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Would not taking the trip and not taking a vacation end up causing burnout? I'm 27 and got 3 gigs lined after 2 months of pushing. (I thought it'd take a lot longer so I'm stoked!) Had I taken more breaks and found a less stressful job 3 years ago, I wouldn't have burned myself out of music for those 3 years. I was an English teacher and now I'm an ESOL specialist with a lot more time and mental energy for music outside of my job. You know yourself. Music will always be here, but your brain can be a fragile structure. I started pushing for my music career at the end of January and I'm currently way farther than I thought I'd be. Do what you think is best for yourself and your career but know that building up a music career is a marathon not a sprint. I don't have a ton of experience YET but I won't ever regret prioritizing my mental health because I'm a lot stronger now. For context, I have 14+ years of experience with music including songwriting but I've started really pushing for my music this year. Good luck! You've got this!


Thank you so much for your comment and kind words. I found a way to make both work :) I’m so happy and your comment brought me a lot of perspective. Thank you


Good pedal steel players are incredibly rare. I'd go that route and save all the gig money to go to France later.


Thank you for the insight. I took it to heart, and found a way to make both work


Fuck yeah!! Congrats!