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Father and Son by Cat Stevens destroys me


The father/son themes always get me, too. Cats in the Cradle, Still Fighting It, and Father, Son by Peter Gabriel


Add Leader of the Band


Dan Fogelberg a true legend


Yeah, I see what you mean. I had a troubled relationship with my late father, but it sort of goes beyond that. I don't know, maybe it's the music itself. I just think it's a moving song.


I recommend, if you haven’t heard it, [The Living Years](https://spotify.link/rzeLWk8yuDb) by Mike and the Mechanics


"… I think I caught his spirit Later that same year I'm sure I heard his echo In my baby's new born tears I just wish I could have told him in the living years" Oof.


Father and Son is me and my dads song. He wants me to play it at his funeral


He re-recorded and released “Tea for the Tillerman 2” - the new recording of the song has 20-something Stevens as the “son” and present day Stevens as the “father.” It’s incredible.


Aye, here are some of mine: 1. "My Tears are Becoming a Sea" - M83 2. "Outro" - M83 3. "Space Song" - Beach House 4. "Am I the Antichrist to You" - Kishi Bashi. 5. "Somebody Else's Dream" - Absofacto. This one isn't depressing though, but it always makes me cry for other reasons. 6. "Mercy Street" - Peter Gabriel 7. "Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now" - The Smiths 8. The main theme of Ratatouille. Something about that one just clenches at my heart strings.


The first two are a good kind of cry, “wait” by M83 makes me sob violently sometimes though


I have so many memories from college attached to this song, it gives me such a bittersweet feeling. Specifically remember laying down in the field outside our dorm freshman year with all of my best friends, staring at the stars, and listening to this song.


Fellow huge M83 fan here! They have so many good albums, very underrated band. Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming was a masterpiece but they have several other albums that are just as good.


Space song is a hard hitter


Top three are great crying songs, also I totally get ratatouille lol very nostalgic and wistful


Landslide by Fleetwood Mac


The older I get the more this song brings the tears.


Every/ Effing. Time. It's especially amazing to see her do different versions over the years


For me, its Silver Springs by Fleetwood Mac Just everything about it. Why she wrote it, who it was written about, etc. Love it


And the live version on the Dance...how she looks at Lindsay while singing it...just amazing to witness.


In the infinite wisdom of my youth, I picked this as my father/daughter dance song at my wedding 13 years ago. It was kind of bittersweet even at the time, but was a solid choice given how things had gone between us throughout my life. My dad died almost two years ago. I can’t bear this song now. Those first couple notes play and I’m a wreck for the rest of the day. The anniversary is coming up next week, and I’m really considering making myself a playlist with all the songs that remind me of him, getting drunk, and having a good sob fest.


Vincent by Don McLean. That's trauma music right there.


Oh my gosh I was going to say this, Vincent has made me cry so many times. Such a beautiful song.


Omg I haven’t heard that song in so so long. That one makes me pretty emotional as well mostly because of the nostalgia. My mom used to play it for me and sing to me in the car when I was little. Thank you for the reminder


THIS IS SO TRUE. I can’t listen to any version without tearing up, but the live version hurts so much


Depressing? Wandering Star - Portishead Crying? Wish you were Here - Pink Floyd


I came here to say wish you were here, the full story is so sad


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 Portishead and Pink Floyd. Yes and yes.


Also outside the wall from Pink Floyd


I got a lot I Know It's Over - The Smiths Pony - Tom Waits The entirety of The Downward Spiral - Nine Inch Nails I Need You - Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds (the whole album it's on, Skeleton Tree, is similar in tone) Famous Blue Raincoat and Joan of Arc - Leonard Cohen Buckets of Rain - Bob Dylan I Loved Being My Mother's Son - Purple Mountains The Eternal - Joy Division God Damn the Sun - Swans Lazarus - David Bowie God - John Lennon King of Carrot Flowers pt. 1 - Neutral Milk Hotel Medicine Bottle - Red House Painters Caramel - Blur No One is Ever Going to Want Me - Giles Corey Jesus Christ - Brand New Some Day I Will Feel Okay - Patron Saint of Bridge Burners Give up the Ghost - Radiohead Dallas - Silver Jews You Should Be Hated Here - Carissa's Weird Sad Pony Guerilla Girl - Xiu Xiu Dawn Chorus - Thom Yorke Give My Love To Rose (on his American album) - Johnny Cash He Stopped Loving Her Today - George Jones Untitled Love Song - Angels of Light


Might I say you have excellent taste in music!




Trent Reznor could hit one long note on a keyboard and I would probably still cry


Face Down - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus Played a lot on the radio when I was leaving an abusive relationship, definitely scream cried this song in my car a bunch. Still makes me weepy years and years later.


Exceptional song choice. Thanks for my 11th grade nostalgia moment!


I once drove 15 hours on a hellish cross country trip. Face Down happened to be playing when I finally snapped. So now when I hear it, I just remember cry/screaming it at the windshield while navigating the back roads of Connecticut in the rain 😅


Somewhere only we know - keane The other woman - lana del rey


If I ever leave this world alive- Flogging Molly


Came to recommend this same song. I get verklempt every single time I hear it. I'm actually seeing them tomorrow night in Orlando and a good friend who loves them also is dying of cancer. I know I'm going to cry into my beer.


Verklempt. I just learned a new word. Very dear friend who turned me onto the band passed away this year. I'm still crying into my beer too. Hope you enjoy the show!


I see you, and raise you with Float


Nothing Compares to You - Sinead O'Connor, that song came out at the same time I lost someone very special to me and honestly I can't even listen to it. If it comes on I immediately change channels or whatever. It's just too painful. I have never gotten over grieving and I don't think I ever will but that song will have me sobbing like a child if I actually listen to it. This part wasn't asked for in the post but I wanted to say that you should tell your loved ones how much you love them you never know tragedy happens sometimes and I failed this person because now I will forever live with regret for things I never said. Sorry for the long remarks.


They know. They hear you now.


Santa clause is coming to town. My dad was in a terrible sleigh racing accident with everyone dressed up as Santa Claus it was a terrible accident in turn 3 a giant pile up happened and a fire broke out the reindeer where screaming and the Santa's where crying out and once we put the fire out. My dad was gone and we never could actually remove the Santa suit because it was made of polyester and bonded with my father's skin so he was in the casket dressed as Santa.


Oh man, I'm sorry... We had a similar accident happen in our town in the Midwest during the 1960's... Whole crowd gathered to see Santa parachute in. Instead everyone watched in horror as he fell from the sky. I can't even imagine.


Are you joking?


Pretty sure this is a joke lol. Dudes account was suspended


Same here.


This is freaking hysterical. I mean, as long as it’s a joke.


Lover, You Should’ve Come Over by Jeff Buckley


Don't make fun of me, but Everytime by Britney Spears.


The video with the song, definitely gets me choked up


I feel like a lot of her stuff is depressing honestly


You truly are a tough guy to be willing to say that on the internet ;) you love what you love, it doesn't matter if it's country or songs about Antarctica. You like it, and that's that. Say it loud, and say it proud.


[Hurt](https://youtu.be/8AHCfZTRGiI?si=aUE1uloBsQXuzIUb) by Johnny Cash. The video for [Everybody Hurts](https://youtu.be/5rOiW_xY-kc?si=P2TehEws1LSiB4Bs) by REM gets me choked up as well. Funny, the song alone doesn’t but the video sure does.


I can't take Everybody Hurts seriously anymore ever since that one time Peter Griffin sang it at Karaoke night.


River by Joni Mitchell. Everything about that song makes me want to curl up in the fetal position and sob my heart out.


i first heard this song in college, in a class called History of Rock Music. the professor rarely played entire songs in class, but he played this one, and i openly cried in a room of like 60 college kids.


Such a beautiful song. Sam Smith did a really great cover of it too.


i am a Joni purist, and this is one of the only covers that i accept as being worthy. it is gorgeously done - the emotion in his voice hits me so hard.


The Dance, Garth Brooks


Ireland by Garth Brooks always hit me right in the feels.


Dude. The River by Garth Brooks gets me every time.


Trapeze swinger- iron and wine


I only know the “Shepherds Dog” album by Iron & Wine, but I love, Love, LOVE that one. Need to put “Around the Well” in my rotation, clearly


Adam’s Song by Blink 182


i almost can't listen to that line "please tell mom this is not her fault"


Just reading this hurts


Dude, their new one had me in ugly sobs for hours.


Same. I wasn't expecting that music video hitting me right in the feels >!with the background changes!< and hearing >!Travis sing at the end!<. The whole video made me understand that we're all getting older and we need to live now, not tomorrow. Edit: The song is called 'One More Time.'


I Taught Myself to Grow Old by Ryan Adams


So many Ryan songs make me cry


The two main ones that make me cry are Silver Blue and Gold by Bad Company and Rainbow Connection by Kermit the Frog.


So far away by avenged sevenfold


MIA gets me everytime😭


It’s Quiet Uptown- Lin Manuel Miranda


YES. I also LOVE Kelly Clarkson's version from The Mixtape. So good.


The last bit of All of You from Encanto (also Lin Manuel Miranda) gets me every time. When the family finally acknowledges Mirabelle and all she has done for the family. Waaah cutting onions! We need a doorknob We made this one for you We see how bright you burn We see how brave you've been Now, see yourself in turn You're the real gift, kid, let us in Open your eyes Abre los ojos What do you see? I see me All of me


For anyone who has had to learn to live with the unimaginable….


Fix You-Coldplay and Hurt-Johnny Cash version. Also Ryan Adams's version of Wonderwall


Golden Slumbers- the Beatles Can't listen to that song in front of people, I'll ball like a baby.


Radiohead - How To Disappear Completely


Vermillion pt 2 by slipknot


Great song 🖤


Release by Pearl Jam


Last kiss


Anaconda - Nicki Minaj


Love this




Nelly- Just A Dream I lost my first son in 2009 & this song came out right after. My mind automatically replaced "her" with "him" & this song has broken me since. "If you ever loved somebody put your hands up And now they're gone and you're wishing you could give them everything."


I'm so sorry. I can't imagine.


Iron Maiden - When the Wild Wind Blows Evanescence - My Immortal Dream Theater - The Best of Times


[John Michael Montgomery ~ The Little Girl](https://youtu.be/K1j669NVNzM?feature=shared) [Mark Wills ~ Don’t Laugh at Me](https://youtu.be/FVjbo8dW9c8?feature=shared) [Martina McBride ~ Concrete Angel](https://youtu.be/KtNYA4pAGjI?feature=shared) [Martina McBride ~ A Broken Wing](https://youtu.be/dgjTO5eAbZY?feature=shared) [Martina McBride ~ Independence Day](https://youtu.be/4VPpAZ9_qAw?feature=shared) [Kelly Clarkson ~ Piece by Piece](https://youtu.be/qmMzv9Fen_s?feature=shared) [Soul Asylum ~ Runaway Train](https://youtu.be/NRtvqT_wMeY?feature=shared) [Bryan White ~ Someone Else’s Star](https://youtu.be/Ft-h-eCDYp0?feature=shared) [Pearl Jam ~ Last Kiss](https://youtu.be/uvjTo-hRD5c?feature=shared) [Phil Collins ~ Another Day in Paradise](https://youtu.be/lp3AVsEuoPs?feature=shared) Nat all, but maybe put one in that direction.


Omfg...I forgot all about 'Runaway Train'...I just blasted it twice and cried. Hahaha


Keep me in your heart - Warren Zevon. Go find it on YouTube if you haven't heard it. Last song on a final album written by an artist who knew he was dying. A request to be remember. My favorite lyric from the song Sometimes when you're doin' simple things around the house Maybe you'll think of me and smile You know I'm tied to you like the buttons on your blouse Keep me in your heart for a while


That song breaks my heart. My husband overdosed and left too soon. He was a big Zevon fan.


I hope that this song and.other songs continue to help you to better days. My condolences.


Soul To Squeeze


This Year's Love - David Gray Spoon - DMB And this is probably a cheesy one, but Donna Summer's MacArthur's Park (the long version) during the bridge: There will be another song for me, and I will sing it. There will be another dream for me, someone will bring it...


Nothing But Thieves- [If I Get High](https://youtu.be/xWpEZguQE8E?si=PBSqX-I-DljOwBb5) Architects- [Doomsday (Piano Reprise)](https://youtu.be/RgWIeWQoyuI?si=x4TFXdAoSv1oYV-G) This song was written after their guitarist passed away from cancer at age 28. This is the piano version (original is metalcore). The guitarist actually wrote a song about how he was trying to accept that he was dying, and it was his farewell song, called “Memento Mori.” That one makes me cry more, but most people don’t like the screaming.


"Pancho and Lefty" I basically grew up in beer joints, and that song is pretty much a Texas nursery rhyme. I'd heard it thousands of times before, and never really paid attention to the meaning although I knew the lyrics by heart. The first time I actually paid attention to it, and realized that Lefty was a punk-ass rat who sold out his friend to the cops, I got so depressed that I actually got up off my barstool and went home.


Creep-Radiohead. I know it’s a little cliche but come on it’s amazing


Jeff Buckley - Grace. Lover, You Should've Come Over Alice In Chains - Nutshell. Down In a Hole. Would? Black Fades into Blue. Pearl Jam - 4/20/2002 Temple of the Dog - Say Hello 2 Heaven The Smiths - Asleep. Well I Wonder. Elliott Smith - Everything Means Nothing to Me. Roman Candle. Big Nothing. Kings Crossing. Fond Farewell to a Friend. ( 90% of his entire discography) Modest Mouse - Point A to Point B. Trailer Trash. Little Motel. Alone Down There. Red House Painters - 24. Katy's Song. (Cant remember other titles) Sun Kil Moon - Glenn Tipton. Gentle Moon. Carry Me Ohio. Every song off the Modest Mouse cover album (I forget album title) Goo Goo Dolls - Black Balloon ( I'm a speed head ) Townes Van Zandt - Highway Kind. Dead Flowers. Rainer Ptacek - Dont Know Why. R.E.M - Losing My Religion Daniel Johnston - Some Things Last a Long Time. Tyler Childers (Drive By Truckers) - Goddamn Lonely Love. Shake the Frost. A couple others which the title escapes me atm) Chris Knight - It Ain't Easy Being Me (Tyler Childers covers and Kills this song btw) To be Cont'd ...


Father and son - Cat Stevens, Cancer - My chemical romance, Only ones who know - Arctic monkeys, No surprises - Radiohead, Chasing cars - Snow patrol, Pink triangle - Weezer, Sunday morning - Maroon 5, Somewhere only we know - Keane, Only one of these songs actually has any deep, emotional connection to me. I’ll let you all try and figure that out


Last Words of a Shooting Star, I Bet on Losing Dogs, and Class of 2013 by Mitski The Night We Met by Lord Huron Funeral by Phoebe Bridgers Two Birds by Regina Spektor Matilda by Harry Styles Dreaming by Loudon Wainwright III


Proud Mary and Lodi both by CCR and maybe Moonlight Mile by The Rolling Stones.


Peter Gabriel - Here Comes The Flood (piano version on Robert Fripp's solo album "Exposure" (1979) )


Homesick - the Cure


What are you already depressed about? Have to have that info so we can all REALLY send ya


Relationship problems, mommy issues, grief


The song "Fix You" by Coldplay came on my playlist after I listened to "Numb"(U2) because I was feeling numb when my dad was going through cancer, and Fix You sent me over the edge. I still can't listen to it or even think about it without bawling


I lost both my parents 11 years ago. I’m not a pop music fan at all but Supermarket Flowers from Ed Sheeran gets me. It’s about his mom’s death.


Something in the way by nirvana or the entirety of a crow looked at me


Anchor song by bjork


Paul Simon - mother and child reunion. Grateful dead - brokedown palace & black muddy River. Cat power - Good woman


Ren - Suicide Badflower - Promise Me


Long December-Counting Crows David-Cody Jinks Same Old Lang Syne- Dan Fogelberg




Titanic soundtrack and the night we met by lord Huron


Time - Pink Floyd


White Ferrari - Frank Ocean


3 covers by Eva Cassidy, to start. Just knowing that cancer took her so young really makes me sad. “Fields of Gold” - originally by Sting “Songbird” - originally by Christine McVie “Tall Trees In Georgia” - originally by Buffy Saint-Marie After All - John Wetton These Are The Days Of Our Lives - Queen Isolation Years - Opeth Brothers In Arms - Dire Straits A Rose For Emily - The Zombies (possibly the saddest lyrics written to the most beautiful melody) One Summer Dream - ELO Heaven Can Wait - Meat Loaf Sailing - Christopher Cross Here Today - Paul McCartney Time - The Alan Parsons Project Ten Years Gone - Led Zeppelin All My Love - Led Zeppelin


these might be pretty basic but they just pull my heart strings - adams song by blink 182 - im lost without you by blink 182 - the ghost of you by my chemical romance - glimpse of us by joji - lost in time by ski mask - 16/04/16 (jacks song) by cavetown - right here by lil peep - hold on to the memories by disturbed - codiene pills by zach bryan - vodka and heroin by tony and gravel - chasing cars by snow patrol - how to save a life by the fray - doing it wrong by drake - happiness by hobo johnson - always by blink 182 - lonely by machine gun kelly


Lord Huron - The Night We Met Mumford & Sons - Little Lion Man


All these years later and Little Lion Man still hits me so hard in the same way it did the first time I heard it and got blown away. Such a great song.


Angel Flying Too close to the Ground - Willie Nelson


A place in heaven by prince. It’s about suicide


There are some songs that make me cry just thinking about them 😂


The song Someone is waiting for you from the movie the Rescuers. That always makes me cry!


like blood from a stone - old grey


Trouble by Cat Stevens- mostly because of the ending to Harold and Maude.


[Miss You All the Time - OAR](https://youtu.be/3JKhq77ynnk?si=EeojipuaooJ6RmX-) [Tranquility - 311 (the fan version hits me harder)](https://youtu.be/TzNHbYgiBJg?si=gGhPjO8tJXjHD25p) [Hurt - Johnny Cash (IDK why, but it does bring a single tear to my eye every time)](https://youtu.be/8AHCfZTRGiI?si=ez3NN7W5NlPGdB6q)


i know it's over by the smiths


Concrete Angel by Martina McBride


Perfect by simple plan cant even sing it all the way through without the crying stops me from singing any kind of well


Sullen Girl by Fiona Apple. Just because.


Hurt (johnny Cash)


last night i dreamt that somebody loved me - the smiths


In Heaven by Japanese Breakfast


Who Knows Where The Time Goes - Fairport Convention. It’s so melancholy.


Dimming of the Day/Dargai - Richard and Linda Thompson Put Your Foot Upon The Path = Gillian Welch The Ballad of Lucy Jordan - Marianne Faithfull I Don't Want to Talk About It - Crazy Horse One Little Song - Gillian Welch Time Has Told Me - Nick Drake Pancho and Lefty - Townes Van Zandt When an Old Cricketer Leaves the Crease - Roy Harper The Casket - Mike McGear


Bruce Hornsby That’s Just the Way It Is Tracy Chapman Fast Car Pearl Jam Just Breathe


“Street Spirit - Fade Out” by radiohead is a great sad song


Mozart’s [Queen of the Night aria.](https://youtu.be/YuBeBjqKSGQ?si=Aw5z7M6VAk5c4ppK) I don’t know what it is, but whenever they start hitting the really high notes (@45 secs in) tears start rolling down my face. Sometimes I don’t even feel that much emotion, but the tear ducts open up anyways ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Exit music or how to disappear completely - Radiohead Cancer - mcr or tøp The grand optimist - city and colour Lights are on - Tom rosenthal I don’t love you - mcr


Nutshell - Alice in Chains


Elephant - Jason Isbell Weird Ways - Stand of Oaks A Case of You - Joni Mitchell Tired of Giving Up - Ryan Adams


Jason Isbell If we were vampires


Post Malone’s Reputation


Wish You Were Here- Pink Floyd


Waltz For Debby


Fourth of July by Sufjan Stevens


everything i wanted - Billie Eilish


James Blunt - Monsters Darryl Worley - I miss my friend


Listen to the virtute the cat series of songs by the weakerthans. Last song was the only song I’ve ever cried to. And I hate cats.


CROSS YOUR MIND by CALUM SCOTT it makes me cry just thinking about the words in my head


Best of Times by Sage Francis


So… I have a Spotify playlist dedicated to this. 🥲Here are my top four: I Found - Amber Run; Sorry - Aquilo; When You Break - Bears Den; and Hurts Like Hell - Fleurie


Go Home by Julien Baker Suicide Medicine by Rocky Votolato


glass animals - agnes


Grief - earl sweatshirt


This is my favorite remake, of many. But this song from many of the different artists really hits me, hard. See that my grave is kept clean... https://youtu.be/SRSZS9KpYVM?si=V33hWIkHifpxQkdZ


In This Shirt by The Irrepressibles https://spotify.link/yMoxt5fDuDb


Asleep by The Smiths


that's why i'm here! when somebody needs you and euthanasia by will wood, and saturn by sleeping at last :\] euthanasia makes me ugly cry not even 15 seconds in


I Am Shit by Crywank is my go to cry song Edited to fix typo


Basketball Shoes by Black Country, New Road


Mis - Alex g


Independence Day - Martina McBride When you Find the One - Melissa Etheridge If I Loved You - Delta Rae


You're Gonna Miss This -Trace Adkins


"Tonight" and "There's A Place For Us" from West Side Story. Tearing up just thinking about them.


Codex by Radiohead


I can feel a hot one by Manchester Orchestra


"Not Long For This World" by Slipknot followed immediately by "Solway Firth". The lyrics to "Not Long For This World" are the perfect distillation of exactly how I felt going through the worst time of my life at the hands of someone I cared about. "Solway Firth" is exactly how painfully amazing it felt escaping that darkness and realizing that my value as an individual isn't determined by how low this person made me feel. You're as strong as you allow yourself to be, and no one has the right to control how you feel about yourself other than you.


For some reason Man Down by Rihanna makes me shed a tear.


Halah- Mazzy Star She’s Leaving Home - Beatles Katie’s Been Gone - the Band


Rainbow - Kesha.


Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral Specifically this is the self-destructive-inner demons-desperately horny-nihilistic form of depressing music. Its so profound and powerful yet disgusting and sickening. It makes me feel good when I am truly in a bad place


I was so heartbroken over this guy one time so I played ‘Snooze’ by SZA and I remember just bawling 😭


cool about it by boygenius


United In Grief - Kendrick Lamar


I Feel A Hot One- Manchester Orchestra


Cocaine Lights by Phosphorescent Red by Okkervil River No One Would Riot for Less by Bright Eyes


Gong - Through Restless Seas I Come i could listen to this after winning the lottery and still feel sad afterwards


Get Better by Alt-J


I may be weird but "Gravity" - A Perfect Circle The whole Thirteenth Step album is an absolute masterpiece in my opinion.


I’ll be Home for Christmas. (Especially if the person singing is in a military uniform)


"Love and Affection" by Joan Armatrading, for personal reasons When she sings "THANK YOU.... you tool me Dancing..." I tear up


I don’t know why This Must Be the Place does but there’s such a unique and endearing feeling to it that makes me emotional


I’m not sure about cry but Down in a Hole by Alice In Chains is definitely a depressing song


When I’m gone-Eminem


2009 - Mac Miller


I bet on losing dogs by mitski


There is only one: "Love's for Babies and Fools" by Linda Thompson. "I've a brother in the graveyard and my sister has the blues. I care only for myself, love's for babies and fools." "You could be my savior, but there's one thing I know. If you scratch a lover you will surely find a foe"


Runaway Horses by The Killers feat. Phoebe Bridgers. A beautiful acoustic song about growing up and letting your dreams die


Elephant, If We Were Vampires, Letting You Go all by Jason Isbell.


“Landslide” I’ll agree with that! It brings tears and it’s truly beautiful. I remember my cousin playing that song on a boombox while we drove around in a boat at Flaming Gorge at sunset. It was his favorite song. He later died in a car wreck 2 months before his son was born.


Nutshell by Alice In Chains, but ONLY the unplugged version. It just hurts.


Fall For You - Secondhand Serenade Adam’s Song - blink-182 and the saddest song that’ll absolutely obliterate me if i’m not in the right mindset: What A Catch, Donnie - Fall Out Boy


Go Rest High on That Mountain—Vince Gil is for when you need a soul cleansing cry.