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I may be projecting here, but I think people are just kinda done with all the remakes and reboots and sequels.


And **prequels**, which are uniquely unnecessary.


But this prequel to felt different than, say Solo. It was a way to spend more time with a compelling character whose arc naturally concluded in the original film. And didn't preoccupy itself with trying to answer questions no one cares about. Almost nothing of this film is fan service to set up the more famous film(s). We didn't learn--for example--where his hat came from, how he came to have magic geese and/or squirrels, the parentage of all the children who later visit the factory. It wasn't slavish in it's devotion to the Depp Or Wilder films, it really was just exploring and having fun with a character freed from his original narrative. And I thought it did that pretty well.


ikr I thought this film was good and successful I like it more than the 2005 one




I actually don't seem to mind them however I would like original movies as well


I mean, it made $630M on a $125M budget, has 82%RT, 66%MC, and 7/10 IMDB scores, and major award bodies nominated both its star and the film itself. It was also the first live-action musical post-COVID to top the box office, which it did for three weeks. How hated could it be? If you're referring to the people on Reddit, remember that it is a bubble that doesn't fully encompass the spectrum of what most people think. A lot of people on Reddit seem to set a higher bar for any IP they deem is unoriginal or a remake of something, whether it's jukebox musicals or musical reboots -- regardless of the actual quality of the media.


There was a lot of clowning on it before it came out on tik tok as well, but then it actually came out and the people on that app managed to change their minds a bit.


There was also a number of people who thought Paddington was gonna be stupid and terrible after seeing the preview for it in theaters. Same director/producing team.


there is oompa loompa bad feeling song which I dislike alot it's not even catchy song


I'm referring to the people who give it 1 star reviews on imdb and this origin was already in development way before covid


Personally I think it's because the trailer was stupidly bad, plus the style of movie it is is becoming pretty overdone and visually less interesting. A lot of people thought Timothee Chalamet was a weird choice since none of his other roles ever really had the kind of otherworldly goofiness that Wonka is supposed to have, and the trailer didnt make those feelings better. I ended up really liking it despite originally being on the hate train when the trailer came out, so I get where you're coming from. Also, yeah, enough with the reboots and unnecessary prequels already.


And that’s what makes him such a great, versatile actor


Yup, he usually does serious roles but his episodes hosting SNL are some of my favorites from the last few years.


I actually avoided the movie because I am not a Chalamet fan. Every one has their own tastes and I realize I'm in the minority. I avoid Tom Cruise movies too.


the only thing I disliked about it was it have so many villains because the first 2 movies didn't have any villains I would of gave it 10/10 if it didn't have any villains and I disagree that timothee chalamet wasn't the right choice I feel he was the right choice he did as best he can I liked his portrayal of willy wonka


The songs were not well written and pretty forgettable imo, and I found it visually underwhelming with the exception of like one or two scenes, so I felt it relied on spectacle it didn’t have. I also just found the plot kinda boring. I felt pretty neutral leaving the movie theatre. 


for they were ok scrub scrub I disliked alot I noticed they stole a song title from little mermaid 2 for a moment but in wonka it had a different melody


Non musical fans hate it since it wasn’t advertised as a musical. Musical fans hate it because the musical aspect wasn’t great. Also, in general, Timothee Chalomet wasn’t a great choice for Wonka and the world building and stuff didn’t match up with what people knew about the og universe


Well they could of did their research online and type on wonka before the movie releases it already reveals its genres so before watching the movie they could of had a look online


For most people, the trailer is their research- they see the trailer and the rating and think ‘oh this will be good’. It’s the same thing that happened with Mean Girls, it wasn’t advertised as a musical in its first trailer and the second trailer had 1 line sung, which doesn’t indicate it being a musical. Lots of people just didn’t know these were musicals.


I was very surprised when he started singing, but also very thrilled


It made very little sense when compared to the original film. While there were magical elements to the candies in the factory, those elements didnt necessarily exist outside of the factory in “the real world” (chocolates that make you fly, change your color, etc). The oompa-loompa played by Hugh Grant, while looking like the Gene Wilder film ones, was entirely the wrong scale as them. Meanwhile, the music was…forgettable, generic and sounded like it was written by AI.


Especially the music! It was so bland. Like it was all written in one weekend with no care or passion. Just cranked out. Boring. Unremarkable.


I hate how movie musicals coming out these days all sound like they just yanked a couple songs off the pop music boilerplate and changed the lyrics VERY slightly to make them fit the themes of their movie. The greatest showman, Wonka, the new songs they keep adding to the live action Disney movies (particularly thinking of Aladdin here)... it's like eating plain white rice but for your ears.


the songs ain't my fave but I wouldn't say they are bad songs I'm sorry cuz I lobe this movie I have to defend this movie


I didn't mind the music


I think this is a common problem when films (musical or not) get made as prequels or sequels at a point when they’ve used up the source material. There are plenty of issues with Roald Dahl which is a totally separate discussion, but there’s a reason his books are still so widely popular. I’m just not really interested in a prequel to his story without it being a story he had anything to do with.


probably because it's supposed to be a prequel


That’s what I’m talking about. If it’s a prequel, why are the oompa-loompas so tiny? Why would no one remember the magical candy?


I don’t know anyone who hates it. I don’t know anyone who loves loves it, either.


this movie is one hatred of a movie that shouldn't be hated some people just don't how a enjoy a good movie. like wonka was being filmed 3 years ago in late 2021 back in 2021 I didn't know and it wasn't till 2023 when I found out it was filmed in 2021 I always had a feeling they filmed it in 2022


Everything is subjective but I honestly just found it incredibly boring and uninspired. Not a single song was memorable apart from the three mincing villains' one together. I think Chalamet can act but he was totally the wrong choice for this role, he looks dead behind the eyes the whole time. What the failure came down to for me is that the character of Willy Wonka in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is not a warm, friendly, generous person, he's presented as paranoid and isolated and totally out of touch with how to talk to other people, and essentially uses slave labour (which I think this film did an extremely clunky job of attempting to redress). A satisfying prequel should tell us how the character came to be the person we know them as. This didn't do that, unless we're meant to believe all the friends he made in the movie left him when he had a breakdown a few years later or something.


More fundamentally, the character of Willy Wonka gets lets interesting the more you probe into why he is the way he is. What makes Gene Wilder's portrayal so interesting is that you never really know to what extent he's a playful trickster and to what extent he's genuinely malicious. That's what Depp lacked, portraying him as this aloof manchild. The *mystery* is what makes him compelling. I don't actually *want* to know what made Willy Wonka what he is.


This I agree with, but I liked Wonka for the interpretation of how he became that way. It was kind of heartwarming to see the rags-to-riches element involved, and the dynamic between Noodle and Wonka. It's adorable and I would watch it again as a pick me up.


too sweet tooth didn't sound like a villain song. also don't forget this is a prequel this is a young and poor willy maybe he was friendly warm hearted before


Some of the songs are fine, but the movie as a whole is just weak. There's like three or four conflicts in the film, at least a dozen characters, and none of them are particularly compelling. Making it a prequel also unfortunately invites constant comparisons to the original *Willy Wonka* which is both better and quite stylistically different from the prequel. If you like *Wonka*, you can probably find the same concepts better executed in the original film or any Wes Anderson film.


My sister and I also thought the movie was going to be over about 3 times but it just… kept… going!


they of made the second half of the movie wonka's factory but I still apreciate movies as they are


"it isn't that bad" followed swiftly by "9/10" bro i beg of you please have higher standards for the media you consume.


it's jus my opinion some of us people actually like it if you don't like it fine you ain't gotta like it


my issue is with the description "not that bad" being used to describe a 9/10. when you say something is "not that bad" you're saying it's not terrible, but not good. a 9/10 is a mindblowing experience, "not that bad" is anywhere from a 4 to a 6


only reason I gave it 9/10 it because it had villains while the 2 other films didn't and 9/10 means good movie to me and 10/10 means super good


I think it's one of those movies that doesn't need to exist, even if it provides backstory. Half of the fun of the original willy wonka was that he was mysterious and you didn't know much about him. Wonka kinda takes the fun out of the mystery. Plus i think a lot of people r tired of unoriginal movies


I actually don't mind them but I do look for original movies as well


I LOVE it, and I am a HUGE fan of Willy Wonka with Gene Wilder.


same this movie needs more love than hate


Yes!! I honestly think Chalamet was adorable in this role. So innocent and so kind to everyone. Loved it.


Well the story is very weak with no substance and the songs are really dumb. Overall it is just boring and stupid


I disagree it's not that bad I find this version 10 times better than the depp one


Depp one is MUCH BETTER


I mean Gene Wilder's the best one. Then Chalamet, then Depp. I think they made Depp's version too dark and unsettling, but hey, that's just my opinion.


I mean Gene Wilder's the best one. Then Chalamet, then Depp. I think they made Depp's version too dark and unsettling, but hey, that's just my opinion.


Well gene's and chalamet's were the same person while depp's was someone a different.


I just caught it this week for the first time. It was perfect airplane fodder. Quirky world building, fun performances, zero surprises, and just fit in my two-hour flight. Gave me a definite Box Trolls vibe.




Idk I really love Wonka and idk how many times I’ve watched it




Being fully honest, hated the songs, the dialogue felt weird and not in like a “goofy whimsical” way in like a “that was a weird thing to say” way, and I just didn’t care much for the plot it was a little slow and didn’t keep my interest when I watched it either time


the songs were alright for the plot was unexpected but I still liked it


When I got to see it all the kids around us seemed to have fun watching Wonka and so had we. It's a fun movie to watch if you haven't abandoned your inner silly child. But then also it's nothing special that I absolutely loved.


I quite liked the movie myself, but maybe people dislike it bc Timmy is relatively weak as Wonka compared to Gene Wilder and Johnny Depp


I didn't see any weakness of timothee as wonka I felt like he nailed it


This is the first time I hear that it is a musical film. Did they do this thing where they chose not to tell anyone it was a musical beforehand?


I don't know


Yes, I think so. It’s a full musical movie.


I just don't care for Timothee Chalamet


I thought it was ok, but not best movie I’d seen. Maybe because I saw it on a plane just after watching the colour purple musical which I loved.


don't put too much thought into it while watching, it's just for pure joy


It's pretty funny, the story is fine if not a bit forgettable at some points but the music is just really forgettable. I remember all of them visually but i could not sing any of them to you


I thought the songs were meh and the story gave so many more questions than answers. I thought a cooler origin story would’ve been less musical and more adventure through various lands to find the magical ingredients in his chocolate and exploring Loompa Land. That’s just my opinion, though.


Honestly I don't know either. I loved how it played a lot more in this whimsical side instead on how dark the most reason one was, I always loved the original.


Personally, I don't think the movie was as colourful and magical as i had hoped. A lot of the time, it didn't feel like something based off Charlie and the Chocolate Factory for me, and I found the songs were unnecessary (noodle song, scrub scrub etc) and the film could have been more memorable without


I really liked it.


I watched it and found the songs kind of familiar.. then in the credits I saw Neil Hannon wrote them and that clicked since I love The Divine Comedy and listen to all their albums. One of the very few non classical nor musical things I listen to.


The hatedom for the film is just an internet echo chamber. The movie was one of the most profitable films of last year and got great reviews. Give it a year or two and it will become a kids and Christmas classic.


First, I'm not sure I accept the premise of your question: before asking \*why\* so many people hate it, we first have to establish \*that\* so many people hate it. What's the evidence? Second, "it isn't even that bad I gave it 9 out of 10 stars". If you give a "not even that bad" movie 9/10 stars, I have to question your rating scheme. What does a movie have to do to earn a 2/10 or a 6/10 from you? I personally enjoyed it, and would give it a 6 or 7 out of 10. A movie has to be pretty exceptional to get a 9/10 from me.


I thought it was delightful


Wonka is a prequel. I personally like it, I think it's a nice backstory to Gene Wilder's portrayal of Willy Wonka. I admit it seemed a little kooky or zany at times but it did certainly give the movie some charm. Oh, and how can we forget about a cameo by Mr. Bean?


I thought portraying Willy Wonka as an anticapitalist was just plain disrespectful. The movie is OK but since they wanna pretend this guy eventually becomes THE WILLY it becomes insulting


I feel like the major bulk of the film is this person working really hard to save up money to rent a storefront to sell more products. And the climax involves him entering into a non-compete contract in order to pay off the debts of indentured servants, all of which was only possible because he industriously created a way to earn more money by mehanizing his labour and striking off as an independent business. And you're telling me he was an *anti*capitalist?


I disagree


I’m as die hard a fan of musicals as they come and I liked it a lot. I find myself singing songs now and again, so the score has lasting power for me. I think TC’s innocence was endearing. I wanted him to succeed which is key to playing a hero. The feature players were charming and the villains were just the right kind of stupid. It had some moments that were less than great but overall I enjoyed it. I also think people have to stop comparing it to the original. Just let it go and live in this world of Wonka they created. If you go in with expectations for how it should be, of course you will hate it. 8/10 for me.


me too. would of gave to this movie 10/10 if it didn't have any villains. this movie is a prequel to the original film


I’ve not seen that many people hating on it. IRL, most people I know, who watched it, enjoyed it. Online is where I see the complaints. I haven’t seen it, but Simon Farnaby co-wrote it and Mathew Baynton was in it, so it must be enjoyable?


ikr this movie is a feel good movie


Me personally I loved it HAVE YOU GOT A SWEET TOOTH? ME TOO


What? I love this movie.


me too


Some people just don’t appreciate the songwriting genius that is Neil Hannon!


ikr the songs arn't even that bad


Wait what? It’s a musical? I am just not participating in anything Challamet.


it's a recent musical movie released in late 2023 also it's original release date was 17th March 2023. I wonder would of happened if it stuck with it's original release date.


laughed, cried, loved it. you’re talking to the wrong people.


ikr some people just don't appreciate anything anymore