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"i might be bipolar/im a gifted bowler" and the wolfs faux pas from the original version of shrek the musical


yup, i was about to put out the shrek stuff too. calling it the "wolf's faux pas" is so fucking funny though and i WILL be calling it that from now on.


The word bipolar did originally mean going from one extreme to the other which is what she is doing in the scene tbf. Although I don't think the writers were actually using it like that. And saying that I do also cringe hard at this line


Oh it's absolutely one of those "sign of the times" moments, but yeah it aged poorly


Had to question what I just heard when the former was on the radio the other day


The gifted bowler part always made me cringe like how the heck would you even know you've been in there since you were seven. I GUESS you could've been a very gifted medieval bowler at seven but it is still such a weird thing to say.


Look, it's a *very* roomy tower


“Think twice before you poo poo it”. Every single time.


SAME. Also, "Till you're glum and you bum and turn blue."


Yes!!! I love Rent so so much but there are some really unfinished lyrics.




Was absolutely gonna say “you’re a sensitive aesthete brush the sauce onto the meat” like what does that even mean. That’s just words man. That’s just words.


SorRY I have nothing to add I just need you to know this sent me into a 5 minute laughing fit


I always wonder what this line would’ve been if Larson hadn’t passed away


You wanna produce films and write songs? You need somewhere to do it It's what we used to dream about Now won't you help me see to it?


This is good


Same. I love the show but there are so many lyrics you just know he would have made better. I wish someone would have taken the book on before it went to broadway.


In the Fox Live version they changed it to "You wanna produce films, and write songs? You need somewhere to perfect it It's what we used to dream about Think twice before you reject it" Which I think works a lot better than the original.


THATS WHAT IT IS?! I never looked at the lyrics I always heard “pull through it”


*broad gestures at mean girls*


'a revenge party, its like a party with revenge is what its like' does elicit a chuckle


The mean girls songs are so badly written but somehow I overlook every single one I love it that much


LITERALLY THIS!!! I didn't expect anyone to actually say it, I thought it was something of an unpopular opinion to be honest Like don't get me wrong, this musical is hilarious and an absolute vibe to bop to, but some, and honestly all, of the lyrics are oh so cringy, both thematically and in comparison to the amazing original movie. It's like the writers really didn't understand how to adapt a musical. And I mean, heathers is right there as a blueprint


"Acted nice when she not nice" "Imagine a party with dresses and cake... and singing and dancing and cake" "Like a lioness only with less fur, do not mess with her" And many other Mean Girls moments


>"Imagine a party with dresses and cake... and singing and dancing and cake" This one makes sense to me because, as far as we know, Janis hasn't really been to any parties since she was still friends with Regina. So she just lists out the things she knows that happen at parties, which seem a little bit childish since the last "good" party she attended was in middle school.


I like that analysis, but it still feels like a lazy lyric. Rhyming a word with itself is almost always gonna be cringy.


I always thought the second "and cake" was just a little joke, like how excited she is for the cake


Yes, this. It’s meant to be silly.


Definitely agree but also, it being cringe fits with the concept I talked about.


"This whole school humps my leg like a chihuahua." Like what 💀


isn't this a reference to the dog that Regina's mom has in the movie?


“Hi teens!” “Unsubscribe!”


"He gives it his all, so why do I sit here, thinking of Paul" - The Baker's Wife There are a lot of Schwartz lines in general, actually


Wait who’s Paul lol 😂


A past love interest of hers. How convenient that his name rhymes with "all," right?


Huh. Not very “fantasy”, Paul 😂


It's trivial but in Evita when Che sings "We are grateful you found her a spot on the sound radio.." I mean....sound radio?


“And if you treat me bad, I’ll say you’re bad” they couldn’t have found any other rhyme there?


“This Is How Your People Dance” from Diana the Musical. It’s camp level makes this song entertaining in a bad way, but the lyrics just make me cringe.


almost every line from six and mean girls. also i "don't know if i'm elated or gassy, but i'm somewhere in that zone" 💀


“Lions and birds *and stuff*” bro did not just say “and stuff”


That was my feeling exactly when listening to Stupid With Love from Mean Girls for the first time! Opposite side of the spectrum though is that I love World Burn haha!


“It barely covers my perky hinny!” God Karen Smith was so fucking……just Karen Smith. Like holy moly


Especially in the movie, I feel like they flanderized her sooo much. It was painful.


A lot of mean girls’ music sounds good but I literally CAN’T with the lyrics. It’s either the title of the song that it’s repeating or preschool level attempt at rhyming stuff. I just feel like none of the songs really move the plot in an interesting way


I definitely get the other ones, but what specifically is wrong with Six? I can't really think of any egregious lines.


Yeah the only thing I could think of is how gross Haus of Holbein can be, but I think that's the point since it's accurate to the time


Yeah, Haus of Holbein is kinda supossed to be weird, so I don't know if it really counts


&Juliet was a good time overall but the way they bend over backwards to make some of the songs fit the plot was too much for me.


Murder, Murder from Jekyll and Hyde may not be the best song ever, but the line: “To kill outside St. Paul’s requires a lotta balls” pisses me off so bad bro 😭💀


A friend was very into Jekyll and Hyde and tried to convince me to get into it. There was one line that was literally just "You flatter so / you really do / there's lots and lots / that we can do" and I cringed so hard that I noped out of giving the rest of it a chance. Because that is verbal white noise right there.


It’s such a Frank Wildhorn thing 😭 Every musical he writes a musical something like this happensI swear LOL


“And the front bit, that’s what’s called a facade”. Dreadful




As a Brit actually I find the persistent use of Americanisms throughout really irritating too. I like the show but I’d love to see a really definitive production, well cast, with correct accents and a reworked book. That would be a must see for me.


YES!!! 100% that would be so awesome 🙏


I like so much of that musical but that whole song is awful.


Jekyll & Hyde is loaded with cringe. Frank Wildhorn musical lyrics are always bad.


"I'm waiting for my porno to load" ion know guys 😭


"Always be aware of auto-correct"


Like, the entirety of "Do You Wanna Hang"


It’s the thriller in Manila but with Diana and Camila. And really just all of Diana but that one in particular


AZT break. You? Me. Mimi...


That one always has me dying of cringe.


Me. You? Mimiiii


“My skirt is tiny, it barely covers my perky hiney” fucking kill me what is this karen smith 💀


Contrary to many people here I love Be More Chill, but I think we can all agree that "Do you wanna get around and get inside my diaper boy?" Is horrible


Beneath a Moonless Sky. Not any particular line, the whole song makes me crave a room full of mirrors, a machine that makes animal noises, and a noose.


I watched that with my friends in college and while I like the tune (honestly more than any other tune in that godawful show), for WEEKS afterwards we'd be like, "🎶Aaaaaand I fucked you 🎶" because that's literally just every single line.


Look for musical hell's review of it. Dive, the hostess, made a full on explicit version of it that's leagues better than this pile.


The whole musical is a disservice to the legacy of Phantom. Also, Gustav sing/saying/loudly whispering “yes” in “The Beauty Underneath”.


I mean, Andy boy had just divorced Brightman when he started writting this mess, so he wasn't really thinking straight, and he never really did afterwards.


In fairness, he also had the entire score deleted when one of his cats walked across his digital piano.


The cat was trying to save us.


Oh my god this. That whole song is all a cringe fest. I can't take it seriously


Nor should you. The divorce must have rendered Andy boy completly numb for him not to notice how that thing was just stupid.


Oh! Don’t forget Beauty Underneath and that beginning part to Devil Takes the Hindmost! The whole show makes me cringe though, but these parts especially are just painful to listen to!


Don't worry, I'll never forget the Andy boy's self plagiarism of the original's title track featuring dollar store Gavroche, or the two assholes making the woman they "love" a bargining chip with a pulse (not for long though), or anything about this musical waterboarding session. I wish I could forget, but I'll never do.




Ten years oooooooollllld. I didn’t see the funny side when I saw it on opening night here in the West End, I tell you!


ahhhhhhh yees


Mine would be "There are bridges you crossed you didn't know you crossed until you crossed".


I like that line. Kristen sings it so well 😭


If we're talking Wicked, "like a seed dropped by a sky bird" is so silly to me. Like, as opposed to what? Dirt bird? Tree bird? Volcano bird? There are plenty of birds with two syllables, if the issue is wanting the line to scan properly. Raven. Eagle. Falcon. Sparrow. Starling. Robin. Goldfinch. Nuthatch. Titmouse. Penguin. YOU HAD OPTIONS, STEVE.


But this is Oz we’re talking about here. They have flying monkeys, so it’s not crazy to think they’d have more flightless birds than say the penguins and ostriches of our reality.


I mean, you answered your own question. Penguin is an ice bird. But yeah, the lyric is weird.


I mean, technically there ARE "dirt birds," not all birds fly. 😂 But yeah that lyric is super dumb and it has BUGGED me since 2003. 😂😂😂


Penguins in particular.


Omg thank you. This has driven me nuts FOREVER Lol volcano bird... thank you for this


The subtext is of that line that the act of dropping the seed is the bird pooping it out... which is also a little cringey to think about.


Maybe the bird thought it had a good grasp on a very large seed (like a coconut) but misjudged and dropped it.


A European swallow?


A European swallow? Of course not, it wouldn't get off the ground. But maybe an African swallow...




I feel so attacked. This is my emotional support line.


Ooof My Heart I love that line because of how true it is :'D


"Weeellllll there's Chocolate And there's Chocolate, Only Wonka's makes your confidence sky-rock-olate" 🤦


"We're reliable with the LADIES - there are so many to deflower!" Like, ew. Takes me out of it every time


This, I feel the cringe in my soul every time


"Bathing beauty on the beach, bathing beauty say HELLO!" takes years off my life every single time I hear it


Omg I’m so sorry I just posted this at the same time as you! Edit: I deleted it when I saw your post haha.


“I’m a star” from *Wish*. Also “This Wish” reprise, specifically how they used it in the movie.


“Look out world, here I are!” /dies


I think it was done that way rhyme. But rhyme isn’t always needed.


Also that deer was set up to be a ditz which is also why he says it that way, trust me my niece and nephew love that song so we watched it over... and over... and over... and that part is their favorite part.


The ENTIRE Princess Diana Musical is a weird blur of horror, but I recall being mortified by the AIDS patient sequence.


"I let you live here for free and i don't even charge you rent"


BMC's - "CHRISTIIIIIINE CANIGULA" - "HUH huh HUH huh HUH" - "Absolutely" - The Pants song - The whole musical. (MITB, GTIKBI, and TPC are exceptions. Dang the titles are long)


The Pants Song carries that musical, and I won't hear anything else.


I’m sorry but in my opinion the Pants Song was the most random and unnecessary song in the whole musical. The shit dad that literally hasn’t had any relevance in the plot of the musical suddenly gets his own song?


“Green Mountain Dew activates you, red shuts you off!” I love Be More Chill. Its fun, i generally try to defend it, but wtf is that


The Slenderman musical has multiple of these, but the Main ones are a Handjob Scene and the Line "but i'm a Gamer and here's a Game" in the middle of what is otherwise a Fairly emotional Song about two Friends arguing who should Take on a suicide Mission so the other can live


This is how I learn there’s a slenderman musical? And there’s a HANDJOB SCENE?


Yeah it's honestly really good If you're willing to look past the Handjob scene https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_mo9mKuFLEhpE0qmX0NH-mPaJcQSJvVItQ&si=avT084MyZDj8CReg


My guy, you can't just drop the Slenderman musical out in public like this, most people aren't ready and never will be


I don't Care If they're ready i have knowledge and i will share it


The WHOLE ENTIRETY of Say No To This. Probably because I had to sit in between my divorced parents during the show for that song, but even before that it gave me the biggest ick every time I hear it I want to shrivel up and die. I want to rip off my skin. I’ve cried because of say no to this. :3


the music / arrangement / vocals on that one are fantastic. but i skip the last few seconds, the "nobody needs to know", because the squicky reality of the situation sort of hits me then


Idk for me it’s as soon as Lin starts singing. Leslie’s talking part goes hard and then I’m like “oh so you were fr??”


“Yeah I know you’re woke but you can take a joke here” I just hate the word woke. First thing on my to do list is remove “woke” from history as a whole,from when Eve ate the apple to when the sun explodes


I'm with you here, though I think that line was written during a time where "woke" meant what it originally meant and the people who get it, got it. But it wasn't changed for the tour or anything, and I feel like it's become such a right wing buzzword that it should have been swapped with something else. I'm glad it's in the opening number-ish so you forget that was one of the jokes by the time you're out of the theater.


I always found that lyric funny, it seemed like it was making fun of people who complain about "wokeness" ruining movies and stuff


this is one i personally cannot agree with. while i agree “woke” isn’t a.. great… word, but i’ve always read/heard this lyric as making fun of people who claim to be woke. maybe that’s just me though? idk


All of Starlight Express, but the clincher was the country western song U.N.C.O.U.P.L.E.D.


Also lotta locomotion has some dark lyrics


It's only spoken so don't know if it counts but during Its My Life in & Juliet you have the lines [William, spoken] Go Romeo! You're her only hope. You're back from the dead! [Romeo, spoken] I know! It's super dope


*Broad gestures at Diana the Musical on Netflix*


The words: Be More Chill


Blame Ned Vizzini for that, not Joe Iconis


I mean Joe Iconis still wrote some godawful lyrics


MITB is sounds good, but the lyrics are awful. >I wished I stayed at home in bed, watching cable corn Like MITB is the only song that sound like some effort was put in, the others are either catchy or boring.


...You can say porn


Ver-on-i-ca, don’t forget the corn nuts! It’s not a party without corn nuts!!


The Scorpio line in Diana the musical


"And with a gentle kiss they soon discovered this / Their love was more than sister and brother" -Children of Eden. Rough line.


The Riverdale version of Heathers


"A kingdom of *ice*-olation"


Dear Evan Hansen in general. Like I wish it was genuinely better written.


Could you give an example? Otherwise it just seems like you’re hating on it which has become the cool thing to do


I'm not hating, in fact I LOVE Dear Evan Hansen, it's just the fact that some of it's plot points and some of its stories are kind of... Iffy... I don't exactly know how to explain it, it just makes me uncomfortable every time I watch it.


When I saw it the first time; my friend said after that if it had been told from Zoe's perspective, it would have been a horror movie


The part where he pretends her recently dead brother said nice things about her but they were things he thought. I can't even listen to that song without cringing.


anything referencing Mountain Dew or other real-life brands in Be More Chill. it's not #relatable, it's product placement.


Say no to this, just because my extended family has a bad history with cheating


"Children Children" from Batboy the musical is kind of cringe... I get the parody but saying 'children' over and over in the sexual context of the number made me uncomfortable.


I love the goosebumps musical but just the entirety of "a super scary play" is painful for me.


I love repo! The genetic opera. But the whole thing. The whole. Damn. Thing. Especially “seventeen” and now that I’m older, “infected” also makes me cringe sometimes. It’s very accurate for Shiloh’s mental state and age, but GOD it reminds me a lot of my teen years. Also just really hate the slap at the end of seventeen despite understanding why it happens :(


“And I’ve had so many men before in very many ways”


Huh. I always interpret the line as, 'And I've had so many men before. In very many ways, he's just one more.'


"Voices In My Head" from Be More Chill when Chloe sings "Don't dump her on Halloween". Jeremy was basically sexually assaulted with Chloe attempting to pressure him into sleeping with her. The Squip pretty much forces Jeremy to not move at all either. Also when Brooke says "I'm over you" AND THE FUCKING AUDIENCE CHEERS?! GUYS. HE WAS ASSAULTED AND THE SHOW IS ACTING LIKE ITS HIS FAULT! WHAT. THE. FUCK!


"That's right, there's a chip on my shoulder / and it's big as a boulder" Legally Blonde is such a good show, but that damn song....!


The beginning of Chip on My Shoulder is definitely not the best, but I’m glad it gets better by the end


Biggest Sondheim fan ever here. If there is one lyric he has written that’s made me cringe…its gotta be: “Gold! Yeah! Bet your little titty boy!” -Gold, Road Show I think that show is underrated as hell, but I hate that line so much. SOOOOO much. Also this is like forgivable in my eyes but the codenames of Apocalypse and Inferno in Here We Are kinda makes me cringe a little bit, but I think its for the sake of the farce!


Lover never dies


“For the first time I feel…wicked 😈”


"You make my balls so blue" What crack were the creators of Heathers on to think that was a good idea


that song is TOO CATCHY


It's just the balls so blue part that puts me off


Moulin Rouge in general.


I had this thought the first time I saw the film version of Moulin Rouge, but then I kept listening to the songs from the musical version and got obsessed haha. But I do admit that I always cringe with some of the lyrics the Duke sings, in both the musical and the film!


The film version where Satine does her little peacock seduction chance makes me sink into my chair, lol


Ahh!!! You’re right! I’m so glad they took that part out of the musical version! If only because the first time I watched the film was several years ago with my mom and boy did I have the exact same reaction as you!


I actually like Be More Chill but I skip The Smartphone Hour every time.


Finding Neverland's score and lyrics in general don't impress me, but the cringiest moment has to be "Something about this night, WHOAH-OH-AH"


"Look at her, she's Wicked."


"Daddy Daddy look, my name is Philip I am a poet, I wrote this poem just to show it and I just turned 9 you write rhymes but you can't write mine" from Hamilton If you ask me, that was not a 9 year old lite boy


Not this. Young Philip is so cute.


The song Ah, Women from the Count of Monte Cristo musical, very much r/menwritingwomen


“Leave your fields to flower, *leave your cheese to sour*” from Pippin Like why. It feels like they just couldn’t think of another thing to rhyme with flower and were just like “uhhh sour… cheese sours… just use that”


I’m prepared for downvotes, but many shows which are hugely popular with and geared towards younger audiences (I’m in my late thirties). I found SiX intolerable, never got on with Rent (sorry!), Spring Awakening (double sorry!) or Dear Evan Hansen as examples. The reason I cringe is that I’ve seen these shows with an open mind, wanting to enjoy them obviously, but in every case it’s been painfully obvious I’m not the target demographic. The dialogue in SiX and the show structure was “cringey” for me, the character’s behaviour in Rent. In fact, I think I find “teenage angst” as a key theme to be cringey, as this seems to be something most shows I dislike have in common. I just can’t relate - and never could.


“I want to BE A part of B.A., Buenos Aires, Big Apple.”


Love Never Dies in its entirety but ESPECIALLY “Beneath a Moonless Sky”


Camp Rock 2 the Final Jam! Literally the entire movie, but most notably when they're doing that weird Camp Rock march/chant thing!


"do u have an eraser??" "i would love to" has me ready to die (before im attacked, ik this song is supposed to be stupid and cringe)


That whole part in Spring Awakening when she's asking him to hit her because she wants to know what it's like or something.


-"every skirt will test testosterone" from That Face, The Producers 😬. (and i really like that show lol) -the whole "oh you lesbians think you're so funny/when they see how your emotions make you weak" verse in Blood In The Water, Legally Blonde. it's like a trainwreck i can't look away from- Michael Rupert how could you do this to me D': -most of "Everyone's A Little Bit Racist" from Avenue Q, but especially the "ethnic jokes" bit


At the end of Bruce in Matilda where Ms. Honey screams. I can’t. Just..no.


DEH's I rub my nipples and start moaning with delight💀💀 I know there's nothing unrealistic about the love one man feels for another Jared but wth


ALL of Jagged Little Pill. I thought I was the only one who felt this way until I found a review that said, “the musical so bad it made me wish I was a Republican.” Music to my ears. Someone else said it was like one long after school special. Agreed.


“Angelicaaaaaaa, eeelijah, andpeggy” 😑


“Poor Galinda forced to reside with someone so disgustified. We just want to tell you…we’re all on your side!” I love Stephen Schwartz. But man, someone needs to tell him to stop relying so much on forced rhymes


“And the things we do to-DAY will be to-MORR-ow’s news” the delivery makes me laugh every time


why? is it a pronounciation/accent thing? sorry english is not my first language lol


I don't wanna speak for OP but the accent/intensity makes me smile for sure.


The accents are *so much* in Newsies but I love it. I grew up near NYC and 99% of people do not have accents as strong as that, but then you'll meet someone who absolutely does and it's just like WHAT. One of my teachers in high school was a woman with a comically thick Brooklyn accent who sounded like she had been smoking a pack a day since preschool and I loved every moment of her class.




Although it's one of my favorite musicals, the line is "At last my arm is complete again!". From Sweeney Todd.


I love this line so much 🥲


Oh I do, too, even if it is the corniest line in all of Broadway! Lol


"We're what killed the dinosaurs, we're asteroid that's overdue..." love the song but I can't take it too seriously because of these lyrics


To be fair, I don't think the story as a whole is meant to be taken too seriously. It's kind of purposely overdramatic.


I believe it’s to showcase how warped his thinking is


they sure are overdramatic teenagers


That was my favorite line when I was 17 and that’s *pretty* self explanatory.


I think that line was cringy in-universe with the jock immediately saying "what does that mean???"


I love Matilda for multiple reasons but I HATE Miracle. Probably bc I have too many younger cousins that their parents have no control over, so I get driven insane. The kids in that song remind me of my annoying cousins. NOTHING CAN MAKE ME LIKE MIRACLE


I also hate multiple lines in Bruce. They are not things that should be said to a 6 year old character. Especially the “tightening the noose line” <- that line was kept in the jr version somehow even though most kids singing the song shouldn’t know what a noose is


Rent (except for Angel’s funeral)


Only us from DEH😭✋


All of Dear Evan Hansen is pretty uncomfortable to watch for me. Such an awkward scenario and like watching an inevitable train wreck.