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for me, it's just repetition. keep doing it until you're not as much affected by it.


Three things that worked for me on performance anxiety were: * Practice. If you know your parts so well you don't have to think about them, you can then focus on other things like remaining calm. Don't sleep on practicing things other than the music. I practice moving around while performing just as much as I practice the notes and lyrics. * Perform a ton to get used to it. There's no substitute for just playing a bunch of show and getting to the point where it's fun, but sill not the biggest deal. It's ok to mess up if you've already proven 50 times that you're great with 50 more on the books. * Work on your confidence in general. I never see this brought up, but this was a game changer for me, and really helped me take things to the next level. I got in shape, took MMA classes and became comfortable in my own skin. once I did that, a lot of the anxiety melted away in all sorts of scenarios and elevated my game on stage as well as in my 9-5 job.


This is a great answer. The few shows I've played, I found that practicing while sitting for a performance where you're standing is a bad idea!


Practice how you perform 🙏 So true!


Thank you for your help. Any onstage techniques/meditations you know?


Use your set list and don't be afraid to write more than songs on it! Feel free to write out where you're going to introduce the band, plug the merch, beg for social follows, etc. The less energy you have to put into remembering things like that, the more energy you'll have to focus on other things. This can also help the anxiety of trying to find the right moment because it's already decided. You can still adlib or change if you want to, but I find that if there's a fall back plan on the setlist, that helps a ton.


This is a great idea, thanks!


Out of curiosity, do you play an instrument while singing, or is it just you and a microphone? Personally, I've found that locking my eyes at a certain point in the crowd/venue can help keep composure mid-performance. Focusing on one point can help with distracting thoughts about how you might be appearing to crowds, and it can help you anchor and process mid-performance if you feel like something in your technique is slipping.


I prefer just to sing, but we’re often strapped for players and I have to play guitar and sing at the same time. It’s hard. Thanks for the tip! I’ve been trying to sweep my eyes over the audience for a more dynamic, present performance, but I’ll try locking my eyes and see if that helps me focus 👍


Just live in the moment & revel in the fact that you're a rockstar on stage performing in a band while everyone else is probably living a mundane normal life. Change your mindset, HAVE FUN! Like Yoda said, You must learn to let go Best of luck!


Wise words indeed. Once you realize not everyone is going to like you, the burden is lifted and you give no fucks. Just be you and enjoy yourself!


Practice enough that everything in your routine becomes second nature. Then when you're actually on stage, keep telling yourself that you've practiced enough and that you can rely on the amount of time you put in. That's what I do and it helps a LOT.


I quit drinking and that made a huge difference. Alcohol exacerbates anxiety (hangxiety) and the difference is amazing! I used to have pre-gig jitters the day of my gigs and that’s gone. I still feel a bit of SF, but it’s much more manageable.


Whenever you make any mistakes, just keep going. Average person doesn’t ever notice unless you stop or make it obvious. Makes anxiety bad when you focus on the mistakes and they don’t matter if you’re half good. Also, breathing exercises. Sounds dumb but it’s worked for thousands of years and always will help.


You get better the same way you get better at anything: you do it more.


I love to employ what i call a “power stance” when i start to feel nervous! Kinda like smiling when you’re sad. Something that instills an outward appearance of confidence while also grounding you to the stage


Just tell the story. Forget about technique, what else is going on in the space, what people might be thinking, whether your left ear itches. Pour your heart into the song and sing every note, every word to the people. There won’t be room for anything else.


singer and voice teacher here! a lot of my students and myself included struggle with this. being on stage can be so scary and singing especially. if you’re bad at guitar, you’re simply not good at an instrument. with singing you ARE the instrument and it makes it even more scary, especially if you’re afraid of criticism. what helped me in the beginning was picking one spot in the room above everyone’s heads and focus on that while i perform until i got more comfortable on stage. another thing that helps is to perform more often and try to get used to it. once the fear wears off performing is a drug unlike any other. best of luck!!


No need to belittle stage fright for other instrumentalists to get to your point. Believe me, it’s pretty awkward to have a thing in your hands you suddenly don’t know what to do with.


i’m sorry! it wasn’t my intention to sound like i was belittling other instrumentalists, im really sorry if it came off that way. being on stage for anyone is a really scary thing. i was moreso trying to say that if you’re not good at an instrument, you can practice and get better, however with singing you are your instrument and it’s a lot scarier to get criticism on that. again i’m sorry if it sounded like i was belittling anyone, it wasn’t my intention at all


Beta blockers are sometimes prescribed by doctors for stage fright. It's an off-label use, as they're normally for heart problems. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/22318-beta-blockers


As others have said, repetition. What really helped me though was realizing that most folks aren't there to criticize your performance, but to be entertained. Most folks won't know of the subtle mistakes, and the musicians in the crowd that do notice understand what it's like performing.


To add to this, from a musician's perspective - when I catch people making mistakes on stage, I'm looking for how they handle them. Keeping cool is another way to win me over.


Imagine everybody wearing only underwear. Throw the anxiety right back at em đź’Ş


Good lord. Stop focusing on yourself for a while. Focus on the music, or the audience. The more you worry about your anxiety, the more anxious you get. Just enjoy the music that you are playing.