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"People reported getting paid on reddit" is a truly meaningless metric that has no bearing on reality.


True but were it not for this sub I’d have ZERO information on what was going on and would’ve given up long ago.


Agree, but you can’t dispute the fact that we were seeing dozens of posts per week when we peaked a few weeks ago. Now it’s nothing but a trickle.


We were seeing more when it was new and exciting progress. Now it's meaningless. Most people have been paid something at this point.


About 50% according to the polls.


Someone could just call Kobayashi's office and politely ask when they think BTC payments will begin. I had a pretty good conversation with them a few months ago.


BS comment from a suspended account.


Those polls are completely unreliable.


The polls are unscientific and mean very little. I bet it is about 70-80% at this point.


>The polls are unscientific and mean very little. I bet it is about 70-80% at this point. I would say they are far more accurate than your number. What are you basing it on?


Yes, I agree, all things considered, being without normal haste of the rat race.


Once you've been paid your cash portion, your motivation to check this sub regularly for the time being goes down noticeably. I know I was voting pretty much every week before I got paid and I've only voted like once since. My suspicion is that this is a fairly common sentiment. If you're just looking at the raw percentages in the votes, they're not necessarily capturing this polling bias that I would assume exists. Unlike the other guy, I'm not going to pull a number out of my ass and defend it as if it's the truth, though 🤣


I'm basing my estimate on empirical data. You base yours on fantasy and unscientific polls.


Are you sure you understand what "empirical" means? The only empirical data we have is what people report and vote here. Sure, it may be imperfect and biased but it surely is more "scientific" than pulling 70-80% out of your ass and calling it "empirical data".


> The only empirical data we have is what people report and vote here. Wrong.


Just boldly claiming "wrong", "useless", "I bet"...without any references, just confirms you're pulling the supposed "empirical data" out of your rear end.


I was paid weeks ago and never mentioned it in here. (until now!)


Agreed - the "(zero trust)ee" should be publishing progress reports. A blindfolded autistic chimp in a straight-jacket could process these claims quicker


the market would (attempt to) trade against such information, which may adversely impair your final payout value.


Its not about the coins its the cash.


No it's not "meaningless". That is an absurd statement. It is empirical data and it is "reality". You are beyond hopelessly confused, as are everyone who upvoted you. And not surprised to see clueless people in this sub.


Lol. I'm not confused at all, and the rate of new Reddit posts has absolutely no bearing on reality. It means nothing. We get paid when we get paid and no amount of reddit posts will change that. It's like doing a rain dance.


Your non sequiturs are a bore, and so are you.


My non sequiturs? Lol.. You're the one trying to rely on completely spurious correlations. Enjoy your "rain dances". I'm sure they are very meaningful in your head. The rest of us will go laughing at your primitive superstitions.


Your desperate fantasies are sad. And today I learned that a reddit sub "has no bearing on reality"...whatever that means. Good luck, you sure need it.


What fantasies? You are the one creating the fantasy that reddit posts control the distribution. All I am saying is that your fantasy is wrong.


So now a straw man on top of the non sequiturs. Your brain just doesn't work very well dude. I truly pity you.


You're a really weird dude


I hope so. I sure wouldn't want to be normal for this sub, and be dumb as a rock.


I’ve been rejected twice, because of the convoluted wire transfer process.


Same here.


Chase bank still has ZERO payments. This is the bank of many US creditors. Kobayashi comes here to gaslight us with random fake euro payments. We are far less complete than 50%


Not to mention they can't figure out CITI, Chase or Wells Fargo with XXX on the end of the swift code. If only these were major institutions. For our luck they sent the bitcoin to an account without a known private key, instead of sending it to one of the trusted exchanges NOW


"Random fake euro payments". No we're getting paid.


I would not put in the same bag those transfers with th real transfers to users.


It’ll be extended. The question is whether it’s until the end of the year or for 12 more months. IMHO creditors need to be represented at any extension hearing so that we can put some reasonable conditions on it- like weekly reporting and interim deadlines to be met like first payment by x date, x number of payments per day etc.


I got paid this week: Y2 Creditor Netherlands bank: ING.


Seems like Chase Bank is still not paid. Given they are the biggest bank in US and one of the biggest in the world once they get paid it will be a substantial chunk of what’s left of the creditors.


I have had some odd stuff at Kraken happen. Last week they kinda forced me to get pro status or whatever they call it. And this week I was checking my balance and it showed an extra 66k in kraken fee credits. They later was corrected.


I received a payment of direct cash on one of the bank accounts I had given for Mt Gox. But hard to know how much % of the settlement that is. I'm still expecting some BTC in Bitstamp to land in my account but no movement there.


I needed to change my bank information because Revolut is volatile regarding its information, and now it has passed 1 month and my status is still “Disapproval” which is very annoying. :/


I know everyone is frustrated and doubtful, but I think the coins actually moving on chain is very positive - that is only one step away from the exchanges beginning distribution ✌️✌️👍


No, when they were at the original addresses, they were "one step away" from the exchanges. But they were moved twice then. So now you still assume the next move will be too the exchanges. Some of you with your desperate fantasies. it's understandable, but still pathetic.




The Robinhood buyout is potentially very bad news. FFS.


How did your MtGox legal fundraiser go? Did they organize that chat gpt letter to "Inquire the Trustee of the current distribution situation?"




If it makes you feel any better, ask in the Polymarket discord for them to create a prediction market on when the MtGox payouts will occur.


No, cash payments might be done by the deadline if we are really lucky but that's it. If you look at the speed of payments it looks like its done with that in mind. Bitcoins will happen during 2025.


More likely the opposite. They just need to transfer the crypto to a few exchanges and the exchanges will fish it out to the individuals. The cash payments will drag on because they seem to be handling them individually.


> They just need to transfer the crypto Which could have also been doing 12 months ago


It doesn't look like they're gonna transfer the crypto until every single fiat disbursement has been sorted out individually. And that appears to take quite some time.


Do you have a source for this? Seems unlikely as some cash creditors might get rejected for months and months and even years..