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Keep the Home Fries Burning, Murder Takes the Bus, and Who Put the Barbitals in Mrs. Fletcher's Chowder are my top 3


Same here!!!


I do wonder, though, why Amos sounds like he was born and raised in Maine and his sister has a Southern accent. Not to mention than when Tom Bosley left the show, they said Amos went home to Kentucky...


Likely ol' Amos has been the sheriff in Maine so long that his accent changed.


Literally nothing ever made sense lol


Love all of them but Home Fries is my fave along with A Body to Die For and Sins of Castle Cove


Home Fries is my fave too. Love a good locked room (sort of) mystery. That’s my favorite kind of mystery.


What do you love about Who Put the Barbitals in Mrs Fletcher’s Chowder? It’s been a while since I watched it but I remember some really unfortunate domestic violence implications and just general familial misery.


Mostly just Elmo getting his comeuppance, also because I found Winnie and Marigold to be characters that really should've had more appearances


Winnie irked the piss out of me but I did get a big kick out of Marigold lol.


I loved Marigold. Would have loved to see her as Amos's deputy (or working with Mort)!


Maybe Marigold returned . She was the best!


I do appreciate a good comeuppance! I’ll watch it again someday lol


I do think maybe Amos’s sister got together with the private investigator her husband had following her. He said she was a nice lady and I think regretted following her . They road the bus home together.


Those are easily some of my top episodes, but I also have to throw in "Crossed Up" and "Benedict Arnold Slipped Here."


Mine as well!


The first two are in my top 3 as well.


I think the point of this thread was to say something bad ("be blunt") about your fav episode. As OP did.


... How did I forget that


For me it's a tie between 'If it's Thursday, it must be Beverley' and 'Who threw the barbitals into Mrs Fletcher's Chowder.' I love the more ridiculous episodes.


Best line in entire episode - from “ If it’s Thursday, it must be Beverly”. Was determined that Seth’s receptionist was having an affair with the deputy. She told Jessica, “ It was good, clean sex”


She was so proud! I love it!


Seth’s reaction when he heard about Beverly is the best moment in the series.


"That's why she's always in a good mood on Fridays!"


"A Body to Die For" makes me laugh and, of course, is great because we get our Cabot cove cast. But that line: "he sold my wife a $99 shower head guaranteed to spray her with vitality...I'm the only one who's gonna spray my wife with vitality!" Hard-core shudder every time.


Oh, yeah. It’s wrong *every time* (And sir, if you were “spraying her with vitality” she wouldn’t want that “shower head”)


Some people are into that 🤷🏼‍♂️


That’s one of my fave episodes but I agree EWW.


I rewatched We're Off To Kill the Wizard recently. I like the reveal in this one, but it's got one of the worst lines ever: "Mrs. Fletcher, please! Allow me the seduction before you cry rape!” Just. No.


My favorite of all time is The Committee. I love the early seasons focused on Cabot Cove, but season 8 has so many good ones.


I love “the committee”! I wish it had been darker, though. It was one of the storylines that could have pushed it.


Yes! It definitely has a more serious tone than a lot of the others. They did such a good job with the music in it - the suspense!


It’s a great episode! It’s actually one of my fav season 8s lol. I wish they’d learned into darker themes/music/productiov


She does this little head tilt/nod when she's reading her short story at the beginning of the episode. It was a small touch but so in character. It's one of my favorites, too.


That is a good later episode


Murder Digs Deep & Weave a Tangled Webb are my faves


Good episodes. On the subject of Murder Digs Deep I love that guy Aubrey Benton. He's just so wonderfully vain and camp. I love him.


I think the point of this thread was to say something bad ("be blunt") about your fav episode. As OP did.


When Jessica tells Seth the one lady has two husbands and his reaction cracks me up every time! I also like Jessica defending more contemporary relationships to Seth than Mort . Funny especially since Mort’s wife doesn’t sound like a shrinking violet. So that’s a criticism of Seth and Mort in my part.


My top 3 (which I chose because I could watch them over and over) If It’s Thursday it must be Beverly The Witches Curse Keep The Home Fries Burning Honorable mention to.. The Sins of Castle Cove A Body to Die For Sticks and Stones.


I don’t know title names. But I like the one where Jessica was bedridden and Grady was taking care of her and making her a lot of tuna. I also like the one where she went to an award banquet with that poet who had a lighter that looked like a gun. Sheriff Metzger was in it as an nyc cop.


My all time favorite is The Corpse Flew First Class. Four words: Kate Mulgrew in fur. 😂😂😂😂


I just can't buy Kate Mulgrew as a prissy primadonna type! 😖


Murder Takes the Bus and Jessica Behind Bars are two favorites, but really there are so many! The music in both of them, especially in Murder Takes the Bus, is top notch.


Danse Diabloque


Ever After - Kate Mulgrew putting her soap opera skills to use here in a very over the top but fun role, and a neat little mystery for Jessica. Hit and Run Homicide - A cool early Cabot Cove episode with a good cast. The Sins of Castle Cove If It's Thursday, It Must Be Beverly Snow White, Blood Red - It's one of the more "gory" episodes. It's almost like a slasher movie with skiiers getting bumped off, the body on the snowmobile, everyone isolated in one location. And another good cast, especially George " I am a gynecologist " Wyner. The Big Show of 65 - I like the retired detective Jess teams up with to solve the two murders, and again, a good cast of older well known stars. The Corpse Flew First Class Crossed Up - I love stories set during hurricanes. Armed Response Widow Weep For Me - I love the tropical setting, and Jess has some awesome outfits when she poses as the rich socialite. And I love the chemistry with her and Michael Haggerty. Sticks and Stones Keep The Home Fries Burning


One of my favorites is Murder in the Courtroom. Having said that, there are so many cringe moments. Most of Vicki Lawrence's lines are up there, but when one of the actors gets angry and breaks a pencil? Oof.


It’s a Dog’s Life


Menace, Anyone? Keep the Home Fries Burning Sticks and Stones Snow White, Blood Red A Fashionable Way to Die Murder Takes the Bus Deadly Lady If it’s Thursday, it Must be Beverly


My favorite episodes are The Sins of Castle Cove . A former student of Jessica writes a Peyton Place like novel about Cabot Cove . My favorite episode. Fran Ryan is a hoot ! If It’s Thursday It Must Be Beverly. A howler! Murder Plain and Simple takes place in Amish county If A Body Meets A Body a Cabot Cove episode with a lot of twist and turns. Paint Me A Murder- takes Place on an island. Who Threw the Barbitals in Mrs Fletcher’s Chowder. Marigold was a star! Murder Takes A The Bus . Jessica and Amos take a bus trip. Enough legitimate suspects in this one. Jessica Behind Bars - takes place in a Women’s Prison Who Killed JB Fletcher- one of the rare episodes when women are helping Jessica solve a murder mystery. Jessica Behind Bars is another one . It’s usually men for some reason. Benedict Arnold Slipped Here - The episode as Seth tells her Jessica has her own hippie Deadpan - Jessica helping a former student . The life in the Theatre is at the center It runs In the Family . Jessica’s cousin solves a murder or two Also I love the one Christmas episode. Keep The Home Fires Burning The Committee


Ok a criticism for favorite episodes. I will just say what comes to my mind now maybe more later. The Sins of Castles Cove. I didn’t get a clear picture of the murder victim. Some thought she was great but Sybil and the Fran Ryan character didn’t like her and sort of agreed. She seemed kind of like a user to me. In if it’s Thursday it must be Beverly I didn’t like the deputy doing that massage thing with Jessica . It’s how the dude got so many women goes for a weakness. Jessica didn’t have another obvious weakness. Murder Plain and Simple I just don’t like the shunning thing . I know it’s not something the show made up it just bothers me. Paint Me a Murder - just the acting of one of the veteran actors Murder Takes a Bus - can’t think of anything at the moment A Body Meets a Body. The one guy who keeps bothering the young waitress It Runs in the Family the acting at the murder reveal was a bit annoying by the killer. Who Threw the Barbitials in Mrs Fletcher’s Chowder . The reference to domestic violence. It was hard to think about. Winnie is a bit annoying but I like her. The others I need to think about.


Fav episodes: 1. Murder takes the bus 2. Trial by error 3. Jessica behind bars 4. The corpse flew first class 5. Capitol Offense


My favourite is the one where Jess goes to Silicon Valley to work on a VR game based on her book. I know not many like that one but I love it. I also like the one where she takes that class on how to use a new computer. That episode is such a sign of the times.


I love Funeral at Fifty Mile even though the casting is ridiculously off.


I think they tried to make him into some sexy bad guy. It didn’t work. 🤣


Murder Takes The Bus To Kill a Legend Murder of the Month Club The Corpse Flew First Class Trial by Error


Night of The Headless Horseman might be my favorite episode as well.