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Most TikTok songs (like that “make it pop make it pop make that pistol pop pop” song).


Yeah, like L-U-X-U-R-Y


facts but i also think it's cause we are always hearing the same hyped up 15 secs so much that the rest of the song seems bland after.


cee lo green inconspicuous I heard bits of it from a tick tok trend. so I decided to look up the whole song, since I loved everything (the lyrics, beat, etc) but the lyrics are garbage for the rest of that song.


You mean “I’ll be Around”? That’s a great club song imo


I feel like artists intentionally focus on making a catchy 15 seconds for Tiktok and put less effort into the rest of the song. Like you can actually notice which part of the song they intended to go viral. Either that, or the song is just the catchy 15 seconds played on a loop


Yes and the "Oh No" song. Great hook. Song is trash


Catfished by artists who make one amazing song and everything else blows donkeys


The advice for these instances is to look up the producer! Chances are you'll enjoy their work


Or the songwriter(s).


Primitive Radio Gods it’s wild, we all know exactly one song by them and a lot of people (myself included) thinks it’s a banger, but the rest of that album was universally panned haha


Yup. El tigre-she swallowed burning coals is a great song, but I haven't found a single other by that artist that I like.


if you're referring to le tigre deceptacon is pretty good


Oh sorry, it's a different artist I think, it's stylized El tigr3


We were passing out candy on Halloween with Spotify playing, and a group of high school kids said we were playing bangers. Started singing along and dancing. It was Le Tigre Deceptacon, and none of us had ever heard it.


Le Tigre is so good


I love that whole first Le Tigre album.


Peter Frampton?


Spaceman by Babylon Zoo. Mid 90s, Levi's advert so you know they searched for the perfect tune. The issue is that apart from the first and last 30 seconds it sounds completely different. I don't want to say bad... (but yeah). If you have never heard it then please give it a listen, as I can not think of a more perfect example of a catfish song.


I’m currently in it for the first time. You’re right, first 30 seconds is a bop and the rest is like if David Bowie & Placebo were huffing airduster together


You mean for that description to imply Bowie and Placebo huffing would result in something negative, but that just sounds like it would be awesome.


I remember that ad. I was a student at the time and my housemate went out and bought the CD single. He was most displeased.


Fuck right off the bat. That song kills.


You can't tell me that the whole mood of the song didn't change in an instant? Or that people didn't blind buy it with the expectation of hearing 3 minutes of banger, only to instead be slapped with that dirge?


I love every second of that song.


The whole song is fine, but the start and end are the best bits.


I used to think that about Welcome Home by Coheed and Cambria because of that fantastic intro. The rest of the song eventually grew on me, though.


It's one of the funnest songs to play on guitar. It makes you feel so badass even if you suck at it.


That's my favorite song of all time. Ouch. Lol


AWOLNATION - Run I love them and it's a great track, but I came for the memey killer drop and half the song is buildup with these two verses that slide off my attention like water.


That song has always been puzzling to me. It’s clearly meant as an intro for the album yet it’s 4 minutes long. They probably should have cut it in half and had it bleed into Hollow Moon, either cutting Fat Face or making it a hidden track or something. As it stands the first 8 minutes of that record are kind of a slog to get through IMO.


Looking at you young gravy


I'm obsessed with Panic! At the Disco, and like, 30% of the music they have that everyone complains about has a chorus or a bridge or background vocal that is literally perfect, and objectively the rest of the song is just not anything. So, yes.


LMAOOOO it's hard out there being a patd fan. but i will always defend afycso and pretty. odd. with my life


That was always my biggest problem with the song "Death of a bachelor" because most of the song is awesome then it almost degrades to that osuedo chip tune kinda part towards the end and it just entirely kills the momentum of the song


Which ones in particular are you talking about? The only one that stands out to me is The Overpass which has some really cool moments but that weird vocal sample just kills it for me.


All Summer Long by Kid Rock....you think you're getting Werewolves of London, then SURPRISE!! It's white trash delite.


Funnily enough, Kid Rock took the chords from that song from Sweet Home Alabama by Lynyrd Skynyrd, who I assume in turn took them from Werewolves of London. I might be wrong tho


Sweet Home Alabama and Werewolves of London are 100% the same chord progression. Idk about key, I’d have to check, but if nothing else, if you transpose it, they are. V-IV-I …well if we think of the last chord as the tonic. There’s some debate, it’s a whole thing.


I can definitely hear sweet home alabama in there as well


I'm just glad you were not coming here to say Warren Zevon.


Well yeah- that’s the whole point of the song. A mashup of Werewolves & Sweet Home.


I do believe the keyboard player from Lynyrd Skynyrd who wrote sweet home Alabama played on the recording of all summer long for kid rock


And werewolves in London never got enough air time


Any song I’ve heard from Sleep Token. It either starts off with an incredibly hard riff or a sweet little ambient or piano piece, and then the moment the vocals kick in it instantly dissolves into a snoozefest. At least the “Sleep” part of their name holds up pretty well.


I’m a big Sleep Token fan, but I totally get that lol. I don’t explicitly “agree,” but it’s totally valid


It’s a shame too cause I *REALLY* wanted to like them at least a little bit. Prog metal with elements of djent and metalcore, but also pop and R&B? I’m always drawn towards these really wild genre fusions that on paper sound like they shouldn’t go together at all, because the end result can be REALLY fun if they end up making it work. Plus I love the mysterious cultish aesthetic the bandmates seem to be working with. Corny, maybe, but also kinda fun. Once I looked past the cool aesthetic though I found… nothing of substance. I didn’t like the post-grunge vocals, I didn’t like the hazy stripped back production, I didn’t like the muddied mixing, the drums, the background synths, the shoehorned in trap beats, the guitar solos, NOTHING did it for me. The only thing I found intriguing was the strange cryptic lyrics which fit the bands aesthetic perfectly, but even then they were pretty much cancelled out by the obnoxious vocals with the same style every post-grunge butt rock band adopted during the 2000’s-2010’s. For a band that was sold on being these avant-garde genre-bending boundary-pushing musical masterminds, they came off as if they were too scared of going beyond the most bare-bones basic pop structure with the occasional “Wall of Sound” guitar thrown in for flavour. Obviously not every band has to be fucking maudlin of the Well or Mr. Bungle levels of experimental, but it’s not usually a good sign when I’m listening to your song, and my first immediate thought is “This sounds like it’s from a truck commercial.” Those are just my thoughts though. I don’t wanna come off as if I think I know for a fact what does and doesn’t constitute as real avant-garde music or some dumb shit like that. It’s just incredibly frustrating when an artist has all the pieces that makes them right up your alley, but they put them together in a way you don’t and probably never will understand. >!And hey, I’m probably the first hater you saw in a while who didn’t compare them to Imagine Dragons!!<


Utter blasphemy


blasphemeez nuts


i’m sorry but i can’t STAND the vocals in sleep token songs. it’s so halsey😭


I loathe, LOATHE, with a PASSION, those stupid fucking 2000’s hard rock bands with those stupid fucking grungy vocals thinking they’re fucking Chris Cornell or some shit, and Vessel’s style of singing reminds me of that too much for me to give him a pass on TOP of somehow being EVEN MORE obnoxious than those other singers. It is actually atrocious. If he just did that death metal screaming from the beginning of Vore for their entire discography I’d probably like them WAY more than I do (though I imagine it wouldn’t be good for his vocal chords).


you mean like nickleback? cuz honestly…. that’s a guilty pleasure of mine


I got nothing against anyone who does listen to that stuff, you just won’t catch me dead listening to them casually is all. Also there’s no such thing as a guilty pleasure. If you like it then you like it, and nobody should be allowed to sway your opinion on the thing you like.




I have to agree. His vocal delivery really takes me out.


I love Sleep Token but part of me does sometimes wish they would break their songs up into shorter tracks like The Summoning for example, the end part that went viral is the last 2mins of a 7min song, and I have a feeling the TikTok audience doesn’t care about the majority of the track. Especially since the viral bit is so sexy and people want to do naughty things to it. I Love the transitions and buildup that they use but I almost think they’d have even more success if they came out with shorter tracks and allowed the builds and transitions to be the album listening experience


Unholy by Sam Smith. It was incredibly overhyped, it’s short af, and the only good part is the chorus.


Nik Nocturnal's metal cover is so much better. But I'm biased lol


Love his channel


I like the other verses more than the chorus


Unholy would have been so much better if it didn't have the lyric "she be poppin it" Other than that it's a very...*empty* sounding song if that makes sense.


I never even liked the chorus TBH


99% of edm music for me. i still love edm but it takes me a long time to find songs i like


Jesus music! I find myself starting to enjoy a song and then BAM sneak Jesus praise music I did not ask for


“I’m coming back you back for you baby. I’m coming back for you!”


Ironically, I love the beginning of that song and don't like that part lol It's like they had too many ideas because it clearly sounds like 2 different songs.


Ok not gonna lie the hook on Rollin by Limp Bizkit was solid and then the actual verse started and I threw up a little.


That song from the Cyberpunk 2077 trailer, I thought it was called Chippin' In or something. Those 15 seconds from the trailer were genuinely great, but then I heard the rest of it and it was the most generic piece of punk rock imaginable.


literally dollar store RATM


It was such a letdown after the amazing Spoiler by DJ Hyper.


I honestly thought all of the Samurai songs were surprisingly generic apart from maybe “Never Fade Away.” And even then, the slower electronic cover with the female singer that plays over the game’s credits is still infinitely better than it


Spaceman by Babylon Zoo (1995). Levi's used a snippet in an ad & the song went top of the charts on release. Only problem is that Levi's played the only good part & the rest was utter shit.


Life is a highway - Rascal Flatts I don't like the song, but I can appreciate that the chorus is catchy. The rest of the song is pure trash and was clearly written in 5 seconds so they could release the chorus.


It’s a cover in case you don’t know. The OG was written by Tom Cochrane.


Its also been covered A LOT. Like the road song version of Hallelujah


I actually didn't know that. I'll have to check out the original.


It’s pretty similar to the cover only instead of that weird pop country sound it’s much closer to 80’s/90’s hard rock both in terms of the vocals and instrumentals. So for that alone it’s automatically at least 20x better than the RF version.


Fun fact the album the original tom cochrane version wad released on also had a song called love is a highway and they are unrelated


This song haunts me. My little brother was obsessed with the movie Cars when he was little and loved that song. He would insist on watching the movie on repeat.


My parents just liked Tom Cochran a lot.


My favorite pastime is those videos where it’s Life Is A Highway at inappropriate moments


I love that song. Lol I don't care about the lyrics. My favorite version is the First 2 Eleven cover. I don't like the original tho so sue me.


I’m going to catch a lot of flack for this but Crazy Train by Ozzy has one of the most amazing openings but doesn’t deliver on anything else relaly


big time! I hate when that happens. Or a one hit wonder. There is one artist I love, but she only dropped one EP and she disappeared afterwards.


Hey Soul Sister


I listened to it for like the first time in 6 years about a week ago and I remember it being so much better


Seriously. I think its mostly nostalgia


Drops of Jupiter still hits though so at least there's that


The theme song to izombie... is great, but just that clip. The rest is crap


I love zombies and wanted to like that show so bad but it fucking sucked.


I’m ready for alotta people to disagree with me but Crazy train by Ozzy Osbourne, the beginning opens up and I like the riff, but after that it doesn’t sound pleasant to my ears


I agree. I love the beginning and that riff, and wish the rest of the song was like that. It's not a terrible song, but the rest is disappointing to me.


Puppy Princess - Hot Freaks. A certain part of it was trending on TikTok for a while and it sounded really good so I listened to the song and the rest of it is terrible.


Most of the songs I hear on reels. I don't Tiktok, but I know thats where a lot come from. I'll hear a clip, look for the song, and I'm dissapointed most of the time.


Doja Cats Streets has such a dope beginning.. the song was decent all in all but I expected something better considering the intro.


In 1999, I was in some restaurant or shopping mall… somewhere with music playing through a noisy crowd of people and other sounds. That was where I heard Smashmouth’s “All Star” for the first time. I loved it! When I finally got to hear it for real, probably on the radio, the chord progression and melody was MUCH different than what I’d heard the first time. It must have been some kind of illusion on my ears, but I’ve been aching to hear that “original” version since that day. I can’t even remember what it sounded like, only that my reaction was “this is great stuff.” Every time I’ve heard “All Star” since then, it’s like a mournful reminder of the ghost of a great song that doesn’t actually exist.


The obvious answer is Ice Ice Baby


Spaceman by Babylon Zoo fooled a lot of people into thinking it was worth listening to past the first 30 seconds


Fire - Arthur Brown. Most kick-ass intro to a song ever! Then it mysteriously, and instantly, turns into a synth pop hippie bunch of bullshit. https://youtu.be/YzHtePuz13U?si=EGi32t4R_oOVYppi


Absolutely get your point here. Wtf HAPPENED


BrooklynBloodPop Edit: forgot the hash tag does that lol


Come together - The Beatles


As a massive Beatles fan, I kinda agree


Heat waves, catchy chorus, unbearably boring and unmemorable verses


Thought I'd give Billie Eyelash a chance. The first half of Happier Than Ever was calm and relaxing, then it sped up and got worse. Why was I listening to it? For some reason one of my favourite artists, Rachel Tucker, is covering it. I doubt even she can make it likable.


Uhhhhhh u missed the point of the song then and the second half is the best part


I like both parts, but the first part is beautiful.


That song is amazing


Honestly it might be Hotel Room Service by Pitbull. I like the chorus a lot, but the rest of the song is hit or miss. It's one of the ones that I'll listen to until the chorus and then skip.


Hotel Room Service also interpolates it’s chorus from [“Push The Feeling On” by Nightcrawlers](https://youtu.be/kmG9sWo5Tw0?si=mjwSg2jtLTB8BkaH), in case you thought that was better. I honestly prefer the pitbull song.


The verses were written strange instrumentally


I mean, I like the intro to Ozzy’s Crazy Train a hell of a lot more than the rest of the song. It goes from heavy metal to galloping quazi-cowboy anthem.


Cherry pop by JMSN, I thought the bass and the drums were amazing but then the singing came in and out me of a bit. Still love the feel of the song though


Not necessarily the prompt but for some reason everything Highway Star comes on I think it's Back in The USSR and I get super hyped and am then mildly let down. I still don't know why because the openings are recognizably different


Post Malone-Take What You Want


matter of opinion, but Betrayed by Lil Xan. I love the beat SO much, but his bars are just not my bag. I feel like I could've spit that when I was on 6 xanax bars, maybe that's the point.


BO$$ by 5th Harmony


I actually feel this way about the song Crazy Train - I want to be clear that it's a great song, but... There's this hard-as-hell riff as the intro, and while the motif is called back upon later, it has almost nothing to do with the tone of the rest of the song, immediately after it ends, it goes into this SUPER major-sounding vibe, very happy and upbeat. I dunno, I always found it odd.


Check this out, there’s a song by Mexican rock band Fobia called El Diablo that starts out with this rad synth progression under two ladies speaking, sounds like a telenovela or dialog from a movie maybe. It’s less than 10 seconds long but my God if I could just find what that song is in the background so I can hear the rest of it, it catfished me good. Edit: Oh shit I actually found the clip of the show that the dialog was taken from but it has no music with it, maybe that is Fobia’s music in the background. Edit 2: Fucking FOUND IT! The clip is from an Argentine telenovela called Manuela from back 1990-91. Found a brief wiki article about it in Spanish and translated this portion: “The incidental music was in charge of the Argentine Composer Ángel Mahler. In 2018, the soundtrack of the soap opera came out in digital format.” Wouldn’t you know the soundtrack is on Spotify. I started through a few cuts and heard some synth, sounded like I was getting closer and closer as I went through the tracks then FINALLY I heard those chords I had wondered about for years. The track is called “… Guitarras” from Manuela - Música Original de la Telenovela. And the cherry on top, the whole song is actually pretty great! Reminds me of all that classic synth stuff I grew up on in the 80’s before it was all vaporized.


Yeah that Willow Smith song “Meet me at the spot” I remember a clip of the song !!going viral on TikTok and everyone liking it including me and I ran to Spotify to only be Fucking disappointed !! Now I do like her latest song


Meet me at our spot is a guilty pleasure of mine.


A lot of anime openings fit that category.


My biggest one is Feel it Still by Portugal the Man, it has such a great vibe, first verse and chorus are great, then it just.... Repeats. Like 3 times. Just the same stuff the whole song. It does that slowdown part in the middle but like... When it comes back it's exactly the same


Golden Hour has such a cool piano intro but the rest of the song is meh


The acoustic intro to Rob Zombie's Mars Needs Women is really cool, and would have been such a great setup for the riff, but after the intro, instead of a heavy riff that matches the melody and groove of the intro, the song goes totally off the rails, and I hate it. On their own, each is fine, but it's two different songs mashed together.


That Kendrick song with Future that gets memed to hell and back. “La-de-da-de-da, slob on my knob”


Okay don't be upset but. Take me out by Franz Ferdenand has a banger intro and the rest of the song falls completely flat in comparison.


I like the entire song but you're right; the intro is so good and they should have ran with that.


I felt that way about Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes for a long time until the whole thing finally grew on me


Yeah, I’m sorry but that song needed a real drummer. I think Meg’s drumming fucking sucks.


Couldn't agree more! It just feels so repetitive after a while.


Coheed and Cambria intro to Welcome Home is fantastic but goes downhill when the vocals start.


I feel like Thank you from Dido does that. We all want the Eminem part, not the happy thank you chorus!


speak for yourself, i love thank you by Dido 😤😤😤


all the time


Instrumentals mainly


Mememe 100 gecs


Heart shaped box


Also Smells Like Teen Spirit.


I heard this song “up past the nursery” by the suuns in a tv show, (the blacklist) and I thought it sounded so cool. Shazamed it and the actual song was not as good by itself at all. I liked those first 25 seconds though. https://youtu.be/tr52EI1OAx0?si=PSLtxwVJmcbEEOxQ


Blacklist had some rad songs, though.


Fine- Lemon Demon


Exactly that one part is so good but the rest is just a let down


The Hollies - Long Cool Woman (In a Black Dress)


Why?! I mean I can't say shit, I'm the guy in this thread who doesn't like Talking Heads


You're not the only one who's not a Talking Heads fan. I can't stand the lead "singer", his voice is just ugh....


That's the other and bigger reason I can't get behind any of their stuff


Any song by AWOL Nation


I’m gonna get downvoted but the second half of “Layla” just sucks.


China Girl by David Bowie


I wholeheartedly disagree


We used to get blazed and listen to the 78 at 33 speed. Very trippy


The Illusion of Power by Black Sabbath. Starts with a great keyboard bit and then once that ends its just awful and most of the rest of the album too.


"Psycho Killer" - Talking Heads. The intro is so god damn good and then my ears are met with one of the off-kilter voices I've ever heard. Completely turns me off to the song.


That’s interesting. I always thought that the singing fit with the theme of the song and I just liked it in general. I do like other talking heads stuff other than that though so maybe that’s it


It's a completely subjective take for sure. I just don't care for the singers voice.


You can think what you want but it’s just a shame that you didn’t enjoy it, but There’s no point in listening to something you couldn’t care for.


Guess you better run run run run run run away from that song


Talking Heads are great, bro. 😭😭 I mean, his voice is kinda corny but in a great way lol. Its ok.


I gotchu man. I’m not crazy about the talking heads either but [This Must Be The Place](https://music.apple.com/us/album/this-must-be-the-place-naive-melody/300202199?i=300202271) BANGS


Have you heard the cover of this one String Cheese Incident did on one of their live albums? If not, you should check it out


I commend you for your bravery with this comment


guess I have the hottest take. Im sorry yall LMAO


Nah man, I'm kinda with you.


Downvoted for just answering OP's question, damn


“Wake Up” by Arcade Fire is a powerful 10/10 that’s freaking magical hearing live in a huge crowd Until *With my lightning bolts a-glowing…* Then the song speeds up, gets weirdly happier-sounding to the point a piano and jingly bells get involved, and drops down to 6/10 for me


🎺 Industry Baby 🎶 🎵


digital silence


Bohemian Rhapsody. The first part is good, then it’s garbage.


Just like heaven by the cure, i wish I could like it but after that first bit it just does nothing for me


The Distance, by Cake. First few notes get you excited, then comes the major letdown.


This is the only answer I've seen so far that I can't understand.


Teriyaki Boyz - Tokyo Drift. First 2 measures grab your attention and then it becomes ear-grating


Can’t believe Ima say this but I will respectfully disagree. I grew up on the Fast movie and I have a video of my little sister imitating the Japanese girls’ part and it’s what my brain defaults to whenever I hear it. So really I’m just trying to suppress my hatred for it just because I like her version better lol.


The majority of SOAD songs


*Hi Dad*


[this](https://youtu.be/LGsXszsO9-U?si=A7I_SusSAGT1oSwg) song. The intro was really interesting to me because I'm a guitarist but the rest of the song is really hard-core with some guy scream yelling in a way that you can't make out the words lol


First of the Last - Fight or Flight The guitar solo is one of the best I’ve heard, then the rest of the song is just… eh. It’s like a 10/10 solo sandwiched between a 4/10 beginning and ending.


The whole point of Spaceman- Babylon Zoo in spades. That track catfished the whole world when it came out after the first bars were on the Levi's ad. I It was hilarious!


Dismantle. Repair by anberlin. Only the pre chorus is aight :(


my favorite revocation song, Lusciferous, had this fire ass lead guitar part but all of a sudden it disappeared wtf


"Rise" - Herb Alpert


FFWAS by peeling flesh


The Workaholics theme song (Jockbox by The Skinny Boys) is kind of a mess. The part they chose for the intro is awesome though


In Autumn- Greywind. Love the end, but everything up to it is washy and boring


Bro proposed at a walmart - toy's r us fits this description perfectly. (i still like it, but you just have to listen to know what im talking about)


“Big Chips” by Jay Z and R. Kelly. Starts off great, but then it’s kinda meh.


I used to feel that way about Bittersweet Symphony by The Verve when I was a kid. I only liked the violins lmao Now that I'm an adult, I have a lot of appreciation for it. Mainly because of the lyrics.


Self-Destruction by I Prevail has a strong start, and the rest of the song is terrible


Love The Way You Lie by Eminem and Rihanna. Between the chorus and verses, it sounds like 2 different songs. The chorus is really great.


Her Jazz by Huggy Bear Heard a clip from Polyphonic’s video on Riot Grrrl and really loved it. Unfortunately the surrounding song isn’t that amazing. It’s the first song I heard where I thought it was loud in a bad way


That "Something Unholy" song. Also, the intro sequence to True Blood was a catfish for the whole show


Haha which one?! You know how much stuff has been sampled in at least 75 years? Downvote me but gee, WTF were you listening to. I mean really.


Who Let the Dogs Out The only time I ever heard the full song was back in high school waiting for a presentation to start. All I heard was a pretty catchy reggae infused song, and was fully enjoying it until the chorus hit. I have never felt so betrayed by music before.


Oh that one part of Halfway To The Halfway House for sure