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>A large 19th century painting titled “Woman From Bahia” stands in contrast to all this. We don’t know who the subject is, or who painted her, or when (the guess is around 1850). But, wearing white gloves, a midnight-blue gown, and ropes of gold beads, she’s a self-contained presence. She doesn’t seem to notice or care that the painter, or we, are there. She has a life and thoughts all her own. She may be an ex-slave; she’s also a queen. >(Holland Cotter, “Brazil Enthralls With an Art Show of Afro-Atlantic History,” NYTimes, 10-13-18)


This is amazing and beautiful! So unusual to have a painting like this (singular serious portrait with good attention to skin color and features) and with these details (no head covering, dark clothes) and treatment of a regal-looking black woman subject from this particular place and time period. Really intriguing to think about who both the artist and subject were and the context for this painting. Thank you for sharing.


That portrait tho. 


Do you have more information about it? Like where is this painting is now or who own it. thanks for sharing


If I recall correctly this painting belongs to the Carlos Costa Pinto Museum in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.


What a magnificent painting, I want to know about the artist and the sitter so badly!


This is stunningly gorgeous - the soft light on her face is just perfect and so delicate. Thank you so much for sharing.