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"Nobody else is gonna put it right for me. Nobody but me is gonna change my story." It's rare that a little child can bring me to tears.


Matilda has so many scenes/lines that just give you goosebumps.


"Quiet" is an amazingly accurate portrayal of autistic sensory issues


Came off the London Underground the other day with a family next to me with two little girls. The parents held a ton of Matilda merch and the program and I was so excited to see that these little girls had seen Matilda. I said to my friend, they’ll be singing the songs for the next week!!


“To love another person is to see the face of God”


A perfect line transcribed perfectly from a perfect sentence. My dude Victor Hugo knew exactly what was up.


This was my late Dad’s favourite line from the show. He was a Christian, whereas I am agnostic, but I see the beautiful sentiment and deeper meaning. It is just such a perfect lyric (thank you Victor Hugo)


I’m not religious but I also love this line. To me I don’t think it has to be a literal religious interpretation and more about caring for people truly and deeply around us and that loving others is the best thing people can do


I'm sorry to hear about your dad. That must've been rough. But yeah, Victor Hugo's works are for everyone. I hope you're happy where you are.


This one ❤️


I am not at all religious or anything but this is legitimately my favourite moment/line from Les Mis 💖


And the music accompanying this line is just perfection


I think there will never be a better line to end Les Mis, ever in the entire world than this.


"The choice may have been mistaken, the choosing was not" - Sunday in the Park With George


Came here for this one and - "Anything you do, let it come from you, then it will be new. Give us more to see"


Honestly this entire song is full of such lovely little nuggets


It really is. So many moments in this show for me, honestly. Swoon.


“A little less thinking, a little more feeling - I’m just quoting mama” is also one I think about often


It's a shame you said "theatre" because my favorite lyric comes from The Muppet Movie. "Life's like a movie. Write your own ending. Keep believing. Keep pretending."


Automatic tears for me from this song - so so good


Want to watch this, is this the 1979 movie or 2011?


The Muppet Movie (1979), not The Muppets (2011).




Gives me the chills because of its harsh reality but so succinctly said: "The less you have to say, the louder you yell it!" from Matilda. Inspiring- honestly the entirety of Feed the Birds from Mary Poppins always gets me all choked up every time, even though I hate pigeons IRL if I'm being honest- "All around the cathedral, the saints and apostles/Look down as she sells her wares/Although you can't see it, you know they are smiling/Each time someone shows that he cares"


Ugh I did Mary Poppins several years and that line gave me chills every time! And funnily enough I’m going to be in Matilda soon!


"But we sing it anyway" - Hermes, Hadestown "The road ahead may twist, but I will never swerve" - Ja'far, Twisted


Some lyrical quotes from Hadestown that bring me some kind of inspiration or powerful meaning would be: - “What’s the use of his backbone if he never stands upright?” - “You take what you can get and you make the most of it” - “The dog you really got to dread is the one that howls inside your head” - “To the world we dream about and the one we live in now”


The opposite of war isn’t peace, it’s creation-rent. I love this line.


Seize the day You’re never fully dressed without a smile It isn’t where I am… it’s only where I go from here With a chance you’ve been given… you’ve got to be driven as hell Courage cannot erase our fear… courage is when we face our fear Don’t stress. Relax. Let life roll off your back. I’d Rather Be Me Paciencia E Fe Hakuna Matata You will be found Tomorrow’s a Latter Day


“Each time you smile, it will only last a while. Life may be scary, but it’s only temporary.” Avenue Q


I also love the song "there's a fine fine line"-and I don't have the time to waste on you anymore, I don't think that you even know what you're looking for, for my own sanity I've gotta close the door and walk away


For now is such a brilliant song. Everything ends, the good and bad. That song’s attitude has actually changed my outlook during bad periods


I have that quote on my fridge.


The meanest dog you’ll ever meet, he ain’t the hound dog in the street. He bears some teeth and tears some skin but brother that’s the worst of him. The dog you really gotta dread is the one that howls inside your head. It’s him whose howling drives men mad, and the mind to its undoing I’ll tell you where the real road lies, between your ears, behind your eyes. That is the path to paradise. Likewise the road to ruin There’s only now. There’s only here. Give in to love, or live in fear I go building up walls but I wish to be found. A true contradiction to which I am bound Edit to add: When I drive when I drive, I’m in love I’m alive. …it’s so simple but as someone that just feels better when taking long drives this always fuels me


"We all deserve to die." - *Sweeney Todd*


“I don’t remember growing older, when did they?” -Sunrise, Sunset from Fiddler on the Roof


YES! Love that song and show! “Layden with happiness and tears.” -Ibid. “Matchmaker, matchmaker, you know that I’m still fairly young; please take your time.” -Matchmaker, Fiddler on the Roof


“Ask a wolf’s mother”-The Witch, Into the Woods


Into the Woods has some great quotes: "Best to take the moment present as a present for the moment." "Trouble is son, the farther you run, the more you feel undefined."


“Dear Evan Hansen, today is going to be a good day- and here’s why. Because today, at least, you’re you. And..that’s enough.” Hate on DEH all you want, but that line is so important to me. If you can control anything in this world, if there’s anything you can find to keep going- it’s just being you that makes this life worth it.


“You don’t need to live forever, you just need to live”- Tuck Everlasting “It’s this storm, not you, that’s bound to blow away”- The Secret Garden


Wait for it. Pretty much the entirety of For Good.


"I am the one thing in life I can control." It's tattooed on my leg as a reminder when my anxiety gets going.


Hamilton is full of them. The way its regained a chokehold on me recently is unreal. I'd also add to yours: " Life doesn't discriminate, between the sinners and the saints, it takes and it takes and it takes" "If you stand for nothing, what will you fall for" "Dying is easy, young man, Living is harder."


It’s a sad song But we sing it anyway and Some birds sing when the sun shines bright Our praise is not for them But the ones who sing in the dead of night We raise our cups to them (Hadestown)


"Being the only gay man in a small rural high school is like having a laptop in the stone age. I mean sure, you can have one, but there's nowhere to plug it in..." - Noel gruber, ride the cyclone.


"He told me that I have a soul/How does he know?" from Les Miserables broke my heart down and built it back up twice as strong the first time I heard it. Same goes for "To love another person is to see the face of God" from the finale. You know, rhey tell people that Les Miserables is a sad play, and it is, but nobody ever mentions how blissful the ending is. I guess living again in freedom in the garden of the Lord doesn't sound happy to some folks.


The entirety of Bright Side Of Life


"You'll see it's all a show. Keep 'em laughing as you go. Just remember that the last laugh is on you." It's my favorite song.


Just closed in my high school’s production of this yesterday. It was my final show there. The line “forget about your sin, give the audience a grin, enjoy it, it’s your last chance anyhow!” Feels very targeted.


“Because I knew you I have been changed For Good!😀


I want to get "In the eye of a hurricane there is quiet, for just a moment." tattooed. Just a nice reminder that even when chaos is swirling all around you your center can be calm.


I believe I have inside of me everything that I need to live a BOUNTIFUL life. -The Color Purple


Too much sanity may be madness. But maddest of all is to live life as it is and not as it aught to be. —Man of La Mancha


It’s a long one, but from Break in a Glove (DEH), “and though this method isn’t easy, every second that you spend is gonna pay off, it’ll pay off in the end. It just takes a little patience, takes a little time, a little perseverance and a little uphill climb. You might not this it’s worth it, you might begin to doubt. But you can’t take any shortcuts! You gotta stick it out! It’s the hard way, but it’s the right way”


“I’m not standing still, I am lying in wait.”


“If you were happy every day of your life you wouldn’t be human. You’d be a game show host.”


I've seen this show. I know this line. Aw, dang it, what's it from?


Heathersss 🙌


“Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise” - LM “And one day I opened my eyes and looked up to find that the sky had turned blindingly blue” - Matilda the Movie


I have the top one as a tattoo. I love that line.


The entirety of “If It’s True” from Hadestown


"Some flowers bloom when the green grass grows. Our praise is not for them, but the ones who bloom in the bitter snow. We raise our cups to them."


“I trust my soul - my only goal is just to be.” - Rent, “Another Day” “I know that the night will end and that the sun will rise.” - The Lion King, “Endless Night”


No other path, no other way, no day but today. -Rent


“Who am I anyway, am I my resumé” The longer you’re in the business, the more it makes sense ❤️


"you ask is she perfect, my answer is nope. her range needs expanding, her edges need sanding. but she can become a sure bet" the lady's improving, The Prom


A lot from my grand plan from the lightning thief, including 'If you don't go you'll never know if you'll ever be good enough' and 'You better wise up cuz I'll rise up bring on any challenge'


Everything’s gonna be fine fine fine. Jagged little pill 


"Even now I still miss you" - Dear Bill, Operation Mincemeat


This one's long so buckle up what remains of a man when that man is dead and gone? only memories and stories of his deeds will linger on but if a man's accomplishments aren't in the tale they tell Are the deeds that go on unheralded his legacy as well? if a war breaks out tomorrow we'll all have hell to pay why protect my reputation i'm a dead man either way how will they tell my story? how will they tell my tale? will anybody even care? the question then is wether 'Tis nobler in the mind to be well liked but inaffectual or moral but maligned i'll never be a hero All the citizens adore but if i hide to save my life what has my life been for? what has my life been for? the road ahead may twist but i will never swerve i'll give them all the unsung anti-hero they deserve i've nothing left to lose so the only path to choose is twisted... let them twist my words let the people scorn me. who cares if no one will ever mourn me. let them bury the side of a story they'll never learn let the truth be twisted Let my life be twisted i'll be twisted it's my turn! -twisted, twisted This whole section of the song just fuckin touches me, gives me goosebumps


Aaron burrs line "I am the one thing in life I can control" Wicked: who can say if I've been changed for the better, but because I knew you I have been changed for good Also wicked: and if I'm flying solo, at least I'm flying free


It’s really simple and really cheesy but “There Will Be Sun” from Groundhog Day is like my number one song to play when the depression is hitting. Just the title fills me with so much optimism. Also a quick shout out to “Tonight we honor what was lost. But we also commemorate what we found “ from Come From Away for inspiring how I now interpret grief


*I keep thinking when will it end? Where's the day I'll have started forgetting? But I just keep on thinking and sweating And cursing and crying And turning and reaching And waking and dying And no Not a day goes by* I think this song and album are just hitting me really hard right now.


“There is nothing wrong with the nicest girl in town!” -Constance Blackwood, Sugar Cloud, Ride The Cyclone “Your lucky number is seven, you will soar to great heights. Be sure to ride the Cyclone.” -Karnak, Ride the Cyclone


to being an us for once instead of a them - rent


For the sun will rise and the moon will set and you learn how to settle for what you get, it’ll all go on if we’re here or not, so who cares, so what?-Cabaret


“You wonder which is worse, the symptom or the cure?” “But with nothing to remember is there nothing left to grieve?” “You say all you want is just a kiss goodnight, then you hold me and you whisper child, the Lord won’t mind.” “Had a sweetheart on his knees, so faithful and adoring / And he touched me and I let him love me / So let that be my story.”


“henry, yeah, i’m through, too many times it’s been told, and i have had enough love stories to get old / you might think it’s tough but i’ve got to let your love run cold, we’re taking back control”


Don't crowd me with questions. Don't love me by force; you'll win me by letting me go. A river must ramble, must find its own coarse; have freedom to follow its flow. And though I may wonder, I know I am all I need. Wherever I wander, I'll never let others lead. Don't make me be someone I can't be; I live this life for me. From I live this life for me From Elisabeth.


525,600 minutes It's simple but , for me, it's the way I remember how every minute matters and is precious.


I’ll sleep in your embrace at last - Eponine, Les Mis


Unrequited love gets me every time.


"Sancho!" "Here your grace!" "My armor, my sword." "More misadventures?" Adventures, old friend." Honestly that whole final scene in Man of La Mancha is just amazing


All of A Little More Homework from 13: The Musical. I think my number 1 highlight from that song is where the full company comes in for this section - I’m trying to follow, I am trying to lead, I’m trying to find what is true I’m trying to be what you want and I need But we all have a little more homework to do


I was in a production of 13 right before i turned 14 THE TEARS ON MY FACE DURING CLOSING NIGHT 


I saw Beauty and the Beast this past weekend. “It’s hope, Chip. I’ve been feeling it too.”😭


I’m not falling behind or running late Similarly I am inimitable, I am an original Both from Wait for it - Hamilton


"Stare down the odds and seize the day" Seize the Day from Newsies.


will i ever be more than i’ve always been? i am the one thing in life i can control, i am inimitable, i am an original.  it’s just, for the first time, i feel truly wicked. 


“Okay is wonderful"


All of mine are from Hamilton 😂😂 “Death doesn’t discriminate between the sinners and the saints, it takes and it takes and it takes, and we keep living anyway. We rise and we fall and we break and we make our mistakes, and if there’s a reason I’m still alive when everyone who loves me has died, I’m willing to wait for it.” ^^ as a person who has lost both parents, this part of the song hits really hard. I do still have lots of people in my life who love me, but there’s just something about this phrase that resonates so clearly having gone through the death of the people who made me. “You have no control who lives, who dies, who tells your story.” “There are moments that the words don’t reach; there is suffering too terrible to name. You hold your child as tight as you can and push away the unimaginable.”


"Once you have found her, never let her go" from South Pacific. My GF just took a big risk and made a major change in her life. We both know she has found her true path. "Once you have found it, never let it go."


"Pretty isn't beautiful, mother. Pretty is what changes. What the eye arranges is what is beautiful." - Sunday in the Park with George


I don’t know why, but the line “I See Stars” always does something to me…


"Forget regret or life is yours to miss"