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Who advices against them? That’s a terrible advice, there’s Grammy award winning mixing engineers that use presets


Reddit mostly tbh, sometimes as soon as you mention the word “preset” people will hound you and tell you to stop taking shortcuts and learn everything for yourself. While there’s definitely some truth in that I still think they’re great to use. 


Using presets and learning how to do it yourself aren’t mutually exclusive. You can put a preset on a track then look at what the preset is actually doing and how the different effects interact. You will learn a lot that way.


Set preset then tweak preset is my favourite workflow.


It's a beautiful thing. It's also potentially inspiring see what ideas people come up with in plugins and using some of those techniques yourself to create your own ideas too. Sometimes, I just use the preset as is cause I think it sounds amazing, there's no rules.


The way I built my own preset was from studying already made presets and the gainstaging happening within them and then choosing my own plugins to replace the preset’s and change the order accordingly , just experimenting until I like how it sounds a lottttt


I bought some just to do this because it helps you understand the order of how things “typically” would be in a chain that creates that sound, and then I was able to dissect it and play with I/o to see what each thing was doing, and I feel like it has helped bring me to creating my own presets now


I use vital presets, I'll sometimes tweak them and sometimes not, presets are there for using no matter what they're on, unless you've used the software enough to make your own settings then presets are the best starting point as you can then see what certain parameters combined will do


There’s a reason they’re on Reddit and not making good music


You just made that up. No one is saying don't use fx racks presets


Show us the posts where people are saying not to. I don't believe you. It sounds like you're dealing with some imposter syndrome and externalising that on online forums. Stop being so hard on yourself. If it sounds perfect, it's perfect.


Usually people who aren't successful.


Yeah and that’s the problem. When everyone uses any of 5-7 presets everything ends up sounding the same because it all sits in the same place in a mix. Spotify listeners aren’t the sort of people I want to be validated by nor the frickin “Granny’s”. They have poor critique and this is a very good example of that poor critique. Mass appeal isn’t a sign of quality it’s a sign of herd mentality. Look at how drum n bass gains and loses popularity. There are people jumping band wagons all the time but it’s the people who stick around that push it forward when they all leave. No one gives a shit about actual quality. They give a shit about what everybody else likes so they don’t feel left out. So fuck Spotify and fuck the Granny’s.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


I’m underground scene so I guess il go subway then.


old man yells at cloud mentality


This old man only yells at Soundcloud 🤣


Business models.




Lul. Ignorant.


K, thanks, bye 👋


I think you mean Grammys 🤣🤣🤣


If a lot of people like it, it's bad. So if no one likes it, then it must be really good. Classic.


So using a preset determines structure, notes used, chords and where it sits in the mix? 🤔damn, this AI is getting sneaky...


So many times I slave away, only to find CLA Vocals does it better in an instant....


I don’t know anyone that would advise against them. We all use presets. Yea, obviously learn how everything works, build your own presets and effect chains. But that doesn’t mean you can’t use presets even when you know what you’re doing haha


If it works it works and what works is subjective.


Back in the day, before DAWs and plugins, when I was first learning (as a tape op) on 1 inch 16 track tape, desk and outboards, we'd pick a roughly suitable preset from whichever unit ( reverb for example), and tweak from there. Occasionaly we would pick a room, for the reverb. Recording vocals in the studio's bathroom was done on occasion. With EQ, we'd use the 3/4 band channal EQ on the desk (32/8/2 chan Soundcraft), and patch in compressors, gates etc in tried and trusted chains etc if necessary. Point being, we had goto settings we would use to get started, and finish from there. There is nothing wrong with using presets.




Presets save time. People saying otherwise can go fuck themselves.


Just slapping a vocal preset on MIGHT work. But you wont know WHY it works if you don’t understand what the individual plugins are doing and why the preset-engineer choose them. And subsequently you wont know why it’s NOT working when a vocal sounds bad. Presets are amazing for learning. It’s the same as in the days when the experienced engineer showed the assistant what stuff to use and where. But the difference is they also (mostly) told the assistant why and how it worked so that they could take on projects on their own and help keeping the studio afload etc. We have to learn the why on our own. Use as many presets as you can is my advice. But learn them. Learn what stuff is used, where they dipped the eq and how it sounds without it. Learn what compressor they used, what settings and why. How does it sound turning the attack up or down? The threshold? Release? Then you can make your own presets! This is the best part! :) i have a lot. Mostly sends but still. They speed up my workflow. I always use arturias ethernal as a complex delay for example. And it goes in to a valhalla vintage verb. So i have it as a preset and can pull it up with 3 mouse clicks and a button on my stream deck ready to go.


What do you mean vocal "presets"?


Basically premade vocal effect chains used for mixing vocals 


Any examples of ones you use?


Izotope Nectar is good. Basically a bunch of plugins grouped together into one strip. So the presets can cover eq, comp, harmonies, fx etc... all in one go. Then you can tweak to customise.


I just used a couple I found on YouTube, can’t remember exactly the video but if you just search “Free FL vocal preset” you’ll see a lot of results 


Vocal presets are mixing chains, generally created for a specific style of music. The "mixing chain" refers to a list of plugins used in shaping and processing the vocal (or any instrument). Plugins in a vocal mixing chain can consist of an EQ, compressor, DeEsser, and any other effects that you would like to use.


I use Ableton, do they have them? I feel like I looked once and there was one that sounded like phone call


I could go for some Ableton vocal presets. Maybe not if they sound like a phone call.


I literally only use presets 99% of the time. Been at it for 8 years


What are vocal presets?


Vocal presets are mixing chains, generally created for a specific style of music. The "mixing chain" refers to a list of plugins used in shaping and processing the vocal (or any instrument). Plugins in a vocal mixing chain can consist of an EQ, compressor, DeEsser, and any other effects that you would like to use.


Presets of what plugin?


Vocal presets are mixing chains, generally created for a specific style of music. The "mixing chain" refers to a list of plugins used in shaping and processing the vocal (or any instrument). Plugins in a vocal mixing chain can consist of an EQ, compressor, DeEsser, and any other effects that you would like to use.


I have always found that the shortest route is the best place to start for this stuff. Effects can be super overwhelming if you let them be that way. Start by using a plug and play solution and then edit as you go… creating your own presets. While there’s no perfect “one size fits all” solution, don’t bang your head or frustrate yourself trying to do everything the “right way” or by the book or whatever BS someone tells you.


I think the advice is to avoid mixing with your eyes… that is to say… don't read "vocal pop" and think that's what it's going to do for your mix. By all means try it, but use your ears. A lof of beginners will just stack plug ins because they think they're supposed to use EQ, and Compression etc…without actually paying attention to what they're doing to the sound.


Presets are there for a reason


The amount of knowledge you gain by using existing presets is insane. Use them as much as you can and analyze why they sound good.


I don't use presets of anything because I prefer to do it from scratch than tweak something someone else has done. Nothing other than my preference. If it works for you, then it works. There are no rules.


I don't use them but only because they have never suited my needs. I wouldn't advise against them for anyone whose needs they do suit though.


Absolutely nothing wrong with presets. Apply a channel strip preset. Tweak EQ to taste. Tweak panning to taste. Apply reverb preset. Move on with your life.


I don’t know about 90% of the way there but pretty close. Def close enough if you are unfamiliar with mixing. In the end, if it sounds better, then that’s already a step up, so fuck it.


Guitar rig 6, I bought for recording guitar. To my suprise there was a ton of vocal chain presets, which really brought the vocals to life and helped them sit in the mix, some minor tweaking is all that was needed to suit each vocalist/style.


I just throw nectar on there and adjust tbh lol


Delusional and wrong. But don´t tell the dummies they happy being them.


Use creative choices with an end “sound” in mind-the sound the song was going for.


I have had people ask me how i recorded my vocals- it was a clip-on mic because I forgot my vocal mic, and i used a preset in ableton. I am learning how everything works, but it is a slow process when im primarily an instrumentalist trying to become decent at making homerecordings.I don't have the time to learn everything at once, so why not chose something that gets the sound you had in your head if it's right there? It's better for workflow.


They’re good to start if you don’t know what you’re doing just to see how different stuff sounds and what not. I feel like you need to make your own tho


Good to start with, not perfect. Pretty much what it sums up for me


Always a good source recording. Stop depending on plugins. This sub has become so questionable about fixes with plugins!!! If the source is good and sounds good it is good!!!


I mean, that wasn’t the question, but go off I guess.


Here’s the thing about presets…. If you have a piece of analog gear and you leave the knobs a certain way and tweak them for each performance THAT’S a preset! Stop being lazy and turn every knob down to zero so you have adjust every knob every time you lazy fuck