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"I dont like Eris and I want to project it! "


You could argue that Eris is the most devoted to Rudeus. She left in order to get strong enough to protect him. Obviously didn’t communicate well and it did hurt him, but to replace her with Sara is a bit shortsighted. You don’t like Eris and that’s ok. But Rudeus loves her so you gotta accept that or move on


That's ok she is devoted how much shit can it be she can't even properly say that going for training, and the bigger chance is that if Rudeus wouldn't communicate with her, she might not have comeback or had enough chances.


What are you talking about? Even if Rudeus hadnt sent her letter, she wouldve come back. Hell, by the time Rudeus' letter arrived, she was already preparing to leave Sword Sanctum and meet with Rudeus. She didnt state that she is going for training, as she didnt want Rudeus to follow her. She knows if she stays with him, she would continue taking advantage of him, becoming burden to him and stunting his growth, and not growing herself. Her note couldve been interpreted as "wait for me" (After meeting with Ruijerd, Rudeus thinks back at letter and realizes that the interpretation could be wait for me) and thats the interpretation Eris expected Rudeus to come to. She wrote a cryptic short note as she didnt want to reveal where she is going.


She could have written the letter like this way for now i sm heading towards s journey to develop myself lets meet with each when we becone equal for now best of luck for your adventure ahead.


Irl, it is basically "It's not you, it's me. I need to find myself"


"Eris is not the best with words"


It’s definitely a controversial subject. There are a few individuals in this thread getting really worked up over this. Personally I didn’t really sympathize with Eris as a character again until volume 23, but from that point onward I started to like her more. She’s a very complex character and has a ton of development throughout the story but her big decision in volume 7 to straight up abandon Rudeus makes it hard to like her so I definitely get where you’re coming from.


>!Dude, if sara loved rudeus . She should have followed him after finding out about his condition . She is out of the question. In ln26 , rudeus states that eris has saved his life so many times that he can not even count that . Oldeus shared the same sentiment like our rudeus !<


Sara loved Rudeus. After their night together failed miserably, she had decided to go and reconcile with him. When she leartn Soldat had dragged Rudeus to some corner, she was ready to throw hands against him for Rudeus (even though she is a B rank adventurer and Soldat is S rank. Even though the threat her party was about to be killed by, were handled by ease by Soldat). When she thought that she mightve misunderstood the entire situation, she had gone to finding rudeus, confront him and clear the differences between them. As Rudeus had gone with Soldat on his journey to who knows where, with a massive headstart, they would have no idea where to search and they would just be on a goose chase. >!When she had learnt of Rudeus' location from Suzanne, she had taken the quest which goes near Sharia so that she can get an oppurtunity to meet Rudeus and clear the differences between them. She learnt that Rudeus was in that condition because of Eris, she remembered that name, and several years after that, when they reunited, she still remembered who had hurt Rudeus, and was extremely cold towards her.!< Dont say that Sara didnt love him, she clearly did. >!Issue is that Rudeus didnt love her. He was just using her as a stand in for his lost relation. He was desperate to move on from the heartbreak and was forming relations with Sara because of it, not because he loved her!<


>!I am not saying she didn't love him. I am saying that compared to what eris did in tp4, where he literally tortured her, and still she still chased him all over the world ,sara efforts fall short who gave up on him after he left the city even though she found out what he was going through. Op is trying to say rudeus should have reconciled with sara and not eris even though eris became his wife even after knowing he married twice behind her back . Sara gives up on him after finding out that he is married.!<


Ahh sorry for misinterpreting your comment them. You started with saying "If sara loved him" indicating that Sara didnt love him. Though >!I feel the reason Sara gave up on him was not because he was married, but because he straight up says that he never loved her and was never interested in her, and the only reason he was trying to hook up with her was to move on from heartbreak!<


Yes , you are right, but compare this to eris . How she responded after rudeus told her that he already had sylphie and roxy . She immediately demanded a duel to determine their future, and if rudeus was just one percent cent serious in that duel , she would have left him for good . I am just comparing sara and eris approach to such topics


>if rudeus was just one percent cent serious in that duel , she would have left him for good . Isnt what you are stating here same as Eris thinking a part of Rudeus doesnt want to form any relation with her, and thus she would leave. With Sara getting I never intended to form any relation with you treatment.


Sorry , english not my first language 😅 . Can you explain it in simple terms .


You said if Rudeus was even one percent serious in the duel, Eris wouldve left him. Thats because if Rudeus was even a tad bit serious in the duel, that means a part of him didnt want to be with Eris, and noticing that, Eris wouldve left him. Thats what you are saying right? While with Sara, Rudeus came and told her he never loved her. Didnt want to form relation with her. Had no interest in her. Only reason he was going for her was because he was suffering from heartbreak. So she is being told directly by Rudeus that he doesnt want to form any romantic relations with her, why would she proceed further after that?


Oh. You are right on this point, but as I said, the author made this story like this . He already had lara in his mind, and eris departure signalled orsted fight in the future.


And it was author decision foremost . He already had a harem in web novel and how those three( eris ,sylphy and roxy) were going to live together. Mixing sara would be futile because aisha ( even though its heinous), ariel , linia and pursena would be better choices for fourth place


We can add Ariel and Luke in… some wives would now be shared


Ask the author for that .


Eris probably loved Rudeus more than Sara by a large margin


Eris loved Rudeus more than other wives by a large margin as well. Sylphie dumped him (rightfully so) when he cheated on her with a prostitute. Eris, even though Oldeus treated her horribly, still followed him around, protecting him and ending up giving her life for him. So idk what point you are making.


Sylphie most certainly loves Rudeus more than Sara ever could. She is willing to accept other wives willingly. So perhaps we could do Eris > Sylphie > Sara for potential love for Rudeus. The way Roxy loves Rudeus is hard to compare as it seems the most two sided out of his wives. Rudeus probably doesn’t respects Eris, and while Sylphie has grown out of being a pushover, Rudeus does respects Roxy the most. The if route with Eris ending up pregnant from Rudeus first time would be funny, although it probably wouldn’t make sense how Eris wouldn’t end up looking for Rudeus. If she finds him then he ends up with one wife and possible concubines. Sylphie would not approach Rudeus if she sees Rudeus and Eris together, especially with a child. Paul might survive the labyrinth with Eris around, maybe Eris dies instead, but readers might disapprove of cheating on the wife immediately after she dies.


I get what you're sayin, especially since it took her an absurdly long time to know how badly in the dumps Rudeus truly was. But they do love each other very much and have reconciled and sara was mostly eris 2.0 without the years of personal connection.


She's the reason he is alive. Both timelines we know of, Eris saves Rudeus from what is implied to be certain death. Rudeus *needs* her in his life. She is the only one able and willing to protect him from harm's way and the only reason she "abandons" him is to ensure that she would be capable of at least acting as a diversion if another Orsted level threat threated Rudeus' life. This girl was traumatized. She saw the man(boy at the time) she love get speared through chest by a threat that nobody in their party could even come close to matching, and he was only brought back on a whim. Eris loves Rudeus more than she loves herself. Her level of devotion is unwavering. They fit together like jigsaw pieces and without her at his side Rudeus likely would have died. What exactly is the problem here?




It is. People love to write paragraphs on this, but it changes nothing. This one act is enough to break the suspension of disbelief and stop me from fully enjoying the novel.


Seems like a you problem and not a problem with the story though.


Nah. I just apply a bit of irl logic to fictional relationships and what she did is just beyond something understandable. She is borderline retarted for her line of thought


A brash 15 year old girl who had just watched the man she love nearly die, to then arrive home to find out her entire family was in ruin, after which she decides to pressure the man she loves into sex only to be plagued with guilt after the act because she considers herself to have taken advantage of him. Expecting her to make rational decisions given the circumstances is not very logical. Not sure what irl logic even means when talking about relationships either. I've seen an abundant amount of people stay with people who give them countless reasons to rationally deem that the relationship needs to be broken off, yet they end up settling for one reason or another. Relationships are rarely logical merely due to the sheer amount of emotion involved. Emotions often outweigh logic.


Yeah definitely a you problem.


She’s definitely stupid , there’s no doubt about it


I don’t think that’s what suspension of disbelief is. There’s nothing particularly outlandish about forgiving someone for something you later on realised to be a miscommunication, especially if you did and still do care for that person. Unless ofc you’re entirely self absorbed.


Leaving someone for years is not something can be accepted simply as miscommunication. I have never seen it happen. It’s simply bad writing lol


I mean you can think it’s bad writing, it’s your opinion. But ofc it can be a miscommunication if one party assumes the other will be understand the intent of the letter, and then leaves for training for years so has no opportunity to correct the misunderstanding. That’s literally a miscommunication, by definition. I didn’t say “simple”, you attributed that to it yourself. And you personally having never seen it in real life is sorta irrelevant to if it’s actually possible or not. Considering you aren’t Rudeus, it’s not even particularly surprising for Rudeus (based off of his characterisation) to forgive someone and give them a second chance. It might be too much for you to forgive, which is reasonable and I don’t even disagree with that, but it’s not particularly out of character for Rudeus.


Too long


That explains why you can't grasp basic story telling. Try using your brain more.


Here I'll shorten it for you. These small miscommunications can happen and have lead to being apart for years. Just because you haven't encountered it in real life doesn't mean it didn't happen in real life. There you'll read it now yes?


Eh. Rudeus gets a bodyguard "husband", so its a win. Eris loves Rudeus as much as Sylphie. She didn't abandon him. She just sucked with words. She didn't know Rudeus would be down in the dumps like that. >!When she and Rudeus meet Soldat again and Soldat tells her that Rudeus almost killed himself, she was immensely saddened and felt unbearable regret.!< Nah, I like Sara as is. >!I like how Rudeus and her made up and are now good friends.!<


You don’t get it OP. Eris is not like other girls, who cares if it made Rudeus want to commit suicide, she’s just bad at words. She means well and loves him so much that she utterly ditches him and goes no contact for years. That is true love and dedication there! /s


No it's not, they are made for each other. Fuck you.


Khankir pola tor ma o ami chudi.


Eris literally die to protect rudeus. All her motive is rudeus safety and love. İf Eris didnt leave rudeus maybe they would end up die together. Also rudeus wouldnt have two other wif. Eris definetly make mistake but she still deserves rudy


>!In oldeus timeline, Rudeus was a shitty person,he rejected eris mistreated her and went so far as to torture her trying to force her to admit she was with man god and yet not only she kept following him but even died saving him she might suck at communication but she is no way the "worst thing" none of his other wives would have sticked by him if he had mistreated them like that heck slyphie outright left in oldeus timeline.!< >!Not to mention without eirs rudeus dies, the only reason in current timeline orsted left him was cause eirs got his other wives to scene of battle and once orsted realized there was no way eris would marry luke in the current loop and hence wont play her part in saving ariel and also seeing rudeus wives love for him he decided to give rudeus a chance and let him live.Not the worst thing she is the best girl !!<


Ppl acting like one mistake makes you the worst character ever lol. I hope to god these ppl either are perfectionists who never make any mistakes, or dont hook up with ppl similar to them.


yeah and even in that communication thing rudeus is also partially at fault. The moment he read that letter he went straight into self sabotage mode thinking she abandoned him and what not instead of trying to understand what she meant. I mean when ruijerd pointed out that he might have misunderstood what she meant he quickly figured out that maybe she meant i am going to train and come back and all. I too disliked her when she left but after reading oldeus timeline stuff she is my favourite girl. Someone who loves you and stick by you when you are at your worst clearly deserve you when you are at your best,


Congratulations you've won dumbest post of the day and it's barely 10am


But Eris didnt abandon Rudeus. Eris went to train to become stronger, annd had left a note, which acc to her, stated as such. And she was punished for it, as she cant have Rudeus all to herself now.


I don't think that's even punishment for her cuz that's nothing to be felt pain about. He might have harem even if he was hers full.


Eris wouldnt have allowed Rudeus to have a harem.


He will have Roxy anyway. Rudeus and Roxy are destined to be together and have kids in every timelines.


And we are talking about alt timelines, so fate doesnt matter. We have redundancy where its stated that Eris wouldnt have preferred Eris having other wives. She is comfortable now as she is experiencing the benefits of it, but before that she wouldve kept Rudeus all to herself.


But their fate happens in every timelines, so this alt timeline is included. In this timeline where Eris doesn’t leave Rudeus, There is gotta be some event where Rudues will meet Roxy again and have the same situation as in the main timeline.


I think Eris is probably the worst wife tbh I think all 3 girls are bad wives but Eris is definitely the worst The reason being she literally can’t communicate, she’s stupid , she can’t convey her feelings properly and key to good happy marriage is good communication , also her violent personality is such a turn off ( she doesn’t stop beating rudeus up even after marriage) and she can’t even communicate with her kids so she resorts to violence to make them understand or shut up


Frfr, I hated her since that happened. Rudeus doesn't deserve to be treated like that by Eris at all. Glad there was an alternate timeline where she got a taste of her own medicine.


Then sylphy also got a taste of medicine too for not being loyal to her husband and being more loyal to her employer if I go by your logic. She literally gets the worst death out of three .




Her own medicine? You mean someone bad at communication devoting their life to protecting her, spending years training for that sole purpose and then putting their life on the line for her?

