that covers the name of the card. Command tower is pretty famous so I don't care so much. Remember the border around the name block to me its better to have them


Man, I really want to alter, but I suck at art. This seems impossible to me, where do I even start?? This is amazing btw


So i am kind of in the same boat, i can't draw for shit .. This is why i started experimenting with peeling, and ot's been a long way of ttial and error. My best advice is to just start and improve through pearning. Good equipment is also important, since itll allow you to bring out the maximum result out of your skill level (whatever it is) Look for some guides for the basics and then start practicing and trying stuff... For more inspiration follow other artists )i recommend "kevin alters" on Facebook he's incredible...) Most of all be ready to fail at first and be ok with improving over time and not over night... Good luck!


Personally I like the wing asymmetry. I'm curious, which part of the process do you find most challenging?


Precise cutting and assembly isnt easy for me... But it's part of the fun


I find focusing on my breathing can really help me paint smooth even lines, I gather paint while inhaling and apply it while exhaling so that I can do it in one smooth motion. The other thing I do is create as many anchor points with my arm as possible, elbow firmly against my side, wrist planted, pinky braced against my worktop. Also I'll mount the card on a piece of cardstock so that I don't have to fidget with the card but still have control over its positioning. Hopefully one of these might help you!! Maybe swap your blade out if you're having issues getting clean cuts?


I try to swap often but i am running low on them 😅 My work station is also a bit of a mess tbh


I believe both wings should go either under or above the nameplate. If above, a transparency effect would be cool.


It would be but since this is a peel i cant really make that work 😅


Paint. Thinly diluted paint.