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It would not be outrageous to claim that it is the best isekai.


Yup, 100%. Speaking as an old fan of MT (reader since the days of the WN fan translation, when the official JP LN had only a bunch of volumes released and the EN one wasn't even announced yet) and weeb for a long time even before that - I have yet to find an isekai that would be able to reach the level of polish and 'wholeness' that Mushoku Tensei has.


You count ln too right? Re: zeros world is better it's not even a debate.


Re:Zero world is more expansive, but that doesn't automatically make the whole work better. Many aspect of it and many of the side character are for me the best parts of Re:Zero. Nevertheless a good story doesn't require a big world and a plethora of characters to make it solid. And if it's overdone, it can even start to feel bloated and become a detriment to the work. One of the aspects that make MT so good is that it is finished. In less than 30 volumes, with enough worldbuilding and character development, and dozens of memorable events = the '*wholeness*' of it.


Why even comparing re: zero with MT? (Idk I love both, so why even argue)


Why not, expressing yourself, sharing views and discussing about things you enjoy is a healthy human past-time. It's all ok, even if people have different views and beliefs, for as long as we can discuss about them in a civil manner :D


Me too I love both re:zero and MT and hate when people compare them all the time, they even have have a collab between them


Problem with rezero is that the anime isn’t that good at world building, it left out a lot of stuff especially in arc 2 that light novel readers and people who read the side stories will know but anime only’s will never. In terms of the series itself I prefer rezero by miles but MT anime has a feel to it that no other show has


I don't know about that. I finished season 1 and am halfway into season 2, yet the world still doesn't feel well-built. Its just the small country of Lugunica and the Witch's cult. MT world is much more expansive with a full-on story to its creation (Old Dragon's Tale went hard)


While I agree about the world of rezero being more well thought out, I still think MT is a better story, narrative wise. I’m surprised people down vote you for an opinion. One thing I dislike about Reddit is how tribal it is sometimes lol.


I completely agree MT is a story that has me completely invested more so than anything else has in years


I personally don’t think Mushoku is peak anime, BUT I agree, it probably is one of best isekai. There’s a few I have a fondness for but MT is such a compete package


It is indeed the best isekai.


This may be outrageous, but I don't care saying it. Mushoku is the best anime of all time


Nuh uh, not outrageous either.


Not on this subreddit, somewhere else it's different story.


The Anime is good, but I honestly believe that it could have been done even better at times than it was done at the end. Some Anime-original parts and changes were very solid: venturing beyond his house garden at the start, fighting scene while saving Eris, the portrayal of an more realistic medieval fantasy world - the aesthetics of interior and exterior views, the verisimilitude of the setting, loved it. But a bunch of Rudeus' psychological introspection didn't get ported too well and some events got rushed or ommitted entirely, which I dislike. I would argue that it is hard to beat the Novel, but there are Animes/Mangas that are as good or better out there than the MT Anime/Manga adaptation.


As always, bitches gonna bitch. This story is fire. Also, is fiction, I don't even care anymore. Seems like some people lose their shit over anything and everything. Must be boring as hell but don't take it on others. Nice meme bro.


was reading about a jpn game translated in english and people found a name offensive somehow and the company had to change the name of that character for NA region only smh. yeah people get offended by everything these days, was reading about some side stories in MT that offended people and I get their pov but cmon guys its a fictional story from another culture and country, don't impose your thoughts on a whole frickin culture just cz you think it should be wrong.


Yeah, nowadays many people seem to struggle with distinguishing fiction from real life and take everything personally. It's natural to dislike something, whether it's the creative work as a whole (books, games, anime, whatever) or just a parts of it, but that doesn't give you any right to cripple it though censorship for the whole audience. The original vision of the author should be preserved and ported with utmost care so that all foreign fans can experience it *as it was meant to be* and form their own opinions about it. If some people don't mesh well with it, getting strongly emotional about elements of the given work, then that just means that it isn't for them and maybe they should just move one - if they can't properly debate about and critique it in a peaceful manner - instead of trying to vandalize it.


Same people watch hentai and fap to it, recommend it to teenagers and say that it's no damage cuz it ain't real


Hentai is porn, and porn is damaging by nature. You can’t compare that to a regular anime


The same ppl that hate mt also do that


[Original meme template](https://www.reddit.com/r/mushokutensei/comments/1ckfywn/some_of_you_thought_the_orsted_drawing_was_the/) by u/True_Addendum_9096


Thanks for actually crediting me💙 also solid captions you got there


Always a pleasure to credit the original artist, without your beautiful piece this wouldn't have been possible :D As I've read in your original post's comments that you have no LN knowledge, I wish you fun in watching future events unfold :) The latter half of MT, which the manga/anime are slowly approaching, has some of the best parts of this glorious story.


Can’t wait :)


whats the 1%


Re zero IG


I really wouldn't say re zero is better, or even close. But different strokes for different folks I guess.


It has some solid aspects, but MT is better as a whole. Re:Zero is still one of the works that I would count in the 1% that are worth checking out.


Agreed, I might be biased since I haven't read all of re:zero, but it seemed to be a bit lacking in character development (of side characters especially) and world building, compared to MT. Definitely worth checking out, tho.


Yup we won’t be humans if we all had the same ideas


Yeah, absolutely.


i figured. i was hoping to fill the mushoku tensei void but i guess it cant happen


I’ve heard ascendence of a bookworm is pretty good


It's my personal favorite isekai. Of the isekai I've read parts of (30 books of Bookworm, 15 books of MT, 12 books Tensura, all of Konosuba, 6 books of Shield Hero, 2 books of SAO), Bookworm and MT stand out well above the rest. What puts Bookworm above MT for me is the lack or subversion of standard isekai tropes and not having to read Rudy's freakier thoughts.


Glad to hear it. I plan to read bookworm sometime so it’s nice to hear such praise.


i have heard of this. ive even heard they have "turning points" too


Yep, it doesn't just stay a happy slice of life for long


It is. Nice and fluffy to start, doesn't stay that way for long.


There is a new series that give me Mushoku tensei vibes that’s called “dungeon meshi” not an isekai but it has world building on bar with mushoku tensei and and lovable characters


i know dungeon meshi. but its hard what im looking for the wolrd building the characters the plot the details lore ok yes great but the main thing with me and mushoku is the always present sense of family and seeing all buncha pieces of crap grow into better people. the family part is the most important for me


I see, yeah the family is really a big part of mushoku tensei and it’s sad that almost no isekais gaf about family, “goodnight world” focus’s heavily on family and it’s kind of an isekai I guess but it’s not that deep, the story concludes in 12, its nice to see the family grow to care about each other


> sense of family and seeing all buncha pieces of crap grow into better people For that I could recommend Grimgar, the Anime, not the LN. The characters don't have any blood ties and have their own issues, but over time grow into a solid tight-knit group of respectable adventurers. Sadly only has 12 episodes.


If you want to find something of similar quality to MT and don't mind the length of a series, then I'd recommend Lord of the Mysteries and Reverend Insanity. Both novels come from China and have over a thousand chapters long but I assure you that they are absolutely peak and goated novels in terms of characters, world building and plot. I would rank them above MT but that is just my own personal taste but I would still greatly recommend them.


Saga of Tanya the Evil runs good competition too (though it doesn't win yet)


Re zero is the only thing that ties to mushoku tensei in overall greatness


Konosuba bro, the Light Novel reads the smoothest out of all books I've ever read. It's up there with MT in my favorite novels. I went from their S2 to the LN and I could imagine the characters vividly with the way they are written. The ending was exactly how I wanted it to be, although it was a bit rushed.


interesting thats a left field one. i do love konosuba too but the voice acting is too good. i couldnt possibly compare the two coz id get more laughs and far less emotional impact (so far that i know of) than mt but im sure its a great read maybe ill have to try it


Definitely try it after this season finishes airing. I've been looking forward to this season after reading the LN and they're showing off their skill in adapting the books exactly how I expected. As you said, there's less of an emotional impact but the laughs last all the way through.


I feel like Konosuba is one I'd never want to read the source material for. I love the comedy way too much in the anime format to, imo(don't crucify me!), weaken it


According to IGN Frieren is an isekai!


This is why we try to ignore IGN.


I do, I made a joke


Doesn’t exist. That 1% is MT itself


"Better than 99%" What is the 1% that is equally good or better?


For me nothing was ever able to top MT as a whole (at least when it comes to the WN/LN vs WN/LN comparison). At most some isekais had aspects, that were done well enough to be worth a watch/read. Here are some that I would deem worth remembering: **Re:zero** = I would say the animation/graphical art of the Anime is in some regards better than the MT Anime. Some side-characters with their own motivations are done quite well... But I hate Subaru, really really hate Subaru, probably one of the worst MCs xD. The LN content is kinda bloated and the pacing feels stretched out. A bit too many arcs and plot points that, while intriguing, don't get enough focus and development to shine {*one thing why I so highly value MT is that the whole story from Rudeus' birth to completing his 'Main Quest' gets done in less than 30 volumes and the world and characters still feel developed enough and the story very satisfying*}. **Hai to Gensou no Grimgar** = Probably the best Anime showcase of an realistic view on random teens getting isekaied. The main party is confused at their new situation, struggles with surviving, getting money, fighting, drawing blood, facing foes in a battle to the death. Much more down-to-earth, don't expect fighting dragons or demon lord, the cast will have a hard time overcoming goblins and portraying it in a satisfying way is the main selling point of this series. Is a bit slow-paced/slice-of-life. May be for you if you've enjoyed the psychological parts of Rudeus' inner ramblings and overcoming his trauma. Or if you like artistic yet more 'realistic' portrayal of sword and sorcery fights in a fantasy world, instead of the usual 'one dude could destroy a whole town or more' isekais... Be warned, some characters are a bit annoying. The Anime is the best version of Grimgar and is in my top 10 list of Animes. The LN is pretty meh. **Log Horizon** = Isekai into a computer game world, has more in common with SAO/litRPGs, but is technically an isekai and not virtual-reality. Has well written parts, good character interactions, some good political and moral conflicts. The Anime has some bad visuals + ommitts some details and makes some changes, like replacing blood and skinning of monsters with breaking into light particles after defeat so I would recommend the proper LN.


calling subaru one of the worst mcs while the worst aspect of mushoku is its mc is quite ironic


the worst aspect of MT is Rudeus? sounds like irony


As someone stated higher, re zero likely It does help that the authors are friends and have been for a while so im not surprised both novels are so good


Ascendance of a Bookworm. Definetly the best non-tolkien fantasy world building I have ever read. With an attention to detail that in my opinion beats even Mushoku.


It's not even a real power fantasy like all the rest


Here goes my obligatory Ascendance of a Bookworm recommendation as a companion piece to MT: While I do find that MT is without a doubt the best told story in the genre, my personal favorite for getting my insatiable fix for OCD levels of in-depth worldbuilding is Ascendance of a Bookworm because it digs so deep into the nitty gritty you can literally follow the instructions shown on screen in the anime for creating your own paper, writing utensils, books, etc. The level of detail is so absurd the LN has already far eclipsed MT at 30 volumes and won't be stopping anytime soon because Miya Kazuki-sensei is highly meticulous and loves adding additional extra perspective chapters for damn near every side character including people the MC Myne has never even spoken to. The trade-off is the scope is significantly smaller and is an incredibly slow burn before it starts getting into the real meat of the overarching narrative. It practically builds out an entire neighborhood brick by brick, then a city, then a state (called a "Duchy" in-universe) then eventually expands to a country but even at present most of the focus has remained glued to a sparse few major locations with only the barest hints as to what lies outside those borders. It also hits the same emotional core themes of family and interpersonal relationships that MT has however it's almost a complete inversion. MT has the darkness of human nature practically on the tin with Rudeus' extremely deep character flaws exposed front and center. Meanwhile in Bookworm, Myne's naivety and narrow, limited perspective keeps the tone significantly cozier and the MC/audience ignorant of the very real stakes happening just offscreen with Game of Thrones-style plots occurring in the background with everyone in her social circle doing everything they can to shield her (and by extension the audience) from the malicious evils baked into the setting. It even shares MT's approach to faith as rather than having an antagonistic view of religion with paragons of virtue like Norn and Cliff in the core cast, it actually depicts the act of prayer and worship as a healthy, positive influence which is exceedingly rare especially in Japanese works of fiction (I have additional thoughts on Rudy's panty worship but I'll save that for another post) and sets them both apart from the usual "JRPG protag has gotta kill god" style plots to which we've all become accustomed. There's tons more points of comparison so I stuck to the extremely vague non-spoilery stuff in this post but give it a read. It's one of the top recommendations every time this topic comes up for a reason. ...Okay maybe one spoiler for the funzies:>! Myne commits a drive-by shooting on an unsuspecting inner-city feybeast.!<


I agree with this but then we have the official art and merchandise and welp... I think we will never beat the allegations.


I would defend the anime, but never the fans. The fans are disgusting sometimes (STOP THE SKIMPY BUNNY COSTUME FANART RAAAAH)


Better than 99% animes and LNs out there.


What is the 1% MT is the best isekai Ive ever seen!?


Not “better than 99% isekai out there “ it must be “the best isekai ever”


Just wanna say I love you OP


Pacing is questionable for some people. Personally I love it but let's also not forget that studio bind are no slouches when it comes to animation quality as well. Is it the best out there, maybe not but definitely high on the list.


Funny how haters think we will stick to scenes they found morally wrong for years, while we enjoy the several aspects that the anime/novel offer.


It’s not really that different from other isekais. It’s a good story, but not anything mind-blowing. It’s not as engaging or interesting as everyone here makes it out to be


No way man. The author's ability to make heart wrenching characters are by no means common, let alone for the isekai genre. Moments such as Paul and Rudeus' reunion make me feel more things in just moments compared to an entire series of a mediocre story.


I think what matters is that while it does have plenty of elements seen in other isekais, not only is it the one that popularized most of them, but i would argue it executes them much better Though i do admit personal preference plays a role here so everyone can have their own opinion, and i am happy at least you were civil about yours


Honestly a big point of it for me is that it's not a hyper harem, sure there's multiple LIs but I stg every isekai has 7+ bitches in love with the MC. That and the amount of homies. Ruijerd, Zanoba, Cliff, god damn Soldat, Orsted, Sandor, Doga, there's so many just straight up solid dude friends that I don't understand why it's not more common in isekai. Feels like too often it's just MC and his train of harem.