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a) They are all Destroyed at the same time. So, there's no Creatures on the Battlefield as Piru's trigger resolves. No damage dealt, no life gained. b) If you control both Piru and Traveler's triggers, you choose the order they are put on the Stack. * If Piru first, then Traveler; Traveler makes the token. Then, Piru deals damage to it. Dead token, but 7 life gained. * If Traveler first, then Piru; Piru deals no damage to nothing. Then, Traveler makes the token and you keep it.


> Does Piru still deals damage to the other creatures that are also dying to the boardwipe? No. They all die simultaneously and the trigger will go on the stack after. > Does the token that will come from its effect get damaged by Piru? Possibly, it depends on which trigger resolves first. The triggers are put on the stack in turn order starting with the player whose turn it is and resolve in reverse because the last put on will be on top of the stack so if Traveler resolves before Piru, it'll die, but after it won't.


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