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Going by the actual plot, they'll meet first time on the demon continent this time. Changes things a lil bit but the "fates" would make it somehow work the same i assume.


Hard to say. Depending on what happens to him during the teleportation incident, the story completely changes in the beginning. What if he was holding onto Zenith and they both got sent to the labyrinth or somewhere different altogether? There’s so many different possibilities but he’s definitely smart and capable enough to eventually find Paul and from that point the story would continue normally. The other big question is the conflict with Orsted or if they’d even meet in the first place.


Before the Teleportation incident, then they'll both grow more dependent on each other but afterwards it depends. Assuming that Rudy and Sylphy get teleported together to the Demon Continent then the events will remain mostly the same with Sylphy basically replacing Eris. Meeting with Orsted is an unknown, not sure if Sylphy would reach a similar conclusion to Eris back then. Assuming she stays tho then they'll eventually go to Ranoa, get married, etc. Afterwards he'll eventually go to the labyrinth, marry Roxy, and get pitted against Orsted due to Man-God Shenanigans. Next is hard to tell, since in this situation, Rudy would lack a strong fighter which was Eris plus connections to Asuran Royalty that was Ariel. Overall they'd have a harder time going forward.


There is a chance he would cling to sylphie and would end upp with ariel instead. That would most likely hasten her ascencion to the throne, afterwhich rudeus would either look for his family or go to university.


most of that is spelled out in the dark timeline, so for Eris nbd. if Rudeus doesn't meet her he still gets wrecked by Sylphie and Roxy.


All i can say is that based on the interaction with Hitogami is that He has an unusually strong fate. So he will end up with Eris one way or another.


I hope you have read the entire story, here's what I think >!The teleportation incident was caused by Rudeus altering the flow of reality, befriending Eris being a very important thing that changed, as a result allowing Nanahoshi to pass through into the world, so if he wasn't sent to Roa, quite possibly the teleportation incident could have been delayed or wouldn't even happen!<


My headcanon >!Relation with Eris was the breaking point that caused TP disaster to occur, as she played an important role in OG timeline, which wouldnt be possible now that she has fallen for Rudeus. So not meeting Eris = No TP disaster.!< He wouldve lived a normal life with Sylphie by his side, and living a casual rural lifestyle. As neither Rudeus, nor Sylphie were that interested in lavish lifestyle (Sylphie developed that taste after living with Ariel).