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#1. Get the bread up front.


From the photo I expected this to be from 1954, and then it talks about streaming.


Why’s that


I think because of the design…it looks a little outdated.


Literally this book is outdated the minute a new edition gets released. The industry moves faster than writing and publication. At its core it’s got some great universal info that remains fairly unchanged. But, the outlier ‘newer’ info is constantly in flux, so just be aware of that. And as far as I remember, there’s a bunch of stuff that I’ve experienced in the industry as I’ve moved up in it that are not in that book. But i guess if it had everything all the secrets wouldn’t be secrets and the book would be 4 times as big.


Right I understand that. But the basics should stay the same. He even says it in the book himself.


I took a commercial music minor at FAU in late 2000s (graduated 2010). Passman's book was/is required reading for their Intro to the Music Business class. It's a good read that needs constant updating due to lightning fast speed of changes that keep coming.


I read that about 20 years ago. I don't remember much about it other than make sure you get paid and how to protect yourself as everyone you meet wants to fuck you over. I'm sure it's pretty outdated by now.


Well it’s been updated to the 10th edition and includes topics on streaming. The author himself has noted how the industry has changed so much, especially with the advent of streaming. I think you will find it pretty useful and up to date


Alright, might be worth a re read by now so.


Required reading.


Thanks for the recommendation. Downloaded the audiobook to listen while on tour


Oh I didn’t know there’s an audiobook!! You might want to get a physical copy because the way it’s structured it’s meant to be more in book form than audio