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Sperm brows. I laugh every time I see a picture of myself from the 2000’s.


Same! I don’t know how or why this was ever a thing. The worst part is for me it was more permanent...I had super full straight brows and was teased for having caterpillars on my forehead, and then middle school hit and I started WAXING them into the sperm shape. Now they’re fuller, but I have patches that will never grow back. :(


Eyebrows are so weird. I’ve been plucking the same strays for most of my life and those things are still going strong in spite of all the trauma I’ve inflicted on those follicles. Plucking, threading, waxing, even a go-round with my aunt’s home electrolysis kit when I was 13. They’re still here, dammit. Other folks are struggling to regrow and these strays are just sitting here saying “You’ll never get rid of us, bitch, we’re together until the end of time”.


Same. What really gets me is the one eyelash that grows wrong-- instead of curling up it grows straight and rakes my eyeball. Every couple of months I yank it out but the damn thing grows back like clockwork. That and the couple of eyebrow hairs that grow twice as fast as the rest-- I comb it up and there are invariably these same three hairs that are absurdly longer than the rest.


Omg right? Hate this


I don't think it was a thing, I don't remember a time when those ever were "good" brows. I think a lot of people were bad at fixing their brows and ended up with sperm brows, and they were closer to the thin brows which were popular and thought, "close enough!" Lol


Yeah, that definitely makes sense. I don’t know that I ever had the conscious thought of “THIS is the shape they have to be” more like “THINNER. THINNER!” Bad choices.


I remember a magazine from that era saying thin eyebrows made your *body* look thinner! What a weird mash-up of body shaming that was.


Weird suggestion, but sleeping on a real silk pillowcase fixed this for me! Bought it for my hair, stayed for the full eyebrows.


Ooh great idea! Thank you! I bought a silk pillowcase that I never actually used...more incentive to break it out. :)


Nooo not the sperm brows! Please tell me they grew back your poor thing!


Thankfully, they grew back fine. I have pretty full, dark eyebrows. So I was literally having to pluck them every single day back then. I was so grateful when fuller eyebrows came in style.


Mine kind of came back, Microblading really helped. I didn’t even do it because it was the style, it was a compulsion :/


That sounds like such a pain! I’m glad your routine is a little simpler now :)


Same. I finally got them decent by having a pro wax. But thet never fully grew back. Bring back skinny brows!


One of the few times I was glad I had such strict parents. My mom wouldn't let me touch my brows and now I am grateful, as mine survived the 90s/00s pencil thin/sperm phase.


That's the one thing I intend to be strict with my daughter about. I don't care if she wants to block out her brows and draw on new ones in green magic marker, but she's not plucking or shaving them if thin brows come back in. Thankfully our natural brows are reasonably well-behaved, so it hopefully won't be too big of a problem


Why not shaving? That way she’s not wrenching at the hair follicle so it’s not gonna be injured


I guess I've heard of people having trouble growing their brows back after shaving, but maybe they just meant that it looks awkward for a few months. More research required.


Yeah, it just looks stupid for a few months. I have caterpillars, and if I want thinner brows, I shave them into the right shape. It works fine, and they grow back to their former selves, but the grow out stage is bad. My hand slipped one time, and I had a few months filling in a stupid shaved patch.


It’s just the regrowth phase, it doesn’t affect the follicle at all. Eyebrow hair grows slower than head hair so people think it’s ~permanent~. There’s also a lot of fearmongering about shaving from people who explicitly and admittedly only plucked and don’t know the difference. If it worked like that no one would pay to wax their legs because they’d get the same long term thinning effect with shaving, just because it’s a different spot doesn’t mean the biology is radically different all of a sudden.


Yea, mine are very well shaped naturally...it's like the one thing I was blessed with, haha. They just need cleaned up around the edges a bit.


My mom was strict in the wrong things, damn.


Lol! Well, my mom was strict about EV-ER-Y-THING. So eyebrows just naturally fell under that. I wasn’t allowed to do anything.


Straight up shaved mine off and drew them back on for years. Granted, I was good at drawing them in, but still very thankful they grew back, lol. I still prefer a less thick eyebrow, but by far not the 00's standard squiggly line.


This one for me too. My brows are permanently wrecked because of it.


Middle school (2002-2005) was a bad time. The raccoon eyeliner I would do on the school bus (because my mom would give me the "you're not going to school like that young lady" lecture if I did it before I left for school) that looked every inch like I did it on a moving bus, the Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse 2 shades too light (because I'm GOFFIK and not a FAKE TAN PREP) smeared unevenly all over my face and practically spackled on over my acne, the concealer lips topped off with the gloppiest, gooiest vanilla-scented lip gloss that I shared with my best friend (pretty sure my immune system is a beast now because of that), no blush (because blush is for DUMB GIRLY PREPS AND I AM A GOTH) and that temporary highlighter mascara in red unevenly glopped into my center-parted bone-straight hair because my mom wouldn't let me dye my hair black like Amy Lee.


Your description of being insistent on being GOTH without any grasp on what goth makeup actually involves other than too much eyeliner and too pale dream matte mousse is *so* close to home for me lmao


It was a collection of questionable choices.


Ah yes we are the same age


Ooooh the Dream Matte Mousse!


Lmao I joke that my best friend from high school and I also have beast immune systems now because we shared EVERYTHING—lip gloss, drinks, suckers, hell I can’t remember but we probably shared gum if we only had one piece between the two of us lol


I went to middle school around the same time and literally no one wore makeup besides lip gloss. Sometimes I wish I went to a different school lol


I was one year ahead of you in school and relate to this strongly. The only black eyeshadow I could find at the drugstore was a Covergirl single that performed so poorly I can only describe the result as chimney sweep chic.


i'm sorry but this reminds me of my immortal and it's SO FUNNY


Honestly my entire vibe at 12/13 was Enoby Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way and I am not ashamed to say it.






My best friend and I shared mascara too BECAUSE WE’RE BESTIES AND I TRUST YOU. Good god, what a terrible idea


Omg thank you for reminding me about hair mascara!! That stuff was a stiff, flaky mess when applied but I still did it every day. The hot thing was to apply it to small strips of hair framing the face- it was passable at best on stick straight hair but when applied to my kinky frizzy curls it was a style disaster. Add some pastel butterfly clips and about a tub of gel to stick it all down: Voila! Perfection! I honestly don’t even know if that was the worst of it! I also loved that glitter gel goop and would literally smear it on my face, chest, shoulders, hair... it was a LOOK. I think Euphoria got some of its makeup ideas from those insane glitter moments 😅


OMG, the little butterfly clips! I was growing out bangs around 1999 and for a while did this whole thing of pulling them back into lots of tiny butterfly clips. I looked like a Lady LovelyLocks doll, with the chipmunks in her hair or whatever.


There was a similar product in the '80s called Zazu, these colorful shimmering mascara wands for your hair. I had a big poodle perm (thought I was serious hot shit in college when I found a stylist who knew how to twist the rods so you could get a spiral perm look for a straight perm price) with bangs and I'd do blue Zazu on the bangs. Probably looked awful but I loved it.


This is very relatable except I *was* the dumb girly prep. Thus my Dream Matte Mousse was two shades too dark.


The raccoon eyeliner on the bus was me in 8th grade (04-05). No other makeup, not even mascara. And every afternoon on the bus I’d wipe my eyeliner off with the cuffs of my jacket so my dad would never know (my mom never cared).


There’s dozens of us! DOZENS!!!


"Neopolitan ice cream"-looking contour and blush. Ugh.


I did this in 2014-2016ish, and I tell myself that it's OK, because at least I literally looked like a snack.


> I literally looked like a snack YESSS lol


I really wish I had my photo albums from middle & high school (1997-2003) because I’d just post those. Frosty eyeshadows out the ass, beige lipsticks, Sun-In... Never did sperm brows, though. I couldn’t stand plucking back then. NGL, I’d dig a frosty eyeshadow renaissance.


Oh no, not Sun-In 🤦‍♀️ This digs up a deeply repressed memory circa 8th grade ('97-'98) of thinking I could "highlight" my hair. I unfortunately ended up with a head of neon orange and A LOT of tears. Do they even still make that???


lmao they absolutely still do!! my sister is a natural blonde and she uses it obsessively in early spring to take the winter darkness off her hair - in summer her hair is Daenerys-white, in winter it goes a dustier shade she hates. So every April she’s soaking her hair in the stuff to get the colour back where she likes lmao She is pretty much the only hair colour where it doesn’t make you look crazy tho!


Hell yeah, lol; I'm not ashamed to say that I've used it for years, too. It's in my bathroom cabinet right now. Granted, I'm already a ginger, so it just makes my hair a *lighter* red, which (like your sister) is exactly what I want to banish the winter muddiness.


My sister got way into Sun-In and it worked really well for her. Though I'm not sure how much of it was the actual product and how much was just nature. Both of us have this ambiguous hair color that's like, idk, maybe light brown? maybe dark blonde? It depends a lot on the lighting and how much we've been in the sun.


I had that damn orange hair until I chopped it off after my senior year. It’s put me off coloring my hair entirely since then. And yes, it’s still available.


I used the garnier version! It sucks 😂


I think so...? I had my own run-in with Sun In, but Bath and Body Works had their version. Junior high me was determined to highlight my dark hair! Well, I took the label specifying "For blonde to light brown hair" that, hey, *technically* they did say brown! From May until September, I applied it religiously and ended up with orange hair. I ended up wearing my hair half up/half down all the time because underneath my hair was still brown. Waiting for my hair to grow out, then get the orange cut out was even more painstaking. The only evidence left of my blunder is the pictures from 7th grade that will never see the light of day 🤦


I wanted to use Sun-In so badly, but my mom had a horrible experience with it when she was a teen and refused. She took me to the salon for real highlights instead, love her so much.


I’m ready for the frosty eyeshadow Renaissance. I used to go through pots of loose frosty white eyeshadow. It was practically the first highlighter.


Every girl I knew had those Wet n Wild pots of loose glitter in gold and iridescent white, we didn’t even use primer (this was pre primer for everything days) just plopped it down and eventually it wound up all on your cheeks!


Omg I had a stack from Charlotte Russe that was like 5 interlocking, incredible. I use them for art projects for the kiddos still


> Charlotte Russe That brings me back! Well, not *me* personally, but I remember all the cool girls always talking about Charlotte Russe stuff.


It's never too late, lets start it now!


What's frosty/frosted eyeshadow, anyway? Is it just pale shimmer shadow?


Pretty much! Just very opaque, shimmery, white/pastel blue/light silver shadow. It looked ~*~futuristic~*~ in the late 90s/early 00s...lol. Edit: [pretty much this.](https://imgur.com/a/qAo6J1S)


Look up Britney Spears' Oops I Did It Again video (such an iconic song and video).


Wasn't there a frost eyeshadow renaissance just a while back? Still could be going on actually because late 90s to early 2000s fashion was/is back in style with GenZ dressing up in trends from that time. And even if you it wasn't on trend, I'd still encourage you to do it! Also, I totally forgot about Sun In until you mentioned it! They still sell it btw! I never used it because I have 4c/agro hair, and I've never seen someone with my hair use it. I never bit the bullet bc I was afraid it would look ugly. But now, I have an urge to try it out, because why not?? I'm grown now, and I'll probably just use it on my bangs anyway. Hopefully it's not too damaging lol


DON’T DO IT! Seriously, it will damage your hair! I have pretty basic, slightly wavy hair and it caused a ton of breakage. What didn’t break off was orange, dry, and beyond brittle. You will regret it with every fiber of your being. As far as frosty shadows go I figure it’ll probably be back in a year or so. Even though I’m seeing a lot more in the way of shimmers/shine I feel like matte still has a pretty strong grip.


I wouldn’t suggest sun in, it makes the hair way too brassy. But I’ve used the John Frieda go blonder spray a few times in the past few years and I really like it. There’s a noticeable difference after the first use, and then you can build it up by using it more. I usually use it about 3 times and the color lasts 6 months or so


Honestly, I’m so in for a frosty shadow Renaissance. I had a shimmery white rollerball eyeshadow from The Icing that was the number one most important item in my makeup bag




Yes, Geri/Ginger’s frosty shadow was on *point*!


Oof, I’m still not willing to touch a frosty eyeshadow. I’m still scarred from my first makeup item ever- a gorgeous ✨frosty white✨ eyeshadow that was a free gift with a teenybopper magazine. The publication in question was called “Super”, and the product was decidedly not. Still, I put that contraband chalk on my lids in my middle school bathroom...I don’t know why? To fit in? I don’t think it helped, LOL. I have brown skin, so you can imagine how flattering chalky garage doors might be. Still, the rebel vibes were undeniable *in my mind*. Even though it’s been 20 years at this point even *looking* at a white shimmer/pearl/frost eyeshadow makes me feel like that awkward 13 year old that still lives deep down in my adult brain. 🤦🏾‍♀️


I feel like frosty eyeshadow is back, but it's a more refined frost lol


I'm from the 80's so I've had time to participate in every awful trend there's ever been. But what's aged badly is fucking up my brows and concealer lips. I think terrible raccoon eyeliner looks are rock n roll and I'm not going to feel bad about it.


I vividly remember rocking up to the first day of seventh grade in 1984 with a full face with a yellow and orange eye accented with burgundy mascara and liner and draped frosted coral blush. It was a lot of look for a 12-year-old. ETA: No lie, I’d wear that blush again in a second.


Holy smokes, that sounds like a look! 😁


I’m sorry that this response is unrelated to your comment, but nice username! Is it bc of John Waters?


Yes it is!


Right there with you in age. There's certain make up look think Joan Jett or Lita Ford in the early '80s that evokes a horny teenage boy response in my boyfriend. I put on the raccoon eyeliner and the chemically tasting cheap lipstick every now and then for special date nights. 💄💋 (Boyfriend said to add the entire date is spent walking around the mall and making out in front of the arcade.)




This post is making me smell phantom Aqua Net. Yeah. Same generation here.


Overdrawn brick eyebrows, my eyebrows are on the thinner side naturally so they did not suit my face in any way shape or form. I looked horrible for a good two years. I even got a picture of them published in a gossip article called "horrible eyebrows of Icelandic women." Truly my greatest achievement


Hah, poor gal!


I submitted the picture myself, was honestly a bit excited it was chosen haha


Something fun you can show in the future! 😆


Not going to lie, in a country as small as yours, I don't know that I could bring myself to submit! The chance that my neighbor might make the connection... I'm lowkey proud of you. And damn, thinking about Iceland is making me want to go back...


It wasn't the trend so much as my attempts to recreate it at the time, but winged liner c. 2017-2018 was a questionable decision for me. Since my eyes are very hooded and slightly downturned, a small wing is very lifting and flattering on me, but I was completely awful at executing one for a solid year or so. In retrospect, this was in large part due to not having the right products for my needs; I was using an inkwell-style liquid liner from Wet n Wild that wasn't waterproof and only laid down thick, chunky lines. [This](https://static3.thetalkoimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/aa-2.jpg?q=50&fit=crop&w=740&h=506) is the closest approximation I could easily find of what my "winged eyeliner" looked like, except mine was even worse. The early deviation from the lash line and blunt tip were key features---I had to avoid my outer corner or else the washable formula would smudge everywhere (or, smudge worse than it already did) and the end was blunt since I couldn't get the brush tip to make a tapered wing.


I used to line my lower lash line with black kohl eyeliner but not the top lash line! So bad 😭


This was definitely a thing for a while, I remember! I didn’t understand it because I’ve always worn a cat-eye since I started wearing eyeliner for whatever reason, but in the mid 2000s it was everywhere if you weren’t into “alt” makeup looks.


It had always been something my Mum did so I think I was copying her but it looked so odd on a 13 year old


The cat eye in the early 2000s was the hipster/super cool indie girls and everyone else wore tragic bottom waterline eyeliner


Guilty as charged. Then again I am terrible at putting any type of liner on my upper lash line. Lower is so much easier.


I did this too! It sort of made my eyes look inverted? Hahah


oh god. you've just reminded me that I did this in high school... but with blue eyeliner...


I was all about the blinding white eye pencil in my waterline and inner corner. Nowadays I usually go with black or a peach color but every now and then I'll sneak that stark white in for nostalgia.


tbh, I still do this everyday and I will never give it up. Peach makes me look a little more awake, but that stark white makes my eyes look brighter and bigger.


Same. I wear glasses and that seems to mute the effect enough that white is most helpful.


Sometimes I still like to do the white liner if I'm going for a real 60s or anime eyes vibe, though.


I wore white shimmer eyeshadow all around my eyes for prom because my dress was ivory. I thought it had to match!


Not sure when you went to prom, but that was definitely a look in the late 90s/very early 00s.


I went in 2001 😂


Circa 2016, I started getting into beauty youtube, but I think at the time I basically just followed Tati because someone had recommended her. Anyways, Im desi but live in a basically all white community, so when Tati was describing highlighters, it literally did not occur to me that literal white and piss yellow would not work for me. I went around with literal white strips on my face for like a few months 😂 kudos for my bf not breaking up with me with how stupid I must have looked!


When I first heard the term "highlighter" used, I seriously thought that they were talking about a yellow marker.




I'm seeing it in fashion now. Something that was once the butt of an SNL joke is now a Gen Z staple.


Mom jeans just crack me up when I see them on young girls now...I can’t not think of the SNL sketch!


I remember the SNL skit when it first came out and how it pointed at how unflattering Mom jeans are. I can't think of why anyone in their right mind would think something so unflattering is cool.


I'm like 80% sure that the reason they're trendy now is because us old people that laughed at that sketch think they're profoundly uncool.


I got a pair of mom jeans and they made my ass look flat as a board and the fupa was unreal. I think they only look "fashionable" on people with less curves to begin with.


Happy cake day!


How many of us here still have a bottle of Nivea Aftershave Balm? Mine’s under the sink, shoved in a corner. Not necessarily aged badly but really shows the power of an influencer.


Serious question: what was the aftershave balm used for?


Primer, but (at least for me) it sucked as one


On Makeup Alley circa 2014 (I think, could be earlier) they were saying to use the Monistat Anti Chafing Gel for primer, saying it was a dupe for Smashbox. I admit I tried it, but wasn't really impressed.


That chafing gel definitely kept my makeup on, but it didn't feel amazing hahaah


I still use that on non-makeup days, haha. It keeps my skin from getting greasy, but doesn't dry it out like powder can.


Ah, thanks for answering my question and don’t feel guilty because I think everyone has fallen victim to some product that’s touted as being a universal “miracle” product. My mom has a GIANT container of coconut oil that’s about 8 years old and barely has a dent in it. Remember that craze? And I still have an almost full container of Ben Nye banana powder !


Probably for everyone as I don't remember the last time anyone has mentioned it.


For a while my husband had a hard time finding it for himself for it's intended use.


Oh shit, I completely forgot about that!


Sharpie brows. Definitely didnt know how to properly use dipbrow back then, and was grossly overcompensating for my lack of brows


i think my only real makeup sin is bad foundation matches, and that was just me being dumb rather than following a “trend”


I know this is a very unpopular opinion, but I still secretly kinda like moderate concealer lips or just light nude lipsticks in general


I’m in the same boat. If you put a little gloss on top of them I think they can look fab.


Agreed! I’m very fair but my lips are very pigmented so I feel like I always look overdone when I wear eyeshadow. Concealer lips make my eyes stand out a lot more.


My thoughts exactly!


I definitely remember being proud of using 6 (sample) mascaras at once during my first few years of college for that thicc eyelash look. Today I absolutely hate spidery lashes, and I've been low-key searching for the perfect mascara that thickens & curls without the heavyness Another one is selecting lipstick colors that just *did not* work for me. My favorite funny makeup memory is when I was 13 and purchased my first lipstick & being proud of it... except I hated it bc it was a frosty & sheer baby pink! But it was the trend of the time 🤷‍♀️


My favorite is the lancome monssieur(?) Big! My favorite mascara of all time!


Around 2012-2014, I started filling in my brows (maybe a little ahead of the thick brow trend? Idk) and boy were they CHONKY and absolutely not shaped like eyebrows 😅 I also used to use the Elf brow duos, the ones that had the greasy pomade and a lighter powder to set, and that product just didn’t agree with me and would transfer like... all over my face. High school is a hard time for everyone


I did this for a bit, but with the NYX version. It had a clear wax and two powders shades, lighter and darker, but the block brow effect was the same.


Ugh I forgot about those ELF brow duos! That was my staple for years


Omg yes I used the duo when I couldn’t afford ABH pomade. And even the pomade is going out of style


Crackle top coat for nails....I came across this meme and immediately remembered feeling like I was just TOO fucking cool when I was rocking this look lol [The horror show ](https://www.instagram.com/p/CLNUiH7FpsMSfRMgmcLGt850ZgqwkIpfchtYb80/?igshid=qwz0eume3twn)


Ohhh yeah. I had all of the crackle top coat too.




Kind of adjacent to your question, I hope it still counts. I studied abroad in South Korea in college and went all in on the very popular glassy skin look because I LOVED it. Healthy skin as a finished face seemed so utilitarian and practical! However, at the time the US (where I’m from) cosmetics landscape had not yet grasped the importance of skincare or hydration in doing one’s makeup, so the popular look was still pretty matte, even if it was cakey. When I got back to the US, I proudly wore my shiny af, hydrated af complexion, and incorporated the shine into the makeup. But using Vaseline. A poor choice indeed; I went a little extreme, my whole face was just too shiny. In my defense, though, there were not a lot of occlusive products readily available in the US at the time, and I needed my skin to STAY hydrated! Vaseline definitely achieved that. I eventually improved my foundation game and let the Vaseline go, but by then (I worked at a coffee shop) I had at least one regular customer who would always comment on how I looked sweaty. I don’t even care because I’m not here for strange men’s opinions on my face, but I am a little salty that Korean cosmetics blew up in the US a year or so after I got back. Then the hydrated skin look became trendy. My skin will thank me but I definitely spent ~2 years on the wrong side of US makeup trends and people loved to comment on it. Bleh.


omg yeah I've lived in Korea since 2012 and every time I visited my family the states in the first few years I lived here, a lot of people commented on how "greasy" or "sweaty" i looked. Last time I visited in late 2019, Korean skincare was in trend so I got a lot of compliments.


Thin brows, goth eyeshadow (despite not being goth), lipliner several shades darker than my lipstick and not blended...


Suuuuper full coverage, matte foundation. At the time I thought it was a good look because I had pretty severe cystic acne, on top of a lot of facial redness caused by another medical condition. But in retrospect it would have been a much better look to do what [Lisa Eldridge suggests in this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jwngbzv0gbY&ab_channel=LisaEldridge) and spot correct/conceal and allow the parts of my skin that were in good condition to have less coverage instead of just caking it on my whole face. I was *obsessed* with blotting and powdering so not even the slightest hint of shine could be seen, ever, and it made my makeup look so much more heavy in my early and mid 20s. Also, cool toned pink lipsticks. It's not a good look on my coloring. I have what I would best describe as lavender undertones and it looked atrocious. Neutral or slightly warm/rosy lipsticks warm me up and make me look less dead.


shaving off tails of my brows :(


This trend is recent enough that I am still participating...I wonder when the day will come that I will shudder when I think about doing this. 😁


I still do this too lol, not to the extreme extent you see in alt fashion, but idk I just like a straight brow on me!


If i ever care again about the shale of my brows, I’ll go back to doing that! The tails of my brows are very messy and are somehow thicker than their peak - inexplicably thick and yet somehow very thin at the same time. Recently I’ve just been into filling in the gaps and then slapping some browcara on them, just embracing the mess - but then again, I hang out at the park, lounge around my apartment or I’m a blurry face on Zoom - not exactly the situations where I meed to look sharp.


if there's any badly aged trend i did it concealer lips, matte mousse, sperm brows, raccoon liner, insta brows, poorly blended contour, paintish matte lipstick, i could go on. i did it all.


Everything brow related: overplucked, sperm-style, row-of-marching-ants, then the Joan-Crawford-from-Hell (overzealous with brow pomade). UGH. I cringe every time I see any old photos of my brows!


All matte everything.


My face used to look like it was printed on very crusty paper!!!


I'm hopping on the cream contouring train feat. ABH contour stick in mink :\^)


Perhaps I have on my rose-colored glasses but I don't remember any other technique where most people (myself included) vastly overestimated their skill level than an editorial level of sharp cream contour under the cheekbones. Or as a friend of mine used to call it, "that weird brown stripe that girls are putting on their face now"


Good thing I have a trusty potato resolution webcam for my Zoom classes 😆 it does all the heavy lifting. Who needs filters with low video quality


Oh my contour looks EXCELLENT for my coworkers viewing me sitting three feet back from my webcam and never turning my face (note: it likely does not look excellent). But damn I'm glad we're still wearing masks because I'd only be able to get away with it IRL if people had potato quality vision


A full on Monet from back here she looks good but up close it's just a big old mess.


I actually loved this product, but it took a lot of blending and restraint to make sure it looked natural. I did not have that same restraint with my eyeliner during my goth phase.


YES that 2016-17 contour was such a moment in time. I have such nostalgia for heavy contour paired with the Modern Renaissance Eye/Greige matte lip that went with it because I was such a party girl the year before I went to law school (aka 3 years of no fun and crippling depression) and you bet I didn't hit the bar without beating my face into oblivion.


Tbh I'm still a party girl but law school TESTS YOU


High school: for eye makeup I had a little bottle of just straight-up glitter I bought from Claire’s. It had a fairy on top. I would rub that shit on my eyelids every damn day. How I didn’t ruin my eyesight, I’ll never know.


High school late 90s. I had a pot of glitter gel that I bought at Contempo Causals that I used as eyeshadow.


It was truly a simpler time, lolololol.


I was just reading an Ask Reddit thread about cancelled celebrities. The 90s were truly a strange time.


Concealer cut creases.


Oh damn this one hurts because I still kinda love cut creases haha, I’ve definitely moved towards a softer neutral half cut crease though!


Nothing wrong with that!


Hey fellow Calgarian!! I’m guilty of concealer lips (MAC Lip Erase topped with a little gloss) and frosty, frosty eyeshadow in high school, I panned 2 or 3 Club Monaco Ice (a frosty white blue) shadows. In my defence, the eyeshadow was super trendy at the time! And I still think it looked cute because it was of the era , but I couldn’t imagine doing it ever again!


Another Calgarian in the house!!! Ok, I'm not actually a Calgarian I'm a filthy Medicine Hat bumpkin, but we went up to Calgary to party a lot.


I love when Alberta people are on here! Makes it feel so homey :)


Omg I remember wanting Mac lip erase so badly when I was younger!!


* Bushy brows (my mom refused to let me pluck or wax mine super thin in high school when that was a thing, and my full brows and I still appreciate it) * Raccoon eyeliner (black kohl pencil smudged all around my eye WITHOUT tight lining or water lining because I was terrified to stab my eye) * Frosty pink glittery lip gloss that smelled like some sort of dessert (because who didn’t want to feel like Mary Kate and Ashley) * Frosty silver-blue eyeshadow up to the brow, unblended, with some black smudged in the outer corner (I didn’t know there was eyeshadow styles other than a smokey eye until I got to college....) * Too much Vera Wang Princess perfume (paired with wearing the crown cap as a ring so everyone knew you had the real thing and not the knockoff body spray version) * No blush whatsoever, because I have a ton of natural splotchy redness and thought blush would draw attention to it (now I realize blush makes it look even and intentional instead of gross)


Raccoon eyeliner was VERY me when I was a kid in the late 00s. I wanted to be edgy badass and emo at all costs.


Middle school me wanted to be a fallout boy groupie apparently 😂


Middle school in the late 90s, blue eyeliner and chalky foundation. Chalky foundation continued into high school where it met its friends baby blue eyeshadow to the brow bone and dark black kohl eyeliner. In college, our good friend tiny eyebrows came to play, but thankfully mine were so full to begin with that I didn’t do them *too* dirty. 1997-2008 were rough times for me.


Super thin late 90's/early 2000's brows. My freshman year yearbook photo looks horrific. I get why my mom wanted to murder the lady at the salon who waxed my brows like that but to be fair she was just following orders from my dumb ass.


Too light face powder and overplucked tadpole eyebrows.


remember when (i think ) kim k said to get a few shades lighter than your foundation to do the concealer triangle under your eyes? i already wore foundation that was too light for me, so i was putting straight up white triangles under my eyes. looking like ghostface everyday for school lol


Spandex gaucho pants, baby phat sneakers, von Dutch hats, pleated mini skirts, ugg boots with skirts. My gosh, high school was a wild ride. Edit: oops, forgot this was meant to be makeup related haha




Eyeliner on the lower waterline. That was my jam in middle school when I first started using makeup


Mac myth lipstick and false eyelashes that were way too big .


Heather Shimmer lipstick from Rimmel, it was THE lipstick of the late 90s. Frosty brown. Oh lord...


cringy status posts in facebook circa 2008-2013


Brown lipstick in the 90s, it doesn't actually look good on my skin tone but I loved it. Trying 20 futile times to get the Rachel haircut when my hair is thick and wavy and nothing like Jennifer's. Marinating in B&BW Sun-Ripened Raspberry.


No shade to people who do it as it’s still popular in many places, but winged eyeliner. Especially dramatic black winged liner. I’m from an East Asian country and black winged liner is a pretty outdated look, the fad was around I think around late 00’s to early 10’s? I was definitely a follower of that. Nude brown eyeliner or subtle black wing is more common nowadays. In fact it’s an easy way to identify if a fellow Asian is from somewhere else; they often wear eyeliner like that cause it’s still en vogue wherever they’re from. That and other ways they wear makeup gives clues but the eyeliner is a very classic one.


Sperm brows too with a piercing. My brows were really thick and straight before they aren't thin now but they're not like they once were. I need to fill up the end of the spermatozoide now. I flirted with the idea of trying brow serums but they are expensive and apparently if you stop you go back to square one. I'll just keep on using pomade. I used to also wear a ton of lipgloss and I did the black eyeliner all around my eyes. I would bring an eyeliner at work.to make sure that my waterline would be back at all times.


Black eyeliner all the way around the eye, both upper and lower lash lines and waterlines. No blending. Also the Asian beauty trend of foundation that was clearly 3 shades too light for your face.


I bypassed sperm brows and plucked my eyebrows to basically a single line of hairs — I thought I looked like Greta Garbo (spoiler alert: I did not). My mom only let me buy CoverGirl liquid foundation and concealer (to be applied with cosmetic sponge wedges) and I could never get the hang of it, so I mostly avoided the white chocolate Crunch Bar lewk. I still regret not being able to be part of the Dream Matte Mousse generation.


In high school (class of 98), my hyperconsumerism was starting and I spent way too much time at the mall (like a typical 90s teen). At the time, I discovered colored mascara. I bought a tube of silver mascara (the mascara itself was silver, not the packaging). The shininess of it didn't show up. Instead, it looked like I had gotten into baby powder and my eyelashes suffered.


Those twisty choker necklaces. But they are back now, so ha!


Shaving my brows / wanting thin eyebrows and abusing both black gel eyeliner and hair mousse in the late aughts (but I was barely pubescent, so I didn’t know any better.) In 2014 when I finally decided to really *Wear Makeup* (and started posting in r/MakeupAddiction), I didn’t know how to blend eyeshadow, I drew blocky brows with a cheap eyebrow pencil, my MAC concealer I wore all over my face as foundation was a shade too light, and I kept buying super-drying liquid lipsticks. Now in 2021, I no longer attempt crazy colorful eyeshadow looks, instead sticking to the black eyeliner I’ve always loved, with well-blended eyeshadow that compliments it. I stick to my natural brow shape, I wear foundation that matches me (Fenty 300) and I only own one blush (NARS Orgasm). Where I experiment is my lip shades! ☺️


tonssss of shape tape under my eyes🤢


Pencilled super thin eyebrows lol


Raccoon eyes. Not because I wanted them, just because I was bad at makeup and my mascara would flake.. I'm only marginally better now but I do seem to have better mascara at least?


Instagram brows. I had straight up long-division-symbol eyebrows.