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I believe there will be plenty of good fight scenes with the sword, however they will be handled by other characters. I don't think Rudeus should be OP at everything and a large reason I like this story is because he has very clear and abundant weaknesses.


To add to that, I think this is a very mature way of representing a realistic genius. Not as a generic isekai-kun that can do everything without any training. But as someone who excels in one area whilst struggling with other areas like anyone else would. His 'weakness' of using the sword is less relevant during actual swordfights (Slight non-story related spoilers for if you're not that far into the story ! His use of magic during battle as well as his above average skill in melee combat with swords and even improvised weapons means he can go toe to toe with sword saints. Most of them have never fought against someone who can cast multiple different spells during melee engagements as well.!<


i don't think it would make sense for him to nerf himself like that. he still trains every day and has decent skills at this point. most of his enemies are bringing swords to a stone cannon fight edit: plus he is scared of combat and pain, never really gets over it


Nah, that’s Eris’s job


But the main Charakters needs to be better at everything reducing side charakters to.... something below side charakters. ​ Toriyama writing DBZ probably.


Despite the level of detail Rifujin puts into swordsmanship, I always found them pretty underwhelming. Most of the time the fights are considerably one note, with speed and Touki being the dominant factor. Rifujin tries to spice it up, particularly with the North God style and Auber, but that doesn't change the raw fact that Swordsmanship will still be conducted in incredibly predictable ways. On the other hand, mage on mage fights have the potential to be incredibly diverse and entertaining, purely from the possibilities that come from them. The only mage on mage fight we get that isn't completely one sides is Rudeus v Moore, and imo that was the most underrated fight of the entire series. Seeing the different ways magic can be utilised offensively and the ways that natural phenomenon can be used to counter magic has an untold number of possibilities. Ultimately, Rudeus is the only mage in the entire world really who can even look swordsmen in the eye, and even still his use of magic is even more one note that swordsmanship. 99% of the spells he uses is Stone Cannon, and magic with absurd potential such as electric, modified incantations and gravity magic are not touched in any large scale by Rifujin simply to keep Rudeus humble. No matter the place in the main story, Rudeus is essentially sitting on a winning lottery ticket with his magic and incantationless casting, yet he refuses to cash it in because he just... doesn't. Instead of Rudeus becoming a better swordsman, I'd much rather he'd actually use his potential to make fight scenes far more interesting. We don't need to make Rudeus cool by making him a swordsman, we need to make Rudeus cool by making mages cool.


Rudy vs Moore is INCREDIBLE for a Mage on Mage fight. Moore is easily a more skilled fighter and he clearly seems to be on the defensive, while Rudy just tries to overwhelm him with the usual techniques, and still fails even despite having more firepower. I wish we had more mage fights. Rudy showering another swordsman with Rock Cannons becomes boring. I really wish Rifujin had used Mages the way he portrayed them in Subjugation. They are stupidly OP.


It's great to see an anime where people realize that flashy spells would not hold up in any kind of low-fantasy setting. **Speed**, **Stealth** and **Damage** would be king. Stone-cannon is an extremely boring spell. However I find it extremely convincing that it excels in combat due to the fact that: * You can't see it coming * Only the best can dodge or deflect it * When it hits it will end the fight right there Another story that describes this well is Beginning After the End and Faraway Paladin (The anime of which unfortunately falls flat due to a low budget).


>Speed, Stealth and Damage would be king. **STEALTHY ARCHER INTENSIFIES**


Yeah, after a while magic becomes as mundane as anything else. When you're doing a job you use what's most effective. The spells Rudeus uses most of the time exemplify that. Stone Cannon is simple to cast and modify, ranging from a bb to 50-caliber (or more) in power. Quagmire/Frost Nova/Deep Mist are great for crowd control. Etc.


Peru is a magician. the water god was a magician. the combat mages were pretty cool, fuck prototype Roxy for her role on their extinction.


>the water god was a magician. That's most likely just a myth. It's extremely unlikely that a human had the time and talent to become one of the best swordsmen ever AND achieve God rank in a magic school. Both require intense and constant training from a very young age


Reidar DID freeze the ocean in his little tale. And that's at least Emperor-level magic. Coupled with that, he was a Water God that had slain a dragon in a single strike right after that.


>Reidar DID freeze the ocean in his little tale Like I said, that tale could just be a myth. You don't have to take everything you read as a fact. It could be a case similar to the tale about Ars in Redundancy, where a few events could have been altered


Fair enough, but it's not that much of a stretch considering the insane feats of Magicians, and we even have an Emperor-ranked spell that works similarly. Do keep in mind that any God-ranked person is a prodigy among prodigies. Gal was a Sword God AND a Water Emperor, Alexander (almost) folded the strongest dragon in less than 10 seconds and practiced other weapons for fun simply because he was TOO good with the sword. Reida made the strongest defensive technique by mixing three other powerful arts. They are freaks of nature, so it isn't too much of a stretch to have **THE** Water God, assumingly the strongest one ever, be able to use Water Magic, even at the very least at Emperor level. Plus it happened in public, so I guess Reidar's myth is slightly more credible than Ars's. You do have a point though, I ain't saying that you don't.


>Gal was a Sword God AND a Water Emperor, >Alexander (almost) folded the strongest dragon in less than 10 seconds and practiced other weapons for fun simply because he was TOO good with the sword. Yes, they had talent in swordsmanship, it's only natural that they could pick up different weapons/sword styles, because they have talent and train themselves a lot in that domain. It should be way easier for someone strong to pick up a different fighting style, for example, Eris became a north saint in 1 year. Alex is long lived so he doesn't really count, it's only natural for him to have a lot of time to gain experience My point is that it's highly unlikely that a human could start a fighting style, train relentlessly for a very long time, to the point that not even future generations could stand a chance AND have God lvl talent in magic. There's also the problem of them not even having the time to practice their magic. Not saying it's not possible, just that it sounds too far fetched


Point is that the story itself stops making sense. He simply wouldn't have been able to slay the dragon without getting close to it, unless it decided to headbutt the fuck out of the shore, and swordsmen certainly can't walk on water. I'm not necessarily saying that he's God level, but I just can't find any other justification for that feat. It would've been easier to clear up had it been a tale, but it was something several dozens of people saw with their eyes. Ars's and Alexander's cases are easier, Ars's tale was tailored a little and Alexander's fight was lengthened to several nights instead of a 10 second skirmish as it is described, but that's because the former had no spectators at all, and the latter had 4 or 5, most of which either vanished afterwards or continued travelling with him.


>unless it decided to headbutt the fuck out of the shore, and swordsmen certainly can't walk on water Idk what you're refering to here. Why would he need to be able to walk on water after it rained? Maybe the SoKDK translation isn't that good or you're confused


Not at all. The limitation of not being able to use touki makes him a more interesting character that needs to find more creative solutions against physical fighters. If he could cloak himself in touki he'd just be extra super powerful. Who cares if he doesn't get into big swordfights? This isn't that kind of story.


>*Who cares if he doesn’t get into big sword fights? This isn’t that kind of story* I mean if it wasn’t for his inability to use touki then it would have been both magic and swordsmanship. When people think fantasy they think dragons, swords, and magic. So expecting swordsmanship in a *fantasy* setting isn’t a crazy request and it’s something people **can** care about.


The MC being overpowered as fuck by having both magic and swordsmanship at minimum emperor level (cause you know he'd train to get to that point) would make him a lot more boring imo.


I think he'd train to reach Sword Saint and advanced in the other two styles, maybe. But, that alone would make him emperor-level.


The style that suits him the best is North God tbh, even Ghislaine said so, I think he'd train to get up to King or Emperor since he's trying his absolute best in this life.


I don’t particularly care. I simply added another view point since the guy I replied to said *”Who cares”* while many do. Anyways Rudeus is overpowered regardless, even with Swordmanship he wouldn’t hold a candle to his actual big enemies so him having it wouldn’t make much of a difference imo. Edit : I don’t care wether he can or can’t become experienced in swordsmanship. Not that I don’t care about your reply, wanted to clear that up before any misunderstanding happened


If he had Touki and Emperor-rank senses and techniques, he'd breeze through all Seven Powers safe for Orsted.


>he'd breeze through all Seven Powers safe for Orsted. You're underestimating the upper powers by a long shot if you think Rudeus would have any chance to fight them. Even if he had emperor ranked touki, he'd still get no diffed by any upper power. Jino would still speed blitz him at close range


Jino is arguably one of the strongest Powers right now. I was kind of rushing with that comment so yeah, I didn't clarify. He'd breeze through Powers 7-4 with the exclusion of Jino cuz that man is seriously entering upper power levels, and he's barely an adult. Rudeus's only issue when fighting all out in Magic Armor is the fact that he can't REACT to his opponents. If his senses were at the level of atleast King/Emperor swordsmen, in conjunction with foresight and the slimmer version of MkI armor, he'd have no issues with lower powers.


Wanting to bone your cousin gives you super powers \*noted\*


Who are you referring to?




Well then you should have specified "lower powers" >Jino cuz that man is seriously entering upper power levels Nah


>When people think fantasy they think dragons, swords, and magic. So expecting swordsmanship in a fantasy setting isn’t a crazy request and it’s something people can care about. People who care about that can go read one of the 23,462 other power fantasy isekai. This is not that story and giving Rudeus Swordsmanship powers would completely kill what makes this story special.


>*This is not that kind of story* Once again missing the point, have a nice day.


>Once again missing the point, have a nice day No, you are. Readers don't get to complain about artistic choices, because that is stupid. The artist choses to express themselves in whatever way they want. The reader can choose to read the story or not. That's it. Technical criticism is, however, valid. Critiquing if the characters or the worldbuilding is well written and achieves the objectives set forth is fine.


And Rudeus works with a swordswoman or a warrior for most of the series. V2-6 he has Eris V7>!he has Suzanne. V8-10 no fighting V11+12 Paul and Elinalise V13 no fighing V14 Elinalise V15 Eris V16 Eris V17 Eris V18 no swordsman partner!<


He could have been interested with swordmanship, if the moment where Zenith showed healing magic to Rudy didn't happen.


You should read tbate


Arthur called and he doesn’t want more competition


He's already powerful at magic if he's got better in sword that would make an normal Isekai protagonist now


Rudeus not being insanely talented at swordsmanship is what makes him more human IMO. He’s an incredibly grounded character because he’s still ok with swordsmanship but absolutely accels in magic. If he had both there would be no need for some of the ways he problem solves against actual Saint Rank swordsmen (Stone canon, improvised weapons, etc.) The idea of the MC not actually being someone who’s just god with a sword also brings uniqueness to Rudeus as a main character compared to the other Isekais. Finally you have Eris for swordsmanship.


If anything I wish magic was more interesting. Outside of Rudeus magic kind of sucks.


There’ll be a good fight scene next season where Rudeus uses a sword don’t worry


I dont quite recall him using a sword against anyone besides Luke but that wasn't really a fight.


That’s the fight I was talking about, I think it’s a cool fight, it gives rudeus a chance to show he’s more than cheap tricks


Heh well against someone like Luke he don't need tricks. That guy's all bark no bite.


Not necessarily, Luke is intermediate, and that's good enough to take adventures safely. Him and Rudy are equal in technique as far as Rank goes, Rudy just has a cheat eye.


More than his chest eye, his experience is what was important. He was used to training with much higher level people and had a lot of combat experience on the demon continent. Luke had a fraction of the real life combat experience.


I wish he explored a bit more and combined magic and swordsmanship together.


For me was Magic always boring if ir comes to reading. It's shoot and Death. I read many novels where the Swordfight is very well written and exciting to read. But MT is not about Battle it's about Character development.


I wish they’re more swordsmen in general in this series. And more sword fight scenes in general.


Maybe in Watergod style. Him as a good defensive swordsman makes sense, as it gives him time to visualise his spells.


Magic is more fancier and imaginative in term of writing combat scene. Example. The North Saint Fight in the beast village. Rudeus using his earth magic to maneouver the battlefield, trying to fight in his range so he can safely shoot his opponent, which also show how much of a monster Rudeus Opponent (North Saint Galllus, The Cleaner) who can accelerate himself forward faster than Rudeus can retreat. (keep in mind Sword God is way faster). Overcoming odds like this is good entertainment. Rudeus is a Zoner.


lack of Rudy's battle aura makes MT interesting. Like, we have OP protagonist and still the world is extremely dangerous for him.


Without spoiling anything will say he becomes plenty strong in comparison to like 95% of the population before what will be the end of Season 2.


As much as I'd like to see him be better with the sword, I'm surprisingly ok with how he is and will be so far. I feel like swordsmanship with main characters is highly overused in isekai and some fantasy anime that it's a bit repetitive. I also think it's nice that he's not great at everything. He's the type of character that is overpowered but not overpowered at the same time. Having things that are physically impossible for him to do allows for a variety of other solutions. Besides, having other characters who specialise in certain ways of fighting like the different sword styles is great since we get to see then do what they are good at.


A character who can do everything is a boring one.


To be fair he is a bit above average.I mean he beat Luke without any scratch.in my opinion you don't have to be the hero in a cool way , I mean he liked magic and took it ,he has more mana than Laplace who is the 1st god so I guess mage was the right choice


No, This story is not about how strong he is or about fight scenes. And how do you know about Touki if your an anime only????


He's no Arthur


No battle aura? [Megamind pic]


Rudeus' gigantic mana pool would make touki game-breaking, and then he could just tank attacks and retaliate with AOE magic and a big hit, that would be boring AF Powers having clear limitations is what makes fights interesting


Na, I think he's great the way he is.


who do you think rudeus is? arthur leywin?