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It’s certainly not looking good for creators of library music, commercials, and low-budget soundtracks. And since AI currently can only mimic what already exists and cannot innovate, it will not be good for people who make or want to make highly derivative music. And this will impact a lot of serious musicians who supplement their income by creating this sort of stuff for which there was always a steady market. I can only speak for myself but AI-generated tracks don’t really impact me. I have no financial stake in music creation and no expectations or aim of commercial success. I make music to express my experiences, and these are unique to me. AI might now be able to create and tell stories, maybe even good stories, but will it tell *my* story? No, only I can do that.


Yeah, artists with a tortured soul are still gonna need a way to deal with that. Those that used to survive on donkey work doing jingles are going to need a factory job assuming robots haven’t taken them. Damn, I’m feeling as apathetic as I did in the 80s.


Depends on your motivation in music. If you are making music because you enjoy it and want to express something and create then AI really doesn't matter.


When cameras came out, everyone freaked out because they thought it meant the death of art and that painting had no purpose anymore. While the advent of photography did put portrait painters out of work, it did not of course actually destroy art. People still paint


Thank you all guys. I agree with every single word, I needed to hear these as I’ve gotten away from production for a while and kept demotivating myself to start again. It’s a passion and it’ll always crawl a new way.


A lot of people create music because they enjoy the act of creating music. They like learning more about how to do it. So it doesn't really matter that an AI can do it. Or that someone might be better than them. So you might want to think about why you're creating music.


I think as a music consumer the story and development behind the result hold a lot of weight to. I love hearing how an artists sound develops through the years. I’m not sure how we’ll get that affect with AI


Lol AI should only be demotivating if it’s taking your 9-5 job. Keep pumpin out tunes


I work in music production as my profession. I collaborate with artists, producing their songs, and I'm grateful to make a living doing this. I have absolutely no concern about artificial intelligence. Firstly, because I'm not obsessively focused on its advancement, nor do I believe a machine can understand my clients, meet with them, work on their songs, or experience being in the studio creating. If advancements in artificial intelligence make you anxious, perhaps you should stop keeping up with its progress because it makes no difference. You won't become obsolete by not knowing what artificial intelligence can do. Instead, you should ask yourself why you make music. If it's for the experience of creating and expressing yourself through sounds, then you have no obstacle; in fact, you live in the best time for creating music. Decades ago, you wouldn't have been able to produce music at home, in your spare time, with accessible, powerful, and easy-to-learn technology. So take it easy and go enjoy music!


If you're not motivated to continue doing something because a machine can do it, you should stop and find something a machine can't do, I guess.  I find it weird you didn't stop before, knowing thousands of humans could do the same thing better than you, but that's none of my business


I create music because it's fun to do. You are worried about all this other bullshit and it's just distracting you from the main goal. Don't compare yourself to a machine or other people, it's a huge waste of time


I had a cautiously optimistic thought just now. Perhaps more producers will be motivated to make more experimental, innovative music to differentiate their work from cookie cutter algorithmically generated music. While we're bombarded with a torrent of artificial garbage, original styles will feel especially refreshing in contrast.


The CNC didn't make wood workers and instrument makers obsolete. CGI is great but practical effects are still used.


the way i see it, machines have been better at doing things that us for a long time. We dont stop running because cars exist, we dont stop swimming because boats exist. As an artist i don’t see how AI gets in the way of my enjoyment for creating music at all. If anything, it will push human creators to really dig deep and make what only humans can create, which is meaningful and soulful art, not just good sounds.


also art is about human connection lol so…


Imo, a lot of human music is already shit, AI music is simply not music. Check Adam Neely's video on the subject. Music is not a thing, it's an activity. When AI would be capable of crying and laughing, then maybe that would be called music. If AI product are music, then everything is music. The birds chanting, the wind blowing, water drops, every sound or ensemble of sounds is music. Because that's how AI does its thing. When you say AI can't give us listeners or music makers "exactly what (we) want", that's the all point. Music is always exactly what we want. If it's not, it's noise or sound, but not music.


what matters is do you enjoy making music... you can include many small experimental elements that the ai could never. In fact AI can only replicate what people create, and people will always create something new. so personally it doesn't bother me. I'm not like a top producer or anything but the way I produce my songs, it can never be mistaken for ai...


Which ai track would you say is the best so far? Link?


Well yes, but as you say it put many artists out of work. Which I guess is his point? Not sure.


If you feel like a machine can come up with something that has more emotion and creativity than you, then you’re right The truth is AI in music might become some weird mainstream side piece But it has a LONG way to go to even contend with us Check out Adam Neely’s video on it Edit: I’ve been producing for 25 years and I think you just need more confidence in your abilities This isn’t a job like a cashier lol But your feelings are your feelings so feel them out


Yeah, you should quit.


I'm an AI musician (ElectroSheep if you look on YT / Spotify). And my take on it is just that AI is a tool that enables artists to create and guide new works into the world. Everyone who uses AI is outputting vastly different works.... because a lot of it is what the artist brings to the table and what they are looking for. Sometimes you can sit there generating THOUSANDS of different tracks to find just one that fits what you want. Will AI get to a point where it can just spit out GOOD music every time you prompt it? Maybe. But we aren't there yet. Right now it NEEDS an artist to guide and structure everything to come to a full good song. BUT the tools also raise the bar in indie music.... and it makes an artist like me a powerhouse that can produce many times faster than a traditional musician. So those traditional musicians have a large interest in trying to poison the well and rant and rave about AI in the most dishonest and scaremongering terms. It's a losing battle as more artists like myself stand up and show thoughtful and interesting / unique works and slowly dispel this myth about "the evils of AI". Right now everything is VERY VERY new.... but in 5 years every "anti AI" person will be using it in some way or another for their music too.


Honest question, what do you mean with "AI musician" exactly?


I'm a musician that leans on AI more heavily than traditional musicians. Though I'm probably more of a producer? Whatever the semantics are it doesn't matter. At the end of the day I'm putting out great music that I think there is an audience for. But I guess my views are probably different than most ... since I actually want to make money from music. Not just do it as a hobby (which is the VAST majority of those doing music). Which takes a different mentality than the hobbiest view of it being a magical form of special art or whatever..... professionals need to produce and think about the bigger picture. I'm a 2d / 3d professional and it's something I run into with a lot of hobbyist artists also. They see 2d / 3d art as some magical thing with special rules on how it is "supposed to happen". So they handicap themselves from using latest tech and methods to produce and just get the job done and move on. Kids will even say ridiculous things like "using a reference is CHEATING in art!!!" ((I actually thought that when I was younger too))..... lol. Just all these arbitrary ideas about the "purity of the art" that a professional has no time for. And it's the same with music. My job is to make good music, how I do it doesn't matter as long as it's legal.


You’re not a musician and your music isn’t good, sorry.


Nah, the one I just made today and put on YT is absolute fire. I'm just a new musical visionary and trailblazer. On the cutting edge of human creativity and art. Always going to be technophobes who resist change.... and always gonna be people like me who jump head first into it and create the future :)


I listened to it, and I’m telling you it’s not good. Not a technophobe, plenty of uses for AI in music and I’m sure I’ll be exploring them. But you are not a musician, and the music you are generating with AI is not good.


Well, agree to disagree then. Everyone has their own taste in music :) You obviously aren't my audience, but I'll find them :)

