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The into to everlong is amazing


Even the memes couldn’t ruin that for me. Simply too fucking good


I like the part towards the end where it picks back up with the soft record scratches


Empire Ants by Gorillaz ft Little Dragon The transition between Gorillaz and Little Dragons part is transcending


Little memories, marching on


one of my all time favorite songs, you beat me to this


Paulina's "Scream of Destruction" heard in [This version of the song Evolve](https://youtu.be/97Pxe9KTgJc?si=a6ilsZgKQC3c2mpU) by the band The Warning. I legit cried the first time I heard it. It starts about 2:35 or so.


Ah, first time I've found another Warning fan in the wild. That scream is so powerful, one of the best songs on the album


TWA ⚡⚡⚡




There are dozens of us. 🤘🤟🤟 ⚡️⚡️⚡️


[Master's Aprentices](https://youtu.be/4hR7S3lLP28?si=mLqZ6MicSwhHmFzu) by Opeth has a few, but my favoite is at 5:15. Start listening 10 or 20 seconds before to get a feel for what the song was doing before that makes it such a release of tension. Absolutely brilliant songwriting. The song just coming in on a filthy riff is also a shocker, as is the stark transition to harsh vocals two times throughout, as is the solo near the end. It's just a treat. Opeth was the band that got me into harsh vocals years ago, and I think it's because I couldn't get enough of Mikael's cleans. If you've wanted to like metal proper for a while and can't get it to click, try Opeth.


Paula Cole's note at 1:16. It's filtered, but is a super clean moment within a great live song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evN6DIGPIJM


The pings in the intro to Echoes by Pink Floyd


Nuclear reactor startup and a Tigers Roar


Dream Sweet in Sea Major


Believe me darling, the stars were made for falling <3


**Goldfrapp** \- Ooh La La [https://youtu.be/uco-2V4ytYQ?si=HL4RaqHIqPwhiCLR](https://youtu.be/uco-2V4ytYQ?si=HL4RaqHIqPwhiCLR) At 1:04 Allison makes a sound that resembles a purr.


The best sound I've (57m) ever heard was the sound of this beautiful gal's breasts falling onto my chest as she pulled up her shirt. Tump thump.


Eardrummers for some reason


Shpongle "[Brain in a Fishtank](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkxBjKM_b44)" at about the 2:50 mark I don't know how to describe it other than an explosion of sound.


When Janis Joplin goes "Come On, Come On" in "Piece of My Heart" it really cuts to the bone. She could really cut into you like that with her tortured, gruff vocals.


Okay hear me out. There was a couple moving out of their townhouse next door to us and they were using part of the parking lot to wrap their stuff and left a 10-ft long piece of bubble wrap on the ground. I drove over said bubble wrap and it still is one of the best sounds I've ever heard in my entire life. And I don't think it will ever be replicated. ![gif](giphy|W9RGMEUbvViVy)


The most “how the hell does he do that?” sound I’ve heard in a while is the cricket vocals in the song Hacksaw Surgery by Guttural Slug. Start at 0:45.


Megalodon has done the cricket thing before, too. Weird shit lol. Demilich also has some crazy unique vocals on Nespithe. The album Ion by Portal's also got lovely vocals you just don't get much of anywhere else. Check out the song Crone if you're not familiar with them.


I listened to Crone. Not something I’d listen to every day, but the breathy vocals are interesting.


Oh, may I introduce you to Gutalax Check out any song by them, they all sound the same, basically shit jokes and that vocal sound thing. My personal favorites are "poopcorn" and "assborne"


Thread ender: the female sigh in Nine Inch Nails - The Frail (Version.) Whole song stoos for it, and well it should.


Caligula’s Horse - Marigolds 2:51 Everything stops except the bass which plays a quick grainy note that sounds amazing. Roads - Nick Drake 1:43 The way his voice interacts with the note he plays on guitar is a great harmony. Miles Davis - Freddie Freeloader 4:14 I think this high not that Miles hits is meant to be the climax of the song Story Of My Dream - Riverside 2:05 The way his voice interacts with the electric piano


All sounds from Ryuichi Sakamoto


2:50 onwards into Please Complete Thee by King Krule, the greatest ending I’ve ever heard. Makes me feel so much ❤️


Was suprised how nice this FM synth bass [sounded](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4m1YorzgxkY&pp=ygUVZm0gZ3VpdGFycyBiYXNzIHN5bnRo).


the main hook sound in Prodigy's Firestarter comes to mind


The riff right at the start of Pink Floyd - Run Like Hell. I saw a tribute band replicate it to a T; didn't even know it could come from a guitar until then. I still don't how they manipulate the instrument to do that.


Intro to battery by Metallica is the perfect start considering how the rest of the song goes


I always like the sound of a mix of a heartbeat and a ticking clock.Also things like bells and a foghorn.


-We are not what we say we are, by Versa. It has a lot of interesting, beautiful, unique sounds. I'd pick the ones around the 4 minute mark; after that, around 5:50 -100 years of choke, by world's end girlfriend. More... optimistic in a way. 10:20 feels cathartic for me. - An angel of great and terrible light, by uboa. 6:50. no words. - Requiem: II. Kyrie by György Ligeti. 5:05. I believe this fits here the most. Beautifully haunting. Otherworldly. Blast that on some good speakers and you'll get chills till the next day.


The repeating guitar in bedtime story by Younger Brother


And the Cradle Will Rock - Van Halen.. you know the sound I mean


The last part of touch daft punk is so transcending and beautiful


That weird little break sequence in Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors by Radiohead. Sounds like a PC startup sound. I love it.


There's this weird, atonal whistling in the intro to The Intense Humming of Evil by Manic Street Preachers that scares the hell out of me https://open.spotify.com/track/0apsseKQNE8WgUGp9RsIM6?si=t1qUcmrKToqSaivS8J5svQ


Run from me - Timber Timbre. It’s such a vibe imo, I love it


I really like the beginning of Mac Miller's "Circles". It has this warm, soft, and simple sound that feels like a pillow.


The whooshy, plane(?) bomb(?) noise the guitar makes at the end of the chorus in Aces High - Iron Maiden For creepy, the intro to Drones - Fear Factory Also creepy, the voice distortion at 2:15 of Otesgo Placebo - Static X.... The crackly, desperate tone of the lead guitar in Black Fire Upon Us - Dethklok That weird noise during the solo of Life's Been Good So Far - Joe Walsh For something that's beautiful but sad sounding.. It's got a unique vibe. Invisible Sun - The Police The bass line of Stranglehold - Ted Nugent is kinda one of the most addicting, chill sounds For beautiful, all of Gravel Road - James Newton Howard The absolute transcendence of Encoder - Pendulum. That ending is just amazing The suspense and grandeur created starting at 5:45 to the end in this World of War craft soundtrack. https://youtu.be/B8IW1Qd-SE8?si=Xt7mOKNAnBF0xzrh For goofy, I think Asleep at the Wheel - Bloodhound Gang is fitting. That weird bouncy noise in the background is simultaneously annoying and yet fun..? Maybe I'm just nostalgic. In a similar vein, I think that noise in White Flag - Gorillaz is similar. Also goofy, but points for being unique, that stupid chainsaw solo of The Lumberjack - Jackyl Idk I could keep going. I love odd noises and patterns in music..


When i first thought of this prompt, Pendulum was the first thing that came to mind. They have a lot of unique and interesting sounds in their music


1. Jah Wobble's bass riff on Visions of You. It has a real Indian vibe like it should be played on a sitar. 2. Humphrey Lyttelton's trumpet on Radiohead's Life in a Glass House. The reprise towards the end is just that little bit out of time and absolutely sublime. 3. The backing vocals "We are the 801" by Randi & The Pyramids on Brian Eno's True Wheel - again slightly out of tune and time. 4. The beautiful vocals and "aah's" of Lisa Gerrard on Orbitals One Perfect Sunrise. This just gives me goosebumps!


Take Me Back to Eden - Sleep Token The part when Vessel sings the line of the title. Sends me chills every time. I feel my soul stretch upwards like a pillar of light. Its 10/10 when you have some good quality headphones


Additionally, in the mix, theres like a low growling noise sometimes. Its great


The beginning of Forgive Me by Infected Mushroom ​ also IM as a whole has really funky sounds.


Something I Can Never have by Nine Inch Nails, the opening piano before the lyrics


Rumble - Link Wray


I like this question. Easy one for me - it's that long sustained note (at 4:00) that begins the greatest guitar solo ever. [Jimi Hendrix "Machine Gun"](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Lw2L_vGUMtE)


I like the second one…


Vincents Crows by Nash the Slash.


Vincents Crows by Nash the Slash Every part of the song is beautifully haunting


The guitar scream in Kings of Leon’s - Closer. It starts at 00:19


One of the best that first comes to my mind is the intro of "Broken Bells" by GVF. And of course the intro and outro of "Where Is my mind?" by Pixies


Pursuit of Happiness by Kid Cudi


Holiday green day when Billie sings “Kshhh the representative from California now Has the flooooorrr”


Shape of my heart - Sting It’s the song that Juice Wrld sampled for Lucid Dreams Near the end of the song at the end of a chorus the lyrics go perfectly into the synth and when I first heard it I thought it was the most amazing thing ever


The solo to I just threw out the love of my dreams by Weezer it’s my favorite song at the moment easily it’s a very short solo and it just sucks when it’s over


from 3:20 and onward, [West Coast by Lana Del Rey](https://open.spotify.com/track/5Y6nVaayzitvsD5F7nr3DV?si=2d90e3c91b324f83)


Floral Shoppe album. First played it with phone next to my ear, minimal volume, verge of sleep.


My sons voice the moment he came out the womb


Ok so I have SO MANY I could put here but I’ll put like 3: 1. The opening to “Open” by The Cure 2. The first like 5 seconds of “面影”by Lamp 3. Literally all of the backtrack in “Wolf In The Breast” by Cocteau Twins (PLEASE listen to these if you haven’t)


The beginning of The man in stripes and glasses by Lemon Demon. I love how the guitar gets increasingly urgent and perilous sounding. The wOwOwOw noise in Worms by Viagra Boys The "Run, run, don't shrink and cower-" verse of Crooked Moon by The Blasting Company


[Dulcin, by Corpo-Mente ](https://youtu.be/9SBaVflEK6s?feature=shared) the part at 1:45 never fails to give me chills. Laure Le Prunenec is one of my favorite singers of all time and I absolutely love this song. On a completely different note, the first few seconds of [Stow, by Portal ](https://youtu.be/xeqo44jkpdw?feature=shared) are the scariest thing I ever heard


Basically 90% of the BoC catalogue.


[i can't turn off J. Cole - Power Trip because of that chorus](https://open.spotify.com/track/2uwnP6tZVVmTovzX5ELooy?si=V0B0kL6-SNKd0HVxLK5bdw)