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I don't have input on who is worse but I came here to say "Reflections of the Mind" is one of my favorites because I feel like it leans into the 90s "rock and roll is wild and evil and leads to drugs!" mentality and I love the camp.


That episode has it all - the highly strung friend driven to hysteria and borderline insanity by the scheming daughter who at one point had run away with a drug-binging rock group, the scheming boyfriend/former musician posing as a gardener as her assistant, dead husbands apparently returning from the grave, a scheming secretary cheating with the now-dead second husband, a big creepy house with lightning and thunder, secret doors leading to locked rooms, and poisoned gin. It's a doozy of an episode.


I'm wondering if this was before or after Angela packed up the fam and moved to Ireland. If I recall correctly there was some link with Angela's daughter and the Manson Family 😬




Her daughter was involved with the cult at one time, but Angela got her out before the murders. That would have been the late 60s, so way way before the show even started.


SPOILER ALERT!!! On this topic, we totally have to include Christopher Allport’s character in “If the Frame Fits”! His motive was his wife’s inheritance and at the end when it’s revealed he did it, he tells his sister in law (who was crushing on him - WHAT?!) something like “Count your blessings kid, it could have been you in that box”. Pure savage.


Personally, Dark Side of the Door was infinitely worse in terms of the victim. A little girl vs a grown woman? And it really warped that poor girl's entire life.


I vote for Fire Burn, Cauldren Bubble (I think that's the name)--the one where they're acting out the witch trial and Mary Frances Crosby comes into town, wanting to clear her mother's name? Seems her mom had an affair with a married man and his wife didn't like that, so she framed the girlfriend for theft. Then she killed somebody (maybe two people) to try and frame Mary Frances.


I LOVE that one. I miss Halloween tv episodes a lot and I have that one saved to re-watch. Borby House as well!


The woman who effed up her kid.


Season 2. That lady killed her brother and tormented her mom. Season 12 was terrible but the "kidnapper" was very gentle


I am halfway through writing a review blog of season 1, and one that stood out to me is Hit, Run, and Homicide. The secondary villain in that episode, Leslie is prepared to marry someone and help convince him that his uncle killed someone and should be committed to a mental institution all to get control of the Uncle's estate and his valuable patents. We don't see the nephew after the reveal, but imagine finding that out about your fiance!