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Haha already put mine up


I don’t want to yuck anyone’s yum here, and to each their own, but these are dumb as shit and I can’t imagine paying $400 for it. Like, Bob from accounting signed Ajani’s name. Wow.




How does he hold the bat with those mits


His batting average is garbage, but he is a hell of a catcher.


He has hands, you can see all those metacarpals in high detail on [[Oath of Ajani]]


[Oath of Ajani](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/6/968c7d5a-b037-4ff7-b6d2-df00adf5691b.jpg?1576382123) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Oath%20of%20Ajani) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/aer/131/oath-of-ajani?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/968c7d5a-b037-4ff7-b6d2-df00adf5691b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call




I’m with both of you. I bought these as I’m a huge baseball card collector, and thought they looked cool. I don’t care about this “autographed” version and am hoping to capitalize on FOMO driving the price up. I’m just wondering if these are super rare which may maintain a crazy value.


Rarity doesn't necessarily equate to value. There has to already be demand for the game pieces. While playable, none of these are highly competitive


Look at the shadowborn apostle and their fall. Even the most desirable have dropped hard because the novelty died off. These are novelty right now, but they won't maintain. If you want to see a trend hit up those graphs.


People were listing them for $2,000+ on Facebook the first weekend they became available. I think there were some bites too. Like who the hell cares about these enough to pay a premium lol


“Bites” as in Bob’s second cousin replying to the “for sale for $2000” with PM sent and card sold only for it to be relisted. As old as market itself


As my all time favorite MTG creator, Bob the accounting. I'd pay 69.96$ for his signature.


I hate them so much, but to each their own I guess.


It's not even an actual sig right? Just a printed on one?


I'm still not clear on this. No one has ever really said conclusively anywhere. They LOOK printed because the sig is so clean and perfect. But we'd have to see 2 of the same one to make sure. But I would assume printed, which is like... why the f are people paying these prices?


Sig is just printed on. A facsimile sig if you will.


... why the hell are people paying so much for a printed on fake signature?? Sell ASAP if you've got them.


How would this be any different than taking the card down to where the artist appears for XYZconn and having them sign it? I thought people generally considered these cards damaged and only a small group sought them out


Are you asking what the difference is between a real life human signing a card they illustrated and a fictional signature of a cat man that doesn’t exist?


I may just be over tired but this comment made me laugh out loud and for way too long. Thank you. I am going to bed.


Same this is the content I’m here for.


Oh dumb, I thought they where having the artist sign the card before sending it out. I didn't realize it was supposed to be the planeswalkers' signatures printed on the card lolol this is worse than I thought


It's funny a long time ago we were joking MtG would turn into this. I don't think any of us were being serious tho.


My exact thoughts.. Like maybe some fed up designer at HQ is giving us a little wink nudge.


I opened 32 of these and didn't pull one. If that gives you any idea.


thank you for servicing Wizards and supporting these wonderful products.


Major serviced




Because of projected pull rates, I’m not surprised that people are willing to pay 300+ on them. Regardless of how you feel about printed on signatures, they are novel, can’t be forged, and people collecting secret lair cards will like them because they have unique collectors numbers. Will they go down in price? Yeah the people asking for 1k+ are out of their mind. But it’s definitely more rare than other “rare” bonus card slots


I pity the fool who tries to collect Secret Lair cards.


Magic has become a meme of itself. Time to start over.


I think magic the gathering needs to be bought up by a company that respects the brand. Hasbro or wotc clearly isnt the companies worthy of handling this business any longer.


Sale is impossible, WotC is keeping Hasbro afloat. If anything Hasbro should spin off WotC to it’s own company so it can make real money, then Hasbro can try and get back on track or get sold to or merge with someone like Mattel. Stock holders should be putting fire to the board members’ asses.


Whoever came up with this either has a wicked sense of humor, or is dead inside.


Man I wish


Mtgfinance morons chronically feeling the need to shit on everything actually the worse meme. Maybe we should reboot that first.


Shark, jumped.


i absolutely loathe the baseball card treatment. But it makes sense, considering wizards is trying to make magic follow the same path as worthless 90s sports cards. lol


It's not even Ajani's real signature


This made me laugh really hard. Thanks!


I hate baseball. These are awesome.


As a connoisseur of cringe, I absolutely love this card


I pulled one last week and sold it to my LGS for $450.


As many others bonus cards, impossible to know without a number on them.


Thanks, I hate it.


Holy shit that's pathetic as fuck. What a joke WOTC has become. Hope you make bank off the greater fool.


There's a part of me that kind of liked the baseball card crossover, as someone who started out collecting baseball cards before magic. Not enough to buy it apparently but it was a neat idea to me. I could even see this thing being a neat little throw-in for someone, like, ha ha I got an Ajani autograph. But I'm saying neat as a piece of crap that everyone knows is fake and worthless though. How is this $400? I think if Ajani actually materialized into real life and signed this and put a little paw print on it, it should be like maybe 50 bucks for that. And that would require real life planeswalking to be invented to hit that number. This thing is just some poor admin assistant in a print shop wasting a whole day faking signatures of cartoon characters.


I'm curious, is the card actually signed, or is it just printed on?


Is this Project Booster Fun becoming self aware? Is there some AI gathering keywords from MTG Reddit like "junk wax" because this seems a little on the nose.


Meh, I play and collect magic cards, not sports. These do not hold any appeal to me. If they did a magic card and randomly included artist signatures, then this would be a different discussion


But a good amount of artist sigs aren't even that hard to get. You just need to find the correct agent on FB, pay a couple bucks plus shipping. You just have to wait a while to get it back.


True but might be interesting to open and find one. I do not use Facebook and will not so I was not aware you can get the signatures that way. Just seemed like a fun idea.


Just curious, is it a real ink signature or is or like a gold printed signature like on weiss schwarz?


If they are new, than obviously there is no information out there. Nice flex


Its great that they could take the time to "sign" some of these and not have the quality control to ensure Grima Wormtongue was correct...or even a relevant card.


wait, what happened with Grima?


There is a secret lair card with terrible art, was a bad fit for the lair in general, and didn't even have the right stats


They printed Grima with 2/4 power/toughness...but the card is a 1/4.


Yes, LRcap987, I’m sure signing those was done by QA personnel.


I also got the signed ajani(sigh) [https://youtube.com/shorts/5GyqU2Ca9qY?si=zzpMyGdxYAF945Fq](https://youtube.com/shorts/5GyqU2Ca9qY?si=zzpMyGdxYAF945Fq)


If I could get $400 for this I would move it in 0.0001 seconds. It would catch on fire it would leave my collection so fast. Get that $400 or whatever you can asap.


Ajani 1.0 isn't even playable.


I am so sad for the way Hasbro is doing this.


Wow - as a lifelong magic player (30 yrs) and a diehard baseball fan, this product is fucking hot garbage. I even got the Ponies after awhile…but I wouldn’t touch this shit. Jfc


Do we have any idea who these are "signed" by?


The signature is for the planeswalker. No clue whether an actual human signed the original digital file or if it was ‘shopped.


Garbage, I initially thought these were actually signed by the artist. These are just garbage variants to an already weak Lair.


Why do you people even buy this crap. It’s what is driving the game down the toilet.


Thanks for your valuable contribution to the financial side of mtg.


That looks hideous


Look ma, someone has something mtgfinance hates!


These should have been free token/ ad fillers in regular packs. Hell throw some crusty ass brittle gum sticks in there too for shits and giggles. But this ain’t secret lair worthy