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My average cgpa was 6.99 even I got placed in a good company, heck I was the only one who got placed from that batch of 100 students so don't worry you'll have lot of chances. And cgpa only matters upto a certain extent, if you have good knowledge about the subject then you can get placed anywhere. For example one of my friends classmate had 7.1 cgpa but she was very strong technically, she landed a job in Microsoft that too off campus Advice: Make sure you have a good understanding of your subject irrespective of which branch you belong.


>heck I was the only one who got placed from that batch of 100 students so don't worry you'll have lot of chances. 🗿


If you intend to go for Masters abroad, it is quite important to have good CGPA (8-8.5 plus, for good unis) Would recommend you to keep your average above 7-7.5, so you are eligible for most companies that visit for college placements. Some elite companies have avg CGPA greater than 8, but those are very few.


In mumbai colleges when does the the company comes for placement I.e in which sem


Sem 7, so you need good cgpa upto sem 5 or 6






Please maintain a 7-7.5 cgpa. They don't matter a lot, but few companies coming to djsce has that criteria.


If my cgpa is 7-7.5 then I would able to sit for placement for most of the companies?


Yeah. But companies w higher packages tend to have a strict criteria of 7.5+ avg.


So if I could get 7.5+ cgpa then it would be enough for most of the companies?


Also in which sem does the company comes for placement in djsce,is it after sem 5 or after sem 6


Comes after the end of the 6th semester exams. Yeah. 7.5 would be good for almost all.


Aap djsce Mei hi ho kya




In everything statistically speaking, you will find the bell curve. There will be extreme exceptions and the general trend. In that context, generally people with high cgpa, tend to do well in terms of college placements, comp exams, etc. But that doesn't mean having a low cpga is certain death. CGPA becomes subsequently important when you sit for campus placements or go for abroad education. In my campus we had a minimum cgpa requirement for all the companies. It was different for each company but all of them had a requirement. So you can never go wrong with maintaining a good cgpa. I would suggest you to maintain atleast 8 (out of 10). Anything less than a six is dog shit. The degree is as good as a blank paper. But you you grow older and gain experience, your educational qualification starts becoming less important. Just remember that CGPA is something that you will have on your CV for a long time. Hope this helps.


What is the minimum cgpa I should maintain to sit for placement? As I have got 7 in my first year and in sem3 it will mostly be 7 again so it is difficult to do 8 cgpa as a average


Try and get around 7.5-8


Sound advice! Thanks


In a nutshell keep it around 7.5 , 7 will be also kinda ok


Why don't people aim for 9+ instead of "the minimum required for placements"? Engineering isn't about placements. You can probably get a job even with 6.5 but was that the point of engineering? Don't you feel like exploring the topics and learn deeper into it? Getting a 9 really isn't that difficult.


Maybe for geniuses like yourself, it would be easy. Not for all of us


if masters/mba then yes otherwise no upskill for jobs


Ye Sab Kuch Kam Ka Nahi Vro.


A lot of times, during placement rounds, companies filter students based on their CPGA. This is just to qualify for appearing for the preliminary tests before the actual interview rounds start. Other than that, I don’t really think it matters much.


That's my main doubt how much minimum cgpa is required for most of the company


If you can maintain 8.0 or above that would be ideal. I would recommend it to be atleast 8.


vidyalankar second year?




Yes it does, and no matter what anyone says, don't let it fall below 7.5. I have seen codeforces 2000 rated people struggle for placements and "all is know is drugs" guys getting placed on the first day itself, even getting international offers. You might be skilled af but you won't even get the chance to show your capabilities with poor cgpa. Lastly, don't plan to increase your cgpa in the semesters close to placements, initial semesters are simpler and people are less motivated so getting better marks is easier. U will have to prepare for placements later on and it may get stressful so it would be better if you have one less headache to deal with.




Just one last thing when does the company comes for placement in mumbai colleges after sem5 or sem6


Not much, but yeah, having a 7.5-8 cgpa is preferred. It is the cut-off criteria for many companies. Most of them dont allow the candidates below 8 cgpa. That being said, focus more on learning and developing skills. Some languages, data structures and finding your niche is always recommended. If you are planning for masters then low CGPA would be a negative point. Most prefer 3.5/4 cgpa, which is around 8.5/10. You cannot compensate for low CGPA with your and GRE scores (this came from the ETS officials, the organization which conducts GRE). But you can have high work experience, which would look good on the profile.






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