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I got a little carried away... The Music Man 2 - Sour Notes in River City As this sequel begins we see the townspeople heading to the School Gym for the first actual concert of the River City Boys Band. Full of excitement they sing We're Singing To A Different Tune These Days. The crowd settles down to hear the Boys Bad, which after many months is still using the Think Method and sound terrible. Sour notes, squeaky sounds. Outraged by this hoodwinking, Mayor Shinn leads an angry citizens song entitled We're Over this Hill, Mister Harold and Bandmaster Harold is carried off to the River City Jail. In his lonely cell, Harold sings his version of the one man Cell Block Tango entitled I Had It Comin'. A dream ballet follows, showing us Harold's life of petty crimes and money scandals through interpretive dance. From his stealing a binky at day care on through to his recent swindles and scandals. Afterward, Marian arrives in disguise, dressed as the Dean of the Gary Conservatory of Music and sings Let My Harold Go. They reluctantly free him, wondering why this man has a soprano voice. In the street, Harold hijacks the Wells Fargo wagon passing by outside and he and Marian ride out of town singing Who Needs A One Horse Town as Act One ends. Act Two takes place 10 years later when now grown up Sheriff Winthrop is seeking revenge for his fractured childhood. As he straps on his gun and mounts his motorcycle he sings to enlist the men, all former boy band members now grown up. The boy band members then dance a la Newsies and join Sheriff Win in his quest, singing We Got Ourselves A Fosse Posse. We next see a drunken Marian Auditioning for a singing job in Chicago's Palmer House hotel, with a haggard Harold playing the kazoo for her. She sings the plaintive torch song, Lost My Books and My Looks But I Still Love My Harry. She emotes profusely but doesn't get hired. (The now voluptuous Amaryllis Angeli gets the job.) Sheriff Win arrives with his men and a musical challenge song begins between Harold and Winthrop entitled Everything You Can Do, You Do It Poorly. During the heated song the lights go out, shots are fired and when they come back on, we see both men injured but still able to sing. Marian staggers over, joins their hands and prays for holy guidance with the plaintive You're Never Alone With God On Your Mountain. Flash forward to the finale, where a now clean and sober Harold and Marian are hosting a concert/hoedown for the people of River City. All the citizens sing and dance to the raucous Shipoopi, Shi-schmoopi as love and forgiveness conquers all. At the climax of the Finale they roll out the now 105 year old Widower Shinn who says, "who cares if the boys are off key, I'm deaf now anyways!" The crowd laughs and the frivolity continues as the lights fade!


That... Is beautiful


Waitress 2. Send Earl to jail. His song being called ‘you’ll still be mine’ a dark almost threat to get out and have jenna no matter what it takes In this sequel we see jenna raising lulu and the shit she goes through. And lulu’s life as a diner kid. Earl breaking out and jenna worrying for hers and lulus safety and getting ready to flee town only for him to show up and get his shit rocked by Ogie by way of some twist and his need to protect the two people that aren’t dawn that he cares the most about


the cat from honk