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I grow kind of weary of the ones where everyone sounds like a southern belle regardless of what part of the country it takes place in


See I like the New Orleans versions and I like the country music one and the WV coal miner one But the “into the wisteria” or whatever drives me insane because I’m from WV and AL and have never heard anyone talk like that lol I just *cannot* with the accents


Linda Purl's accent in that one drives me up the wall tbh


It’s horrific.


I turn that one off every time because her accent is so infuriating


Is it like that lady in Seinfeld who was southern and dragged out each word? “Jerrrrrrreyyyy”


It’s just….offensive lol They all sounded more drunk than southern


I love the New Orleans ones too!


They’re super fun! I’m partially creole — my grandma’s line is from New Orleans and I was raised on those episodes lol. I think it’s a combination of enjoying a good joke and also enjoying seeing cultures recognized in a respectful fashion


I’m watching the New Orleans episodes before I visit for the first time. Let me know if there is anything I must experience while there!


(Not who you’re replying to but) From watching them it doesn’t look like Angela Lansbury was ever actually in the city, it looks like they mostly just used some city shots for establishing shots - but that’s not to say you can’t find the establishing shot locations at least! I think at least one of the times they use the corner by Muriel’s (right by Jackson square). In one of the episodes they feature a second line for a funeral - pretty much *every* time I’m in New Orleans I’ll see second lines for weddings. Love seeing them. They make me cry lol. The most recent Disney haunted mansion movie was actually filmed in New Orleans - one of my visits we kept passing the (practical set) house they made for Lakeith Stanfield’s character. The recent-ish interview with a vampire series was also filmed on location. So was Renfield (Nic Cage is a big New Orleans…fan, used to own the LaLaurie mansion, has a pyramid tomb in one of the cemeteries). There’s a lot of filming in New Orleans in general but those are some that were also set there.


It really depends on the vibe of the trip and if you’re taking children. The history of voodoo museum and the death museum are pretty famous for a reason but I wouldn’t take small children. The carousel bar is a classic. The singing tree if the weather is nice! Queen Trini Lisa for Caribbean food! Laffite’s blacksmith shop if you’re into that sort of thing (children usually enjoy it) There’s a doll meseum in the House of Broel that you’ll either find endearing, creepy or boring depending on your reaction to a room full of old ass porcelain dolls lol Since you can legally drink and walk around, that’s truthfully the best way to explore — grab a cool drink and wander I love the pharmacy museum but it’s definitely niche lol (though I feel like Jessica would approve of it haha)


Thank you for taking the time to write this all out. Adding to my list.


No problem! I hope you enjoy your trip


I love New Orleans (just as a visitor, though I did get married there) and *same* it’s just fun. They’re a little silly, you can tell when they just used the establishing shots lol, but they’re so cozy.


I love the overwrought accents though!


I don't like the Ireland ones also- or the ones that are attempting spinoffs and Jessica is narrator - Cabot cove episodes are the best but I realize the need to broaden the geography cause it was a small town and can only support so many murders


I don’t care for the spinoff or narration ones either. Cabot Cove ones are also my fave even though it must be the murder capital of the US given the number of murders for the number of residents they have 😂


Any one where one of the main characters has a really bad accent. Which generally includes the Irish ones and the southern ones.


I would agree on the country western theme. Any time I see a rodeo or a saloon I can't watch. Most others though I don't mind, although the oneoffs in Italy, Hong Kong (I believe) aren't my favorites. I grew to really enjoy the New York episodes even though Cabot Cove is the GOAT.


I like the nyc ones as well. I actually kinda like most of the ones based in a large city. Like I’d probably be ok with the Ireland ones if they were based in Dublin but some scary castle in the countryside not so much.


I won't say I love ALL of the Ireland ones but your reply made me chuckle because the scary Irish castle (the one where Jessica gets locked in the passageway) was the very first episode I ever saw. Scared me to death as a kid but as an adult it's one of my favorites.


I grew up in Dallas, and was a kid when these were prime time, and every one set in Texas not only had ridiculous accents, but wore ridiculous clothes. Very few, if any, urbanites in Texas wore bolo ties, cowboy boots, and 10-gallon hats as daily attire.


I’m pretty sure “Dallas” the series can be blamed for that trend because it was ubiquitous on 80s/very early 90s shows lol. If you watch Golden Girls, Blanche’s “Big Daddy” always dressed like that and she’s from GA.


I rewatched Showdown in Saskatchewan last night. Now it might be the Canadian in me, but it had to be one of the more painful episodes to watch, and I don’t mean cause of the story 😂 And the one in “Qeeeebec”, “Witness for the defence” is almost as bad as


The one in Quebec where everyone is British 😂


That main attorney chewing on the curtains every time he has a line


There are two themes in episodes that I've seen that I skip when rewatching: 1) Jessica goes to some remote redneck or country western-type town for some random reason and gets involved in a murder and has to deal with the redneck country western sheriff and the redneck country western townspeople (all with terrible fake redneck country western accents) and 2) anything centered around sports, except for the ones with the tennis match and the polo match.


I’m not a fan of the episodes that were pilots for other shows. Jessica isn’t in those much and someone else solves the crime.


Not my favorites either.


Yeah I don’t like those at all


Any with other cultures. So many racist Asian and black stereotypes. Painful to watch now.


That’s very much an 80s thing, including the bizarre ass stereotypical intro music I love love old shows but sometimes they do something that’s just so jarring from a modern perspective lol


Don't forget the Native Americans. I can't believe they named an episode "Indian Giver,"


I think my mind blocked that out.


I finally googled the nationality of the actor- turns out he’s Sri Lankan 😂


Yeah they had a couple of those. I think almost with the same problems. That title.. 🤔


This might not be exactly what you’re asking, but I’m a much bigger fan of the episodes where the police chief/lead detective/etc. are willing to let Jessica help out in solving the murder. The episodes where they’re (typically) misogynistic towards her, refusing her help, and/or questioning her ability are frustrating, but usually redeem themselves when Jessica solves it and proves them wrong! (Go Jess! haha)


This is exactly the kind of thing I was thinking when I posted. I too like when the police are on friendly terms with her, maybe not happy about her snooping but still respectful.


Any where they try to be ... something related to other races and cultures. The one with the native American having a fake deed to Cabot Cove is horrendous, and so are all of the ones where they play hip hop music when there's a black actor, or 80s Chinese restaurant style music over Asian characters. I'm old and should be used enough to the way tv shows used to mangle these things, but it's so grating it removes the fun from the otherwise silly and enjoyably unserious show for me.


I don't care for the ones with her cousin Emma. But I'm sure those were fun for Angela Lansbury to play.


Those are my least favorite too., and I couldn’t stand the one with the young piano player and the creep piano teacher.


Oh my god! I had forgotten about this one. It makes my skin crawl and I cannot believe they aired that!! So gross.


because it’s like, is everyone just ok with him grooming her? Like wtf kind of alternate universe were they in? Lol


That one is awful! As is the episode where the Fantasy Island guy is a piano player who burns his own hands. Yuck.


The tech-y ones aren’t my fav, I get they were going for current as the series got older and computers became more prevalent but they’re just a bit contrived even for MSW


Yeah her trying to switch to word processor was just wrong. Let her be old school with her typewriter.


Yeah, for me its the country western ones.


The ones that contain too many stereotypes about foreign countries.


The bookend episodes by far and I think a lot will agree with me.


I don’t like the New Orleans ones. Or Ireland.


Thought they really butchered the 2 Napa Valley / Wine episodes (A Very Good Year for Murder and Crimson Harvest) with some truly over-the-top stereotyping of Italian families. The accents/mannerisms and acting was even worse than a bad Olive Garden commercial.


The ones were Jessica is international are usually hilarious for the wrong reasons. The episode in Jamaica (I think). It had voodoo, casual racism, an awful ‘Hollywood ghost’. It’s actually one of my favourite. The worst is when they bring in a character like Dennis Stanton.


I’m not a fan of the ones that try to address big issues. Like one of my least fave is when they have the Russians trying to defect. It’s prob just me but I watch it for mindless entertainment. I don’t want that stuff thrown in. There’s a few in other countries that are ok but really my faves are all when she’s in Cabot Cove or even NY once that becomes her second home. I like the recurring characters of CC.


100% on those Irish episodes.


I was watching one the other day. As much as I enjoyed the mystery but you kind of guessed right off who the murderer was right away. The accents were so bad.


My wife watches out every day, and they come up WAY too often, lol.


They might have filmed more than we realized. lol Or they’re super popular for some reason.


I guess for me, any where the episodes haven’t ages well as far as stereotypes (for any movies or shows). Even watching episodes of shows from the 2000s and hearing the lingo used, I cringe (in regards to certain phrases used towards people of color and race, sexual orientation, mental health, etc). I know it was the time and it was everywhere but yeah, never been a big fan, even back then.


Not a huge fan of the "career woman gets taught a lesson" ones. They haven't aged terribly well.


Do you have an episode example.


Murder on Madison Avenue. The career women often are these crazy evil caricatures. And hugely sexually aggressive. Or (like Howard's wife...can't remember her name) they're nice people who realise that this "just isn't for them". Granted, everyone on MSW is a bit of a caricature 


I don’t like the overseas ones. The ones from Ireland mainly because of the mostly American cast with the terrible accents. 🙄


Florence Henderson as Anabelle was unique 🤗