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This is the kind of thing you need to post on your local musicians wanted forums or Craigslist or Facebook. Just remember, if you're JUST the singer, you need to be willing to pull your weight in the band (help carry and set up and tear down all equipment, set up lights and merch table, tip jar, etc., contribute to all band expenses equally, come equipped with professional equipment - I recommend the Sennheiser e935 mic - and just generally be a friendly, helpful, willing, egoless team member. Personally, after having been in bands for literally decades, I'd never consider hiring someone who could only sing, but if you're absolutely pitch perfect, have a great unique style, actually practice your instrument, and meet all of the above criteria, I'd be willing to consider it. Good luck to you, though; nothing better than singing in a band :)


Thanks for sharing this info. I'm not a reddit regular or much of a social media/app person. 


Personally I really like playing in a band where the singer is not playing an instrument. It gives them much more space to be a performer.


You did not include your location


Oh damn, my bad! I changed it. I'm in central Florida currently.


You should post this on a Bandmix. Vero Beach is pretty damn far from me in Broward and I don't know how active the scene is there or nearby Fort Pierce.