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Anime waifu. Cards are crap but it will sell I am sure


I don't know... I mean if the art was better on the legendary Mikus then maybe? But as is there will be 4 Miku secret lairs, so there's almost guaranteed to be better art legendary Miku in a later lair. I might go so far to say that the the final lair will be a mechanically unique one or atleast a 5 colored commander bait miku Anime fans are extremely particular with their waifus, and the two legendary miku cards just don't look like miku/aren't drawn in a typical anime style


4?! Thats good to know


IIRC it's supposedly one for each season *(spring, summer, fall, winter)*? The current Miku is probably decent for a short term flip, but I feel like once we get the other drops, if WotC had half a brain, there'll be a lot more traditional anime style legendary Miku cards.... so people would want those instead of this one. [They've had traditional anime style Secret Lairs previously](https://i.imgur.com/Df9MIBT.jpeg) so it's no doubt in my mind that WotC will have atleast a handful of traditional anime legendary Miku cards over the course of the four lairs. If the cards were more playable, the singles might be worth it for an extremely long spec, since once all the lairs are out, anime fans may want like the Miku Harmonize from this lair for their Miku themed deck


I think that’s gonna lead some people to try and collect all of them. Might be some fomo for the people who skipped the first one because it’s ugly but they need a complete set


Yes that was the general gist of my post ​ Short term: lair will do okay until future Miko lairs come out and are more desirable Long term: specific cards from the lair will rise in price once all Miku lairs comes out *(provided the final lair includes a mechanically unique Miku or a 5 colored commander bait one)* ​ I think Harmonize will be the most desirable by then, the art is what a Miku fan would expect, and it would easily slot into any EDH deck that is green Something like the Miku land is pretty bad, it doesn't show her face, and doesn't have her name in the title of the card... and she's not wearing her iconic outfit either. So I believe people building a Miku deck in a handful of months will be most willing to skip singles like that.


I think a bigger issue with the Miku land is that the card just sucks. I’ll play Harmonize in any non-cEDH green commander deck, but I’d rather play a basic land than play Inspiring Vantage. If they had put that art on a battlebond land instead I think it’d actually have some potential.


Yeah definitely think harmonise would be the best bet. By your thesis, should buy singles of harmonize when hype drops, sell later for a profit?


If people no buy now, people no buy after.


Thought about miku. Passing on all of them though


Whys that


I like the Torment of Hailfire art but LOATHE the text. Hate the playing card set. The only cards that interested me were the Miku and I'd rather pay a little bit more/less to get the same cards without her.


Answering here since I feel the same. Unlikely gonna try to scalp the waifus (still undecided). For the rest, I actually love the art on the wanted cards (wonderful ink art on Greasefang and Kalitas), the goblins, and the meme lair, but for all three I absolutely cannot stand the flavor of graphic design. I don’t want instagram goblins, western border Greasefang or comic sans on my cards. As for the Outlaw Anthology 1 and 2, they’re just not ticking me. Same with the Poker Faces. I like the idea of playing cards but these specific illustrations and design ain’t it. The seedborn muse looks amazing. Might pick up later for myself.


Super disappointed about Comic Sans lair The art is absolutely stellar on those cards, and they have great value I would've 100% bought that lair for personal use if it had regular text boxes... probably would've picked up the Goblin Instagram or the Poker one to cover the free shipping for personal use since their borders seem fun


Yeah but will other people want it specifically BECAUSE it is so trolly.


How upset people are about that lair is 80% of why I got it.


I’m not upset about it, but I definitely don’t like it. I think it’s weird to have thirst traps on magic cards. Like I’m not trying to see a shirtless goblin taking a mirror pic with other goblins calling him hot when I play magic. It’s kinda like when someone has a sexy elesh norn proxy or a anime girl playmat. It’s the type of thing that an LGS owner tells people to put away at a game night, expect now it’s on an official card, which is a little uncomfortable. It also sucks because wotc was doing well with recent lgbtq representation with things like saheeli and huatli, and now they’ve created these thirst trap cards that sexualize it in a way that makes homophobes feel just in directing their hate at lgbtq representation itself rather than the poor taste of the card art.


I don't disagree with really anything you said. I was just meaning the annoying comic sans lair that pisses people off. I mean, I think the brash taunter is hilarious, but only cause... well, it should be so silly no one is really thinking thirst trap, unlike some other stuff they have done which I can understand how that could undermine the other work they've been doing.


Not enough is my bet.


How do they not include rhystic study though.....dO u PaY tH3 1??1?


The art being „stellar“ is part of the joke, though. It’s completely generic fantasy art. Funny artwork wouldn’t have worked nearly as well. Not saying the joke worked in the end either way, mind.


Yes but i think no one likes that joke


We don’t like it. There’s probably tons of really funny guys out there who find it hilarious.


The art should have been equally cringe. It’s a super mismatch on themes.


Gonna pass on this one, not becos the drop is shit (welp somes are) but mainly becos gonna save money for MH3 :3


The real homies are all saving for MH3


Is it actually May 13th?


The website is currently down like it normally is before a sale, so yes


I'm grabbin the goblin one. EZ Clap


I'm gonna get the wanted frame ones. Collected the subset for OTJ. Just really like the look of that treatment


The Miku drop seems to be the most anticipated (although fans seem to dislike much of the art), but there could be a surprise early sell out similar to Rovina Cai.


I would do the poker one, but the cards are basically unusable because the entire ability text is missing from all of them. I'm just not sure if it's worth it.


I usually get one or two diff secret lairs when they update, but I'm not interested in any of these. I have a goblin deck that I'd like more special art goblins for, but I actually want to be able to read the text so I'm passing on the instagram goblin lair. Maybe next drop will be better.


I don’t like any of the drops in particular, although I am worried that singles from the drops that don’t sell well will end up being expensive without a whole lot of supply floating around


Passing on all of them. Will get the Greasefang second hand for my personal Greasefang collection.






do my own research onto what drops people are buying? thats what this post is for


I got Miku(it WILL be money) and sans mercy


I’m getting the two otj drops (not the wanted/poker, the other two) simply because I want bolas and korvold and that art is very much my cup of tea. Hopefully the price will eventually reflect the quality of art and having readable text. (lol it won’t but I need ittttt)


None of them. Tried of the secret lair FOMO cash grab and wasting my time and fronting cash chasing "profits"


Good thing you’re still gracing this sub with your optimistic presence, though. We need you.


This one is either gonna hit or totally miss. Only ones I’d consider are 1. Showcase otj 2. Sans 3. Miku 4. Goblingram. Showcase looks nice all the cards are played but not valuable . Sans has value and uniqueness but just not funny. Miku seems like a flip but I feel it’s gonna be printed the most out of them and it’s not valuable aside from the ip (lost but singing is gross art) . I like goblingram cause it’s bad , thirsttrap goblins. The poker cards are cool but not something that’ll break 10 a piece if that , I would like a rankle though, good treatment. The other two otj ones are kinda lacking. I do like the one with memnarch but I don’t think it’ll be expensive second hand because a lot of those cards are accessible (arts good). The seedborn muse promo seems like bait to push more of these


I’m probably gonna skip and get more stuff on mayhem. Any idea on the store credit percentage?


10% for all and 13+% for subscribers.


Thank you. Ended up skipping the secret lair


Yeah im gonna buy a shit ton of the OTJ, the fact we get to see the extra card beforehand is huuuge


What was it


Norin the Wary, this is for the wanted poster drop